3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 September Week of: Sept. 2-5 Week of: Sept. 8-12 Week of: Sept. 15-19 Week of: Sept. 22-26 Week of: Sept. 29- Oct. 3 Math - 3.2, 3.20a Review of addition and subtraction facts Sci.-3.8 animal and plant life cycles Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – Questioning (Reading with Meaning lessons) Writing-3.9a Identify intended audience S.S.-Code of Behavior Reading 3.3c regular vowel patterns 3.5a (fiction) set a purpose for reading 3.5m read with accuracy and fluency Math - 3.1a, 3.1c Place Sci.-3.8 Animal and Plant value through hundreds Life Cycles Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) Making Connections (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.3a irregular vowel patterns 3.5b (fiction) text connections to previous experiences 3.5m read with accuracy and fluency Math – 3.4 Addition through hundreds 3.8 Count money and make change to $1.00 Test – Unit 1 Sci.-3.5 Food Chains Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – Inferring (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.3b decode multisyllabic words 3.5k (fiction) use reading strategies Visualizing 3.5m read with accuracy and fluency Math-3.17 a- Collect and Sci.-3.5 Food Chains organize data Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) Synthesizing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Writing- 3.9b use a variety S.S.-3.10 Rules and of prewriting strategies Laws/ Government 3.9c Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration according to type of writing Writing- 3.9b use a variety of prewriting strategies 3.9c Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration according to type of writing S.S.- 3.10 Rules and Laws/ Government Writing-3.9 f include details that elaborate the main idea S.S.-3.11-Republican Form of Government Writing-3.9 f include details that elaborate the main idea S.S.-3.11-Republican Form of Government Reading 3.4c meaning clues, language structure, phonetic 3.5l (fiction) differentiate between fiction/nonfiction 3.5m read with accuracy and fluency Math – 3.17b, 3.17c Construct line plots, picture graphs, bar graphs Sci-3.4 Behavioral/ physical adaptations Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) Synthesizing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.4c meaning clues, language structure, phonetic 3.5l (fiction) differentiate between fiction/nonfiction 3.5m read with accuracy and fluency 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 October Week of: Oct. 6-10 Week of: Oct. 13-17 Week of: Oct. 20-24 Week of: Oct. 27-Oct. 31 Math – 3.17b, 3.17c Construct line plots, picture graphs, bar graphs Math – 3.18 Probability Test – Unit 2 Sci.-3.4 Behavioral/physical adaptations Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) Analyzing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Writing-3.10b use transition words to vary sentence structure S.S-3.12 Diversity Writing-3.10b use transition words to vary sentence structure S.S.-3.7 Economics Writing-3.10j Use correct spelling for frequently used sight words, including irregular plurals – sight words S.S.-3.7 Economics Writing-3.10j Use correct spelling for frequently used sight words, including irregular plurals –irregular plurals S.S.-3.7 Economics Reading •3.4e Discuss meanings and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of texts •3.6c (non-fiction) preview and use text features •3.5m read with accuracy and fluency Sci.-3.6 Environments Math– 3.1a Read, write, and sequence numbers through ten thousands Identify place value through ten thousands Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) Analyzing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Math - 3.1a Read, write, and sequence numbers through ten thousands Identify place value through ten thousands Sci.-3.6 Environments Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) - Drawing Conclusions (Reading with Meaning lessons) Math - 3.1c Compare and order numbers through 9,999 Sci.-3.7 soil Reading •3.4f use content vocabulary, understand and use PWC academic vocabulary •3.6i (nonfiction) compare and contrast the characteristics of biographies and autobiographies – Biographies •3.5m read with accuracy and fluency Reading •3.4g use word reference resources •3.6i (nonfiction) compare and contrast the characteristics of biographies and autobiographies – autobiographies •3.5m read with accuracy and fluency Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) Sequencing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.5m read with accuracy and fluency 3.5k/3.6j reteach a reading strategy that needs support 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 November Week of: Nov. 3-7 Week of: Nov. 10-14 Week of: Nov. 17-21 Week of: Nov. 24-28 Math – 3.1b Round Sci.-3.7 Soil numbers 9,999 or less to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand Math – 3.1b Round Sci.