1st 9 Week Test Review

U.S. History
Weeks Review
Growth of Railroads and The West
• Railroads facilitated growth of the West and
increased markets due to the ability to ship material
from the West to the East and vice versa.
• The Growth of the West is largely attributed to the
Homestead Act, which gave free land to White
The Gilded Age
• AFL and the Knights of Labor were different in that
the Knights of Labor accepted all laborers, skilled and
unskilled and the AFL did not.
• Marches for Women’s Rights, Civil Service Reform,
Rise of Social Darwinism, Immigrant Exclusion Acts
took place in the Gilded Age Era.
Democratic Processes
• Women:
• In order to gain the right to vote women used the non-violent
method of public protest and the 19th Amendment was added to
the U.S. Constitution.
• Francis Willard focused on the 18th Amendment which made
alcoholic beverages illegal, this movement is also known as the
Temperance movement.
• The 17th Amendment allowed for the election of U.S.
Senators by popular vote.
Spanish American War and
• Alfred Thayer Mahan: Focused on Naval dominance for the success
of expansionism abroad.
• The Spanish-American war is significant to the U.S. due to the
acquisition of territory which allowed fro more resources and trade
• Hawaii’s annexation was important because it created a supply
(fuel) station for naval vessels.
• The Rise to World Power Era focused on global conflict,
Expansionism, Practice of Diplomacy and the growth of modern
• Germany’s Sussex Pledge stated that they would
warn merchant and ships before they targeted and
sink the vessels.
• Germany however did not follow through with their
promise which lead to the U.S. entry in to WWI.
Susan B. Anthony
• Susan B. Anthony
believed the only way for
women to acquire the
“blessings of liberty” was
by voting in elections
Progressive Era Political Reforms
•Initiative, Referendum, and Recall all
helped make the government officials
respond to the needs of voters more
Chemical Warfare
• Technological
innovations such as
poison gas helped
with development of
a stalemate on the
Western Front.
Business Practices
• The Interstate Commerce Commission, the
Federal Trade Commission, and the Food and
Drug Administration were all created because
the government felt that business practices
must be regulated in the public interest.
•Industrialization was when steam and
electricity replaced human muscle, iron
replaced wood, and steel replaced iron,
meaning that materials and goods were
produced at a faster rate.
Reasons for U.S. involvement in World War I
• Germany sinks the Lusitania
• Propaganda fuels anti- German feelings
• Zimmerman Telegram is intercepted
• Germany resumes U-Boat attacks on U.S. ships
•After the US declared war on Germany
in World War I the U.S. mail was
censored in order to prevent treason.
Immigration Quotas
• Nativists pushed the
government to pass
immigration quotas
that limited the
number of immigrants
who can enter the US.
Rejection of the Treaty of Versailles
• The U.S. Senate to declined the ratification of
the Treaty of Versailles because the treaties
would involve the United States getting tangled
up in alliances.
• The muckrakers wrote about the problems that
the government had because they wanted to
cleanse it with democratic controls.
Spanish American War Events
• Remember the following events in
chronological order:
• Sinking of the battleship USS Maine.
• Rough Riders fight in Cuba
• Guam and Puerto Rico become territories of the
• Liberation of Cuba
•During the Gilded
Age, the
monopolists have
more power to
influence the
Treaty of Versailles
•The Treaty of Versailles resulted in
boundary changes of Europe.