Providing the Lord*s Way & Finding Solutions to My Problems and

Providing the Lord’s Way
& Finding Solutions to My
Problems and Challenges
Self Reliance, November
Providing the Lord’s Way
When Jesus Christ came to earth, He spent much
of His ministry caring for the poor and needy.
Through His Church, the Lord has provided a
way for us to care for those in need. He has asked
us to give generously according to what we have
received from Him. “The Lord’s way of caring for
the needy is different from the world’s way. The
Lord has said, ‘[Caring for the poor] must needs
be done in mine own way.’ He is not only
interested in our immediate needs; He is also
concerned about our eternal progression. For this
reason, the Lord’s way has always included selfreliance and service to our neighbor in addition
to caring for the poor” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf,
Providing in the Lord’s Way,” Ensign November
2011, 54)
He has also asked His people to “visit the poor and the
needy and administer to their relief” (D&C 44:6) Church
members are encouraged to give personal compassionate
service to those in need. They should be anxiously
engaged in a good cause, serving without being asked or
assigned. (D&C 58:26-27)
What blessings do we receive when we
serve with a willing heart?
Do you think the Savior served others
because he was “assigned” to?
When you are the one being served,
how does it feel?
Sometimes allowing others to serve us can be a challenge.
Why should we be willing to let others help?
What is the purpose of the Church’s Welfare Program?
“The real long term objective of the Welfare Plan is the building of
character in the members of the Church, givers and receivers,….
Church Handbook
In order to become like the Lord we need to accept opportunities to follow his
example of true service.
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it
unto Me.” Matthew 25:40
When we hear of those in need, our
hearts feel sympathy, we have
compassion for those who are hurting.
President Eyring has said:
“Because the Lord hears their cries and
feels your deep compassion for them, He
has from the beginning of time provided
ways for His disciples to help. He has
invited His children to consecrate
their time, their means, and themselves
to join with Him in serving others.”
We have been INVITED to
help…But the choice is ours.
What will you choose?
Another Service Project?
How will you respond?
Ideas for how we can serve
Participate in service
projects with a positive
Pay your tithing and fast
Find ways to serve others
in our homes and
Seek out those who are
Offer to watch children so
parents can go on a date
or to the temple.
Offer to help your parents
with things they need.
Spend time with those
who are sick or elderly.
How Can I Find Solutions
To My Challenges &
Self-reliance includes the ability to find solutions
to our own problems & challenges.
Our Heavenly Father is mindful of the challenges we face.
He loves us and wants to help us.
We should pray for guidance as we seek answers to our
challenges in the scriptures
& the words of the prophets & apostles.
What are some of the trials or problems
Young Women might face?
Trying to improve grades
Self esteem
Making new friends
Word of Wisdom
Getting along with family
Making a team
Personal Progress
Accomplishing goals
Illness or health problems
Does the Lord want to help us with these things?
How do we know?
From the For The Strength of The Youth
Your emotional health is also important and may affect
your spiritual and physical well-being. Disappointment
and occasional sadness are part of this mortal life.
However, if you have prolonged feelings of sadness,
hopelessness, anxiety, or depression, talk with your parents
and your bishop and seek help.
In all aspects of your life, seek
healthy solutions to problems.
Do all you can to safeguard your
physical and emotional health so
that you can fulfill your divine
potential as a son or daughter of
When we have a problem, What do we do?
Healthy Solutions
Unhealthy Solutions
Sleep too much
Read scriptures
Take pills/drugs/drink to
escape problems
Talk to Parents or Leaders
Talk to friends
Lash out in anger
Stop praying/going to YW
or Church
Work hard
Give up
The Savior taught His followers to think about
the scriptures for themselves and use them to
find answers to their own questions.
Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 11:28-30,
Alma 37:35-37
Alma 38:5
Do you feel
like the
scriptures have
answers to your
Keep this is in your
scriptures so that next
time you have a
challenge you can
turn to the Lord for
inspiration, comfort,
and guidance.
Scripture Study & Prayer
In this October’s conference President Monson said:
As we read and ponder the scriptures, we will
experience the sweet whisperings of the Spirit to
our souls. We can find answers to our questions.
We learn of the blessings which come through keeping
God’s commandments. We gain a sure testimony of our
Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, and of
Their love for us. When scripture study is combined with
our prayers, we can of a certainty know that the gospel of
Jesus Christ is true.
Turning to Church Magazines is also helpful:
We are going to split into small
groups of 2-3
think of a challenge or problem
that young women today face.
browse the topic index in the
most recent conference issue of
the New Era, Ensign or Liahona,
looking for topics that could
help address that problem.
search one of the talks related
to those topics and share with
the class a statement that could
help a young woman overcome
her challenges.
Never Give Up!
You Never Walk Alone!
“My dear sisters, your Heavenly
Father loves you—each of you.
That love never changes. It is not
influenced by your appearance, by
your possessions, or by the
amount of money you have in
your bank account. It is not
changed by your talents and
abilities. It is simply there. It is
there for you when you are sad or
happy, discouraged or hopeful.
God’s love is there for you whether
or not you feel you deserve love. It
is simply always there” Pres.