the PPT - Changing the Face of Christianity

Transformational Life Groups
A Whole NEW Way of Doing Christian Small
Groups, Where…
 The goal is NOT to fill your head with “another
study”, but to transform your heart and live your
Christian faith. (Luke 24:25-32, Psalm 119:10-11, Psalm 119:33-34,
Romans 1:8, Philippians 1:27)
 The result is NOT just personal growth, but a life
that produces fruit and positively impacts your
neighborhood, community, and world
(Galatians 5:22-23, John 15:1-8, Matthew 5:13-16, Hebrews 13:16, James 2:14-24)
 Prayer is NOT an afterthought, but an integral and
transforming aspect of your group
(2 Timothy 1:3, Philippians 4:6, James 5:13-16)
A Whole NEW Way of Doing Christian Small
Groups, Where…
 Church isn't something you go to each Sunday,
but something you ARE together
 Everyone is expected to lead and share the load
 Everyone is accountable to each other
A Whole NEW Way of Doing Christian Small
Groups, Where…
 Being overwhelmed, burnt-out, and playing "catch
up" are a thing of the past
 Repeatedly wondering “what are we going to do
next?” is no longer an issue
 Your group relationships will strengthen, flourish,
and grow DEEP
 Your group will be a witness that Christians are the
best "lovers of people" (Christians and nonChristians) the world has ever known,
bringing glory to God!
Ok, so after 2000 years, what could be so
revolutionary? Here are some questions for you:
In your current small group…
 Are you “going through the motions?”, going from
one study to the next? Do you ever stop and DO
what the study is teaching?
 Are you always running out of time for prayer
 Ever feel like your conversations are skin deep?
 Ever feel like you don’t really know your small
group members on a real level?
Ok, so after 2000 years, what could be so
revolutionary? Here are some questions for you.
In your current small group…
 Is it difficult to get some people to share, open up,
or pray? Or when people share, do you feel like
they are holding back?
 Know anyone that prays for others but never asks
for prayers for themselves (lacking vulnerability)?
 Ever feel inadequate to contribute to the
discussion, or self-conscious because others in
your group are more "learned/spiritual/mature"?
Our Proposal: Break through these connection
barriers by getting back to basics
What does it mean to BE a Christian? A Church?
 We are called to love and serve God
 We are called to love and serve others
 We are called to honor and glorify God in all we do
 We are expected to learn more about God, and enjoy our
Christian friendships
 We are expected to be mutually accountable within our
Christian community (and small group)
 We are commissioned to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
through our words and actions
The Plan: For groups meeting 4x/month
The month is broken into 4 quadrants:
 The first week/quadrant is "Bible study and
 The second week/quadrant is "Service"
 The third week is "Prayer, Praise, and Worship"
 The fourth week is "Fellowship and Fun"
 In months with a fifth week, pick any of the above
or take the week off
The Plan: For groups meeting 3x/month
 The first week/quadrant is "Bible study and
 The second week/quadrant is "Service"
 The third week is "Prayer, Praise, and Worship"
 The fourth week is off
 The following week just continue with the
rotation... "Fellowship and Fun"
 from here, just continue the rotation
The Plan: For groups meeting 2x/month
The month is broken into 2 quadrants:
 The first week/quadrant is "Bible
study/discussion and prayer, praise and
 The second week/quadrant is "Service,
fellowship, and fun"
 These weeks are more compressed, so scale back
the quantity of what you do, or extend the time as
necessary. If possible, we recommend moving to 4
weeks a month if and when that’s possible.
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 1: Bible Study and Discussion
Key to this week/quadrant:
 WHY are you studying? To fill your head or
transform your heart and your life?
 Spend one week studying and discussing the
material during your meeting
 Focus on understanding and discuss application
 Don’t just go from study to study. Apply it the rest
of the month. That's it.
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 1: Bible Study and Discussion
 Bible study is never “finished”. Focus on studying,
not on finishing. Take your time.
 We have recommended studies, but you can tackle
any study, book, verse(s) you want
 As a group, you are only studying 1x/month and
you have the entire month to study for this 1 week
 “A” types can read ahead or “finish” other personal
studies on their own time
 We encourage daily Bible reading regardless
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 2: Service
Key to this week/quadrant:
 This is not about you. This is about serving others.
 If you aren't serving, you aren't living the Christian
life. Last week you studied, so this week you DO.
 God commands us to Love one another and to
serve one another
 He commands us to care for widows and orphans
and others in need
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 2: Service
 This week, do a community act of service. You’ve
got a month to plan it and 1 day to do it.
 Serve your neighbors and your community in some
way, together as a group
 Get out of the comfort of your homes and churches
and serve. Make a difference in your own way.
 Not only will this show the world the love of God,
but you will also draw closer to your small group
members through the shared experience
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 3: Prayer, Praise and Worship
Key to this week/quadrant:
 Prayer is integral to the Christian life. Do you
believe God hears your prayers? He does…so, pray!
 God says to pray for anything, everything, and
everyone. Short prayers are ok too!
 Prayer (speaking with God) is critical element of
our relationship with God
 Prayer changes things, and can change you
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 3: Prayer, Praise and Worship
Key to this week/quadrant:
Praise and Worship
 Honoring and giving thanks to God isn’t restricted
to Sunday, at church during church hours.
 Can you only sing at church?
 Jesus is Lord every day of the week…not just
 He is worthy of our adoration all the time
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 3: Prayer, Praise and Worship
 Spend part of your group time praying for yourself,
and each other in your small group.
 Don’t say “I will pray for you”.
Go ahead and pray NOW.
 Also, spend time praying for others you know that
are suffering in some way
 Don’t worry about praying “correctly”. Just open
your mouth and say what’s on your heart
TO God
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 3: Prayer, Praise and Worship
 Spend part of your group time in praise and
worship to God
 Print some lyrics, put on a CD, and sing together
 Open the Bible to Psalms…read out loud
 Spend part of your group time sharing what God is
doing in your lives, then thank God
 Praise and Worship is about recognizing God’s role in
our lives, and saying thanks with a sincere heart
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 4: Fellowship and Fun
Key to this week/quadrant:
 A small group is a relationship. You are doing life
together, not just studying the Bible.
 Do something fun together, enjoying each other’s
 Get to know each other on a social level, with no
strings attached. Just have fun.
 Get passed “how are you?”, “I’m fine”
Week/Quadrant Summary
Week 4: Fellowship and Fun
 You’ve got one month to plan, and 1 day to have fun
together. Make it count, but remember it doesn’t
have to cost much money. It’s about relationships!
 Encourage variety and break out of any ruts you
are already in
 If you normally meet just men/women, or without
the kids, occasionally bring everyone together
Bible Study and Discussion
 The Bible – just read it (start with the New Testament)
 Changing the Face of Christianity 5 Week Bible Study Series (free download
Confront and overturn the most common Christian stereotypes: judgmental, anti-homosexual,
hypocritical, too political, and superficial
 Deeper Bible Studies (free download, from
Study the books of James, 1 John, and Jude with a focus on life application and accountability
 MasterLife series, by Avery T. Willis, Jr.
MasterLife 1: The Disciple's Cross; MasterLife 2: The Disciple's Personality;
MasterLife 3: The Disciple's Victory; and MasterLife 4: The Disciple's Mission.
 The Purpose Drive Life, by Rick Warren
 unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity… and
Why It Matters, by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyon
Bible Study and Discussion
 The Hole in our Gospel, by Richard Stearns
 Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, by David Platt
 The Next Christians, by Gabe Lyons
 The Christian Atheist: Believe in God but Living As If He Doesn’t Exist, by
Craig Groeschel
 Lord, Save Us From Your Followers: Why is the Gospel of Love Dividing
America?, by Dan Merchant.
 Generation EX-Christian: Why Young Adults Are Leaving the Faith. . .and How
to Bring Them Back, by Dick Dyck
 God’s Pursuit of Man, by A. W. Tozer.
 Classic Christianity – Bob George
Have a study to add to our recommended study list? Let us know!
 Make a meal for a family that has experienced a
layoff, family illness, or is struggling in some way
 Visit a nursing home or a hospital intensive care
unit or Emergency Room or NICU (neo natal
intensive care unit, for prematurely born babies)
 Babysit for or take a collection and provide a
financial blessing to a single mom
 The possibilities are endless
Prayer, Praise and Worship
 Pray for yourself. What are YOU thankful for and
what do YOU need?
 Pray for each other in your group, neighbors,
families, church members, and co-workers
 Pray for city/state/country, as well as those
suffering around the world
 Not sure what to pray about? Pick up any
newspaper, read the headlines, and pray.
Prayer, Praise and Worship
 Pick a worship song and print the lyrics for your
group. Listen to and sing along. Then, read the
lyrics and discuss them as a group.
 Google “names of God”, and consider how each
name applies to your life. Example: Jehovah Jireh
(The Lord Will Provide). How has God provided?
 Read a Psalm out loud, then discuss how it might
apply to your life
Prayer, Praise and Worship
 Talk about what God is doing in your lives
 Commit to a day of fast…as a group
 Share a small-group communion
 Praise God for what He did on the cross for you
and share feelings about what that means to you
Fellowship and Fun
 Go bowling or play pool
 Watch a game or play cards
 Watch a movie
 Go to a sporting event or amusement park
 Go camping or swimming
 Have a pot-luck dinner or go to a restaurant
 Take a cooking class or go shopping together
 Go for it!
Vulnerability and Accountability
Pick a meeting once a quarter and intentionally invite
vulnerability and accountability
 Discuss these questions:
 What commitments have I made to God that I need to follow-
through on?
 What commitments have I made to this group that I need to followthrough on?
 What new commitments are you willing to make to God and/or
your group?
 Share areas of spiritual weakness with your group and ask
God and your group for support and forgiveness. Thank
God for His grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
We’re Here to Help
Let us know how we can support you and your group.
Contact using the following information:
Brad White
Founder – Changing the Face of Christianity Inc.
4100 River Branch Trail
Plano, TX 75024
Transformational Life Groups