Youngil Kim Awalin Sopan Sonia Ng Zeng Introduction Concept of the Project System architecture Implementation – HDFS Implementation – System Analysis ◦ System Information Logger (SIL) ◦ System Information Gatherer (SIG) ◦ Map/Reduce Implementation – Visualization Implementation – P2P Application Demo How can we know system information from many nodes? ◦ It is hard to track which node has a problem when too many nodes exist But… HDFS and Map/Reduce make it easy! ◦ Gather system information of each node to HDFS ◦ Analyze system information using Map/Reduce ◦ A kind of network managing system like HP’s Open View Tool to have an overview of the nodes in the P2P ◦ Still preserving the de-centralized nature of P2P ◦ Can be run on any computer – from within the P2P or outside of it. So, the computer running the tool is not necessarily the “master” ◦ If the tool is not running, the P2P still remains intact Still, one can control the P2P from the tool The tool will provide an interface to do both: overview and control ◦ Therefore, the user does not need to be an expert to work with a network system P2P app. p2p Local P2P app. p2p Local P2P Network P2P app. p2p Local P2P app. p2p Local P2P app. Sys Info Logger p2p Local Sys Info Logger P2P app. p2p Local Hadoop Slave Node System Info Gatherer Hadoop Slave P2P Network (Hadoop Master) HDFS Sys Info Logger P2P app. p2p Local Hadoop Slave Sys Info Logger P2P app. p2p Local Hadoop Slave P2P app. Sys Info Logger p2p Local Sys Info Logger P2P app. p2p Local System Information Hadoop Slave Node System Info Gatherer Hadoop Slave P2P Network (Hadoop Master) HDFS System Control Network Sys Info Logger P2P app. p2p Local Hadoop Slave Sys Info Logger P2P app. p2p Local Hadoop Slave System Manager (Visualization) Implemented minimal P2P to show how our tool works ◦ How to control application or system on each node using visualization ◦ Has STOP/RESUME operations Functions ◦ Response to “QUERY” Show active/inactive (overview) ◦ Response to “CONTROL” Change node status based on control argument (active/inactive) Hadoop for DFS & Map/Reduce Framework ◦ We use bug cluster ◦ Master: brood00 ◦ Slaves: Currently tested with 5 nodes (bug51 ~ bug55) ◦ Using each local storage Using “/tmp” directory because home directory is not a local storage but NFS volume. ◦ Network Ports: hdfs(9000), job tracker(9001), Namenode Interface (50070), JobTracker Interface (50030) Information of each node is saved with the following format ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Implemented in Python Saves information in both local storage and HDFS Gathers information every 10 secs Creates logfile based on time ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ < 20110501_2252_bug51.log > bug51 1304304720: mem(75.50), cpu(1.00), disk(10.00) bug51 1304304724: mem(75.50), cpu(1.50), disk(10.00) bug51 1304304727: mem(75.51), cpu(0.40), disk(10.00) bug51 1304304729: mem(75.51), cpu(0.50), disk(10.00) bug51 1304304732: mem(75.50), cpu(0.50), disk(10.00) bug51 1304304734: mem(75.50), cpu(0.40), disk(10.00) Functions ◦ Find current resource usage of each node at current time using Map/Reduce Currently, it shows maximum values per minute time slot ◦ Communication Gateway between nodes and visualization tool Send “QUERY” to each P2P application to check on the status of each node Send node status to visualization tool Node ID Status (in/active) CPU Usage Memory Usage Disk Storage Map: ◦ Input – each node log file Key: position of file Value: raw data, one line per key ◦ Output Key: node ID Value: set of system information (CPU/memory/storage usage) Eg: < bug51, [30.0, 29.0, 12.0] > Reduce: ◦ Input – from Map Key: node ID Value: set of set of system information Eg: < bug51, [ [30.0, 29.0, 12.0], [33.0, 40.0, 9.0], … ] > ◦ Output Key: Node ID Value: Maximum values for each piece of information Eg: < bug51, [33.0, 40.0, 12.0] > Written in Java Used Prefuse toolkit for a tabular visualization for the node status Only need to use the right-click menu to control the node Live communication with the nodes ◦ To query the node status from the SIG ◦ To send commands to the nodes in the P2P network in real-time Initial view of all nodes After stopping Bug53 System set-up and initialization (video file) Show namenode & jobtracker interface Show Map/Reduce jobs Show Visualization tool ◦ Changes of each status ◦ Control each P2P application