AS9104 PowerPoint File - PRI Quality Systems Registrar

AS9104/1 and Potential
Impacts to Your AS Registration
November 16, 2012
Presented by Pete Kucan
Director of PRI Registrar Operations
AS 9104-Series Trilogy
• 9104/1 2012 - Requirements for Aviation,
Space, and Defense Quality Management
System Certification Programs
• 9104/2 – Requirements for Oversight of
Registration / Certification Programs
• 9104/3 – Requirements for Aerospace Auditor
Competency and Training Courses
International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG)
Other Party Management Team (OPMT)
Supplemental Rule 002
– Rules for 9104-1:2012 Transition
Original issue date: January 20th, 2012
Supplemental Rule 002
To provide supplemental rules for all
stakeholders to facilitate the transition from
the existing 9104 standard to the new 9104-1
standard, ‘Requirements for Aviation, Space,
and Defense Quality Management System
Certification Programs’
Supplemental Rule 002
– Review and analyze all existing client AQMS
certification activities and arrangements, including
certification structures, to support conformance to
9104-1 requirements.
– Provide for updating of client AQMS certification
contracts as necessary.
– Communicate of the 9104-1 responsibilities and
requirements for certification structures for
certificated organizations to clients.
Supplemental Rule 002
Registrar to undertake 9104-1 Certification
Structure analysis for each client that shall
include the following:
- Documenting the rationale, justification, audit
duration calculations, audit program, and
sampling plan (for 9120, multiple site, or
campus) for the certification structure for each
Review of Terms and Definitions
As listed in AS9104/1
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Certification Structure – term utilized to
describe how the cert activities will be
structured and managed by the registrar.
Will provide industry with visibility of the
structure within the OASIS database.
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Central Office – The organization location /
activity that controls the “common” quality
management system for the organization under
a single Aerospace Quality Management
System (AQMS) standard certificate. Also
referred to as Central Function.
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Value Stream - An end-to-end business
process which delivers a product or service to
a customer. The process steps may use and
produce intermediate goods, services, and
information to achieve the end product or
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Single Site – An organization having one
location. The organization may be operating
under one large building or several buildings at
that location. The organization may have one
or multiple products or product families flowing
though one or multiple processes.
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Multiple Site – An organization having an
identified central function (the central office, but
not necessarily the headquarters of the
organization) at which certain activities are
planned, controlled, or managed and a network
of sites at which such activities are fully or
partially carried out. With the exception of the
central office the processes within each of the
sites are substantially the same and are
operated to the same methods and procedures
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Campus – An organization having an identified
central function (the central office, but not
necessarily the headquarters of the
organization) at which certain activities are
planned, controlled, or managed; and that has
a decentralized, sequential, linked product
realization process. For the purposes of this
standard, it is referred to as a value stream
where the outputs from one site are an input to
another site, which ultimately results in the final
product or service.
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Several Sites – An organization having an
identified central function (the central office, but
not necessarily the headquarters of the
organization) at which certain activities are
planned, controlled, or managed and a network
of sites, that do not meet the criteria for either a
multiple site or a campus organization.
AS9104/1 – Terms and Definitions
Complex – An organization having an
identified central function (the central office, but
not necessarily the headquarters of the
organization) at which certain activities are
planned, controlled, or managed and a network
of locations that are any combination of
multiple site, campus, several sites, or more
than one campus.
Further Info Needs
• In an effort to gather some extraneous
information, such as ITAR/EAR
requirements, office staff may be
contacting you for data. Please respond
• Our Sales force will be in touch if there
are any changes to your cert structure or
audit duration.
Thank You!
Are there any questions?