NIH Salary Cap Presentation


Salary Cap

 Salary cap is the difference between what is charged and the cap which is allowed by NIH

Example (FY):

PI Salary: $250,000 NIH Cap (2011): $199,700

Monthly Sal: $20,833

100% Effort

Monthly Cap: $16,642

**Difference: $4,191 (Amt to be Cost Shared)

Monthly Sal: $2,083

10% Effort

Monthly Cap: $1,664

**Difference: $419 (Amt to be Cost Shared)

Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts

 Things to remember:

 Direct Salary, Salary, and Institutional Base Salary hold the same meeting in relation to the NIH salary limitations

 Institutional Salary is the individual’s annual compensation that the organization pays for their appointment

 Salary cap, as listed by NIH, is noted as FY Salary, not AY

 FY 2011 Salary Cap

 Fiscal Year Employee: $199,700

 Academic Year Employee: $149,775

 Or $16,642 monthly salary

Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts

FY12 Salary Cap – Executive Level II ($179,700 FY;

$134,775 AY; Monthly Salary $14,975)

Effective with awards issued on or after December

23, 2011.

FY 12 funds issued prior to this date will be calculated with the old rate of $199,700 (FY).

Carry over funds from previous years will remain at the salary limitation level in effect at the time those awards were issued.

New Award

 Sponsor Accounts and Salary Cap Cost Share

Accounts will be established and utilize “FY12” within their title to indicate the appropriate level to be used

Increases (Non-Competing)

 New Sponsor Accounts and New Salary Cap Cost

Share Accounts will be established and named


 Increases- Continued

 Unobligated balances from previous years’ awards will remain in their original accounts

▪ Salary charged to these funds will use the salary cap level in effect at the time the award was issued

 Executive Level II (FY12) limitations will not be effective until the FY12 funds are used

▪ EX: PI’s salary is $200,000

▪ Level used when tracking Salary Cap on “old” funds would be


▪ Level used when tracking Salary Cap on “new” funds would be


• NIH is currently working under Continuing Resolution, therefore, all legislative mandates that were in effect in FY 12 remain in effect now.

• This includes the Salary Limitation at Executive Level II ($179,700 FY)

• FY13 funds issued while Continuing Resolution is in effect will be added to existing FY12 accounts within the grant and the SP title will be changed to include “FY13”

An increase in the Salary Cap limitation will affect the amount that will need to be cost shared

An increase or decrease in PI salary will affect the amount that will be cost shared or if Salary Cap is applicable

Changes in the PI’s effort on the project will change the cost distribution between sponsor dollars and cost share dollars

**Effort only changes the dollar amount of cost share required, not if Salary Cap is applicable

**If Salary Cap is increased, but the PI’s salary stays the same, Salary Cap could cease to apply; if the PI’s salary then falls under the new cap

Fiscal Year Employee and Academic Year Employee







Salary Cap FY






Salary Cap AY






*Effective with awards issued for FY12 on or after December 23, 2011

Monthly Cap






Academic Year (monthly)

 (Institutional Salary* 1/9) * Effort

Fiscal Year (monthly)

 (Institutional Salary * 1/12) * Effort

Salary Cap: $16,642 * Effort

▪ $16,642 is based off the current NIH Salary Cap of $199,700

 $199,700/12=$16,642

**Fringes are budgeted, but the PI’s salary drives the Cap, fringes just follow.

 Institutional Salary: $200,000

 ($200,000*1/9) * Effort (100%)

 =$22,222

 ($149,775*1/9) * Effort (100%)

 =$16,642

▪ Cost Share= $5,580

($200,000*1/9) * Effort (10%)

 =$2,222

($149,775*1/9) * Effort (10%)

 =$1,664

▪ Cost Share= $558

 FY Employee Example

 AY Employee Example

 FY12 Example

Notify SPS personnel when an individual has exceeded the salary cap limitation and is paid on an NIH funded research project (41020000)

 This applies to all personnel working on a project.

Provide SPS with budget (salary and fringes) for the Salary Cap Account

Accurately charge salaries to sponsor accounts and related cost sharing accounts based on PI’s effort certification

 If effort changes at any point, the distribution should change to ensure proper allocation to the salary cap and sponsor accounts

 Update your Salary Cap spreadsheet on a monthly basis to track and ensure compliance with the sponsor regulations

 This is the ideal time to verify salary levels for the

PI and make appropriate adjustments

Correct any non-compliance issues upon identification

Distribute Agency guidelines to University

Departments via Business @ Purdue

Review Salary Cap at PAR time

Contact business office personnel in the event of non-compliance

Meet with business offices upon request to discuss account specifics and/or overall management of salary cap faculty members

Megan Sweet (Sr. Account Mgr)

 765-494-6367

Natasha Lavrenz (Account Mgr)

 765-494-1066

Please use generic e-mail (






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