HUM 111 World CulturesPart I Professor Anthony D’Ascoli Strayer University HUM 111 World Cultures Part I SYLLABUS AND EXPECTATIONS EMAIL : Please place your name, class and time in the subject line so the system does not place your email into spam/junk file OFFICE HOURS: 4-6 PM day of class; other hours can be arranged via appointment. Syllabus and Important papers for class work can all be found at in our course shell. HUM 111 World Cultures Part I REQUIRED TEXT: Cunningham, L., & Reich, J. (2010). Culture and values: A survey of the humanities, Vol. I, with readings (7th ed.). Boston: Wadsworth/Cengage; and accompanying CD REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL TEXT: Pinto, Sayra. (2012). Vatolandia. CREDITS: 4.5 Credit Hours TIMES: 6-10 PM day of class COURSE DESCRIPTION: Studies civilizations and cultures such as ancient Egypt, Crete, Greece, and Rome which have given root to Western culture. Analyzes the artistic, intellectual, religious, political, and socioeconomic aspects of each culture and traces their development in World Cultures Part I. Learning Outcomes Recognize various qualities of visual art and literature to enhance our appreciation and understanding of works that have contributed to the development of Western culture. Identify and describe key developments, styles, people, and works in sculpture, painting, architecture, and other visual arts within the major cultures and religions of ancient and medieval history. Describe the early developments and beliefs of the major religions of the world. Identify and describe key ancient developments in political practices, social organization, philosophy, science, and technology that have influenced Western culture. Identify and describe key literary works, literary styles, thinkers, and writers, and recognize literary borrowings and repeated themes & motifs from Gilgamesh and the Bible through Dante’s Divine Comedy. Discuss works of literature, drama, art, architecture, and music in the context of their styles and their historical periods and cultures, while distinguishing the styles from each other and using terminology appropriate for each field. Cite examples of significant contributions of women, non-European cultures, and lesser-known groups to Western and global culture from pre-history to the 1300s CE. Describe the relationship between individual artistic expressions and the cultural, social, political, and historical forces which give rise to these expressions. Examine how key contributions in literature, philosophy, religion, science, politics, and art have contributed to historical changes from ancient times to the late Middle Ages. Develop a global perspective through an appreciation of the historical, cultural, political, and economic forces that affect individual countries, regions, and the global community. Evaluate and appreciate the diversity of opinions and perspectives about religions, philosophies, social and political systems, all kinds of art, literature, and drama, and creatively write and exchange ideas on developments in these fields. Utilize critical thinking skills to evaluate sources and write effectively on ancient and medieval cultural developments, and cite sources in proper APA form. HUM 111 World Cultures Part I COURSE REQUIREMENTS: (What you need to do to succeed) Attendance: Crucial part of your grade and performance in this class Class discussions and lectures will contain over 80% of what will be covered on tests, quizzes, etc. Discussion = Participation Attendance will effect your participation grade 1 absence is free Additional absences will affect your grade downwards Individual emergencies, etc, will be determined on a 1 to 1 basis (plan on bringing proof) HUM 111 World Cultures Part I COURSE REQUIREMENTS (CONT): Tardies: Habitual lateness (3 or more) will also effect your participation grade negatively. Again, individual emergencies, pre-arranged appointments, etc. will be determined on a 1 to 1 basis. If lateness becomes an issue with several students I will change this policy to one of zero tolerance and will not allow students to enter late at all and therefore miss an entire class session HUM 111 World CulturesPart I ASSIGNMENTS: It is expected that you will complete any and all reading assignments prior their discussion in class. Questions on the readings and during discussions are encouraged, there is no such thing as a stupid question Exams: There will be a midterm on the ½ way point (Week 5) and a final on the last week (Week 11). The midterm and most of the final will be on material covered in class, yet another reason not to miss. Discussion Board: There is a weekly discussion board that can be done online from your home, although we can continue to discuss it in class. You must post a minimum of 3x per week. 1 Post as your original response to the question(s) given that week and 2 additional responses to your fellow classmates in order to get full credit. HUM 111 World CulturesPart I PAPERS: There will