Final Review Meeting – 16 October 2014 Milan (Italy

Embedded Resonant and ModulablE Self-Tuning Laser Cavity for Next Generation
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Final Review Meeting – 16th October 2014
Milan (Italy)
8.15: Meeting at Fondazione Politecnico di Milano for Project Officer and Reviewers
8.15 - 9.00 Internal meeting for Project Officer and Reviewers
9.15: Meeting at Fondazione Politecnico di Milano for Project partners
9.15 - 12.30 Start of the official review:
• Introduction and general update of the project (Mario Martinelli, POLIMI)
• “Administrative" deliverables in WP1 (Lucia Marazzi POLIMI)
• WP2. Objectives and deliverables implemented (Paola Parolari, POLIMI)
• WP3. Objectives and deliverables implemented (Romain Brenot, III-V Lab)
• WP4. Objectives and deliverables implemented (Simon Arega Gebrewold, Juerg Leuthold, ETH)
• WP5. Objectives and deliverables implemented (Philippe Chanclou, Orange)
• WP6. Objectives and deliverables implemented (Giorgio Parladori, ALUI)
During the review there will be a coffe break at 10.00 - 10.15.
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 14.30 Visit to Lab and ERMES demo
14.30 - 15.00 Use or resources and management (F. Amarilli, FPM)
15.00 - 15.30: Break for discussion PO-reviewers
15.30 - Feedback from PO and reviewers
16.30: Close of meeting
Final Review Meeting