-3.7 Soil numbers 9,999 or less to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – visualizing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading •3.4b use synonyms and antonyms Reading Strategy 3.5g (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – drawing conclusions(Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.4b use synonyms and antonyms Math – 3.2, 3.4Count Sci.-3.8 Patterns of money to $5.00 and make Natural Events change 3.20ab Solve addition problems through hundreds Reading Strategy Math – 3.20ab Solve addition problems through hundreds 3.20ab Algebraic addition properties (identity and commutative) Test – Unit 3 Reading Strategy Sci.-3.8 Patterns of Natural Events Writing-3.9c write a clear 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient Greece topic sentence focusing on a main idea (fiction and non-fiction) 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Writing-3.9c write a clear 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient Greece topic sentence focusing on a main idea (fiction and non-fiction) 3.8 Write legibly in cursive 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – predicting (Reading with Meaning lessons) Writing-3.9d write a paragraph on the same topic (fiction and non-fiction) Reading 3.5c make, confirm, revise 3.8 Write legibly in cursive predictions (fiction/poetry) 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – predicting (Reading with Meaning lessons) Writing-3.9d write a paragraph on the same topic (fiction and non-fiction) Reading 3.5c make, confirm, revise 3.8 Write legibly in cursive predictions (fiction/poetry) S.S.- 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient Greece S.S.- 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient Greece 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 December Week of: Dec. 1-5 Math – 3.9a, 3.9d, 3.10ab Length, perimeter and area Sci.-3.8 Patterns of Natural Events Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (nonfiction) – making connections (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.5d compare/contrast settings, characters and events (fiction/poetry) Week of: Dec. 8-12 Math – 3.9b Liquid volume 3.9c Weight and mass Sci.-3.8 Patterns of Natural Events Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (nonfiction) – analyzing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Writing-3.9e Use S.S.- 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient strategies for organization Greece of information and elaboration according to the type of writing (fiction and non-fiction) 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Writing- 3.10f use S.S.- 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient commas in a simple series Rome 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Reading 3.5e identify author’s purpose (fiction and poetry) Week of: Dec. 15-19 Math – 3.13 Temperature 3.11ab, 3.12 Time Test - Unit 4 Sci.-Energy Sources Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (nonfiction) – Questioning (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.5f Ask/answer questions about what is read (fiction and poetry) 3.6d Ask/answer questions about what is read (nonfiction) Writing- 3.10g use simple S.S.- 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient abbreviations Rome 3.8 Write legibly in cursive 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 January/February Week of: Jan.5-9 Week of: Jan.12-16 Week of: Jan.19-23 Week of: Jan.26-30 Week of: Feb. 2-6 Math - 3.2, 3.6, 3.20ab Model multiplication and division Sci.-3.2 Simple Machines Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – drawing conclusions (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.5g draw conclusions about text (fiction and poetry) Math – 3.2, 3.5 Solve multiplication and division problems Sci.-3.2 Simple Machines Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – synthesizing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.5h identify the main idea (fiction and poetry) Math – 3.2, 3.5 Solve multiplication and division problems Sci.-3.2 Simple Machines Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – inferring (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.5i identify the main idea (fiction and poetry) 3.6g identify the main idea (nonfiction) Math – 3.2, 3.5 Solve Sci.-3.3 matter & multiplication and physical properties division problems Reading Strategy 3.5k (fiction) / 3.6j (non-fiction) – sequencing (Reading with Meaning lessons) Reading 3.5j identify supporting details (fiction and poetry) 3.6h identify supporting details (nonfiction) Math – 3.2, 3.5 Solve multiplication and division problems Sci.-3.3 Matter & Physical Properties Reading 3.4a use knowledge of homophones 3.5l read with fluency accuracy review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by making connections 3.5k/3.6j Writing-3.10h Use apostrophes in contractions with pronouns and possessives S.S.- 3.1 & 3.4 Ancient Rome 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Writing-3.10h Use apostrophes in contractions with pronouns and possessives S.S.-3.2 Ancient Mali 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Writing-3.10i Use the articles a, an and the correctly S.S.-3.2 Ancient Mali 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Writing-•3.9e Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration according to the type of writing (fiction and nonfiction) •3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-3.5 Map Skills Continents, oceans, and prime meridian Writing-3.11a construct questions about the topic 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-3.5 Map Skills Review writing a clear topic sentence focusing on a clear topic sentence 3.9c February Week of: Feb. 9-13 Week of: Feb. 16-20 Week of: Feb. 23-27 Week of: Mar. 2-6 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 Reading 3.4b use knowledge of roots and affixes (prefixes ex, dis, un, re, mis, non, pre and) 3.5l read with fluency accuracy review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by inferring 3.5k/3.6j Writing-3.11a construct questions about the topic 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Reading 3.4b use knowledge of roots and affixes (suffixes ly, ful, less, able, tion, ness and ment) 3.5l read with fluency accuracy review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by analyzing 3.5k/3.6j Writing- 3.11b identify appropriate resources 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.- 3.3 Explorers Math- 3.3ab Model, name Sci.-3.10 Natural Events and write fractions & Human Influences & Water Cycle Reading 3.6a Identify author’s purpose in Non-fiction 3.6l read with fluency accuracy 3.5e review identifying the author’s purpose in fiction and poetry 3.5e Writing-3.11c collect and organize information about the topic into a short report 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Review using strategies for organization of information and elaboration according to type of writing 3.9e S.S.- 3.3 Explorers Math- 3.3c Compare and Sci.-3.1 Scientific order fractions Investigations Reading 3.6a Identify author’s purpose in Non-fiction 3.6l read with fluency accuracy 3.5e review identifying the author’s purpose in fiction and poetry 3.5e S.S.- 3.3 Explorers Writing-3.11d Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own words 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Review including details that elaborate the main idea 3.9f 3.12 use available technology for reading and writing. Math- 3.2, 3.5 Multiplication of twodigit by one-digit numbers (Create and solve word problems) Sci.-3.3 matter & physical properties Math- 3.2, 3.5 Multiplication of twodigit by one-digit numbers (Create and solve word problems) Test – Unit 5 Sci.-3.10 Natural Events & Human Influences and Water Cycle S.S.- 3.5 Map Skills Review writing a clear topic sentence focusing on a clear topic sentence 3.9c March/April Week of: Mar. 9-13 Math- 3.3c Compare and Sci.-3.1 Scientific order fractions Investigations 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 Reading 3.5f summarize major points found in nonfiction text 3.6l read with fluency accuracy Writing-3.10c use the word I in compound subjects 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Review using commas in a Review using reading strategies to simple series 3.10f S.S.-3.11 Famous Americans monitor comprehension by sequencing 3.5k/3.6j Week of: Mar. 16-20 Week of: Mar. 23-27 Week of: Apr.7-10 Math- 3.7 Add & subtract Fractions Sci.-3.1 Scientific Investigations review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by synthesizing 3.5k/3.6j Math- 3.7 Add & subtract Sci.-3.1 Scientific Fractions Investigations Test – Unit 6 Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.6l read with fluency accuracy review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by using prior knowledge 3.5k/3.6j Math- 3.15 Lines, line segments, rays, angles Sci.-3.1 Scientific Investigations Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.6l read with fluency accuracy review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by using prior knowledge 3.5k/3.6j Mar. 30-Apr.6 *Spring Break* Week of: Apr.13-17 Reading 3.6k identify new information gained from reading 3.6l read with fluency accuracy Math- 3.14 Twodimensional and threedimensional figures 3.16 Congruency Test – Unit 7 Sci.-3.1 Scientific Investigations Reading 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts 3.6l read with fluency accuracy Review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by visualizing 3.5k/3.6j Writing-3.10d use past and present verb tense 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Review simple abbreviations 3.10g S.S.-3.11 Famous Americans Writing-3.10d use past and present verb tense 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Review apostrophes in contractions with pronouns 3.10h S.S.-3.11 Famous Americans Writing-3.10e use singular S.S.