be 3 writing assignments that will be assigned early in the course so that you can begin on them sooner rather than later. Paper 1: Due week 4 – Essay Paper Paper 2: Due Week 8 – Project Paper Paper 3: Due Week 10 – Performance Paper Drops an entire grade each week its late Paper 1 Essay Topic Choices: There have been many theories regarding how the pyramids at Giza were constructed. Most experts agree that they were constructed as burial monuments for pharaohs, but “how” these ancient people constructed monuments of such great size without modern machinery is a mystery which is still being debated. No one can say for certain what happened to the Mayan people, but theories abound and include varied possible alternatives to explain the abrupt and mysterious disappearance of the Mayan civilization. It is believed that Queen Hatshepsut dressed as a man to gain support of the Egyptians. After her death, her successor removed as many remnants of her rule as possible. Although a pharaoh, her mummified remains and tomb have never been conclusively found. Tutankhamen died young, at around 18 years of age. However, his cause of death has not been confirmed. Did he die of an injury, of illness, or was he murdered? Considered the “Mummy’s Curse,” a series of unexplainable, unfortunate, or tragic events that happened to the people who were present at the opening of Tutankhamen’s tomb. The monumental size and complexity of the Tomb of Shihuangdi is astounding. It is believed that the workers were forced to remain inside the tomb when it was walled shut so they would not reveal the secrets of its construction. What was the emperor’s purpose for such an elaborate burial place? Other topic choice recommended and approved by the professor and supported by the grading rubric Write a 3-4 paragraph paper in which you: Clearly state the “mystery” and provide a brief summary of at least two (2) theories which could explain the mystery. Because some theories may sound far-fetched, include the source or promoter of each theory – such as a scientist, a historian, a theologian, etc. Identify one (1) of the theories and provide at least two (2) convincing reasons why the theory you have chosen is the best one to explain the mystery. Use at least two (2) sources besides the textbook. Paper 2 – Project Paper Topic choices (pick 1): Self-Portraits. Journal. The Renaissance artists Titian, Rembrandt, and Durer have each painted self-portraits. Imagine yourself as one of these artists (or another artist of your choice that has painted a self-portrait) and write a journal expressing your thoughts on “your” art (in other words, the journal entries the artist would probably write.) (1) Explain “your” primary reason for painting a self-portrait. (2) Describe “your” artistic choices in composition: use of color, space, etc. (3) Explain what the portrait represents about “you” (as the artist.) (4) Explain “your” choices of subject with regard to at least three other specific pieces “you” have painted. Ladies & Gentlemen. Survey & Report. Some may believe that being “gentleman” or a “lady” in today’s society is an outdated notion, but others may disagree. (1) Briefly summarize the main characteristics of a well-rounded person, “l’u omo universal,” referring to specific sections within the excerpt from The Courtier which identifies these characteristics. (2) Create a “survey” based on the identified characteristics and “ poll” at least ten people to find out whether or not the characteristics are relevant for a “gentleman” or “lady” of today. (3) Tabulate and discuss the responses in terms of gender, age, vocation, etc. of your survey participants, making note of any interesting or surprising results which show up in your poll answers. (4) Finally, explain whether or not you agree with the characteristics expressed by Castiglione in The Courtier. BayeuxTapestry Experience. Letter. Imagine yourself as one of the figures in the battle depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry; in a letter home, you describe your experience to your family. (1) Write a first-person account of this historical event from the perspective of one of the figures in tapestry. (2) Use your senses to describe your impression of the event. (3) Describe specific elements of the scene such as uniforms, weaponry, fighting styles, etc. (4) Explain why you believe your side was justified in participating in the battle and how you would like the battle to be remembered. Ancient Chinese Contributions. Essay. To win a trip to China, you enter a contest to determine the four most useful contributions or inventions created by the ancient Chinese. (1) Identify eight to ten of these useful inventions or contributions. (2) Nominate four that you believe are the most ingenious or innovative. (3) Explain why you believe these four inventions or contributions are the most useful inventions or contributions from the ancient Chinese. (4) Identify one invention or contribution that you cannot live without