Youth Division - City of Chicago

Youth Workforce Experience Programs
Bidder’s Conference
February 25th 2013
Youth Division’s Focus
School Engagement and
 Reduction in Violence that
Impacts Youth
 Youth Workforce Development
Youth Workforce Experience
Program Models
Summer Youth Employment Program
One Summer Chicago PLUS (OSC+)
Greencorps Youth Program
Youth Working for Success-Justice involved
Bridges to Pathways Initiative-Justice
involved youth
DFSS Program Contacts
Dr. Jennifer Axelrod:
 Andrew J. Fernández:
 Lisa Davis:
Important Dates and
Proposals due March 11th at or before 4:30pm-One
electronic copy sent via email and one hard copy must
be submitted on due date.
Contract term-April 19th 2013 thru April 18th 2014.
Funds should be by expended from June 1st thru
September 30th 2013 for Summer Programming.
Respondents may apply for more than one program.
For Bridges to Pathways Initiative-Contract maybe
extended if additional funds are made available.
Reimbursement Basis.
No advance will be given.
Leverage a minimum 15% in-kind match.
Administrative cap-10%
All attachments and supplemental materials due on
March 11th.
Important References
Please review Page 8-Top of the page.
Follow format of the proposal-Page 8
Email submissions-Page 9
Timeline-Bottom of Page 9
Eligible Respondents
Open to Non-Profit, For-Profit, Faith Based,
Private and Public Organizations.
Respondent must demonstrate an operating
budget of $500,000 or more.
Must be in good standing with all existing
contract with DFSS.
There will be no profit line for for-profit
Common Program Elements for
All Programs
Financial literacy requirement
Payroll system
Monitoring youth performance
Employability Assessment (EA)
Youth and employer surveys
Data collection, reporting, and record keeping
Youth placement and meaningful work experience
Worksite/employer criteria
Participant program eligibility
Youth wages and stipends
Provide placements for youth ages 16 to 24.
Assist youth with developing transferable skills to
increase employability through job readiness
Provide youth with professional guidance, training
and supervision.
Create meaningful and quality summer work
Provide the opportunity to attend educational
workshops, participate in health and fitness
activities and other life enriching experiences.
SYEP Program Design
Youth will participate in a minimum of 120 hours of
combined soft skills development, training (1 day
orientation), recreation and positive work experience.
Respondents should be able to develop and deliver life
enrichment and recreational opportunities, place and
manage the summer work experience for no fewer than
100 youth.
The program assumes a 1:20 Youth mentor to Youth ratio.
DFSS will randomly select 60% of the youth for each
respondent through the common application and the
remaining 40% will be identified by the respondent.
All potential participants must have completed the on-line
application to be considered for the participation.
SYEP Program Design: 16 to 20
Year Olds
The program will operate 20 hours per week
for 6 weeks.
Youth will be engaged in a paid work
experience for up to 12 hours per week.
The remaining 8 hours should include
educational, soft skills and recreational
Youth will receive a minimum wage
payment for 12 hours per week not to
exceed $600. Attendance in 20 hours per
week of programming is required for youth
to continue their participation in SYEP.
SYEP Program Design: 21 to 24
Year Olds
Respondents may hire Youth Coaches to work up to 20
hours per week for 6 weeks.
Coaches will receive a maximum of $1000
 20 hours per week minimum wage paid employment
for the six weeks
The Youth Coaches will provide:
 Youth support
 Administrative support
 Program support
Examples of work responsibilities: conduct site visits to
youth placed in worksites, facilitate employers completing
EA on youth employees, prepare time sheets for
submission, and provide youth supports.
SYEP Program Design:
Program Reporting
DFSS will provide:
Worksite Application
Youth Consent Form
• Youth evaluation of program
• Youth performance evaluation by worksites
Time Sheets
Orientation Overview
Attendance and data tracking system
Final Report
SYEP Performance Goals
100% of assigned youth placed by agency in
summer work experience
Of the youth placed, 90% will complete the full six
weeks of the subsidized work experience.
90% of enrolled youth will successfully complete the
total planned program of 120 hours.
100% of mentors and worksite managers will
complete the Employability Assessment with all
youth and provide feedback to youth about their
performance at the worksite.
100% of the youth will complete the financial
literacy component.
SYEP Youth Application
Selection Process
Respondents are required to identify a
maximum of two geographic regions to
serve based on CPS high school network
regions-map in folder.
View networks:
One Summer Chicago PLUS
Specialized employment program.
Serve 1,000 youth identified and connected
by geographic community by DFSS.
Work closely with Cook County Juvenile
Probation Center, Cook County Sheriff’s
Department, and the Juvenile Intervention
Support Center (JISC).
