Protecting the Rights of people found NCR


Protecting the Rights of people found NCR


Supreme Court of Canada in Winko, Pinet-Tulikorpi, and Mazzei

Jennifer Chambers

Empowerment Council Coordinatorgh

Four Guiding Pillars

Section XX.1 of the Canadian Criminal Code relates to those individuals found

Not Criminally Responsible Due to Mental Disorder ( NCR ) or Unfit to Stand


It is to be read in the context of the four guiding " pillars " as follows:

• protection of the public from dangerous persons,

• the mental state of the accused,

• re-integration of the accused into society, and

• the other needs of the accused.

At no point in the majority decision of the SCC in Winko, has greater importance been apportioned to one or another of these " pillars ".


Dangerousness” has a specific, restricted

meaning of “a significant threat to the safety of the public”.

It must be supported by the evidence.

There must be a real risk of physical or

psychological harm and this harm must be


The conduct or activity creating the harm must

be criminal in nature.”


The NCR accused does not have to prove


There is no presumption of dangerousness

permitted by law.

“If the evidence does not support the conclusion that the NCR is a significant risk, the NCR need do nothing; the only possible order is an absolute discharge.”


In all cases, the Review Board must make the disposition that is the least restrictive of the NCR accused’s liberty possible.

Winko followed by Pinet-Tulikorpi

Consider Needs

The Review Board has an affirmative duty “to consider the

accused’s personal needs

SCC in Winko and Mazzei
