THE CHELLENGE TO EVANGELIZATION (CHALLENGES OF Gospel Proclamation By BP.Patric Nair Meerut. All the activities of the church and its Personal belong to Evangelization (EN. 22,(EA 19) There is clarity in defining Evangelization 1.Direct and Indirect Institutions are agents of Evang. (INDIRECT) Whether it IS : Dilogue •Education •Medical Apostolate •Social work • Proclamation: are all belonging to Evangelization. (EA 23) But Proclamation is always the most important ministry and can never be substituted. There can be no true Evangelization without the explicit proclamation of Jesus as Lord(EA.19. EN 27). No believer in Christ, or Institutions in the Church can avoid this supreme duty to proclaim Christ to all people(RM.31) Proclamation is the primary duty of the Church(RM 44) Church is missionary by nature(AG 2) So evangelization is the basic duty of the People of God. Every disciple of Christ has the obligation to do his part in spreading the faith (Ag25) By the power of Baptism the Laity is entrusted with the task of Evangelization.And to take part in the three fold functions of Jesus Christ, Prophet,Priest, and King. Moreover the laity has manifold areas of Evangelization unlike priests or sisters.. 1. THE MISSION MANDATE (Biblical foundation) Mt 28/18-20 Mk 16/15-20 Lk 24/47-48 “In his name the message about repentance and the forgiveness of sins must be preached to all nations beginning in Jerusalem. You are witnesses of all these things. I will Send you the Holy Sprit. Wait in the city until the Power comes from above. Jn 15/16, I chose you to go and bear fruit. Jn 17/18 As the Father has sent me, I send you, in a world of Persecution, and temptations. Mk: 1:38 : “Let us go to the next country towns so that I can preach there too, It is for this that I have come”. He sends his apostles on a Mission and tells them “preach as you go”(Mt. 10/7) The Lord worked with them. I will be with you till the end of time. (after the Pentecost the disciples went about) 2Cor. 4/5. “For it is not ourselves that we preach, we preach Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus sake, ” Reason for Proclamation is: Jesus Christ should be known, loved, followed. Woe to me , if I don’t preach. (1 cor. 9/16). It is the right, duty, and obligation of all. TODAY, there is Negative tendencies in Evang.Because of difficulties both internal and external have weakened the missionary task. Proclamation is the reason of the Church’s Existence. 11. DIALOGUE: Dialogue is an essential part of the Mission. But can not replace proclamation. In Evangelization, proclamation is the Permanent Priority of the Mission and there can be no true Evangelization without the Explicit Proclamation (EA 19) 111. SOCIAL WORK is a very important part of Evan. espeacially for poor countries like India, Africa etc. Because of exploitation , Poverty, Social stratification, Injustice, and underdevelopment (Mt 25/34.) BUT IT CAN NOT REPLACE PROCLAMATION WE have to speak about Jesus who is the reason and basis of this Love. (Mother Therese was the shining example: the love of Christ compels me…)We have a total commitment for Jesus. We do it for Jesus. We have to tell the beneficiaries. (Eg. Matha Amrutha, Amma’s love. In the Hospital) 1V: BY EVANG. DON’T WE VIOLATE PEOPLE’S CONSCIENCE AND FREEDOM No, Because, the Church Proclaims the good news, with loving respect and Esteem for the Listeners. Proclamation which respects the rights of conscience does not violate freedom, for faith demands free response. Respect does not eliminate the need for explicit proclamation of the Gospel in its fullness. It is a respect for man in his quest for answers to the deepest questions. “We have a duty to preach, the change of heart is a gift of God”. If Apostles had not preached (EA 20) , and there would have been no Church or Martyrs either. V: Is it not possible to attain Salvation in any religion? Then why proclamation:? Because Jesus is the only Savior of all mankind. God wishes all men to be saved (1 Tim. 2/4) J Xt is the only Savior of all mankind who died for all men (SS). Jesus founded the Church on Apostles as ONLY Ordinary means of Salvation. (LG. 14. says, “whosoever therefore knowing that the Catholic Church was made necessary by God through Jesus Christ refuses to enter her or remain in her could not be saved”. The Church has always held that those outside the Church will be saved if they strive to do the will of God as they see it, which was referred to as the Baptism of Desire. Infact God’s Salvification has been at work among all peoples from the beginning of creation. (Gen. 9/1-19) covenant with Noah.) God sent Jonah to Nineveh The Magi guided b y the star (Non Jews) Though Jesus founded the Church as the Ordinary means of Salvation he is not limited by it. The Kingdom of God is more extensive than the Church. (R M 29) Spirit of Christ is preparing people to receive Jesus in his fullness. The Spirit who is active in the world is continually preparing people to receive the same Lord. Christ is an Asian, Christianity started in Asia. But Frist Millenium Christianity spread in Europe Second Millenium “ “ in America Third “ “ should spread in ASIA said Pope JN Paul II. Frank Sheed says, These days we find J. Christ eclipsed in our declaration and statement. VI. There is a paradigm shift from content to context. Orthodoxy to orthoparxis. From Gospel values to Kingdom values can undermine Church’s teaching. VII. INSTITUTIONALISM: In the church this can be a challenge. They can forget the purpose for which they were started. Often there is money for maintenance and beautification of bldges. BUT Little money for Bible. And Medias for proclamation. Catechesis, and Evangelical Literature. St. Augustine,” complained in his time, “There are too many laborers doing other work rather than going into the Harvest”. (Proclamation) Harvest is plenty but laborers are not very few. Jesus was always a challenge for the Pharisees and Jews. NO COMPROMISE WITH REGARD TO PROCLAMATION OF JESUS . Testimony is important and effective. (EA 23): “A missionary who has no deep experience of God in prayer and contemplation will have little spiritual influence or missionary success”. Fear can tempt us to hesitate. Yet Attacks and persecution can be a sign of evangelical activity.” If they have persecuted me they will persecute you”.(Jn.15/20) Fear nor I am with you always (acts 18/9) LK 5/5) “Jesus said to Peter,” Launch out into the deepPeter’s Faith-Obedience, and he became a fisher of Men. 8 REASONS FOR PROCLAMATION: 1. JESUS’ COMMAND IN ALL GOSPELS. 2. IMITATING THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS HIMSELF. 3. EXAMPLE OF APOSTLES. 4. JESUS’ LOVE FOR ALL MEN, HE DIED,RISEN,GLORIFIED. 5. OUR DUTY IS TO PREACH, DON’T HIDE TRUTH. THEIR RIGHT TO KNOW THE TRUTH (EA20) LOVE OF JESUS COMPELS US, TO LOVE OTHERS AND PROCLAIM. THE BEST WAY TO STRENGTHEN OUR OWN FAITH IN JESUS IS TO SPEAK OF HIM. “Faith shared is faith strengthened” Where proclamation dwindled, some places,churches (RELIGIOUS CONGREGATIONS) have almost disappeared bec.they stagnated.Rev.3/15. You lost the first FERVOR. EVANGELIZATION IN 3 STAGES Prophetic: Word proclaimed: verbal announcement of the Good News. Priestly: Word Celebrated: Liturgy, memorial of the saving work. Kingly: Word Lived: Establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth KERYGMA & CATECHESIS Initial Proclamation To be born again To have life KERYGMA & CATECHESIS CON… Ongoing faith – formation To grow in discipleship as a catholic To have life in abundance