Evaluation of OSC+ by University of
Chicago Crime Lab.
OSC+ Requirements
Coordinated outreach and recruitment of identified youth.
Facilitate the financial literacy curriculum to youth.
Schedule and coordinate workshops with financial institutions and
resources from Bank One Chicago.
Develop appropriate summer jobs for enrolled youth.
Hire and supervise qualified mentors.
Train mentors on an evidence-based mentoring.
Promote and accommodate credit recovery offered by the
Chicago Public Schools.
Coordinate with social-emotional learning provider.
Promote and coordinate any additional support services needed
to ensure that youth complete the program.
Enter data into DFSS data management system.
Track and report daily attendance for each activity type.
OSC+ Program Design
Youth will participate in a paid work experience.
Each youth will be engaged in SEL and employment
for 25 hours a week for six weeks.
Youth are required to complete the financial literacy
curriculum (online system)
Youth will receive 60 hours of Social Emotional
Learning (SEL) during the six week period.
SEL provider will be assigned to Respondent
Youth will have a mentor assigned to support their
involvement in OSC+ will be assigned at a 20:1
Programming will occur at a minimum for five hours
daily (work + SEL) Monday - Friday
OSC+ Youth
Youth will apply thru a uniquely designed One
Summer Chicago Plus application.
Youth will be referred and endorsed by the referring
partners: Cook County Probation Center, Cook
County Sheriff’s Department, Juvenile Temporary
Detention Center, and/or the JISC.
Agency will be required to contact and engage the
youth once assigned and obtain consent from youth
and parent for participation in program.
Agency will be required to complete an intake
interview that includes an evaluation of their social
and behavioral development.
OSC+ Performance Goals
100% of youth are placed at worksites by
the Respondent
100% of youth complete the subsidized
work experience.
100% of youth enrolled will attend a
minimum of 60 hours of SEL workshops.
100% of the youth will complete the
financial literacy component.
100% of youth are assessed using the EA
and provided with feedback to improve
their work readiness skills
Greencorps Youth Program
Partnership between DFSS and Chicago
Department of Transportation
Six week project based work experience.
600 youth in two educational modules.
More information on Greencorps:
Greencorps Program
Collaborate with GC to implement project-based
experiences in horticulture and bikes for enrolled youth.
In partnership with DFSS, CDOT, and CPS, recruit
students from identified high schools to participate in the
Provide job training and enrichment experiences for
Hire and supervise qualified mentors who will work with
youth participants.
Promote and coordinate any additional support services
needed to ensure that youth complete the program.
Manage youth participant payroll.
Enter data into DFSS data management system.
Complete youth assessment tools.
Track and report daily attendance.
Greencorps Summer
Program Design
Two primary educational modules for 600
youth-horticulture and bikes as well as a
weatherization component. Youth will complete
all components.
Twenty-hour per week program.
Youth have 8 hours of instruction and 12 hours
per week project-based work experiences.
Youth will receive a bi-weekly stipend not to
exceed $600 dollars for the six week period.
CDOT will provide project-based instruction for
the summer program and ongoing instructional
support and coaching for the extension.
Greencorps Agency Expectations
Agency will provide an orientation to youth and support
implementation of classroom component.
Agency will hire mentors and connect them to the
instructors and youth in the program.
Program will be offered in the morning and afternoon to
accommodate students in credit recovery.
40 youth per school site will participate in programming
(15 schools)
120 youth maximum per agency (3 sites).
Two sessions: AM and PM.
Agency will be responsible for supervision and oversight
of youth in both sessions (20 youth per session per site)
Greencorps Program DesignExtension
120 youth included in the extension program
(August, 2013 –June, 2014)
For extension, agency will develop and coordinate
workplaces and educational experiences with
support from COT
Minimum 10 youth for 10 hours for 45 weeks per
Youth will be paid IL minimum wage.
CDOT will provide on going instructional support for
the extension component.
Other program elements include-Youth application
selection process, orientation for youth, projectbased work experience and monitoring, mentors,
and youth stipends.
Greencorps Youth ProgramPerformance Goals
100% of youth placed in available Greencorps Youth Program
95% of enrolled youth will successfully complete the total
planned program of 120 hours.
