How to Access PAT candidates

How to Access
PAT Candidate Information
PAT Tutorial CERN December 2012
lecturer: Andreas Hinzmann (CERN)
tutors: Guillermo Breto (UCD),
Sudhir Malik (Nebraska)
and the PAT tutorial team
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The Pat Tuple
In the morning section you have learned:
how to find documentation
 how to produce PAT Tuples
 how to inspect your configuration file
 how to customize the PAT Tuple workflow
 how to look at the PAT Tuple Event Content
Now you will learn how to access to PAT Tuples produced in
order to perform you analysis.
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The Pat Tuple
A PAT Tuple is and EDM file:
Root file with predifined file structure
 Trees of CMS customized DataFormats (Muon, Electron, Track)
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Example pat::Muon
Typical class structures for HEP Collaborations
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Access PAT Tuple
Access is as to normal Root file.
 PAT provides also more appropriate access methods:
Analysis performed directly on PAT Tuples (BasicAnalyzer concept)
Within the Full Framework (EDAnalyzer)
With FW Lite (FWLiteAnalyzer)
Production of flat ntuples (again EDM files  )
 Analysis performed with your root macros or FW/FWLite analyzer
PAT Tuple
Full framework
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BasicAnalyzer Concept
Decide late whether you want to use FWLite or full framework
 Write the code to be compatible with both
PAT Tuple
Full framework
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Example PatMuonAnalyzer
Class declaration:
Your class inherits from BasicAnalyzer class
PAT candidates
Example PatMuonAnalyzer
Class implementation:
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FWLite or Full Framework?
Access PAT candidates
Very easy to wrap the
same code into one or the
Keep both if you like and
use what fits best to the
current purposes
Use this if you need quick turn around, when the analysis task is not too
complex (would also fit to a single EDAnalyzer), when you can still
handle all objects that you create and destroy on your way...
Full Framework:
Use this when the analysis tasks grow complex, when you intend to use
crab or batch systems, when you intend to use the edm::Event to
manage the amount of objects that you create and use on the way,
when you want flexible (plugin-wise) use of your code...
Advantage of both over you private solution:
Easy implementation, easy to learn and to understand, easy to maintain,
maximal use of CMSSW infrastructure (i.e. DataFormats, TFileServise,
Event management e.g. no event double counting)...
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How to run the examples:
Full Framework:
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The EDM-Tupleizer
The Analysis Tools Group (AT) also provides pre-written tools
and recommendations to make fully EDM complient flat ntuples:
 the CandViewNtpProducer:
 It is a generic ntuple dumper
 Easy to configure
 Don‘t need to write c++ code to produce your flat ntuples from
your PAT Tuples 
 More info and examples in the Twiki:
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The EDM-Tupleizer
Easy access via string parsing to
variables you want to store in your flat
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The EDM-Tupleizer Output
The output is a full edm compliant edm Tuple, you can inspect it
as it was a standard PAT Tuple... It is still and EDM file :
Access PAT candidates
The EDM-Tupleizer Output
Analyze your EDM flat ntuple with an interactive/compiled
root macro
 Or use FWLite/full framwork to make use of full CMSSW
 In the Exercise 4 you will find a guideline to deal with EDM
flat ntuples
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General Remark:
 As you see AT covers a broad bunch of use cases for analysis from
smallest scale/complexity to largest scale/complexity.
 You can make use of easy access to data information, and a whole
bunch of Services and tools (TFileService, PAT features, Candidate Tools, HepMC
tools, POG tools)
 All these tools are established, accepted collaboration wide, tested,
maintained, ...
 ~50 people are working hard to make CMSSW your analysis software
(compare this to the manpower situation in your university)
 Don't waist your time on the re-invention, re-developement,
maintainance of you own private framework, spent your time on
 On the other hand there is always room for developments/improvement.
Joining AT developments is rewarded (Credit by points).. So, don‘t
hesitate if you wish to contribute 
Access PAT candidates
Final Remark
Everything which has been discussed here is part of Exercise 4.
Take your time to go through it and enjoy!
Access PAT candidates