Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure Value for Today and Tomorrow 6 Nov 2013, OpenStack Summit HK 2013 Jerry Sham Senior Solution Architect Roadmap 1.From Virtualization to Cloud 2.Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure 3.The Value for Today and Tomorrow History Informs the Future Shift from steam to electric power a century ago Inevitable and irreversible Huge benefits and opened up new possibilities 3 The Future is best seen with a Running Start Shift from Virtualization to Cloud Computing Inevitable and irreversible Huge benefits and opened up Extreme possibilities 4 The Benefits Virtualization Brought was Over Competes: Virtualization once helped you won the race Qualifiers: Now just keep you in business Virtualization Value Corporates look for new “Competes” Critical Phase Operational Efficiency CapEx Saving Virtualization Maturity 5 I.T. CHALLENGES in Highly Virtualized Environment WORKLOADS MANAGEMENT FLEXIBILITY ● High cost in licensing ● VM sprawl ● ● Single-vendor lock-in ● Multiple consoles ● ● No central governance ● Expensive HW/SW to maintain HA ● ● 6 Complex and repeatable tasks Discovery and monitoring ● Traditional workloads New cloud-enabled workloads Long-term migration Virtualization and Cloud are Converging TRADITIONAL APPS CLOUD APPS CHASM SCALE-UP SCALE-OUT I.T. NEEDS are SHIFTING WORKLOADS are EVOLVING 7 Bring Them Together to Adopt the Future TRADITIONAL APPS CLOUD APPS Unified Cloud Management SCALE-UP SCALE-OUT Multiple Heterogeneous Resource Pools Traditional and Cloud Application Models 8 LOCK-IN is No.1 Concern ● ● ● ● 9 History: Lock-in is a real risk Greatest innovation: occurring in open source cloud projects – not proprietary ROI and Flexibility: affect competitive advantage IDC: Open Cloud is key for 72% of customers Roadmap 1.From Virtualization to Cloud 2.Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure 3.The Value for Today and Tomorrow Omne Trium Perfectum 1. Red Hat Leads Open Source 2. Red Hat Knows OpenStack 3. Red Hat Understands Enterprise Birthday Cake for OpenStacks 3 Years Old! 11 RED HAT CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE The Red Hat Way to Open Cloud 12 RED HAT ENTERPRISE VIRTUALIZATION For Traditional Workloads 13 Cross-platform Leading performance Cost-effective Enterprise-ready Open RED HAT ENTERPRISE VIRTUALIZATION Industry Leading Performance SPECvirt_sc2010: As of January 1, 2012 14 RED HAT ENTERPRISE VIRTUALIZATION Significant Cost Advantage $ 10 physical hosts (2x8HT, 256GB), Same density 15 RED HAT ENTERPRISE VIRTUALIZATION Full Management Features and Functions Enterprise Ready Fulfills your Traditional Workload Requirements High Availability Power Saver Monitoring & Reporting Live Migration Maintenance Manager OVF Import/Export System Scheduler Image Management V2V Open Alternative to Prevent Lock-in 16 RED HAT OPENSTACK For Cloud-Enabled Workloads Optimized for and Integrated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Aimed for Long Term Production Deployment Certified and Support RED HAT ENTERPRISE LINUX 17 Red Hat Leads Through Open Innovation 18 RED HAT CLOUDFORMS Cloud Enablement Integrated with Infrastructure Management Approval Workflow Self Service Compliance Chargeback Quota Enforcement Cloud Enablement Automation Cloud Bursting Tagging Policies Infrastructure Management Resource Mgmt 19 Capacity Planning Optimize Config Mgmt Root Cause Analysis RED HAT CLOUDFORMS Self-Service Automated Provisioning CLOUDFORMS Role-Based Access Controls 20 Chargeback Quota RBAC Requests Quota Enforcement 20 Approval Workflow Converged Infrastructure RED HAT CLOUDFORMS Taking Advantage of Public Cloud Resources Your Datacenter 1 2 VM Replication Auto-Cloud Bursting Approval Workflow 21 21 RED HAT CLOUDFORMS Cloud Workload Optimization 1 Workload Balancing Normal Operating Range 2 3 Operations and Support Timeline Consump -tion 22 Capacity Management VM Inspection Drift Analysis 4 Right Size Recommendation RED HAT CLOUDFORMS Stop VM if it Breaks Policy Help Desk YES NO Security Team CLOUDFORMS IT Management 23 23 RED HAT CLOUDFORMS Dashboards and Tabs for Single Pane of Management How many Console you need to access everyday for Management? VM State Guest OS Policy Applied Platform 24 # of Snapshots Well integrated means more innovation RED HAT CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE Unleash the Cloud Value Unified Cloud management Value Current Traditional Workloads 25 Future Scale Out Workloads Roadmap 1.From Virtualization to Cloud 2.Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure 3.The Value for Today and Tomorrow CUSTOMERS Choose Red Hat way for Cloud DOC139273-20130530r11 RED HAT CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE RED HAT CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE DELIVERS VALUE TODAY VMs on RHEV Hypervisor 28 VMs on KVM CREATE AN OPEN HYBRID CLOUD ADDS HETEROGENEOUS CAPACITY VMs on ESXi 29 VMs on RHEV Hypervisor VMs on KVM VISION FOR AN OPEN HYBRID CLOUD FUTURE ROADMAP 1 VMs on ESXi 3 Shared Services based on OpenStack 30 VMs on RHEV Hypervisor 2 VMs on KVM RED HAT CLOUD SERVICES Supports for your Cloud Journey Training Red Hat Cloud Curriculum RED HAT CLOUD SERVICES Supports for your Cloud Journey Training Certification Proof of Competency Performance Based Exams Difficult but Valuable RED HAT CLOUD SERVICES Supports for your Cloud Journey Training Certification Services Packaged Services: Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Accelerator Red Hat Consulting Cloud Engagement Red Hat Open IaaS Architecture Service Prepare the Disruptive Effect of Cloud The Future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed Look at the Acceleration, not Velocity Cloud is the next step – the next Open Innovation Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure Helps you Transform to Open Cloud Bring you Value for Today and Tomorrow