11-Health Portal

Prof. Suptendra Nath Sarbadhikari, MBBS,PhD
Project Director, Centre for Health Informatics
National Health Portal
Member-Secretary, Steering Committee of the NHP
NIHFW, Munirka, New Delhi 110 067
, supten@gmail.com , supten@nihfw.org
13th March 2014
http://www. nhp.gov.in
National Health Portal (NHP)
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has set up the
National Health Portal in pursuance to the decisions of the National Knowledge
Commission, to provide healthcare related information to the citizens of India and to
serve as a single point of access for consolidated health information.
The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) has established Centre
for Health Informatics to be the secretariat for managing the activities of the National
Health Portal.
NHP Organogram
Proposed Deliverables of each year
Year 1
• Collection & collation of health
information from various sources
(including existing static health
information, AYUSH Content, &
IEC material).
Publication of information on the
portal in a standardized format.
Dissemination of information
through other modes such as
print, TV, Radio and DVD’s.
Summarization of regulatory
information, directory services
and disaster management with
links for detail.
Year 2
Preparation and uploading of 1200
Factsheets (600 in English & 600 in
Translation of Year 1 static information
into 12 different languages.
Simultaneous translations of the new
content into 11 different languages .
Preparation of 50 Interactive modules
(25 in English & 25 in Hindi).
10 Health Widgets.
Dissemination IEC, Director-Centre and
state directorate of information and
Project will run 2 years on Pilot Basis
Year 3
Year 4
• By the end of Year 3 & 4.
• Deliverables would be similar as the previous years.
• Launching of Kiosks for dissemination of health
E-learning initiatives.
NHP Main Links and Sub-links
Year 1-4 & Beyond
User Registration
NHP Progress
• http://nhp.gov.in and http://nhp.org.in :
Both the Domains Booked and Configured
• Hosting in BSNL Cloud
• Security Audit from CERT-in empanelled
• HON Code Certification obtained till Oct
• Site live for Beta testing since 15th Nov
Symptoms one should not ignore
Governance and Protocols
Redressal Mechanism
Blood Bank Directory
Ambulance Services
Stages of Pregnancy
Basic Dental Care
How to Brush - Video
Brushing teeth is an integral part of the daily oral hygiene routine. For a healthy mouth and smile it is imperative to:
Flossing Technique
5 Steps of Breast Self Examination
Disaster Management
Do’s and Don'ts in Tsunami
AIDS/ HIV Prevention
Do’s and Don’ts of DENGUE
At Facebook
Twitter @NHP_INDIA
Twitter @pitrodasam
Twitter #nhportal
Mobile apps installation statistics on NHP( 28 Jul 2013 – 28th Jan 2014 )
Geographical location of users of NHP
Age-wise distribution of NHP users
Suggestions from you
•What next?