100% of youth will demonstrate increased knowledge of
horticulture, bikes, and weatherization and employment
related to green industries
100% of youth will distribute their weatherization kits to
individuals within their community
100% of youth identified for the 45-week extension program
complete the total planned program
100% of mentors and worksite managers will complete the
Employability Assessment with all youth and provide
feedback to youth about their performance at
Juvenile Justice Involved Youth
Development Models
Youth Working for Success
 Bridges to Pathways Initiative
Youth Working for Success
Youth civic leadership development program - 15 week
Phase 1-Two week skill and community building with
youth. (Curriculum and training provided)
Phase Two-Five-week social entrepreneurship project
that creates a civic leadership project aligned with
NATO’s mission: Working Together for Peace and
Security. (Curriculum and training provided)
Phase 3-Youth engage in work placement experience
at a social sector worksite that addresses the NATO
mission for 8 weeks
Respondents will receive curriculum materials and
intensive training on the implementation of the
Youth Working for SuccessYouth Eligibility Requirements
Eligible youth will have two more arrests.
And pled to a crime,
Or have been adjudicated as a delinquent in communities with
the highest violent crime index.
Other eligible youth will have been arrested and
referred by the Juvenile Intervention Support
Center (JISC).
JISC serves the following Police Districts:
2,7,8,9,10,11,12, and 21.
Agencies serving youth in the JISC catchment
area will be assigned 70% of the youth and will
be eligible to recruit 30% of youth into the
Youth Working for SuccessRequirements
Identify two cohorts (20 youth per cohort) for participation in
the program (April 2013– June 2013 and September November 2013)
Provide two week intensive training and skill building
component for youth to develop the skills to implement the
social entrepreneurship/service learning project (30 hours)
Provide youth with a five week social entrepreneurship/service
learning project based on the NATO mission (50 hours of paid
experience and 30 hours of training)
Assist youth in identifying work experiences at social sector
placement for a minimum of 100 hours over 8 weeks of
minimum wage employment and provide 21 hours of training
Provide a mentor for youth at a ratio of 10:1
Mentors are required to participate in training on the
Youth Working for SuccessKey Program Elements
Youth eligibility and enrollment.
Youth assigned mentors.
Implementation Phases
Cohort development and skills training (Phase 1)
Social Entrepreneurship/Service Learning Project (Phase 2)
Social Change Worksite (Phase 3)
Youth wages
Youth receive transportation support for initial four weeks
Social Entrepreneurship model: 50 hours project-based
minimum wage work experience and 30 hours training and
education over five week period
Social Sector work placement (minimum of 100 hours over
eight weeks at minimum wage + 3 hours of training and
supervision per week)
Youth Working for SuccessPerformance Goals
# of youth interviewed.
# of referrals from JISC contacted.
# of program seats provided to agency filled.
# of enrolled youth placed in a work experience.
# of enrolled youth complete civic leadership project.
# of enrolled youth complete two hour of volunteer service per
# of enrolled youth will complete the full subsidized work
# of mentors and worksite managers will have the completed the
Assessment for all youth and had feedback sessions.
% of enrolled youth re-arrested during the duration of the program.
100% of the youth will complete the financial literacy component.
Bridges to Pathways
Support youth in obtaining a high school
diploma or, when appropriate, a GED.
Facilitate transition into and through
credential-granting educational and
vocational programs.
Provide youth with career exploration, skills
development, and workforce experience.
Develop social and emotional skills of
Connect with youth with caring adults to
address barriers to participation.
Bridges to Pathways Initiative-Four
Virtual high school
Intensive social and emotional skill
Work experience
Bridges to Pathways Initiative-Key
Program Elements
Online education assistance
Skills/job readiness development
Work-based experience: Internship,
apprenticeship, work placement.
Social emotional learning
Intensive Mentoring
Bridges to Pathways
Agency Requirements
Hire and supervise teaching assistants to
support virtual high school coursework
(Training will be provided)
Hire full-time mentors to assist youth in
addressing any barriers to involvement
Train mentors on evidence-based mentoring
Identify work sites appropriate for youth based
on an internship and apprenticeship model and
coordinate all aspects of payment of youth
Coordinate with SEL provider
Complete all data and performance monitoring
Bridges to Pathways
Initiative-Performance Goals
100% of youth are placed at internship and
apprenticeship sites
90% of youth attend the program on a daily basis
80% of youth complete their GED/HS diploma
100% of youth complete the program with greater
than 80% attendance
100% of youth that complete the work placement
80% of youth find employment (outside of
100% of mentors and worksite managers will have
the completed the Employability
Assessment for all youth and had feedback sessions.
100% of the youth will complete the financial
literacy component.
Youth Eligibility
Proof of Chicago residency,
A valid social security card or ITIN;
A valid Chicago Public School or State of
Illinois ID card or drivers license,
Completed an application, and a
Signed consent form if under the age of 18.
Accessibility to People with
Respondent must be committed
to achieving full physical and
programmatic accessibility as
defined by the American with
Disabilities Act (ADA).
Thank you!