4.5 Clipping Definition ■ Clipping is the formation of new words by cutting a part off the orginal and using what remains intead. Eg. gas←gasoline, bus←monibus ■ Clipping is of a character of using words precisely and conveniently. radar ← radio direction finding and range laster ← light amplification by stimulated emmission of radiation Four common types 1.Front Clipping plane ← aeroplane,airplane wig ← periwig(假发) 2.Back Clipping doc ← doctor, dorm ← dormitory 3.Front and Back Clipping fridge ← re`frigerator, tec ← de`tective 4.Phrase Clipping daily ← daily paper perm ← permanent wave(烫发) Other types of clipping Syncope(词中省略) One or two syllables are omit from a word for the convenience and casualness. eg. praps ← perhaps pacifist ← pacificist(和平主义者) Contractions(缩约形式) eg. gov’t←government rec’d←received A few contractions only appear in poems. eg. e’en←even,e’er←ever, ne’er←never,o’er←over Conlusion • In some cases,clipping gives rise to alterations in spelling and pronunciation to conform to the English ways of spelling and pronunciation. eg. mike←microphone dub←double(为电影配音) •Clipped words are not so formal as original words,so they’re usually used orally or in informal occasions,eg.lab, maths,trig. •Most clipped words have the same meanings as the original,but a few developed new meanings. eg. fan:enthusiastic admirer or support of ↑ sth./sb.(体育、电影等爱好者) fanatic: person who is too enthusiastic about sth. (狂热者,盲信者) 4.7 Back-formation Definition Back-formation is the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. eg. schwindler → swindler → swindle (German) (骗子) (行骗) It’s considered to be the oppossite process of the suffixation. suffixation: imagine + -ation→imagination back-formation: swindler--er→swindle Types of words 1.Abstract Nouns eg. diagonse v. ←diagnosis n. aggress v. ←aggression n. 2.Agential Nouns eg.rove v. ←rover n. beg v. ←beggar n. edit v. ←editor n. 3.Adjectives eg. frivol v. ←frivolous a. drowse v. ←drowsy a. 4.Compound Nouns and Others Compound nouns eg. daydream v.←daydreamer n. lip-read v.←lip-reading n. Others eg. maffick v.←Mafeking n. (狂欢庆祝)(南非地名) grovel v.←grovelling n. (趴着) (趴着地) conclusion Wors created through back-formation are mostly verbs.Only few can be used as both nouns and verbs. eg. gloom n.← gloomy a. pup n.&v ← puppy a. A number of back-formation word has become common in English,eg,edit,beg. However,back-formation words are largely informal and some haven’t gain currency.So,we should use them with care.