HIGHER SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Escuela Superior de Administración Pública -ESAP- Bogotá, Colombia, South America ¿WHAT IS E.S.A.P.? E.S.A.P is the Colombian State college devoted to the development of Public Administration, both as a discipline and as an organizational phenomenon. ESAP was founded in 1958 –along with the National Civil Service Department- as a fundamental instrument of the comprehensive process of modernization known ad Administrative Reform in Colombia. ¿WHAT IS E.S.A.P.? Unlike other educational institutions of its kind, in addition to its programs of civil servants training and consultancy to government institutions, ESAP offers the following university programs: UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL Public Administration: A disciplinary approach program offered in Bogotá in both day and night schedules. Territorial Public Administration: A field of application approach program offered in 56 cities (Cetap). This program is runned through ESAP’s 15 territorial (provincial) offices. Bolívar- Córdoba – Sucre – San Andrés Atlántico – Guajira – Magdalena - Cesar Norte de Santander - Arauca Antioquia - Chocó Santander Caldas Boyacá - Casanare Quindío - Risaralda Tolima Valle Cauca Nariño - Putumayo Territorial offices 15 Cetap’s 56 Cundinamarca Meta – Vichada – Guainia – Guaviare- Vaupez Amazonas Huila Caquetá GRADUATE LEVEL “ESPECIALIZATIONS: “One-year graduate programs aimed at the deepening os specific subject matters. The fallowing programs, except for the last one, are offered both in Bogotá ans in ESAP’s 15 territorial offices: •Human Rights •Hospital Management. •Environmental Management. •Top Management of the Colombian Social Security system. •Public Management (A survey program for non ESAP graduates). •Top Management of Public Economic Programs. GRADUATE LEVEL “ESPECIALIZATIONS: “One-year graduate programs aimed at the deepening os specific subject matters. The fallowing programs, except for the last one, are offered both in Bogotá ans in ESAP’s 15 territorial offices: •Social Management (Management of public social programs) •Border Regions and International (Bi-national) Relations. •Urban and Rural Development Management. •Contemporary Public Administration. •Development projects. •Public Finances. M.P.A. Master in Public Administration. A full time research-oriented program offered in Bogotá. ESAP’s theoretical and applied research on national and local Public Administration issues is coordinated by the school’s research Dean. ESAP’s work and accomplishments in the field of public servants training is highly regarded booth nationally and internationally. In order to strengthen its training programs, as well as to carry on joint research and university programs, ESAP has established cooperation agreements with, among others, INAP on Spain, and the Central American Public Administration Institute of Costa Rica, etc. Lately, ESAP has been busy establishing institutional contacts oriented towards improving the academic quality of its faculty and its administrative personnel, through joint research project as well as through exchange programs involving trainers and students. National government PRESIDENCIA MINISTERIO DE COMERCIO, VICEPRESIDENCIA INDUSTRIA Y TURISMO MINSITERIO DE AMBIENTE, VIVIENDA Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN MINISTERIO DE MINAS Y ENERGIA DEPARATAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO DE LA PRESIDENCIA MINISTERIO DE TRANSPORTE DEPARTAMENTO NACIONAL DE PLANEACIÓN MINISTERIO DE CULTURA MINISTERIO DE PROTECCIÓN SOCIAL MINISTERIO DE COMUNICACIONES DEPARTAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO DE SEGURIDAD DEPTO ADMINISTRATIVO DE LA FUNCIÓN PÚBLICA ESAP NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICADE NACIONAL DE ECONOMÍA SOLIDARIA MINISTERIO DEL MINISTERIO MINISTERIO DE HACIENDA MINISTERIO DE AGRICULT MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA TERIOR Y DE JUSTICIA RELACIONES EXTERIORESY CRÉDITO PÚBLICO Y DESARROLLO RURA DEPARTAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO DEPARTAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO DEPARTAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO DE LA FUNCIÓN PÚBLICA Formula las políticas generales de administración pública, las formas de organización y funcionamiento de las entidades y organismos del Estado, aplicando tecnologías administrativas para la gestión y dirección de sus recursos. ESCUELA DE ESCUELASUPERIOR SUPERIOR DEADMINISTRACIÓN ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA -ESAP PÚBLICA -ESAP Institución de educación superior del orden nacional organizada como establecimiento público descentralizado, autorizada para ofrecer programas en todos los niveles de formación universitaria, con funciones de docencia, de investigación y de proyección social. MISIÓN DE LA ESAP Formar ciudadanos y ciudadanas en las diferentes modalidades de la educación formal, no formal e informal, desde el contexto universitario, en los valores, capacidades y conocimientos propios del saber administrativo público … …para participar activamente en su propia transformación, en el de la sociedad y en la del Estado, en los ámbitos local, regional, nacional y global… … mediante las funciones de docencia, investigación y proyección social en un contexto de diversidad y multiculturalidad. FUNCIÓN MISIONAL DE FORMACIÓN Objetivo: Alcanzar el reconocimiento nacional de excelencia académica en el campo del saber administrativo público Programa: Academia de Calidad Proyecto: Mejoramiento y fortalecimiento de la calidad de los programas de educación formal Visit us: www.esap.edu.co Calle 44 No. 53-37 CAN, Bogotá, D.C. Telephone (57-1) 2 20 27 90 Fax. 3152548 direccion.nacional@esap.edu.co