Chaplaincy Plus Strategy 2012 to 2014 Date: 17 January 2012 Version: 4.0 Contents • SWOT – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats • Mission – why we exist • Vision – what we want to be • Strategy – our game plan • Next steps – objectives for 2012 External environment Vision, mission & strategy Culture Leadership (values & behaviours) Structure & Management Systems & Processes Practices Procedures Work climate Task & skill requirements leading to motivation Individual needs & values Business & individual performance Page 2 SWOT analysis What are CPlus’s strengths? What are CPlus’s opportunities? • Quality (motivation, skills, energy, etc) of employed and voluntary staff • City Net and development of more lay workers • Further development of City Lights • Relationships across business community – Christians now feel more connected • More support to Christians to be missionaries in their workplace, perhaps in conjunction with churches • Large gatherings • Regular contact with a greater proportion of the database • Small groups in firms (29) • Connection with Cathedral • Increasing our profile with the wider business community and City leaders • Development of City Lights and City Women • The website to be used more • Financial reserves • More spiritual mentoring, pastoring, teaching and equipping • Central office location • Developing relationships and networks with new workplace entrants • One to one pastoral support and counselling • Website What are CPlus’s weaknesses? • Only half of income from regular gifts of individuals • Working relationships with churches around the City • Office accommodation (location good, but too small) • Lack of administrative support • PR and public profile Page 3 • To push Tuesday Talks more • Opportunities to run seminars and other events to equip people • To further develop relationships with local churches What are CPlus’s threats? • Economic downturn and impact on income • Retirement of Chris and Claire and possible interregnum; disrupting one to one relationships and loosing Chris and Claire’s knowledge and reputation Mission – why we exist Chaplaincy Plus’s mission is: - Chaplaincy Plus exists to advance the Christian faith by providing resources, encouragement and support to the business and professional community in Birmingham Page 4 Vision – what we want to be Chaplaincy Plus provides resources, encouragement and pastoral support to the business and professional community in Birmingham, to people of faith and of no-faith. Chaplaincy Plus’s primary objective is to nurture Christians. With evangelism as a secondary objective, achieved through supporting workplace missionaries, through pastoral care of non-Christians and through some of the large gatherings. In terms of the support to Christians, the emphasis has been on pastoral care and connecting people. We want to continue and build upon this, by more explicitly saying that the purpose of pastoral care and nurturing Christians is so that they can be more effective Christians in the workplace. This will involve supporting Christians to apply their faith to their workplace as well as supporting them to share their faith in the workplace. Chaplaincy Plus’s support to Christians in the workplace will include: • Support to Christians to be Good News and live out the Kingdom in their workplaces, in an appropriate way. • Support to Christians to proclaim the Good News and the Kingdom in their workplaces, in an appropriate way. • Support to apply the Bible to their workplaces. • Support to exercise the fruits and gifts of the Spirit in their workplace. • To provide support that supplements and is in partnership with the local churches. We wish to continue to provide pastoral support to non-Christians. We want at least one large gathering (eg the carol service) to be appropriately evangelistic. We want to support Birmingham Cathedral in its ministry. We want to put more emphasis on equipping people to be Christians in the workplace. We wish to be culturally appropriate in what we do, so that we are relevant and are heard. Page 5 Strategy – our game plan 1 Services In the light of our mission and vision, the services we want to provide over the next three years are: • Pastoral support and connecting people (eg Chris’s meetings and emails) • Large gatherings – such as the carol services and the prayer breakfast. We wish to continually improve the format of these events. • Support to small groups in the workplace • City Women • City Lights • City Net • We would like to explore the development of groups for other specific cohorts (eg City Men and a group aimed at senior leaders). • We do not see the provision of counselling as a core service. People In the light of our mission, vision and the services we wish to provide, have we got the right Trustees? • We need a ‘City Lights’ Trustee and we would like a Trustee who is a peer with senior partners and CEOs in Birmingham. • Trustees should have specific roles. • Each Trustee to review their role and commitment every three years. Page 6 Strategy – our game plan 1 People In the light of our mission, vision and the services we wish to provide, the characteristics, experience and skills we would look for in Chris and Claire’s replacement(s) are: • mature Christian(s) • Business experience • Heart for workplace ministry • Pastoral heart, with teaching abilities in order to equip people • Team worker and team developer • Management skills • Not an evangelist In the light of our mission, vision and the services we wish to provide, we need to support Deborah through the transition of Chris and Claire retiring. In the light of our mission, vision and the services we wish to provide, have we got the right volunteers? • We need more administrative volunteers, with the appropriate skills. • We need more fundraising volunteers. • We need volunteers for City Net. Page 7 Strategy – our game plan 2 Organisation, Culture and Relationships In the light of our mission, vision and