
Timeline of the Tango
By: Taloria Stiffin
The Word on Tango
• African words
meaning closed space or reserved space (unknown word)
tanga: festival or “end of mourning” ceremony
tanga dungulu: to walk or show off
tangala: walk heavily or stagger
tang: to touch, to feel or get close to
• Latin root: tangere, meaning to touch
In Connection to the Author: Jorge Luis
Borges has a very influential, maybe even controversial
theory of the origin of the dance- he believes that it
originated as an individual dance in brothels. He is so
committed to his theory, he wrote many essays and
articles on the theory such as “The History of Tango”
and “El Tango.” It is believed that his unwavering faith
in his own theory is why it is still believed today.
The Birth of the Tango
• In 1800’s, African slaves in Buenos Aires, Argentina were
allowed to dance a dance know “candombe”
– In 1853, when slavery was abolished, the dance stayed popular and
evolved into the “milonga” and eventually the famous forbidden
dance: The Tango
• The “habanera” was also brought to Buenos Aires by the
same African slaves, also influencing the dance’s style
– From the “contradaza” and later fused with the “polka
Under the Influence of Tango
• Majorly influenced by the following groups of people:
– Gauchos (contributed music)
• *Later became Compadres or Compadritos
Creoles (Carlos Gardel’s composition of tango “creole rural music”)
Gringos (danced)
Brothels (myth of origin)
Criminals (dance of the poor, often criminals)
The Milonga
Milonga: a place where partners could dance close to one another and
would not be discouraged.
Often discouraged by higher social classes, for only dances where
partners were not in contact were socially accepted
• Milonga was the tango before tango was tango
• Also a dance (combines many popular South American dances)
• In African, milonga means “words”
The Moved that Changed Tango
Before the 1890’s, both partners would
dance together, as one and synchronized. Then,
the Ocho was born, changing tango forever!
The male stands still, while the female
dances around him, as we still see today.
• The Creole Tango got its claim to fame during
this time period, and is know for its limitation
of movement to simple steps, turns and
ochos. Though, it still has an impact on tango.
And…Many More Tangos
Many More
• Tango Arrabalero- Was a bit chaotic, therefore
eventually banned.
• Canyengue- Danced on the dirt by the poor
• Tango Liso- The simplest, most popularized.
• Tango de Salon- Mainstream
The Tangoer Speaks
September 22nd, 1913, a man going by the name
meaning “old tangoer” wrote an article, saying
in 1877, African Argentines created the tango.
This is the first document mentioning the “birth”
of the tango.
And Then They Came Along
• Italians
– Musical influenced
• Jews
– Violins, Piano, lyrics, arranged et cetara
• Spaniards
• French
– Made the dance popular
Carlos Gardel
Carlos Gardel (1887/1890-1935 is considered
the most distinguished figure of tango, because of
his “beautiful baritone” voice. He is often called the
King of Tango.
Began his career in the 1910’s as a Buenos
Aires local bar singer, Gardel exploded into a worldwide phenomenon. His repertoire was creole rural
music (cielito, estilo, triunfo, cifra, milonga, zamba,
vals), which were loved all over Argentina.
Argentina No Likey
Even though the dance was very popular
with the middle and lower classes, it was greatly
discouraged by those belonging to the middle
class. They believed that the dance was very
scandalous, since it involved such close and
intimate physical contact. Hence, the dance has
been nicknamed as “The Forbidden Dance.
In Connection To the Text: “Man on
Pink Corner”
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