Pathways to Participation Aligning the National Training System to the National Coaching and Officiating Accreditation Schemes supported by Project Team Principal Partners Service Skills NSW is the NSW Industry Training Advisory Body (ITAB) for the Sport and Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality, and Personal Services industries. ITABs are the recognised NSW bodies providing advice on industry training and skills development needs to the State government which will facilitate workforce development. The NSW Department of Education and Training are supporting Service Skills Australia and this initiative in partnership, through their Skills Enhancement Program. The Skills Enhancement Program provides funding to develop training-related activities, services and resources which achieve improved job and business productivity outcomes from training delivery. Consultants Volunteer Engagement Figure 1: Organisations fully staffed by volunteers (ABS 2007) Current Structure of Sport Industry (relating to Training and Accreditation) Australian Sports Commission (ASC) Federal Government Partner to deliver projects / initiatives NSW Sport and Recreation (NSWSR) Funding The ASC is responsible for industry training products and accreditation (non-VETAB accreditation), but NOT for training delivery or assessment. DISCONNECT B/T ASC & SSOs SSOs deliver the industry training products and assessment. Then the ASC sends a certificate. Funding State Government National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) e.g. Swimming Australia Partner to deliver projects / initiatives State Sporting Organisations (SSOs) e.g. Swimming NSW Enrolments in NCAS/NOAS vs Enrolments in the National Training System The number of NCAS/NOAS accredited coaches and officials verses Enrolments in National Training System accredited courses As of end June 20083 For the 2007 Calendar Year4 National Coaching Accreditation Scheme National Officiating Accreditation Scheme Cert II in Sport (Coaching) Cert III in Sport (Coaching) Cert IV in Sport (Coaching) Australia 127,624 77,564 1021 132 91 50 0 0 NSW 14,951 818 698 2 0 0 0 0 Cert II in Cert III in Cert IV in Sport Sport Sport (Officiating) (Officiating) (Officiating) This is across 76 sports in coaching and 37 sports in officiating National Training System The Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package (SIS10) SIS10 combines Sport, Fitness, Outdoor Recreation and Community Recreation Training Packages into one package Pathways to Participation • Pathways to Participation is currently identifying the barriers that currently exist in aligning the sport industry training with the National Training System. • It will work through those barriers and align/map the NCAS and NOAS to units of competency in the National Training System. • It will assist Registered Training Organisations, NSOs and SSOs to work in partnership to meet each of their needs and engage the sport industry in VET. • Though the NSOs and SSOs will continue to deliver their industrybased training, these skills and competencies will be aligned with the National Training System, setting the scope for awards to be recognised either way and thereby providing an avenue to training for volunteers — both mature-age and young people alike. Pathways to Participation will: • Develop a model to align a selected range of units of competence from the sport industry training package that lead to a full qualification to a NCAS, NOAS or other industry program currently being delivered by a SSO in NSW, including working with selected SSOs to align their NCAS / NOAS programs to the National Training System; • Develop resources (including case studies and/or fact sheets) on a best practice approach to bring the National Training System into the NCAS / NOAS following the alignment of the two systems within a range of selected SSOs; • Produce and disseminate marketing and promotional material to promote project outcomes to industry; and • Produce an Implementation Guide to facilitate the process of aligning the various sporting organisations to the VET system. Case Study Sports Why Bother? Accreditation v Qualification Accreditation • Owned by the sport • Expiry process • Working with Children Requirements • Other NSO requirements • Australian Sports Commission requirements Qualification • Nationally recognised qualification • No “owner” • No expiry date • Skills and knowledge transferability The Sport Training Package VET is in Sport Certificate II in Sport Coaching Consists of: 13 Units • 6 Core units • 1-2 Specialisation units • 4-5 Elective units Certificate II in Sport Coaching Core Units HLTFA301B SISSCGP201A BSBWOR202A SISXIND101A SISXOHS201A SISXCAI102A Apply first aid Apply legal and ethical coaching practices Organise and complete daily work activities Work effectively in a sport and recreation environment Follow occupational health and safety policies Assist in preparing and conducting sport or recreation sessions Example of specialisation units: SISSSQU201A SISSSQU202A Teach the fundamental skills of squash Teach the basic tactics and strategies of squash Certificate II in Sport Coaching Electives SISSSPT301A SISXFAC202A SISSATH201A SISSBSB201A SISSBSB202A SISSGYN201A SISSMAR301A SISSNTB204A SISSRGL204A SISSRGL205A SISSTPB201A SISSTNS201A Implement sports injury prevention Maintain sport and recreation facilities Teach the fundamental skills of athletics Teach the basic skills of basketball Teach the basic tactics and strategies of basketball Teach fundamental gymnastics skills Teach the intermediate skills of martial arts Teach fundamental netball skills Teach the skills of modified rugby league Teach the tactics and strategies of modified rugby league Teach fundamental tenpin bowling skills Assist in conducting tennis activities for beginner players Beginner Coaching General Principles (BCGP) Learning’s thus far...VET and NCAS SPORT COURSE GENERAL PRINCIPLES Rowing NSW Learn to Row Coach Pre-requisite Yachting NSW Level 1 Instructor Integrated Equestrian NSW Level 1 TBA NSW Squash Level 1 Pre-requisite Hockey NSW Level 1 Pre-requisite VET and NCAS Mapping VET and NCAS Mapping exercise Gap Identification Why bother? Conclusion • The key outcome of this project is to support the Sport and Recreation Industry, through workforce development and professional development, by aligning these training systems. • Importantly, this project will establish a sustainable commitment to skills development within the priority industry area of the sport industry by embedding a skills development culture within the leading organisations within the sector. Further questions? Please contact: Lisa Gilbert Ph: 02 8243 1200 Mob: 0417 021 049