the services we wish to provide: • We need to build a volunteer administrative team, with the appropriate skills, in 2012. • We wish to align all that we do with our mission, vision and strategy. Therefore, we will agree annual objectives to implement this strategy that will be reviewed every six months. • We wish to invest in external relationships. Our priorities are to build closer relationships with the top ten churches in Birmingham; and to build relationships with Birmingham’s ‘movers and shakers’. • We will organise the process of Chris and Claire leaving, recruitment of their replacement(s) and the interregnum. Our aim is not to have too much change at once and we therefore aim for continuity of Trustees through this period. Two Trustees will take responsibility for leading the process for recruiting Chris and Claire’s replacement(s). Chris plans to work 4 days per week by January 2013 and both Chris and Claire plan to retire by January 2014. Supporting process and assets In the light of our mission, vision and the services we wish to provide: • Our offices are in the right place, but are too small. We will keep this under review, we wish to retain the location but will review the amount of space we require. • In 2 to 3 years time we will update the website again. • We want to increase the prayer support to Chaplaincy Plus and the support to our workers and will review how this can be done. Page 8 Strategy – our game plan 2 Financial In the light of our mission, vision and the services we wish to provide: • We will not ask for membership subscriptions to Chaplaincy Plus. • We will ask for voluntary donations at gatherings. • We will encourage donations from churches. • We will promote monthly giving. Page 9 Next Steps To implement our mission, vision and strategy we have agreed objectives for 2012, which are set out below: 1. Review trustees’ roles and allocation of responsibilities. 2. Recruit new fund raising team with particular aim of raising individual giving by 10% per annum. Including approaching ‘big earners’ with testimonial sheets. 3. Recruit and develop a volunteer team to run the large events. 4. To put in place a continuity plan for the large events in 2013. 5. Seek 2 new trustees to represent the younger and more senior professional age groups. To seek a new Chairman. 6. Implement and establish Citynet and have contacted 50 people by year end. 7. To review City Lights direction in the light of cultural changes. 8. Monitor accommodation needs and seek an additional office when appropriate. 9. Develop job description for Chris and Clare’s replacement. Page 10 Appendix 1 – Extracts from report of the Directors for the Year ending 31 August 2011 Purposes and Aims The purpose of the charity, as stated in the governing document, is the advancement of religion, specifically the Christian faith and the promotion of Christian principles and teaching in all aspects of human relationships in accordance with the Articles of Faith set out in Article 34 of the Articles. The main aims of the charity in meeting its objectives are the provision of resources, encouragement and support to the business and professional community in the Birmingham area. The focus of our work The focus of our work has continued to be broadening contact networks and supporting professionals in Birmingham through a combination of pastoral support, counselling and the gathering together of the professional community working in the city. Page 11 Appendix 2 – Extract from website ChaplaincyPlus serves the professional business community by being part of daily business life. We seek to support, encourage and resource professionals here in Birmingham’s city centre. In today’s fast moving business world there is seldom time for people to listen but a key part of our work is giving people time to be heard. We are available for everyone regardless of whether they have a faith or no faith at all. Page 12 Appendix 3 – Chris’s comments When Chris and Claire were appointed in 2003 it was agreed with the then Trustees that the vision of ChaplaincyPlus was to: Support, Encourage and Resource the Birmingham Business Community and the core strategy for us was: • To have time for individuals through pastoral care and Clair’s counselling and for Chris to proactively check that those in the business community were OK • Reduce the feelings of isolation with: • Monthly and then weekly emails detailing the many resources there were already in Birmingham • Connecting individuals with: • Quarterly Large Gatherings • Small Groups in firms - now around 29 • Special interest groups: • City Women • City Lights Page 13 Appendix 3 – Chris’s comments cont. As stated above I believe this was and continues to be the strategy for a ChaplaincyPlus facilitated by us bearing in mind what we believed Jesus was saying to us. But it may not be the same strategy for the future! Jesus may have other plans for ChaplaincyPlus and it will be an exciting journey as we listen to Him for those to be revealed. Having said this I believe that the appointment of Netta and Deborah were both inspired by Him so I have every confidence that this will be revealed. I still believe it is vital for believers to realise they are disciples of Jesus in the place He has called them to work in. Unfortunately many still seem to relate being a Christian in the churchplace and homeplace and there is little concept of your neighbour being the person next to you in your place of work. There is much work to be done here – especially by churches, perhaps in conjunction with ChaplaincyPlus? There are areas of work which we have not had the time to develop. Those which spring immediately to mind are: • City Net • Raising the profile of ChaplaincyPlus within the business community through involvement in organisations such as Birmingham Forward, The Chamber of Commerce, The Cathedral Close Breakfast Club etc. etc. • Being on the invitation list of all the business ‘events’ in the city. Page 14