Developing Coaching Skills Training Session 1 Learning objectives Understand what makes a team effective Develop motivational coaching skills Develop consulting coaching skills Develop an understanding of when and how to intervene in student team performance by using the team diagnostics instrument and intervention process chart. Develop communication, performance feedback and active listening skills 2 Introductions and ice breaker Get into pairs and introduce yourselves to each other Who was the best coach you ever had. Why were they good? Have you had a negative coaching experience? If so, what happened? Share your experiences with the larger group 3 What is coaching? Coaching is Direct, time-appropriate interaction with a team that is intended to shape team processes to produce good performance (Wageman, 2001). It helps students perform more effectively in team-based assignments 4 Where Does Coaching Fit in With Team Effectiveness Supportive Organizational Context Enabling Structure Compelling Direction Student Team Effectiveness Real Team Expert Coaching (Hackman, 2002) 5 Two Types of Coaching Motivational Coaching Coaching teams to form and set goals; communicating in a motivating manner, and encouraging commitment to their project. Consultative Coaching Coaching teams to develop more effective ways of performing their work together and giving feedback on their performance. 6 Expert Coaching: Temporality Team life cycle Focal Beginning Midpoint End of Cycle Effort Performance Knowledge Strategy & Skill Consultative Educational/ Performance Process Coaching intervention Motivational Reflective (Hackman, 2002) 7 Motivational Coaching Help students to form a team Learn how to debrief the team contract http://www.managementmarketing.unimelb.e 8 Helping Students Form a Team During Team Formation Tutorial: Brief discussion about team work Encourage students to talk about positive and negative experiences. Be honest about negatives Discuss the importance of working in a team: Employers want teamwork skills Our subject helps students develop team skills and such skills can be added to their CV. We will provide students with support in working in teams 9 Helping Students Form a Team Tutorial Exercises: All of those students who are keen to work extremely hard and get a high grade move to the right hand corner of the room. All of those who are looking forward to a really easy semester and just getting by move to the left hand corner of the room. All of those who wouldn’t have a clue what they can accomplish and are prepared to work hard and reap the rewards cluster in the middle. 10 More Ideas for Forming Teams Move to the left/right of the room if: You spend more than 3 hours a day on SMS or MSN You have a Flickr/Myspace profile You can speak at least two languages You work (outside Uni) more than 25 hours a week You think that the subject is going to be really interesting You’ve lived in another country Give students the following directions: Find somebody in the room that is NOT in the same degree as you. Find somebody in the room that is NOT in the same degree as you and NOT from the same country. Find somebody in the room that is NOT in the same degree as you and NOT from the same country AND is in the same grade expectation group. 11 The Team Contract Teams must agree a team contract before meeting with their coach Teams must bring the answers to the five questions with them to the meeting All team members must attend the meeting Coaches work with teams about what they want to achieve in order to establish goals Coaches work with teams about how they will deal with problems in order to establish norms and rules 12 Exercise: Managing the Team Contract Compare the following videos /coachingteams/negteamcontract_part1.cfm /coachingteams/howteamcoach_part1.cfm Answer the following questions Who is the most effective coach? Why? What did you learn? Which of their behaviours would you repeat/avoid? 13 Consultative Coaching Be able to identify team performance problems and make recommendations to manage them. Resolve team conflict. Learn how to use the team diagnostic http://www.managementmarketing.unimelb.ed 14 Improving Team Performance: The Team Diagnostic 1. Problem Identification 2. Solution Generation 3. Action plan and follow-up 15 Problem Identification Acknowledge a problem exists Maintain a neutral position Manage discussion to ensure fairness 16 Solution Generation Explore options by focusing on the interests behind stated positions. Explore the ‘whys’ behind students’ claims. Help students see commonalities among their goals, values and principles Use commonalities to generate multiple alternatives Use brainstorming 17 Action plan and follow-up Ensure that all members of the team support the agreed upon plan Verify understanding of, and commitment to, specific actions. Identify a short term goal that they need to achieve. Establish a mechanism for follow-up Usually an e-mail verifying that the goal has been reached. 18 Exercise: Intervening to Improve Team Performance Watch the first video: what should Christina do now? Watch the second video: how does Christina manage the intervention? ttr/coachingteams/dealmembercompl_part1.cfm ttr/coachingteams/dealmembercompl_part2.cfm What does Christina do well/not so well? 19 Coaching On The Run Exercise Instructions Break into groups of three and collect your scenarios Select an observer who will keep time and jot down your “one liners”. Each person should read a scenario and has 60 seconds to come up with a “one-liner” to give the student Read out the alternative one-liners In plenary, debrief your experiences Contribute new one-liners Warn of one-liners that haven’t worked 20 Team Role Play This activity has been developed to practice your observation, communication & conflict resolution skills. Read the role play and follow the instructions: au/ttr/pdf/role_play_and_observation.pdf 21 Role Play Plenary Debrief Effective Coaching Behaviours What behaviours characterize active listening? What behaviours characterize supportive communication? Which behaviours are most difficult for you? What can you do to try and employ them? 22 Effective Coaching Communication – Active Listening Make eye contact Exhibit appropriate body language Avoid distracting actions and gestures that suggest boredom Ask questions Paraphrase Avoid interrupting Make smooth transitions between the role of speaker and listener Deflect, probe, reflect 23 Effective Coaching Communication – Supportive Communication Stay problem oriented Congruence between thinking and feeling Avoid making judgments Do validate the student Keep Specific Smooth flow Take ownership 24 “Buddying up” New tutors should find a “buddy” – a more experienced tutor they can work with during their first semester Arrange a meeting to discuss how to prepare for team coaching meetings Arrange to meet after the meetings to debrief how they went. 25 Session evaluation This section includes the completion of knowledge quiz and training evaluation form. http://www.managementmarketing.unimelb. raining.pdf 26