SMART network - Data Systems Group | UCF

Contacts in the order of names:
Table of contents
Redundancy issue and it’s repercussions. – (2)
Solution for the redundancy issue – SMART network
(traffic deduplication) – (3,4)
High level technical overview – ( 5 – 8)
Demo setup and experiments – (9)
Advantages and distinction from existing schemes – (10)
SMART network: Redundancy
control through traffic deduplication
Kien A. Hua, Jason Kuhns, Ning Jiang,
Vaithiyanathan Sundaram*
Redundancy issue explained
Fourth user request –
severe redundancy issue
In the figure, we can see how requests
of the “same” video stream can
accumulate redundant traffic in no
time. This snapshot shows the
redundancy issue for just four user
requests of the same video.
Imagine, the same with several
hundreds of thousands of redundant
video streams.
Every video stream is considered to be
a dedicated stream. This is true even if
the video streams are originated from
the local CDN node (like Akamai). CDN
technology improves distribution in
traffic, however it doesn’t completely
reduce redundancy issues.
Solution: Traffic deduplication using
novel SMART networks.
Two users request to watch Video On Demand
(Could be from YouTube or Netflix or any
Video On Demand service)
The third user requests the SAME video,
after a small interval of time.
Fourth user requests the SAME video,
after a small interval of time.
How redundancy is
resolved by SMART
SMART stands for
Small packet MergeAble RouTers
The figure shows the same scenario of
four multiple user requests, however
all the user requests pass through our
novel SMART network.
Whenever the SMART network
detects a redundant stream it merges
the stream using our novel traffic
deduplication technique called
Redundancy Control Buffering (RCB).
Once the stream is merged, the boxes
in the SMART network can carefully
deliver the streams to desired
destinations .
The figure here shows first level
merging as the traffic reduction in
SMART network takes place
SMART network is a set of SMART boxes all connected in an overlay
network that can co-exist with existing Internet topology. Deploying
SMART network requires no replacement of current Internet topology.
Each SMART box intelligently merges redundant video streams and
helps resolve redundancy issues.
After complete
redundancy reduction
SMART network takes care of the
underlying TCP protocol that governs the
transmission of video streams. This helps
SMART network to preserve the merging
even though the master stream dies.
The figure shows the second level
merging where in the SMART network
sends terminate stream messages to the
origin of the video stream (could be a
CDN or could be a video server) and
terminates the traffic in the northbound
The southbound interface will transmit a
merged stream (shown in thick black). A
merged stream is nothing but the Master
stream intelligently replicated using
internal buffer buckets in each SMART
boxes such that the merged stream is
routed along different paths to eventually
reach the end nodes as shown.
Inherent SMART scheduler tracks flow
control for synchronization with multiple
streaming rates.
SMART network has two distinct parts. Data plane and Control plane.
Data plane governs the on-demand merging at line rate.
Control plane governs the network state, neighbor discovery and ondemand decision.
Every SMART box has a small buffer size. Yes! We don’t require a large
buffer size to tackle traffic redundancy. That’s how SMART network
is completely different from proxy buffers.
Inside SMART network..
Expanded version of the SMART network
Shown in grey in previous slide
As soon as the request reaches one of
the SMART boxes, the data plane
checks if there is a possibility for a
traffic merge. It may not always be
possible for a SMART box to
successfully merge – wherein it just
forwards it to the next hop.
That’s the purpose of SMART boxes.
We believe tackling a serious problem
with a cheaper investment resolves
the problem efficiently.
That’s where the control plane comes
in. The control plane messages are
constantly passed between nodes to
keep track of the network state, buffer
state, and applies our novel cost based
analysis to take best opportunistic
NOTE: In this slide, let’s consider each request “arrow” comprises of
several hundreds of requests. This shows a realistic view inside our
SMART network.
The boxes with “borders” have merged the streams and the other
boxes have just forwarded it.
SMART packet mergeable buffers are the physical location
where the streams are opportunistically merged in smaller
chunks to reduce redundancy.
Inside SMART box..
In this slide we will define the uses and
functionalities of each block within the
SMART boxes.
SMART scheduler: Governs the
scheduling algorithm and copes up
with multiple streams. Depending on
whether the stream has to be merged
or forwarded the SMART scheduler
solves this purpose.
SMART bucket processor: The block
that runs our novel RCB algorithm and
handles the multiple merging streams
to carefully dispatch without any loss
in streaming rate.
SMART Rule/decision processor:
SMART boxes are not sole units. They
cooperate with each other with a set
of defined rules. These rules are
governed by control plane.
Control plane in action
The receiving control plane processes the cost
Nodes interchange updates with another node
These nodes use the control plane to talk to each other
This is just one of the several
different possible control
plane actions shown for
better understanding.
Calculates the cost and updates Rule/Decision table
in the data plane for the block to take decision in
case of a new video stream.
Plugin model: SMART network aims for flexibility
It is designed in plug and play model (plugin model)
Implementation setup of
SMART network
SMART network can be deployed and
migrated to match the needs of the
underlying network. Depending on the
origin of the video (could be CDN or
could be Service Provider or could be a
sole video server) the plugin model
can help SMART network to adapt.
Every mode has it’s own pros. We
interoperate between different modes
seamlessly to match the needs.
Two variations of SMART boxes (Data
Plane Nodes):
Figure shows diverse options for
deploying the SMART network.
However, there are two versions of
SMART boxes.
Hardware SMART box and Software
SMART box.
Hardware SMART: SMART software running on top of an off-the-shelf hardware
Software SMART: SMART software running on top of a virtual slice like PlanetLab.
** Note the results provided are taken from a smaller scale prototype compared to what we plan to demonstrate.
Demo setup proposal
– SMART box – We will demonstrate our novel SMART box architecture and working using an off the
shelf hardware with minimal buffer space that are connected to a dedicated control plane
messaging system. Also, we will demonstrate a virtualized data plane solution that runs the same
data plane on top of Planetlab nodes.
– Control Plane node – A full fledged CPN will be demonstrated with multiple plugin options.
Fig A: This graph shows the ability of SMART network on the whole. Compared to the actual traffic show in red, with
really “tiny” buffers 6 SMARTs could buffer almost 50% of the video traffic flown up to 150K time units. We obviously
need more SMARTs to tackle all the traffic in Internet, but this shows how a cheap off the shelf solution can help reduce
redundant traffic.
Fig B: Shows a simple comparison of bandwidth usage between without and with SMART network.
We provide the results we achieved using our small scale initial prototype that runs on
top of the Planetlab nodes. **
Advantages and summary of SMART
SMART network is novel abstraction of an
overlay network that is implemented adhering
to futuristic Internet model.
SMART network focusses on providing a flexible
abstraction to incrementally reduce redundancy
due to redundant Video On Demand requests.
SMART uses a novel traffic deduplication
scheme called Redundancy Control Buffering to
successfully merging and carefully delivering to
the end node.
SMART network comprises of a fast yet simple
SMART box controlled by a powerful Control
How is SMART network different from some of the
popular existing solutions:
SMART network focusses on solving the below
shown problems that we believe were not
completely solved by existing popular schemes.
SMART does not demand replacement of any
current Internet underlying topology and can infact improve by co-existing with existing devices.
In this demo we answer some of the tricky
problems we tried to solve for accomplishing
SMART network: How to handle TCP?, How to
flow control streaming rate? How to maintain
QOS?, and much more.
Thanks for
reading through
our slides