and explain why. Other topic choice recommended and approved by the professor and supported by the grading rubric. Paper 2 continued Project Paper The Project Paper focuses on a suggested topic related to art, architecture, history, music, or literature. The project will reflect your views and interpretation of the topic. This project is designed to help you stretch your mind and your abilities to be the creative, innovative, and critical thinker you already are! Choose one (1) of the topics from the list of topic choices below. Read the topic carefully. Write a three to four (34) page paper (750-1,000 words) that responds to each of the items described in the topic. Note: Submit your topic choice to the instructor for approval before the end of Week 2. For the topic you choose: Support your ideas with specific, illustrative examples. If there are questions or points associated with your chosen topic, be sure to answer all of the listed questions and address all of the items in that topic. If your topic requires you to do several things related to the topic, be sure to do each of the things listed. While some of the topics tend to lend themselves toward particular writing genres, you are not restricted to the specific format suggested for the individual topic. For example, you may do an “interview,” a “proposal,” a “letter,” a “short story,” a “blog,” an “essay,” an “article,” or any other written genre for almost any of the topics. The project is intended to be fun as well as informative, so feel free to be creative with the delivery of your information. Use at least two (2) sources besides the textbook, which counts as one (1) source. Paper 3 Cultural Event Report As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to attend a “cultural event” and report on your experience. Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater, dance, or musical performance before the end of Week 10. Write a two to three (2-3) page report (500-750 words) that describes your experience. – Clearly identify the event location, date attended, the attendees, and your initial reaction upon arriving at the event. – Provide specific information and a description of at least two (2) pieces. – Provide a summary of the event and describe your overall reaction after attending the event. Note: Submit your cultural event choice to the instructor for approval before the end of Week 5. Visiting a Museum It makes sense to approach a museum the way a seasoned traveler approaches visiting a city for the first time. Find out what there is available to see. In the museum, find out what sort of exhibitions are currently housed in the museum and start with the exhibits that interest you. If there is a travelling exhibition, it’s always a good idea to see it while you have the chance. Then, if you have time, you can look at other things in the museum. Make notes as you go through the museum and accept any handouts or pamphlets that the museum staff gives you. While you should not quote anything from the printed material when you do your report, the handouts may help to refresh your memory later. The quality of your experience is not measured by the amount of time you spend in the galleries or the number of works of art that you actually see. The most rewarding experiences can come from finding one or two (1 or 2) pieces of art or exhibits which intrigue you and then considering those works in leisurely contemplation. Most museums even have benches where you can sit and study a particular piece. If you are having a difficult time deciding which pieces to write about, ask yourself these questions: (1) If the museum you are visiting suddenly caught fire, which two (2) pieces of art or exhibits would you most want to see saved from the fire? (2) Why would you choose those two (2) particular pieces? Attending a Performance Check your local colleges to see if there are any free or low-cost performances or student recitals. Student performances are generally of almost the same quality as professional performances, but typically cost much less. Unlike visiting a museum, where you can wear almost anything, people attending performances are often expected to “dress up” a bit. Take a pen or pencil with you and accept the program you are offered by the usher; you will probably want to make notes on it during or after the performance. Turn off your cell phone before entering the auditorium. Do not use your phone to record the music or to take pictures or videos. To play it safe, turn the phone off. Most long musical performances have at least one (1) intermission. If the lights start blinking, it is a sign that the performance is about to begin. Look for very specific things (such as a particular piece of music or the way certain instruments sounded at a specific time) which tend to stand out as either enjoyable or not enjoyable. Be sure to make notes of the things which you find enjoyable as well as the things which are not enjoyable. Optional Papers These can be chosen