essay structure and thesis statements

Thesis Statements and Essay Structure
• Essays are made up of paragraphs.
• An essay should have at least 5 paragraphs, but
there is no hard or fast rule on length.
– The first paragraph will almost always introduce the topic
of the essay. The last sentence of the introduction will
usually be the thesis statement.
– The middle or body paragraphs make up the details that
support the thesis statement.
– The last paragraph is the conclusion and reminds the
reader of the main point while offering any last bits of
analysis or information.
Thesis Statements
Thesis statements are to an essay like a
topic sentence is to a paragraph. It is
the main and controlling idea for an
essay which tells the reader what to
expect in the coming pages.
What Makes a Good Thesis?
• Like a topic sentence, a thesis statement should be
both broad enough to support an entire essay, yet
not so broad to extend past the length of the
• A thesis statement should also present something
more than a statement of fact or more than straight
opinion. It should offer the reader something to
consider as the work through your essay.
• Many people have different opinions on whether people
under twenty-one should be permitted to drink alcohol,
and I agree with them.
The writer’s opinion is not clear to the reader.
• The question of whether we need a national law
governing the minimum age to drink alcohol is a
introduce a thesis,
controversial issue in many states. Itbutmay
there is no clear opinion stated.
• I want to give my opinion on the national law that sets
twenty-one as the legal age to drink alcohol and the
What is the writer’s opinion?
reasons I feel this way.
• To reduce the number of highway fatalities, our country
needs to enforce the national law that designates twentyClear position
that will beand
one as the legal minimum age
to purchase
I would argue this is a good first draft thesis
There is a clearly stated opinion
that will be supported in the essay
• The legal minimum age for purchasing alcohol should be
eighteen rather than twenty-one.
A Good Thesis Also
• Maintains one clear idea
• The proposed no-smoking ordinance in our town will
violate a number of our citizens’ civil rights, and no one
has proved that second hand smoke is dangerous
• The proposed no-smoking ordinance in our town will
violate our civil rights.
• The most recent US Health Department studies claiming
that secondhand smoke is dangerous to nonsmokers are
based on faulty research.
Has something worthwhile to say
• A thesis statement shouldn’t just be a fact.
• Global warming is a problem and many countries
are trying to pass measures to stop it from getting
• There has been little proof in recent years that zeroemissions vehicles are preventing the worsening of
global warming.
Fits the Assignment
• Remember that the thesis should control an essay
equal to the length of the assignment.
• For a 3-5 page essay, which is the better thesis
– Nuclear power should be banned as an energy source in
this country.
– Because of it’s poor safety record during the past two
years, the Collin County nuclear power plant should be
Common Thesis Mistakes
• Don’t announce:
– Your reader knows that you will be talking about something in your
essay –that’s the whole point. State an attitude toward the subject.
• Don’t say “I believe” or “in my opinion:”
– Your reader also knows this is your essay – your name is at the top.
Therefore, your reader knows it’s your opinion.
• Don’t be unreasonable:
– Making irrational claims will only make your reader think that you
haven’t done any studying about your topic.
• Don’t state a fact:
– We need a bit of your view on something to make an essay work
• Don’t use a question:
– Asking a question as a thesis statement can give the reader doubts as to
your credibility. If you can’t give a solid statement of opinion and topic,
why should the reader believe anything you say that follows?
• Let’s work through some of these as a class:
More Practice
• With a partner, take one of the thesis statements below
and develop three topic sentences for body paragraphs.
– You will each need your own copy, so take notes for yourself
• Whoever said that history is nothing but polishing
tombstones must have missed History 201, because in
Professor Brown’s class history is very much alive.
• By networking with friends, a single parent can manage
to strike a balance among work, school, a social life, and
• So far, research suggests that zero-emissions vehicles
are not a sensible solution to the problem of steadily
rising air pollution.
Thesis Statement
Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence
Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence
Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence