What is Army ROTC
Army Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC)
Army ROTC is the largest of the three sources by which the Army creates commissioned officers.
Along with taking the normal classes required to earn a 4 year degree from a university, cadets take
ROTC classes which prepare them to join the Army as an Army Officer. Upon completing their four
year degree, cadets who graduate from the Army ROTC program will go on to Active Duty or serve
in the National Guard or Army Reserve.
Classes and Training
Army ROTC is one of the best leadership development and training courses that exist on college
campuses today. Through a combination of classroom instruction, leadership labs, Army physical
fitness training and field training exercises, Army ROTC trains young men and women to handle the
challenges of being an officer in today's modern Army.
Army ROTC at Central Washington University
In 2008 Central Washington University Army ROTC was awarded the Founders and Patriots Award
for top Army ROTC program in the nation out of the 277 Army ROTC programs in the country that
year. Last year CWU Army ROTC won the trophy for top ROTC team at the National Sandhurst
Competition for Ranger Challenge. After winning previous Ranger Challenge competitions within
CWU Army ROTCs Brigade, Centrals team was selected to compete against 50 other teams including
30 teams from West Point, eight ROTC teams representing the eight ROTC Brigades in the
US, international teams. CWU took twelfth overall and scored the highest score for ROTC team in
the history of the Sandhurst Competition. By beating all other ROTC teams at the competition
Central Army ROTCs Ranger Challenge Team received the trophy for #1 ROTC program in the nation
for Ranger Challenge.
What is Army ROTC
The Evaluation and Accessions Process
During a cadets Junior year they receive squad and platoon tactics training and are also evaluated
on their leadership ability during this training. This evaluation along with an evaluation that occurs
at the Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) during the summer after a cadets
junior year is combined with the cadets college GPA to create an overall evaluation of the cadet.
That evaluation is sent up to US Army Cadet Command after that cadet has attend LDAC. The
evaluation is turned into a score and that overall score is compared to the scores of every other
cadet throughout the country graduating in that cadets year group. This is known as the
accessions process. The cadets ranking will determine whether they competitive enough to go on
active duty or in the reserves and will also determine which of the 16 Army branches they go into.
Army ROTC Scholarships
Army ROTC scholarships are one of the best tools ROTC battalions have for assisting cadets with
earning the 4 year degrees required to get a commission as an officer in the U.S. Army. Army
ROTC offers 4 year, 3 year and 2 year regular scholarships.
We also are able to offer 3 year advanced designee and 2 year advanced designee scholarships.
An advanced designee scholarship allows us to commit a scholarship to a cadet one year prior to
that cadet receiving the scholarship. So long as that cadet maintains a good GPA, passes their
Army PT test, and is performing well in the ROTC program, that cadet will be assured that
scholarship at the start of their next year.
Cadets can also apply for or change their 4 year, 3 year and 2 year scholarships into Guaranteed
Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) scholarships. This will commit the cadet to taking a commission in
the Army National Guard or Army Reserve upon graduation from college.
Besides scholarships, cadets can be chosen to contract into ROTC program without a scholarship.
Cadets will still receive the ROTC stipend and can get commissioned into Active Duty, Army
Reserve or the Army National Guard but don’t receive any scholarship benefits.
For a more detailed explanations of scholarships, contracting, the SMP program and tuition
reimbursement see the following slides.
“How do I join Army ROTC?”
Answering this question properly depends on a number
of factors:
• How much time do you have left in college?
• Have you enlisted in the National Guard or Army
• Do you want to compete for a scholarship?
• Are you eligible to join the military? (medically, legally,
and administratively qualified)
• For the best answer of how do you join…it’s important
to sit down with an Army ROTC cadre member
“How do I apply for a 4 year National Scholarship?”
Starting the application for the Four Year National Army ROTC Scholarship is easy!!!
You can begin applying the summer after your junior year of high school
STEP 1: Apply online
Go to
Click the link at the bottom of the page to build a profile and start the application.
STEP 2: Submit the required documents including:
•Copy of your high school transcript and copy of your SAT or ACT score
• A copy of the scholarship physical fitness test. This can be administered by any high
school sports coach or PE teacher. Go to for the
physical fitness test instruction and score card.
You can scan and e-mail these documents into or fax to
STEP 3: Conduct the scholarship interview
Schedule an appointment to conduct your scholarship interview. Call 509-963-3518
to schedule your interview at CWU Army ROTC
ROTC Scholarship Opportunities Breakdown
4 Year National Scholarship
Summary: Recipients are chosen by a
national board. Students give a list of
specific top schools that they plan to
apply and get accepted to and can
choose a school to use the scholarship
at from that list if they are offered a
Choose to have scholarship pay full
tuition and fees OR Room and Board
($3263.32 per qtr paid to cadet)
ROTC stipend - $300 -$500 per month,
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
Service Obligations:
8 years (minimum 4 yrs active or
reserve, and 4 years IRR)
-National Level Online Application
-Interview with ROTC cadre/ROTC PMS
-Presidential Physical Fitness test
Application period:
End of Junior year of High School
To January of Senior year of High School
4 Year Campus Scholarship
Summary: A four year scholarship
whose recipients are chosen by CWU
Army ROTC s Professor of Military
Science. Can only be used at CWU.
Choose to have scholarship pay tuition
and Fees OR Room and Board
($3263.32 per qtr paid to cadet)
ROTC stipend - $300 -$500 per month,
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
Service Obligations:
8 years (combination of active, reserve,
-Interview with ROTC cadre and ROTC
-Army Physical Fitness Test
-Transcript turned in, 104R complete
Application period:
April of Senior year of High School to
July 15
3 Year Advanced Designee
Summary: A 3 year scholarship
awarded in place of a 4 yr National or 4
yr Campus Scholarship. Payments begin
at the start of Sophomore year.
Choose to have scholarship pay tuition
and Fees OR Room and Board
($3263.32 per qtr paid to cadet)
ROTC stipend - $350 -$500 per month
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
Service Obligations:
8 years (combination of active, reserve,
-All requirements for 4 year national OR
All requirements for 4 year campus
based scholarships
Application period:
Can be awarded from 4 year national
scholarship application or 4 year
campus scholarship application
ROTC Scholarship Opportunities Breakdown
3 Year Campus Scholarship
Summary: A three year scholarship
whose recipients are chosen by CWU
Army ROTC s Professor of Military
Science. Can only be used at CWU.
Choose to have scholarship pay tuition
and Fees OR Room and Board
($3263.32 per qtr paid to cadet)
ROTC stipend - $300 -$500 per month,
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
(Payment starts beginning of
Sophomore year)
Service Obligations:
8 years (combination of active, reserve,
-Interview with ROTC cadre and ROTC
-Army Physical Fitness Test
-Transcript turned in, 104R complete
Application period:
At the end of a student Freshman year
of college
2 Year Campus Scholarship
Summary: Cadets who complete all
MLS 100 and 200 level courses, transfer
students starting their junior year who
have completed basic and AIT and some
select students who will attend LTC are
eligible to compete for two year
Tuition and Fees
or Room and Board ($3263.32 per qtr
paid to cadet) Payment starts
beginning of Junior year.
ROTC stipend - $450 -$500 per month
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
Service Obligations:
8 years (combination of active, reserve,
3 1/2 Year Science, Technology
Engineering and Math (STEM)
Summary: Freshman who are planning
to pursue a STEM major can apply for
this scholarship after the first quarter of
their Freshman year.
Tuition and Fees
or Room and Board ($3263.32 per qtr
paid to cadet)
ROTC stipend - $450 -$500 per month
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
Service Obligations:
8 years (combination of active, reserve,
-Interview with ROTC cadre/ROTC PMS
-Army Physical Fitness Test
-Transcript turned in, 104R complete
-Interview with ROTC cadre/ROTC PMS
-Army Physical Fitness Test
-Transcript turned in, 104R complete
-Student must sign a document stating
they will pursue a STEM major or they
will lose the scholarship.
Application period:
April 1 to July 15 of each year.
Application period:
Winter quarter Freshman year
ROTC Scholarship Opportunities Breakdown
Contracted (Non Scholarship)
Does not cover tuition, fees, or room
and board
ROTC stipend - $300 -$500 per month,
Service Obligations:
8 years (combination of active, reserve,
Must take all MLS 100 level and 200
level classes before end of Sophomore
-orBe a veteran who has completed basic
training and AIT
-orBe willing to attend and be selected for
Leadership Training Camp (LTC) at Ft.
Knox, KY summer of Sophomore, Junior
or Senior year depending on how many
years till degree completion.
Application period:
Cadets taking part in ROTC can be
offered to contract with the program at
SMP Contracted (Non
Does not cover tuition, fees, or room and
ROTC stipend - $300 -$500 per month
E-5 Drill/AT pay - $350.00 per month
Service Obligations:
8 years (combination of active, reserve,
Benefit of contracted SMP cadet (nonscholarship) compared to GRFD
scholarship or Dedicated National Guard
Scholarship (see next page) is that it still
allows the cadet to commission and go on
Active Duty where the GRFD/dedicated
NG/Reserve scholarships require the cadet
to go into the reserves
Same as contracted non-scholarship AND
must enter into SMP agreement with the
National Guard or Army Reserve upon
Application period:
Cadets taking part in ROTC can be offered
to contract at anytime.
ROTC Scholarship Opportunities Breakdown
Cultures and Language Incentive Pay – Bonus (CLIP-B)
This is not a traditional Army scholarship or type ROTC contracting. This is an incentive pay program that is available for
contracted cadets.