instead of the 3 assigned by Blackboard and can be done in any order or in any combination They can be found at under the HUM papers tab Humanities and The Arts PAPERS (CONT.) Helpful Hints All papers must be 100% your own work!! Paper 1 – Art Analysis (due Week 4) Choose only a work of art that really effects you (i.e. that you really like or really hate). It will make the writing process significantly easier if you have strong feelings one way or the other. Make sure you include all parts to get full credit Place your name somewhere on your paper, staple it together. (I do not have a stapler) Focus on parts 3 and 6 as that is where I will get 80% of your grade Humanities and The Arts Paper 2 – Concert Review (due week 8 ) Do not wait until the last minute to do this paper – there may be no events to attend or they may be all sold out It must be from the following styles/genres only : Broadway Musical; Jazz performance (even a live performance a t a club); Classical concert; Opera, Ballet, Flamenco show (not at a restaurant) No pop, rap, hip hop, raggaeton, salsa, bachata, merengue, rock or metal shows will count Focus on part 2 as I will include that at 75% of the grade for this paper Van Dyke’s on Lincoln road has nightly jazz shows for under 20.00 – 5.00 tickets for students Humanities and The Arts Paper 3: Film as Art (due week 10) – Choose wisely Do NOT write a movie review Do NOT write a movie review Do NOT write a movie review Do write about the film as a work of art You should be writing about the colors (or lack of) used in the film/scenes You should be writing about why certain camera angles and speeds are being used You should be writing about the scenery, setting and costumes (clothing) You should be writing about the use of music to aid in setting the scene You should be writing about the special effects as art You should be writing about the use of the language, speeches, etc. Watch the film at least 2x – the first time just to enjoy – 2nd time to take notes You can watch them together with fellow classmates – just do not turn in the same papers HUM 111 World CulturesPart I ALL PAPERS: APA Format 12” font Typed, Double Spaced Title page – no fancy paper, no folders Abstract Just stapled together on white 8 ½ x 11 regular paper 1” margins all around All original – all your own work Use proper citations Unless you were born with the information you are writing about – it should be cited Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated – You will get caught and you will get an F for the entire course – not just the assignment I will not fail anyone for poor quality English, poor grammar or poor sentence structure so write it yourself HUM 111 World CulturesPart I PREPARATION – WAYS TO SUCCEED Do all reading assignments on time – be ready to discuss, ask questions and cover them in class Bring a notebook and writing utensils A dictionary and a highlighter are good to have as new terms and their usage will appear in your exercises, homework and on tests/quizzes Do not plagiarize – you run the risk of failing the entire course and being expelled form school (cut & paste, etc) Come to class ready to participate and ready to have fun Do not speak over others – their ideas are as important as yours even if you don’t agree with them HUM 111 World CulturesPart I Class Policies: Cell phones on silent or vibrate only If it is an important call – please leave the classroom and answer it You do not need to ask to leave class for bathroom, drink, emergency, etc. just leave as quietly as possible and re-enter the same way – you will, of course, be responsible for what you missed Please remember to turn in all tests, quizzes, papers, journals, etc with your name on them so you can get proper credit Turn in assignments on time. Late assignments are unacceptable. Additionally, the discussions will close Sunday nights at 11 PM and will not be made available after the due date. I want everyone to get an A – I will do my best to make this as fun as possible – so laugh at my terrible jokes HUM 111 World CulturesPart I GRADING CRITERIA: Discussion/class participation – 15% Midterm – 20% Comprehensive Final Exam – 20% Paper 1 - Art – 15% Paper 2 – Culture – 15% Discussion Boards– 15% HUM 111 World CulturesPart I 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 BELOW 60 Grading Scale A B C D F HUM 111 World CulturesPart I Outline Week 1 – Introduction and Chap 1 – Prehistory, Ancient Near East, Egypt, Crete (Discussions each week) Week 2 – Chap 2 and 3 – Classical and Hellenistic Greece Week 3 – Chap 4 – Etruscans and Rome Week 4 – Chap 5 – India, Japan, China, SE Asia – Paper 1 Due Week 5 – Midterm Exam HUM 111 World Cultures Part I Outline Week 6 – Chap 6 and 7 – Biblical Tradition, Judaism, Christianity and Byzantium (weekly discussions cont.) Week 7 – Chap 8 – Islam, the Americas Week 8 – Chap 9 – Early Middle Ages – Paper 2 due Week 9 – Chap 10 – High Middle Ages Week 10 – Chap 11 – 14th century – Paper 3 due Week 11 – Final Exam