-3.11 Famous Americans possessives 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Review apostrophes in contractions with possessives 3.10h Writing-3.10e use singular S.S.- Review Ancient possessives China 3.8 Write legibly in cursive Review apostrophes in contractions with possessives 3.10h April/May Week of: Apr.20-24 Week of: Apr. 27-May 1 Week of: May 4-8 Math- 3.14 Twodimensional and threedimensional figures 3.16 Congruency Test – Unit 7 Sci.-3.1 Scientific Investigations Sci.-REVIEW Reading 3.7b use table of contents, indices and chart 3.6l read with fluency accuracy review asking and answering questions about what is read in fiction and poetry 3.5f and review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by questioning 3.5k/3.6j Reading-3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by inferring 3.5k/3.6j Week of: May 11-15 Math – Solve addition and subtraction problems through thousands Writing-3.10e use singular possessives 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.- Review Ancient China Review using reading strategies to Review apostrophes in contractions with possessives monitor comprehension by 3.10h visualizing 3.5k/3.6j Math – 3.20ab Algebraic Sci.-3.1 Scientific addition properties Investigations (identity and commutative) Math – 3.4 Solve addition and subtraction problems through thousands Reading 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts 3.6l read with fluency accuracy 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 Sci.-REVIEW Reading-3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review using reading strategies to monitor comprehension by inferring 3.5k/3.6j Writing-3.10e use singular possessives 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-Review Ancient Egypt Review using the articles a, an and the correctly 3.10i Writing- review 3.11a construct questions about the topic and 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-Review American Indians review 3.11b identify appropriate resources Writing- review 3.11c collect and organize information about the topic into a short report and 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-Review American Indians May/June Week of: May 18-22 Week of: May 25-29 Week of: June 1-5 Week of: June 8-12 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 Math - Solve addition and subtraction problems through thousands Test – Unit 8 Sci.-REVIEW Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review using knowledge of homophones 3.4a and summarizing major points found in non-fiction text 3.6f Writing Review 3.11d Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own words and 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-REVIEW Math – 3.19 Patterns using numbers, tables, pictures; Extend patterns using the same or different forms Test – Unit 9 Sci.-REVIEW Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review using knowledge of roots and affixes 3.4b and identifying the main idea in non-fiction 3.6g Writing Review 3.12 use available technology for reading and writing and 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-REVIEW Math – SOL Review & Testing Sci.-REVIEW Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review identifying author’s purpose 3.6a and identifying the supporting details in non-fiction 3.6h Writing Review 3.9f include details that elaborate the main idea and 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-REVIEW Math – SOL Review & Testing Sci.-REVIEW Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review using prior and background knowledge as context for new learning (nonfiction) 3.6b and review comparing and contrasting the characteristics of biographies and auto biographies 3.6i Writing Review 3.9g Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information and 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-REVIEW June Week of: Jun. 15-19 Math – SOL Review Sci.-REVIEW & Testing Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts 3rd Grade-Pacing Guide~Tyler ES 2014-2015 Writing Review 3.10c use the word I in compound subjects and 3.8 Write legibly in cursive S.S.-Prince William County History Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review previewing and using text features (nonfiction) 3.6c and using reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process 3.6j Math – SOL Review & Testing Sci.-REVIEW Math – SOL Review & Testing Sci.-REVIEW Reading 3.7a use encyclopedias and other reference books including online reference materials 3.7b use table of contents, indices and charts Review reading with fluency and accuracy 3.6l, review asking and answering questions about what is read (non-fiction) 3.6d and indentifying new information gained from reading 3.6k Summer Reading Fun Writing Review using past and present verb tense3.10d and writing legibly in cursive 3.8 Summer Writing Fun S.S.-Prince William County History S.S.-Prince William County History