Empiricism, the Imagination, and Carlo Fontana’s Inverted Architectural Book Kimberley Skelton ovanni Battista Costaguti, Architettura della Carlo Fontana, Il Tem mpio Vaticano e sua asilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano, 1684, title origine, 1694, title page p ge Sebastiano Serlio, Tutte lopera darchitettura et prospetiva, 1619, t page o Fontana, Il Tempio Vaticano e sua origine, 4, site plan of St. Peters Giovanni Battista Costaguti, C Costaguti Architettura della Basilica di S. S Pietro in Vaticano, Vaticano 1684, 1684 plan of St. Peters ea Palladio, I quattro libri architettura, 1570, Palazzo Capra Carlo C l Fontana, F t A fit ttro Flavio, Anfiteat Fl i 1725, 1725 project j t for f a church h h dedicated d di t d to t Christian Ch i ti martyr t inside the Colosseum, elevation/section e with plan and elevation of church Roland Fréart, sieur du Chambray, A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the Modern, Modern 1664, 1664 comparison of Serlios and Vignolas Ionic Orders [English translation of Parallèle de larchitecture antique avec la moderne] Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach, Entwurff einer historischen Archittectur, 1725, Egyptian pyramids Carlo Fontana, Discorso sopra lantico Monte Citatorio o, 1708, elevation and ground floor plan of Fontanas initial design for the Curia Giovanni Battista Falda, Il nuo ovo teatro delle fabriche, et edificii, in prospettiva di Ro oma moderna, 1665, Piazza Colonna Domenico Fontana, Della trasportatione dellObelisco Vaticano, 1590, transporting the Vatican Obelisk Carlo Fontana, Il Tempio Vaticano e sua C o origine, 1694, transporting the Vatican O Obelisk René Descartes, La dioptrique, 1637, diagram of human vision Sheet demonstrating telescopes by Giuseppe Campani, early 1680s Telescope test sheet sent by Paolo Falconieri in Rome to Lorenzo Magalotti in Florence (witth notes of test results), 1664 Robert Fludd, Ars memoriae, in Utriusque Cosmi Historia, 1619, title page nasius Kircher, Musurgia universalis, 1650, hall with talking statuee Carlo Fontana, Design for medal commemorating pr wing of Ospizio di S. Michele a Ripa, Rome, c. 1704