Why we had to ferry some of the church bricks by hand.

Happy 2014 to you our friends
This was our Thanks giving celebration, we usually start with prayer, praise
and thanks giving for the all the great things God has done for us. We
celebrate the gift of life, family and friendships God has blessed us with.
We also have a time of sharing testimonies of how the year has been, special
songs and words of encouragement from one another. This was the time of
listening to one of us sharing.
Listening and sharing testimonies from each other. It’s a special
• Celebrate the gift of Life, Friends and Family.
It is dinner time!
Merci Boucoup in French for supporting us last year.
Thanks to all our friends who make Christmas memorable each year.
The Jajas brought for me and my family all types of fruits as my Christmas
gifts. They are my wonderful friends and family, I love them and I am sure
they do too.
Happy 2014 dear friends. We look forward to sharing in even more pleasant
surprises in 2014