V I S U A L S T U D I O Karmachina is a project that began in 2013 by Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri e Rino Stefano Tagliafierro. Three filmakers come together creating an audiovisual project combining entertainment with a search for aesthetics and content. They make multimedia installation, videomapping and audiovisual projects. LE REGARD DE MICHELANGELO Entertainment project mapping by KARMACHINA dedicated to Michelangelo Buonarroti for a private event in Florence 2014. Made for EY in collaboration with Claudia Pelosin, Project leader of Alessandro Rosso Group; Project mapping: KARMACHINA (Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri, Rino Stefano Tagliafierro) Compositing assistant: Filippo Rossi Sound: Alberto Modignani Historical and artistic consultant: Giuliano Corti https://vimeo.com/112845552 I N T O T H E W H I T E (G O L D E N A P R I COT F I L M F E S T I VA L Y E R E VA N 2 0 1 3 ) An audiovisual project freely inspired by the Armenian film director Sergei Parajanov Open ceremony at the Golden Apricot Film Festival in Yerevan dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Sergei Parajanov's birth. Video: KARMACHINA (Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri, Rino Stefano Tagliafierro) Set Design: Angelo Linzalata F O R Y O U R E Y E S O N L Y A Video installation realized for artist designer Valentina Giovando, Milan Week Design 2014 Art direction & video: KARMACHINA (Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri, Rino Stefano Tagliafierro) Artist designer: Valentina Giovando Sound: Alberto ModignanI https://vimeo.com/86974235 R A D I C I A videomapping performance for the opening ceremony of Museo Civico P.A. Garda in Ivrea (TO) Project mapping: KARMACHINA (Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri, Rino Stefano Tagliafierro) Sound: Enrico Ascoli, Marco Foresta https://vimeo.com/86974235 K I N O Q U A R T E T A videomapping project, that enquires into the relationship between Beethoven and the visual arts of the twentieth century. Made for the Ludwig Festival- the inheritance of Beethoven, Portogruaro (VE) International Festival of Music. Project mapping: KARMACHINA (Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri, Rino Stefano Tagliafierro) Sound: Alberto Modignani https://vimeo.com/73281918 pass: ludwig M A G I C F L U T E An audiovisual project for ten synchronised screens freely inspired by Mozart's The Magic Flute Video: KARMACHINA (Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri, Rino Stefano Tagliafierro) Project: DWA https://vimeo.com/64302935 I N T O T H E W H I T E ( M I L A N W E E K D E S I G N An audiovisual project freely inspired by the Armenian film director Sergei Parajanov, Milan Week Design 2013 Video: KARMACHINA (Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri, Rino Stefano Tagliafierro) https://vimeo.com/64302935 2 0 1 3 ) P E R S O N A L P R O J E C T S M A K I N G O F F Making Off Mirko Baricchi “Germogli.e stelle” Sarzana 2013 Directed by Paolo Ranieri https://vimeo.com/64129702 M I R K O B A R I C C H I L A C A P P E L L A R U C E L L A I The Rucellai in San Pancrazio Chapel in the Marino Marini Museum. Florence 2013 Directed by Vinicio Bordin and Paolo Ranieri Client : Marino Marini Museum https://vimeo.com/64104741 I N S A N P A N C R A Z I O 1 0 1 4 U N A S T O R I A Multimedia installation by Paolo Ranieri and Beatice Meoni Video: Vinicio Bordin, Paolo Ranieri e Francesco Lupi Timini CAMEC Contemporary and Modern Art Centre, La Spezia 2010 https://vimeo.com/21921744 D I U O M I N I E N U M E R I U N I D I S P L A Y Hangar Bicocca, Milano 2012 Video: Vinicio Bordin e Paolo Ranieri A cura di Chiara Bertola e Andrea Lissoni https://vimeo.com/64101760 C A R S T E N N I C O L A I F R A N K O B . PAC Pavilion of Contemporary Art Milan 2010 Video: Federico Ambrosi e Vinicio Bordin Sound: Antonello Raggi Client: 24 Ore Cultura https://vimeo.com/18844138 I S T I L L L O V E A N G E L O R O S S E T T O “Angelo Rossetto da Maser”, a documentary directed by Vinicio Bordin for the district of Maser (TV), 2013 https://vimeo.com/76144170 pass: rossetto D A M A S E R M + A M Y S U P E R 8 A short movie directed by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro Music: M+A https://vimeo.com/20402527 O R A X R O C K E R S A music video directed by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro & Laila Sonsino Music: Orax https://vimeo.com/55942234 M + A B A M A music video directed by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro & Laila Sonsino Music: M+A https://vimeo.com/32133839 B E A U T Y A short movie directed by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro Music & Sound Design: Enrico Ascoli https://vimeo.com/83910533 B I O G R A P H I E S V I N I C I O B O R D I N Graduated at the University of Udine in audiovisual and multimedia technologies. Since 2003 he is part of the Stalkervideo, an independent studios which places its strength in a steady research oriented towards the dynamics originated from the confluence of video with other conterminous activities, such as graphics, plastic and scenic arts. His work as assistant of Luca Scarzella to the realization of video-dramas for musical theater. The most important productions of this period were Così Fan Tutte and Don Giovanni by W. A. Mozart, director Daniele Abbado in 2006, Winterreise by F. Schubert, director Roberto Andò in 2009. In 2010 he is created the video design for the show Liliacul/The Bat, music by J. Strauss, director Razvan Dinca, at the Opereta Theatre in Bucarest. He is actively working in the studio N!03 in Milan, where he worked in the design and editing video of several multimedia installations. he also produces historical and art documentary, and explores the use of archival footage in new audiovisual technologies. He is a professor of History and Technique of Editing Video at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera and the Academy of Scala Theatre in Milan. In 2013 he is one of the founders of KARMACHINA, an audiovisual project combining entertainment with research for aesthetics and content. They make visual and audiovisual projects. https://vimeo.com/vinicio b.vinicio@gmail.com +39 3492546076 P A O L O R A N I E R I Born in Sarzana (SP) in 1967. In 1992 he attended the specialist course for Cinema and Television Production organised by ENFAP in Genoa. During the same year he worked as assistant cameraman for the private television network Primocanale of Genova and for the production company Metamorphosi in Milan. Since 1993 he started to work on a stable basis with Studio Azzurro as director, assistant director and editor, and began collaboration with the director Luca Scarzella of the Stalker studio in Milan. With Studio Azzurro, he has also directed and edited documentaries and videos on contemporary art as well as directing and designing multimedia installations for exhibitions. He lectures in Editing Theory and Practice at the IED (European Design Institute) of Milan and at the Art Accademy in Carrara. Since 2003 he started to work on a stable basis with N!03 as director, project manager and multimedia design. Since 2013 he started to work on a stable basis with Karmachina. http://www.ennezerotre.it http://www.studioazzurro.it http://www.ied.it paoloranieri67@gmail.com +39 3391239464 R I N O S T E F A N O T A G L I A F I E R R O Born in 1980. Italian experimental video animator and director. He graduated at the ISIA of Urbino and IED European Institute of Design in Milan. He has made many short video and music videos for major italian and international artists. Over the years he has had experience in art-direction, visual-art, graphic design, 2Danimation, compositing for the production of commercial, shorts and fashion video, and videomapping, videoprojection and interactive installations for exhibitions, museums and special events. In 2013 he gave birth along with other two filmmakers on the audio/visual project called Karmachina, realizing, among other projects, the video-installation for the opening ceremony of the Golden Apricot International Film Festival 2014 in Yerevan in Armenia. He has participated in many festivals and competitions, receiving international awards including: Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy , Ottawa International Animation Festival, Video Art & Experimental Film Festival NEW YORK, Atlanta Film Festival, Sapporo Short Fest, Berlin Interfilm, AnimaMundi Brazil and SICAF Seoul. In 2014 he published the short video"BEAUTY". http://www.rinostefanotagliafierro.com/ https://vimeo.com/rinostefanotagliafierro mail@rinostefanotagliafierro.com +39 3495783345 karmachinamovie@gmail.com h t t p s : //v i m e o . c o m / k a r m a c h i n a http://www.facebook.com/Karmachina