Pays a cadet up to $3000 a year (before taxes) so long as they are actively taking college classes in one of a list of designated
These languages include the list below (languages in bold red with a asterisk next to them are offered at CWU. )
•Arabic – all dialects
•*Chinese – all dialects
•Hausa – and all indigenous Sub-Saharan languages/dialects (except Afrikaans)
•Indonesian – all dialects
•Malay and Malaysian languages and dialects
•Persian – all dialects including: Dari, Farsi, Tajik
•Pashto – all dialects and languages of Afghanistan
•Portuguese – all dialects
•*Russian and all Slavic languages, as well as Romanian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian
•Turkish and languages of Central Asia: Turkmen, Uzbek, Kazakh, Uyghur
•Urdu, Hindi and languages of the Indian Subcontinent: Punjabi, Bengali, Telegu, Tamil, Sinhalese, and Burmese
•Vietnamese, Khmer and Laotian and other South East Asian dialects
ROTC National Guard and Reserve Scholarships
Dedicated Army National Guard/Reserve Scholarship
Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty Scholarship (GRFD)
Summary: Can be applied for with 3 yrs or less remaining. Cadets
that wish to change their active duty 4 year and 3 year scholarships
to a reserve scholarship can apply for the dedicated National Guard
or Army Reserve scholarship. Key difference between this
scholarship and the GRFD scholarship is that this requires the
cadet to commit to EITHER the Army Reserve or the Army
National Guard.
Summary: Can be applied for with 2 yrs of college remaining.
Already contracted ROTC cadets or cadets that wish to change
their active duty 4 year and 3 year scholarships to a reserve
scholarship can apply for the GRFD scholarship. Cadets who
have been to basic and AIT can simultaneously use the Reserve
GI Bill and GRFD scholarship.
Tuition Assistance ($4500 per year)
CWU VA Grant ($1200 per year)
Room and Board ($3263.32 per year)
Assistance can no longer be
used in conjunction with either
a GRFD or Dedicated
Reserve/NG Scholarship
**G.I. Bill and kicker
ROTC stipend - $350 -$500 per month cannot be used at the same
time as 3 year dedicated
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
reserve/NG scholarship
Drill/AT SMP pay $4,424.00 per year
**CH 1606/1607 Reserve GI Bill - $3370 per year
**GI Bill Kicker - $3500.00 per year
Service Obligations:
8 years – *Must choose upfront between Guard or Army Reserve*
-2.5 GPA, must pass APFT & HT/WT, must be already contracted
with ROTC
-Must enter into SMP agreement and begin drilling with Guard or
Reserve unit
Application period:
Can begin application process at end of Freshman year.
Tuition Assistance ($4500 per year)
CWU VA Grant ($1200 per year)
Room and Board ($3263.32 per year)
Tuition Assistance can no
longer be used in
conjunction with either a
GRFD or Dedicated
Reserve/NG Scholarship
**G.I. Bill and kicker
only usable if cadet
ROTC stipend - $450 -$500 per month
has completed basic
Book stipend - $1200 dollar per year
training and AIT
Drill/AT SMP pay $4,424.00 per year
**CH 1606/1607 Reserve GI Bill - $3370 per year
**GI Bill Kicker - $3500.00 per year
Service Obligations:
8 years – *Required to join National Guard or Reserves*
-2.5 GPA, must pass APFT & HT/WT, must be already contracted
with ROTC
-Must enter into SMP agreement and begin drilling with NG
Application period:
Can begin application process for GRFD scholarship as early as
summer quarter before Junior year.
Additional Information
Contracted vs Scholarship
All Scholarship cadets are automatically
contracted upon accepting their
scholarships. However, a cadet does
not have to have a scholarship to be
contracted. In order to continue with
Army ROTC after their sophomore year,
a cadet must be contracted.
Regardless of whether a cadet is
scholarship or contracting without
scholarship, all cadets commit to serve
a minimum of 8 years in a combination
of active, reserve or IRR duty.
What is the ROTC stipend?
What is an SMP Cadet?
The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) allows cadets to attend Army ROTC
and also serve in the U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard at the same time.
Cadets serve as officer trainees and have the opportunity to learn from experienced
officers in the National Guard and Reserves while completing college. You will earn
reserve drill pay and some benefits while serving in the National Guard or Reserves.
-ROTC SMP cadets receive E-5 (Sergeant) pay for their weekends drill.
-Cadets will wear ROTC rank and uniform to drill weekends and typically shadow an
officer in the unit.
-Cadets who receive the GRFD or Dedicated Army National Guard/Reserve
scholarship are required to become SMP cadets after being awarded the scholarship.
