Workers Cooperative Network

Dail Debate on ILO-193
International Labour Organisation recommendation 193 on the promotion of cooperatives,
The Government are signatories to same
Supportive Legislative Framework – promoting an enabling environment
Worker Cooperatives to be recognised as a separate sector within the cooperative family i.e. similar
to the Credit Union sector with the Credit Union Act 1997
Or at a minimum to be recognised as a specific category under the Industrial & Provident Societies Act i.e.
similar to the Group Water Schemes
Relevant Bills to be published in late 2012 include
The Friendly Societies and Industrial and Provident Societies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill
The Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Companies Bill
To introduce a number of regulatory improvements for co-operative societies and to make certain other
To bring greater clarification and simplification to the companies code and to modernise Irish company law
through the consolidation of the existing 15 Company Law Acts, other regulations and case law.
Presentation to the JOC on Jobs Enterprise
& Innovation
• Supportive Legislative Framework – promoting
an enabling environment
• A mandatory indivisible reserve
– An Irish equivalent of the Italian Basevi Law (1947)
• An Irish equivalent of the Italian Marcora laws (law
– Allows redundant workers to use their accumulated
unemployment benefit, up to 3 years, to capitalise a
buyout cooperative. It thus forms part of the welfare
bridge from unemployment to self-employment.
Presentation to the JOC on Jobs Enterprise
& Innovation
Cooperative Education, Training & Promotion
– Learning from our European partners - on how best to build the most appropriate structures
in Ireland
North South Cooperation
– A cooperative equivalent of InterTrade Ireland (
– A southern equivalent of the Northern Ireland Cooperative Forum (
– A Southern equivalent of the Northern All Party Committee on Cooperatives & Mutuals
Cooperation between these islands & beyond
– Developments in the UK,
The UK Coop Bill and the Nuttall Review
e.g. “Right to Request”
– Use of the (SCE) European Cooperative Society statute, to enable a high tech initiative
involving Ireland & the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation combining worker cooperatives
in both jurisdictions
– As the SCE is coming up for review, Ireland to use it’s presidency of the EU to strengthen the
SCE for the benefit of cooperatives throughout the EU – regulation 1435/2003.
Presentation to the JOC on Jobs Enterprise
& Innovation