Hengdian World Studios Chinawood, 1996 Hengdian World Studios (Chinese: 横店影视城) is the largest film studio in the world. It is located in Hengdian, a town in the city of Dongyang in Zhejiang Province. The movie studio is operated by the privately-owned Hengdian Group founded by a farmer turned millionaire Xu Wenrong. Sometimes called "Chinawood", Xu turned acres of farmland in central Zhejiang into one of the largest movie studios in Asia. Construction began in the mid-1990s and has been ongoing ever since with the possible recent addition of the replica of the Old Summer Palace. Movie: Confucius Directed by Hu Mei, 2010 http://www.iqiyi.com/dianying/2010041 5/n2681.html (Chinese only) a 2010 Chinese biographical fantasy adventure drama film written, produced and directed by Hu Mei, starring Chow Yunfat as the titular Chinese philosopher. Spring and Autumn Annals The famous Chunqiu 《春秋》, Spring and Autumn Annals, is a chronological record of the major events that occurred at the court of the state of Lu between 722 and 481 BC. “If the work will come to know me, it will be through this book; if the world will think ill of me, it will also be because of this book.” “知我者惟其《春秋》乎! 罪我者惟其《春秋》乎!” Chapter Titles 1 Winter Sacrifice 冬季大典 2 Jiagu Meeting 夹谷会盟 3 Conflicts Between 会盟之争 4 Razing the Three City Walls 隳三都 5 The Parted Jade 玉珏 6 Femme Fatale 妖姬 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Femme+Fatal e?s=t 7 World of Chaos 天下大乱 8 Go Back Home 回家 Duke Ding of Lu promoted Confucius Due to his successful reform and effective administration in Zhongdu 中都, Confucius was promoted to the Minister of Law/the police commissioner of Lu 大司寇 【dàsīkòu】; his reform was based on his advocacy to rule by rites 礼治【lǐzhì】modeled on the Zhou Dynasty (1046–256 BC). In a way, Confucius was looking backward, not forward; The Pheasant vs. the Slave Boy 放生【fàngshēng】 free captive animals Analogy across disciplines/fields Before the Winter Sacrifice, the lead pheasant pecked off its long tail, the most valuable feature of its body; How to interpret this? The Court agreed that the bird be released not to offend the will of heaven. This scene paved the way for Confucius’ request to have the slave boy for burial spared. For this reason, Confucius offended Ji Huanzi in public—a shame culture where one’s “face” (prestige) matters a great deal. 陪葬【péizàng】 be buried with the dead. Ji Pingzi’s status: as high as that of a funeral service for a duke; Jiagu Meeting 500 BCE Between the State of Qi and The State of Lu in order to frame Duke Ding of Lu Confucius’ art of Diplomacy: keep promise—500 chariots vs. three lost cities; Confucius retrieved three lost cities for the State of Lu without fighting. Thus, Confucius reached the peak in his career; in the meantime, he attracted jealousy from all over. The art of war--deception Ji Huanzi 季桓子 had a contest of archery with Confucius and he lost the game; Earlier he promised if Confucius won, he would dispatch 500 chariots as escort for Jiagu Meeting; 兵不厌诈【bīngbùyànzhà】 there can never be too much deception in war; in war nothing is too deceitful; all's fair in war. “有文事者,必有武备; 有武事者,必有文备” Carriage vs. chariot 礼车 vs. 