TEZGÜL SEZER GALATSARAY UNIVERSITY YDS ENGLISH HOME WORK Aware awareness, unaware: farkında haberdar uyanık I was unaware of the problem I have no awareness of weather I’m aware of my responsibility attribute attributable, attributed, attributes, attributing, attribution: özellik, nitelik, sembol, bağlamak, dayandırmak I attribute being fit to do exercises and diet Why don’t you have been excessive attribution of emotion for his behavior Assure: assurance, assurances, assured, assuredly, assures, assuring: sağlamak, temin etmek, inandırmak, garanti etmek, ikna etmek, sigortalamak I can assure you I can assuredly translate this page in english Assume assumed, assumes, assuming, assumption, assumptions:üstlenmek, farzetmek, saymak,taslamak It’s genarally assumed that stress is caused to much work Apparent, apparently: açık, belli, bariz, aşikar it is quite apparent that you will pass your exam