GPC 301 Practicum in Career Counseling 1 4 3 2 Instructor Office and phone Office time e-mail Class time Classroom Korkut Owen,2015 : Prof. Dr. Fidan Korkut Owen : TAZ 35; 661 3415 : Thursdays, 11.30- 12.30 14.00- 16.00 : : Thursdays, 9:40-11:30 : SZ-24 Catalog Description 3 Administering and evaluating instruments used in career counseling; preparing and implementing career development programs; conducting career counseling sessions with individuals and group. Korkut Owen,2015 Objectives-1 4 By the end of this course, each of the students will be able to 1. Facilitate client self-understanding; 2. Assist clients in obtaining information about education, career, and labor markets; 3. Facilitate career decision making and career planning; 4. Utilize a full range of both formal and informal test techniques; 5. Select, administer, score and interpret career assessment instruments appropriate for both students and adults; 6. Conduct individual and group career related counseling and guidance sessions. Korkut Owen,2015 Objectives-2 5 7. Plan, prepare and present career guidance and counseling related presentations. 8. Develop and use career guidance and counseling related (non-test) activities. 9. Select and utilized existing published career guidance and counseling programs. 10. To utilize the Ulusal Mesleki Bilgilendirme Sistemi (if operational) sistemi_75147.html?CHK=a6659ed51003af1bcb181c4c1bc87adf Korkut Owen,2015 Course Requirements-1 6 As a practicum class about career counseling and guidance, the activities will build upon the knowledge and skills developed in your Career Counseling class you attended in the fall semester. Student will be expected to : 1. read and complete the assigned material or home work each week; 2. actively participating in class discussions /demonstrations; 3. administer, score, interpret and evaluate some basic instruments (like, KDE and ABKO); 4. write personal career story 5. enter career related web pages (e.g.,ISKUR,TUIK, OSYM), career search links and prepare a written report about them; Korkut Owen,2015 Course Requirements-2 7 6. complete weekly Career Scope activities as assigned and electronically submit them; 7. make observations and actively participate at the assigned practicum site; 8. administer and evaluate some exercises conducted with university students; 9. develop a non-test technique, administer, evaluate and report it; and 10. participate in classroom activities (role playing, discussion etc.). Korkut Owen,2015 Some notes 8 Every week we will meet at least one hour and will discuss career practicum related subjects, administer test and nontest techniques, role playing Each student will be required to sign and date the academic honesty statement and contract ( Assignments details are written in syllabus to read Weekly reports will be written with New Times Roman, 12 punto, 1.5 line space, 2 cm margins. All of them will have student name. Korkut Owen,2015 Methods of Instruction 9 Various teaching methods such as pairwork- groupwork, experiential exercises; small and large group discussion; role-play, and student presentations will be used. Lecture will be used a small amount Korkut Owen,2015 Some rules to follow while you go to school 10 Follow the schools regulations (dress code and others). Communicate with people (counselor, principle, teacher, student, etc.) in positive and respectful way. As a professional in training you will leave behind your student dress and behavior, and adopt the dress, behavior, and demeanor of a professional educator. Regular visits to the school are required. Communicate with students in a professional manner. Remember, you are not yet a counselor but a counselorin-training. Korkut Owen,2015 Class Attendance Policy 11 Attendance is compulsory. Please also refer to the assessment details. Korkut Owen,2015 Class Web-Page 12 This web-page will contain the course syllabus, lecture PowerPoint presentations, assignments, and additional readings or other materials that may assist you during the course of the semester. Since material will be added on a continually during the semester students are STRONGLY encouraged to visit the site frequently (at least once/week) to insure that they have the most current information. The web-page may be found at the following location: Korkut Owen,2015 Policies on Late Submission 13 Late work will not be accepted. However I do have exception for some circumstances (e.g., death in the family, illness, accident). If you have such a situation, please email me with the explanation of what have happened and the assignment you missed. Korkut Owen,2015 ADA Statement 14 This course will be conducted in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). All qualified students enrolled in this course are entitled to “reasonable accommodations”. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of any special needs or accommodations required as the result of physical disability or other handicapping condition by the second class meeting. Korkut Owen,2015 Expectations of Professionalism 15 Please: Always be on time. Do not use cell phone, laptop, and I-pad etc. during the class. Turn-off cell phones or change setting to vibrate, put away from your desk (no cell phones on the desks). Use your METU email in your communication with maintain confidentiality (do not discuss the content of personal material that are shared in class activities or in class discussion outside of class, while sharing personal material set limits to yourself). Korkut Owen,2015 Student Assessment 16 Students will be assessed on the following seven (7) components: Personal career story ISKUR and TUIK report Develop exercise, administer, evaluate and report School observation and practicum reports Careerscope book reports School counselor’s evaluation Participation, attendance, etc. Korkut Owen,2015 5 5 20 25 25 10 10 Grading 17 METU-NCC Grading Scale PERCENTAGE COURSE GRADE 90-100 AA 85-89 BA 80-84 BB 75-79 CB 70-74 CC 65-69 DC 60-64 DD 50-59 FD 49 and below FF Incomplete I Withdrawn W Korkut Owen,2015 COEFFICIENT 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 N/A N/A Tentative Lecture and Practicum Schedule GPC 301 Practicum in Career Counseling 2014-2015 Spring Wk date Subjects 18 Requirements Some notes Writing your career story All requirements should be sent to instructor before following class day till 24.00 1 19.02. 2015 Meet, general information, planning 2 26.02.2015 Influence on our career choice? Career counseling (CC) related portfolio CareerScope book Exercise 1-3 Filling ABKO 3 05.03.2015 Exercise 4-8 Filling KDE 4 12.03.2015 5 19.03.2015 6 26.03.2015 7 02.04.2015 Practicum at school CC competencies Tests Discuss ABKO Practicum at school Non-test CC programs Discuss KDE Practicum at school Discuss practicum Practicum at school Discuss practicum Establish exercise group Practicum at school Discuss practicum 8 09.04.2015 - Exercise 25-26 9 16.04.2015 10 23.04.2015 Practicum at school Working with elementary and middle school students Practicum at school Working with high school students HOLIDAY 11 30.04.2015 Working with university students Exercise 34-36 12 13 07.05.2015 14.05.2015 Working with adults Present your exercise in the classroom Exercise 37-38 Exercise 39-41 14 21. 05.2015y Present your exercise in the classroom 28 .05.2015 Korkut Owen,2015 Evaluation supervision Exercise 9-11 Exercise 12-15 Exercise 16- 20 Exercise 21-24 Exercise group will be announced Exercise 28-29 Exercise 30- 33 Exercises can be administered at least 3 people Careerscope will be done All exercise related document will be sent Principle Textbooks 19 Amundson, N., Poehnell, G. & Pattern, M. (2008). Mesleki teleskop (Çev. F. Korkut- Owen). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. Niles, S.G. & Harris-Bowlsbey, J. (2013). Career development interventions in the 21st century. (4th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Korkut Owen,2015 Supplementary Readings 20 Bolles, R. N. (2005). Paraşütünüz ne renk?. Elma yayınevi Erkan, S. (2006). Örnek grup rehberliği etkinlikleri, Ankara; Pegem Yayınları. Korkut- Owen, F. (2008). Meslek Seçimini Etkileyen Etmenler. (R. Özyürek Ed). Kariyer Yolculuğu. (1-23), Ankara, Ulusal Ajans. Korkut-Owen, F., Acar, T., Demir Y., Haskan Ö. & et al. (2009). Mesleki rehberlik/kariyer danışmanlığında kart sıralama tekniği: mesleki değerler ile ilgili bir çalışma. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2); 53-70. Korkut-Owen, F., Arıcı, F., Demirtaş, S. and Mutlu, T. (2014). Using The Career Sailboat Model to facilitate career planning and decision-making with young adults - See more at: RENT/layout_details_cc/false#sthash.A9krienH.dpuf Kuzgun, Y. ve Bacanlı, F. (2006). PDR’de kullanılan ölçme araçları ve programlar dizisi (1-6) Ankara; Nobel yayınevi Korkut Owen,2015 Important links 21 htpp:// /2014_09/19010716_rehberl%C4%B1etk%C4%B1nl%C4%B1kler%C4%B1 .pdf /O_R_Y_P_E_O.pdf (if operational) /icerikler/mesleki-bilgilendirme sistemi_75147.html?CHK=a6659ed51003af1bcb181c4c1bc87a df Korkut Owen,2015