“Stop harassing me”

“Stop harassing me”
Cyber Bullying- What is it, and what
can we do to stop it
Cyber Bullying
• Using technological devices and programs to
bully others
- Phone calls
- Text messages
- Facebook
- Myspace
- Twitter
What kinds of messages are
• Menacing, threatening and/or offensive
What do YOU think this means?
What can we do?
-“Stop Harassing Me” postcard
-Allows students and the school community
to take a pro-active
approach to cyber-bullying
-Allows YOU, the student, to inform the
bully in a safe and legal way
that the messages are illegal and that you
want them to stop
Criteria for Postcard use
Can only be used by a student who:
1. Has received menacing, threatening and/or
offensive messages, via text, voice-mail or
internet (with evidence);
2. Can identify the cyber-bully and the school
they attend;
3. Wants the messages to stop.
The Postcard can not be used to address verbal
and/or physical assaults.
How does the Postcard work?
• If you believe that you have been cyber-bullied,
you can approach your deputy/principal, and
show them the messages you have received
• If your deputy/principal believes these messages
meet the criteria, you will then be offered the
opportunity to complete a Postcard.
How does it work continued
You then write on the Postcard:
1. Who has been sending you the messages
2. What school that person attends
3. The time and date of the offensive message or
the most offensive message received (if more
than one)
4. Your name
5. Your signature
Your involvement at this stage is now finishedParent/guardian will be advised.
How does it work continued
• Your deputy/principal then meets with the cyberbully to caution them on their behaviour
• The deputy/principal and the cyber-bully will
then also write their names on, and sign, the
Postcard, to acknowledge that they have been
spoken to about this
• The signed Postcard is photocopied and a copy
in both student’s files is kept by the school to
use if a breach occurs
Consequences on breaching
the Postcard
What do YOU think they are?
You can be charged!
Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995
(Section 474.17)
Using a carriage service to menace, harass or
cause offence
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if:
(a) The person uses a carriage service; and
(b) The person does so in a way (whether by the
method of use or the content of a
communication or both) that reasonable
persons would regard as being, in all the
circumstances, menacing, harassing or
Maximum Penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years
The Postcard assists in charging the cyber-bully, by
proving that the cyber-bully:
- Has been asked to stop the offensive behaviour,
and that they have chosen to ignore that request,
-Knew they were committing an offence,
-Knew what law they were breaking,
-Knew that Police could become involved if they
continued in the offending behaviour.
Consequences of a criminal
What do YOU think having a criminal record will
mean to YOU?
Any questions?
Constable Joanna WRIGHT
Ayr Police: 4790 3555
165 Queen Street, Ayr