Folk Literature Study Game

Study Game
Folk Literature, “Perseus,” and “The
Silver Pool”
When we meet Fionn (Fin),
his goal is to do what?
Kill the king and avenge his father’s death
Fionn’s real name is which of
the following?
Finnegas does what for a
He is a poet.
What is Finnegas doing when
Fionn meets him?
Fishing for the Salmon of Knowledge
Why does Fionn offer to do
Finnegas’ chores and cook
his meals?
He wants to learn to write poetry.
What does Fionn discover
when out for a walk?
a sword
What does the prophecy say
about the person who will
benefit from the fish?
His name must be Fionn or Finnegas
He must have a sword
He must know poetry
How does Fionn end up
fulfilling the prophecy?
He accidentally eats one of the scales.
What are Fionn’s plans at the
end of the story?
He will gather an army and kill the king.
What are Finnegas’ plans at
the end of the story?
He will stay in the woods.
Who is the hero in “The Silver
What type of folk literature is
“The Silver Pool”?
When was this story created?
over 1000 years ago
In “Perseus,” what prediction
does the priestess make to
His daughter would have a son who would
kill him
What action does Acrisius
take to prevent the prediction
from coming true?
He kept Danae in an underground house
with bronze walls
Because he has no gift to
offer the ruler of the island,
what does Perseus brag that
he will do?
Find Medusa, cut off her head, and present
it as his gift
Who takes care of Perseus
and Danae after their chest
landed on an island?
Dictys the fisherman
Which of the following
gods/goddesses assist
Perseus in his quest?
Hermes and Athena
Perseus is given which two
gifts from the gods?
a sword and a shield
The three Gray Women
(witches) share this
Perseus saves ___________
and marries her.
When Perseus returns to the
island, he does which of the
Turns the king and his men to stone
Perseus heard that the King
of Larissa was holding a great
athletic contest. When he
hurls the _____________, it
swerves and kills
______________ in the
Discus, his grandfather
Perseus gives Medusa’s head
“Perseus” is an example of
which type of folk literature?
Myths, legends, folk tales,
and proverbs are a few types
Folk literature
A __________is a traditional
story from particular cultures
that deal with gods,
goddesses, and other
supernatural beings.
Characteristics of a myth
human or human-like qualities
religious beliefs or values
explain natural occurrences
Characteristics of a
__________ include stories
passed down through
generations, based on real
events of characters from
long ago, has historical basis,
and may contain fantastic or
unverifiable elements.
A ____________________ is
a brief story passed by word
of mouth from generation
to generation.
Folk tale
The characteristics of a
____________ are traditional
short sayings, they give
people advice about how to
live, and express a belief
generally thought to be true.
A(n) ______________ is a
story, character, motif or
theme representing a familiar
pattern repeated
throughout literature and
across cultures.