OER Advocacy Workshop Nicole Allen Director of Open Education, SPARC OER Policy Workshop (#OERPolicyWorks) March 19, 2014 Warsaw, Poland Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Agenda • • • • • • • • 9:30 Overview of Day 9:45 Advocacy Basics 10:00 Overview: Campaign Development 10:15 Breakouts: Campaign Development 11:15 Break 11:30 Share: Campaign Development 12:30 Overview: Campaign Strategy 12:45 Lunch Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Agenda • • • • • • • 13:45 Breakouts: Campaign Strategy 14:30 Share: Campaign Strategy 15:15 Overview: Campaign Communication 15:30 Breakouts: Campaign Communication 16:15 Share: Campaign Communication 16:45 Evaluation and next steps 17:00 End Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Goals • Learn an effective model for developing campaigns • Begin planning your own policy campaign • Exchange ideas and receive feedback with other participants Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Deliverables Each country should have a (mostly) complete campaign outline. There are two options: • Written on worksheets, which we’ll photocopy before you leave • Google doc: http://sparc.arl.org/resource/oerpolicyworks Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Advocacy Basics Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Advocacy To take actions or make arguments to advance (or deter) the passage of a policy, or implementation of a policy. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy “A definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions.” (Merriam Webster Dictionary) Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy “A definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions.” (Merriam Webster Dictionary) Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy vs. Program Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy vs. Program Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy vs. Program Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy vs. Program Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy Forum The system in which a policy operates — federal/state/local government, institution, corporation, etc. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Decision Makers Entities in charge of making the decision to pass a policy (or how to implement a policy). Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Stakeholders Outside entities affected by a policy’s implementation. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Typical OER Stakeholders • • • • • Students Professors/Teachers Colleges/Universities/Schools Bookstores (for Higher Ed) Publishers Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Part 1: Campaign Development Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Campaign Development • • • • • Status Quo Problem Vision Solution Barriers Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Status Quo The way things are now. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Defining Status Quo • • • • • • • Who selects content? Who purchases content? Where does the funding come from? Do all students have access to content? Is content up to date? Is content locally relevant? Does content support teaching & learning? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Status Quo • Who selects content? – Individual professors • Who purchases content? – Individual students*** • Where does the funding come from – Students themselves, with support from public & private grants and loans • Do all students have access to content – No, many skip or delay buying books Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Status Quo • Is content up to date? – Generally yes, but in some subjects can be 34 years out of date • Is content locally relevant? – Generally relevant to Americans, but not always to local areas • Does content support teaching & learning? – Generally the quality is good, but the problem is that students can’t afford access Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Problem What is wrong with the status quo? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Problem • The cost of textbooks has risen rapidly, leaving too many students unable to afford their materials. The result can be lower grades, longer time to graduation, and student debt. • Textbook companies can drive up prices because students are a captive market, and professors are not always aware that more affordable options are available. • The largest companies are curtailing the benefits of technology by putting heavy restrictions on digital materials and blocking innovators from entering the market. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Vision How would the world look if the problem didn’t exist? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Vision • Technology makes it possible to distribute information to a worldwide audience at virtually no cost, and to enable new, better ways of teaching and learning. OER is the most effective way to leverage that potential. • In a perfect world, higher education would make widespread use of OER expanding affordable access to textbooks, enabling instructors to adapt materials to improve teaching, and supporting new sustainable publishing models. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Solution What specific change or series of changes could bring the world closer to your vision? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Solution • The key to solving the problem is to get more professors to seek, consider and adopt OER. • Specifically for that to be possible, professors need both high quality content and support for identifying, reviewing and adapting it to their course. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Barriers What customs, policies, behaviors, or entities stand in the way of your solution? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Barriers • Lack of funding or expertise to provide the kind of support faculty need to transition to OER • Uneven availability of high quality ready-to-use open textbooks • Faculty perceptions that OER are low quality • Limited awareness of OER at colleges and universities Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Breakout Groups Fill out the Campaign Development form for the situation in your country. Google Docs/Downloads: http://sparc.arl.org/resource/oerpolicyworks Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Share Tell the group what you came up with for Campaign Development. Google Docs/Downloads: http://sparc.arl.org/resource/oerpolicyworks Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Part 2: Campaign Strategy Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Campaign Strategy • • • • • • • • Policy Proposal Target Goal Timeframe Allies/Opposition Resources Influencers Strategy Tactics Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy Proposal What policy will you propose to implement your solution? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Types of OER Policy * 1. Invest resources explicitly in the creation or adoption of OER 2. Inject open licensing into systems that create educational resources 3. Endorse or call for OER 4. Remove barriers to OER * This is a working theory, let’s see if it holds true outside the U.S. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Policy Ideas • Funding OER pilot programs • Diverting textbook funding to develop/deploy OER instead • Open licensing policies for materials created by professors or with public funds • Adding OER to strategic plans Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Policy Proposal • Federally-funded grant program to support the creation, improvement and adoption of OER. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Target Who is the specific decision maker, or group of decision makers, that has the power to pass your policy proposal? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Target Ideas • • • • National government (incl. ministers) Provincial/local governments Leaders of schools/universities Funders of research/development Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example Target • Generally, U.S. Congress • Specifically, members of the House and Senate committees that work on higher education Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Timeframe When do you seek to pass your policy proposal? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Timeframe • In this case, we want to get the bill attached to the “reauthorization” of our Higher Education Act, so the timeframe will be dependent on that. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Goal Your policy proposal put in terms of a target and a timeframe. “Get [target] to [pass policy proposal] by [timeframe].” Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Goal • Get the U.S. Congress to pass a grant program funding the creation, improvement, and use of open textbooks when it passes the Higher Education Act reauthorization bill. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Allies/Opposition What people and organizations are on your side? Who is against you?. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Allies • • • • • • Student organizations Other OER Groups: Creative Commons, etc. Senator Durbin, Congressman Hinojosa A few college groups Open textbook publishers Faculty groups? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Opposition • Publishers, incl. companies and trade associations • Politicians who oppose federal spending Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Resources What resources – including money, manpower, connections, etc. – do you and your allies have available? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Resources • • • • • • Hewlett Foundation grant SPARC reserve budget 100+ U.S. SPARC library members in 45/50 states Good contacts with the press Open Access Working Group (OA coalition) Legislative action software Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Influencers What entities and ideas can influence your target to make the decision you want them to make? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Influencers • American voters, specifically those in the states/districts of our targets. – Students/Parents – Professors – Colleges • • • • The press Powerful members of Congress In some cases, the Administration Campaign donations Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Strategy The theory for how you can achieve your goal. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Common Strategies • • • • Persuade target Incentivize target Put pressure on target Hold target accountable Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Strategy Demonstrate a broad base of constituent support for the idea of textbook affordability and open textbooks to incentivize – and in some cases pressure – members of the House and Senate education committees to support the OER program’s inclusion in the Higher Education Act, which will ultimately lead to its passage. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Tactics The specific actions you take to execute your strategy. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Tactic Tips • Best process is to brainstorm all possible tactics, then pick the ones that fit with your resources, then fit them into your timeline. • We won’t have time for that today, so just outline a few that you think are most important. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Tactics • Work with coalition to organize student resolutions and letters and in key states/districts. • Generate media coverage on the issue. • Build relationships with target offices. • Organize educational briefing on Capitol Hill. • Work with bill sponsors to reach out to targets and convince them to support the bill. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Strategy or Tactic? Organize presentation to faculty to educate them about OER. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Strategy or Tactic? Persuade educators to make their teaching materials available as OER. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Strategy or Tactic? Hold publishers publicly accountable for their excessively high profit margins to change their practices. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Strategy or Tactic? Organize a coordinated twitter campaign to launch an OER portal. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Breakout Groups Fill out the Campaign Strategy form for the policy proposal you are most interested in. Google Docs/Downloads: http://sparc.arl.org/resource/oerpolicyworks Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Agenda 13:45 Breakouts: Campaign Strategy 14:30 Share: Campaign Strategy 15:00 Overview: Campaign Communication 15:15 Breakouts: Campaign Communication (incl. 15 min break) • 16:00 Share: Campaign Communication • 16:45 Evaluation and next steps • 17:00 End • • • • Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Share Tell the group what you came up with for Campaign Strategy. Google Docs/Downloads: http://sparc.arl.org/resource/oerpolicyworks Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Part 3: Campaign Communication Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Campaign Communication • • • • Audience Frames Message Materials Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Audience Who is your campaign oriented towards? The target or someone who influences the target? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Audience There are two key audiences for our campaign: • SPARC member librarians • Target Congressional offices (equivalent to members of the public) Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Frames What pre-existing themes does your audience associate with the topic? Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Frames Good frames: • Textbooks, and higher ed in general, are expensive. • Student debt is a big problem. • Education is important for the economy. • Technology can solve problems. Bad/problematic frames: • You get what you pay for. • If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. • MOOCs are the cutting edge. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Message The case you make to your audience. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Message Structure • • • • Hook (Something that interests the target) Problem (Connect the hook to the problem) Solution (Why OER) Action (Why your policy proposal) • Short message • Long message Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Message Tips • Use your list of frames and your list of influencers • Include key facts • Explain things using language your audience will understand • Use active, colorful language Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Tiny Message Textbook costs are out of control and America can do better. It's time to unleash the power of technology through free open textbooks. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Short Message Textbook costs are out of control and are driving students deeper in debt. America should capitalize on today’s technology to make textbooks affordable and better for students. The most effective model is open textbooks, which are free online to students and available for anyone to use, adapt and share. Support the Affordable College Textbook Act to expand the use of open textbooks at more campuses, reducing costs for students and supporting more innovative models for educatio. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Long Message • Hook: Everyone knows that college costs are skyrocketing and student debt has become a big problem. • Problem: Textbooks are a significant contributing expense. Students spend $1,200 per year, and many skip or delay buying textbooks because the cost is too high. The traditional textbook system continues to drive up costs, stifling competition and taking advantage of students. • Technology has the potential to solve this problem, but only if we go about it the right way. Much of the existing digital content has legal and technical restrictions that prevent everything we’re used to doing on the Web – reading free, copying, sharing, editing, etc. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Long Message • Solution: The most effective model to unlock the potential of technology is Open Educational Resources, or “OER.” OER are academic materials that are distributed free online with copyright permissions for everyone to freely use, adapt and share the content. Students can access OER at no cost, professors can tailor the material to suit their course, and print copies can be made at a low cost. • OER is widely available in many subjects, and if more professors start to leverage it, students would save 80100% on textbooks. Studies also show that OER supports better grades because all students have access. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Example: Long Message • Ask: The challenge is that professors are not always aware of options like OER. The key is to provide more support on campus. • For this reason, we are asking you to co-sponsor the Affordable College Textbook Act. This bill would fund campus pilot programs to create, improve, and expand use of OER. These pilots would directly reduce costs for students, and any materials they create would be freely available to the public too. The bill would also reduce costs in the long run by enabling sustainable, competitive business models to develop. Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Materials How you communicate your message to your audience Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na External Materials • • • • • • • Fact Sheet (2 page max) Myths and facts sheet (2 page max) Primer (longer, if your audience wants it) Webpage Infographic or related images List of “further reading” Op-Ed or good news clippings Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Internal Materials • Talking points for meetings with targets • Q&A for meetings with targets • Document summarizing the campaign strategy, tactics and timeline • Document summarizing the campaign message, frames and audience Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Breakout Groups Fill out the Campaign Communications form for your campaign. Google Docs/Downloads: http://sparc.arl.org/resource/oerpolicyworks Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Share Tell the group what you came up with for Campaign Communication. Google Docs/Downloads: http://sparc.arl.org/resource/oerpolicyworks Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na Evaluation & Next Steps Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na OER Advocacy Workshop Nicole Allen Director of Open Education, SPARC OER Policy Workshop (#OERPolicyWorks) March 19, 2014 Warsaw, Poland Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition #oerpolicyworks @txtbks @sparc_na