兵车 Plan A & Plan B According to Duke Zhou, any civil servant should back up words with weapons [and vice versa]. DVD 25:00 Check the movie version Characters Duke Ding of Lu 鲁定公 Duke Jing of Qi 齐景公 500 BCE 80 Singing and dancing girls 497 BCE to distract Duke Ding of Lu from his rule; this scale is for the son of heaven only; Note the State of Qi dominated the region due to two figures: reform of Guan Zhong (consult Ebrey’s East Asia 22); The Art of War of Sunzi; Dynamic relationship among the state of Qi/Zhao/Wei 围魏救赵【wéiWèijiùZhào】 besiege Wei to rescue Zhao - relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers. 354 BCE Consult the Art of War & the Thirty-Six Stratagems @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThirtySix_Stratagems The Art of War The highest art of war is to win without fighting Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field. 故善用兵者,屈人之兵而非战也。拔人之城而非攻也 ,破人之国而非久也。 The Art of War 3.6 The text is available online Confucius’s brilliant strategy: won three lost cities without fighting; What is “Razing the Three City Walls”? A city wall for dukes or princes under an emperor; the feudal princes can’t go beyond 18ꞌ during the Zhou Dynasty to prevent their rebellions. The Three big families (Ji sushi/Meng Sunshi/Shu sunshi 季孙氏、孟孙氏/、叔孙氏) in the State of Lu ignored this regulation. They are nicknamed as three Huans because they are princes of Duke of Huan of Lu (--694BCE). Duke of Huan has four sons, the first-born (out of the queen), inherited the throne whereas the other three became ministers of the state. Ji Huanzi Chen Jianbin as Ji Sunsi head of Jishi Family, Minister in the Court of Lu (State) 季桓子季孙斯(?-前492年 ),春秋鲁国大夫。季平子 季孙意如之子。前505年,季 孙意如死后,其家臣阳虎囚 禁季孙斯,并执鲁政达三年 之久。阳虎逃走 后,季孙斯 想用孔子帮助三桓打击当权 的家臣。但是,孔子想提升 公室的实力季孙氏将孔子逼 走周游列国,鲁哀公三年, 季桓子去世,其子季康子季 孙肥继位。 Three Big Families 三桓,即指鲁国卿大夫孟氏、叔孙氏和季氏。鲁国的 三桓起于鲁庄公时代(前693年─前662年)。鲁庄公 父亲鲁桓公有四子,嫡长子鲁庄公继承鲁国国君;庶 长子庆父(谥共,又称共仲,其后代称仲孙氏,又改 称孟氏)、庶次子叔牙(谥僖,其后代称叔孙氏)、 嫡次子季友(谥成,其后代称季氏)皆按封建制度被 鲁庄公封为卿,后代皆形成了大家族,由于三家皆出 自鲁桓公之后,所以被人们称为‘三桓’。 “庆父不死,鲁难未已”在汉英词典中的解释(来 源:百度词典): 1.Until Qing Fu is done away with, the crisis in the state of Lu will not be over. 2.There will always be trouble until he who stirs it up is removed. 电影《孔子》中的人物(实际上应为公山不狃),鲁国三桓之 一的部下。但其早已不满三桓的残暴统制,便想诱使孔子和他一 起谋反。可孔子不答应,他便恼羞成 怒,借季孙斯的名义谋反 。扬言要杀孔子,擒鲁君,驱三桓。但是公山狃军于武子台被孔 子用油锅打败。在镇压大军强大的攻势下被杀。 夹谷会盟后,孔子成代理国相,提出“堕三都”(即以三家 所建城墙不合周朝礼制的名义将其拆 除)。政令下达后,季孙 氏家臣公山狃的费邑也在拆除之列,公山狃带兵反叛,试图攻占 曲阜,自立为王。孔子保护国君登上武子台。武子台下,公山狃 部队进攻, 孔子以原先所藏的十二大缸油点燃,从上而下向公 山狃部队倾泻,公山狃军大乱,仓皇撤退,而坐收渔翁之利的季 孙氏乘机消灭了公山狃军。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/3137831.htm "Orchid Parade” 幽兰操 The Theme Song 《孔子》的主题曲名为“幽兰操”,由王菲演 唱。相传古诗《幽兰操》(又称“猗兰操”)是 精擅琴艺的孔圣人自感生未逢时的绝世作品。 唐代著名诗人韩愈曾作同 名作品唱和孔子。 而影片主题曲的歌词正是改编自韩愈这首名垂 青史的诗作。 Confucianism/Legalism/Taoism Identify dynamic relationship revealed in the movie. Confucius’s dialogue with Duke Ding of Lu regarding how to rule a state: rule by rites vs. rule by punishment; DVD: 1.02 Confucius’ meeting with Laozi: accomplish everything by doing nothing! 无为方能无不为! The weak survive; the mild persist; Nothing is softer than water, and yet aggression and force never triumph over water. Read Zhuangzi, especially on how Cook Ding takes