Washington National Guard Locations
(21 Locations – Yakima Armory is closest to CWU)
The ROTC stipend is paid directly to all
contracted cadets to help pay for
incidental costs of attending college.
Payments are dependent on which
“MS” class that student is currently
enrolled :
MS I year = $300.00 per month
MS II year = $350.00 per month
MS III year = $450.00 per month
MS IV year = $500.00 per month
Army Reserve Locations
(3 locations)
Seattle, WA
Ft Lewis, WA
Vancouver, WA
Applying for a Scholarship
How to Apply for the National Scholarship
Starting the application for the Four Year National Army ROTC Scholarship is easy!!!
You can begin applying the summer after your junior year of high school
STEP 1: Apply online
Go to
Click the link at the bottom of the page to build a profile and start the application.
STEP 2: Submit the required documents including:
• A Copy of your high school transcript and copy of your SAT or ACT score
• A copy of the scholarship physical fitness test. This can be administered by any high
school sports coach or PE teacher. Go to for the
physical fitness test instruction and score card.
You can scan and e-mail these documents into or fax to 502624-1120
STEP 3: Conduct the scholarship interview
Schedule an appointment to conduct your scholarship interview. Call 509-963-3518 to
schedule your interview at CWU Army ROTC
How to Apply for the Campus Based Scholarship
Call 509-963-3518 for CWUs Army ROTC campus based
Call the Army ROTC School that you are interested in
attending for there campus based scholarship
General advice for applying for a scholarship
•When does the application really begin?
-The day you contact the ROTC program or academy
• Build an I love me book – A portfolio briefly outlining
your accomplishments
• Schools are looking for a well balanced applicant
(Scholar, Athlete, Leader)
•Do your homework. Research the school, the
ROTC program and branch of service
General advice for applying….to anything
•Dress for success
• prepare for each interaction whether its on the
phone, via e-mail or in person
•Be physically prepared (you will need to take and do
well on a physical fitness test to get a scholarship)
•Know why you want to join the military and be an
Medical and Legal Disqualification
• A number of diagnosed conditions can disqualify
you from military service, here are some of the
most common:
Asthma (including exercise Asthma)
 Surgeries (even if fully recovered)
Sleep apnea
Severe Myopia
…and many more
*Waiver are available for high qualified applicant
Medical and Legal Disqualification
Many legal issues can disqualify someone from military
• Minor in Possession of Alcohol
• Driving Under the Influence
• Vandalism
• Assault
….many other civil and legal convictions can disqualify
someone as well including excessive speeding tickets.
• Drug use to include Marijuana use, even in the state of
Washington. Cannot have used Marijuana in the
previous 6 months.
*waivers are available for highly qualified applicants
Other administrative disqualifications
Other life situations can be disqualifying as well:
•Single parent (Disqualifying for Army ROTC…not
for OCS)
• Married with more then two dependents
Cadet Timeline (Freshman – Sophomore)
4 year
and 4 year
3 AD
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
MSL 212
MSL 212
MSL 212
MSL 212
MSL 212
MSL 212
MSL 101
MSL 102
MSL 103
MSL 201
MSL 202
MSL 203
Guaranteed a scholarship if they keep GPA above 2.5 and pass PT test
Apply for 3 year
Or 3 year
If awarded scholarship the cadet is contracted and allowed to go on to Junior Year
Apply for 2
Or 2 year
Cadets can
compete for
special schools
that take place
during the
Air Assault,
or just SMP
Non-contracted Cadet can try the program out up until their Junior year
MSL 101-203 must be taken to
continue to Junior year.
Completion of Basic training or LTC
can make up for these courses.
past there
Cadet Timeline(Junior – Senior)
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
PEF 118
MSL 301B
MSL 301B
MSL 301B
MSL 301B
MSL 301B
MSL 301
MSL 302
MSL 312
MSL 401
MSL 402
MSL 403
HIS 317
Military History must be taken sometime
before graduation. It is only offered
Winter quarters at CWU.
Prepare for LDAC and receive
leadership evaluations
Cadets can
compete for
special schools
that take place
during the
Air Assault,
All Cadets
attend the
Course (LDAC)
at Fort Knox,
The ascensions
packet is
Includes GPA, PT
score, all
States cadets
preference to go
on Active, NG or
reserve. For
competing for
active the
packet contains
ranked order of
top branch
All Cadets Contracted
How to contact us
E-mail us at
Scholarship and Enrollment
Mr. Andrew Van Den Hoek
Office Phone: 509-963-3520
Cell Phone: 509-859-4345
Executive Officer
Professor of Military Science
Captain Ben Glasgall
Office Phone: 509-963-3588
Lieutenant Colonel Scott Carpenter
Office Phone: 509-963-3575
National Scholarship Application Website
To begin the process of applying for a 4 year national scholarship while in high school go to: