Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini Newsletter – Edizione del 15 marzo 2014 Redazione: Donatella Bucca; Francesco D'Aiuto; Luigi D'Amelia Indirizzo: SOMMARIO: A. EVENTI 1. CICLO DI CONFERENZE: "LA CALABRIA NEL MEDIOEVO" (REGGIO CALABRIA, 25.02-29.05.2014) 2. EXHIBITION: "ANTIOCH ON THE ORONTES, EARLY EXPLORATIONS IN THE CITY OF MOSAICS" (ISTANBUL, 28.02-20.04.2014) 3. SEMINARIO: GIANFRANCO AGOSTI, "LE ISCRIZIONI IN VERSI" (CASSINO, 19.03.2014) 4. "IN CORSO D'OPERA": GIORNATE DI STUDIO DEI DOTTORANDI IN STORIA DELL'ARTE DELLA "SAPIENZA" (ROMA, 24-26.03.2014) 5. EXHIBITIONS: "HEAVEN AND EARTH: BYZANTINE ILLUMINATION AT THE CULTURAL CROSSROADS" (LOS ANGELES, 25.03.-22.06.2014) -- "HEAVEN AND EARTH: ART OF BYZANTIUM FROM GREEK COLLECTIONS" (PACIFIC PALISADES [CA], 09.04-25.08.2014) 6. WORKSHOP: "SCRITTURA EPIGRAFICA E SCRITTURA LIBRARIA FRA ORIENTE E OCCIDENTE" (CASSINO, 09.04.2014) 7. SEMINARI "LAVORI IN CORSO" PRESSO L'UNIVERSITA' DI NAPOLI "L'ORIENTALE" (NAPOLI, 09.04-28.05.2014) 8. BYZANTINE STUDIES SYMPOSIUM: "KNOWING BODIES, PASSIONATE SOULS: SENSE PERCEPTIONS IN BYZANTIUM" (WASHINGTON, D.C., DUMBARTON OAKS, 25-27.04.2014) 9. COLLOQUIUM: "THE MEDITERRANEAN CITY AND ITS RULERS: A COMPARISON OF BYZANTIUM, ISLAM, AND WESTERN CHRISTENDOM IN THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES" (PRINCETON, 26-27.04.2014; APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR FUNDING: 25.04.2014; OTHER APPLICATIONS DEADLINE: 12.05.2014) 10. BYZANTINE GREEK SUMMER SCHOOL 2014 (BIRMINGHAM, 27.07-24.08.2014) 11. CALL FOR PAPERS: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "THE WORLD OF ISLAM: HISTORY, SOCIETY, CULTURE" (MOSCOW, 22-24.10.2014; APPLICATION DEADLINE: 01.05.2014) B. PUBBLICAZIONI 1. "NEA RHOME" 9 (2012) [2013] [= "CHRONOS SYNEGOROS. MELANGES ANDRE' GUILLOU", II] 2. B. CROSTINI - S. LA PORTA (EDS.), "NEGOTIATING CO-EXISTENCE" (2013) 3. "BYZANTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT" 106/2 (2013) 4. "PAREKBOLAI. AN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL FOR BYZANTINE LITERATURE" 3 (2013) 5. J. BECKER, "DOCUMENTI LATINI E GRECI DEL CONTE RUGGERO I DI CALABRIA E SICILIA" (2013) 6. "ESTUDIOS BIZANTINOS" 1 (2013) 7. "BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES" 38/1 (MARCH 2014) 8. "DIOGENES" 1 (JANUARY 2014) C. NOTIZIE 1. SUMMER SCHOOL ON THE TOPIC "SAINTS AND SINNERS IN BYZANTIUM" (THESSALONIKI, 30.06-12.07.2014; DEADLINE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS: 16.03.2014) 2. SUMMER COURSE 2014: GREEK PALAEOGRAPHY AND CODICOLOGY (UPPSALA, JULY 2014; APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17.03.2014) 3. POSTDOCTORAL ANNOUNCEMENTS AT THE RESEARCH CENTRE "RELIGIONS AND SOCIETIES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD", AFFILIATED TO SORBONNE UNIVERSITY, PARIS (APPLICATION DEADLINES: 18.04.2014; 03.04.2014) 4. ONLINE DATABASE: "INSCRIPTIONS OF ISRAEL/PALESTINE" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. EVENTI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. CICLO DI CONFERENZE: "LA CALABRIA NEL MEDIOEVO" (REGGIO CALABRIA, 25.02-29.05.2014) Da: Antonio Labate ( Ciclo di conferenze "La Calabria nel Medioevo": approfondimenti storici e novita' sul patrimonio architettonico e artistico della Calabria nel Medioevo. 25 FEBBRAIO Vera VON FALKENHAUSEN: "La Calabria greca medievale: bizantina e normanna" 3 APRILE Margherita CORRADO: "Il golfo di Squillace da Capo Rizzuto a Copanello: un osservatorio privilegiato sull'alto Medioevo calabrese" 8 MAGGIO Francesco A. CUTERI: "La citta' di Ruggero: Mileto e la Calabria normanna" 29 MAGGIO Domenico MINUTO: "Architettura bizantina in Calabria: esperienze e ricerche" Tutti gli incontri si svolgeranno alle ore 17.00 presso la Sala conference DiDiEc, Palazzo Sarlo, Reggio Calabria. Agli studenti dei Dipartimenti PAU e DArTe partecipanti al ciclo di conferenze saranno riconosciuti n. 1 CFU. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]. EXHIBITION: "ANTIOCH ON THE ORONTES, EARLY EXPLORATIONS IN THE CITY OF MOSAICS" (ISTANBUL, 28.02-20.04.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( "ANTIOCH ON THE ORONTES, EARLY EXPLORATIONS IN THE CITY OF MOSAICS" (28 February-20 April 2014) Curated by Murat Akar Koc University's Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations Koc University's Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations will host the exhibition "Antioch on the Orontes, Early Explorations in the City of Mosaics" between 28 February and 20 April 2014. Curated by Murat Akar, it tells the story of how archaeologists unearthed findings from the most brilliant period in the history of Antioch, one of the most important political and cultural centers of the Hellenistic Orient and one of the great metropolises of the Roman Empire. A catalog published by Koc University Press - containing a brief history of Antioch, a history of the excavations, and a selection of the excavation photographs - will accompany the exhibition. Koc University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations Istiklal Caddesi No: 181 Merkez Han 34433 Beyoglu P.O.B. 260 -- Istanbul, Turkey T: + 90 212 393 6000 -- F: + 90 212 245 1761 rcac_info[at] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3]. SEMINARIO: GIANFRANCO AGOSTI, "LE ISCRIZIONI IN VERSI" (CASSINO, 19.03.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( Universita' di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale Dipartimento di Scienze Umane Sociali e della Salute Seminari del Laboratorio di ricerche storiche e archeologiche dell'antichita' (PRIN 2010: "Colonie e municipi dell'Italia romana nell'era digitale: fra storia locale e storia generale. L'apporto delle nuove tecnologie di archiviazione e gestione dei dati epigrafici allo studio delle citta', intese come elemento fondante della civilta' romana") Gianfranco AGOSTI "Le iscrizioni in versi: societa' e cultura nell'epigraphic habit tardoantico" (mercoledi' 19 marzo, ore 10.30-13.30) L'incontro avra' luogo presso il Laboratorio di ricerche storiche e archeologiche dell'antichita' -DipSUSS (via Mazzaroppi snc, Cassino) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4]. "IN CORSO D'OPERA": GIORNATE DI STUDIO DEI DOTTORANDI IN STORIA DELL'ARTE DELLA "SAPIENZA" (ROMA, 24-26.03.2014) Da: Lorenzo Riccardi ( In corso d'opera Giornate di studio dei dottorandi in Storia dell'arte della "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma Lunedi' 24 marzo 2014 Aula Odeion, Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia, "Sapienza" Universita' di Roma PROGRAMMA 9.30 Indirizzi di Saluto Prof. Alessandro Zuccari, Coordinatore del Dottorato di Ricerca in Storia dell'Arte Prof.ssa Marina Righetti, Direttore del Dipartimento di Storia dell'Arte e Spettacolo 10.00 Prima sessione Cantieri e botteghe (presiede prof. Antonio Iacobini) - Veronica Dell’Agostino, Exempla di pittura ornamentale tra i frammenti di intonaco dipinto emersi dallo scavo di San Pietro al Monte di Civate. - Antonino Tranchina, Fortune e sfortune della famosa fabbrica dell'Acroterio: il monastero del Salvatore di Messina oltre la sua tormentata vicenda. - Melania Marrocco, L'arredo liturgico della cattedrale di Sessa Aurunca: una ricostruzione attraverso le fonti documentarie. 11.20-11.40 Break - Paola Torniai, Le munitioni sanpietrine tra il XVII e XVIII secolo: Scipione Santucci, Alessio Mattioli e la stipula della privativa nei documenti dell'AFSP. - Lucia Ajello, Maestri argentieri a Roma: opere insigni e un antico privilegio in un memoriale dell'Ottocento. - Manuel Barrese, Regio, popolare, wagneriano. Il cantiere del teatro Costanzi a Roma e le decorazioni di Annibale Brugnoli. 12.40-13.10 Discussione 15.00 Seconda sessione Artisti e committenti (presiede prof.ssa Michela di Macco) - Martina Nardacci, "Terre Incognitae" dell’arte: bureau d’etudes. - Jelena Jovanovic, Architettura e committenza all'epoca di Stefan Nemanja: alcune riflessioni sulle origini delle forme architettoniche nella seconda meta' del XII secolo in Rascia (Serbia). - Michele Nicolaci, La Deposizione di Cristo nel Sepolcro di Giovanni Baglione e la sua attivita' pittorica per le Confraternite 16.30-16.50 Break - Yuri Primarosa, Fermare il modello in posa attraverso il disegno, l'incisione, il pennello. Il cardinale Erminio Valenti nei ritratti di Ottavio Leoni. - Michela Gianfranceschi, Il senso morale nelle stampe di traduzione d'ambito caravaggesco. Riflessioni e confronti. - Federico De Martino, Nuovi contributi sui quadri di Lazzaro Baldi per la chiesa del SS. Sudario 18.20-18.50 Dibattito Martedi' 25 marzo 2014 Sala Rossa, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Roma 9.30 Indirizzi di saluto Arch. Francesco Moschini, Segretario Generale dell'Accademia Nazionale di San Luca Prof. Angela Cipriani, Soprintendente alla Galleria e alle Collezioni dell'Accademia Nazionale di San Luca 10.00 Terza sessione Geografie dell'arte (presiede prof. Alessandro Zuccari) - Lorenzo Riccardi, Il fratello negletto: Costantino Comneno Douka nell'Etolia-Akarnania (12101240 ca.). - Maurizio Ficari, La decorazione cosmatesca del duomo di Sutri all'epoca di Innocenzo III: Pietro Ismaeli, Jacopo di Lorenzo e la propaganda pontificia nella Tuscia suburbicaria. - Claudia Quattrocchi, "E vi fu battaglia nel cielo" (Ap. 12, 7-12). Un tema apocalittico in alcuni esempi artistici fra Europa e Lazio medievale 11.20-11.40 Break - Claudia Matera, "Genialita' ci accompagni": Novissima e il Liberty d'oltralpe. - Manuel Carrera, John Lavery e l'Italia. - Realda Abdija, "The last gestures": L'inganno della memoria. 12.40-13.10 Dibattito 15.00 Quarta sessione Storia delle immagini (presiede prof. Claudio Zambianchi) - Silvia Pedone, La passione aurea. Il colore dell'oro a Bisanzio. - Barbara Villa, I Disciplini a Bergamo: appunti per una nuova lettura iconografica. - Hiroko Nagai, Pintoricchio e la sua cerchia: "La Madonna con il Bambino che tiene il libro", reiterazione di uno schema. - Silvia Trisciuzzi, "E' in tutte le sue parti riguardevole e ammirabile": fortuna dell'altare di S. Ignazio al Gesu'. 16.40-17.00 Break - Fabio Cafagna, Esercizi di trasparenza dell'anatomia artistica tra XVIII e XIX secolo. - Matteo Piccioni, Le stanze di Flaubert fra pittura e immagine popolare. - Simona Caramia, Carte di viaggio. 18.20-18.50 Dibattito Mercoledi' 26 marzo 2014 Aula Levi della Vida, Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia, sede ex-Vetrerie Sciarra, Sapienza Universita' di Roma 9.30 Quinta sessione Collezionare, studiare ed esporre l'arte (presiede prof.ssa Claudia Cieri Via) - Elisa Minciacchi, Disegni e incisioni nei libri della Roma Chigiana. - Rosalia Pagliarani, Lorenzo Casoni e Joseph Emmanuel de La Tremoille: due residenze cardinalizie a confronto. - Massimo Fiorot, Gli scritti giovanili sulla pittura veneziana nel percorso intellettuale di Lionello Venturi. - Giulia Calanna, Il viaggio a Istanbul di Antonio Munoz (1905-1906): la citta' e i monumenti nel suo fondo fotografico 11.20-11.40 Break - Giulia Grassi, L'Italia all'Exposition d'art byzantin di Parigi del 1931. - Aurora Roscini Vitali, Fra orientalismo e modernita', la mostra d'arte coloniale a Roma (1931). - Michela Bassu, Il motivo pittorico come soggetto fotografico negli anni trenta del novecento: confronti per una storia critica dell'arte di Cezanne. - Sara Catenacci, "L'ambiente come sociale alla Biennale di Venezia 1976": note da un libro mai realizzato. 13.00-13.20 Discussione e chiusura dei lavori ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [5]. EXHIBITIONS: "HEAVEN AND EARTH: BYZANTINE ILLUMINATION AT THE CULTURAL CROSSROADS" (LOS ANGELES, 25.03.-22.06.2014) -- "HEAVEN AND EARTH: ART OF BYZANTIUM FROM GREEK COLLECTIONS" (PACIFIC PALISADES [CA], 09.0425.08.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( "HEAVEN AND EARTH: BYZANTINE CROSSROADS" (March 25-June 22, 2014) ILLUMINATION AT THE CULTURAL THE GETTY CENTER: 1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049 Tuesday-Friday and Sunday 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Closed Mondays The glittering courts of the Byzantine Empire (A.D. 330-1453) have long been admired for their rich tradition of manuscript illumination. The prominent use of gold, a striking sense of naturalism, and a distinctive spiritual character were among the widely celebrated aspects of Byzantine art in the Middle Ages. These qualities inspired artists and patrons in other Christian locales, including western Europe, Armenia, and Ethiopia. Primarily drawn from the Getty Museum's collection, this exhibition also features important loans in partnership with "HEAVEN AND EARTH: ART OF BYZANTIUM FROM GREEK COLLECTIONS", on view at the Getty Villa from April 9 through August 25, 2014. THE GETTY VILLA: 17985 Pacific Coast Highway Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Wednesday-Monday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Closed Tuesdays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [6]. WORKSHOP: "SCRITTURA EPIGRAFICA E SCRITTURA LIBRARIA FRA ORIENTE E OCCIDENTE" (CASSINO, 09.04.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( "SCRITTURA EPIGRAFICA E SCRITTURA LIBRARIA FRA ORIENTE E OCCIDENTE" WORKSHOP INTERNAZIONALE, 9 APRILE 2014 Universita' degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale Facolta' di Ingegneria -- Aula Magna Via Gaetano di Biasio, 43 - Cassino Programma: 09.45-10.00 Saluti 10.00-10.30 Pasquale Orsini (Roma), "Scritture epigrafiche e scritture librarie a Bisanzio" 10.30-11.00 Flavia de Rubeis (Venezia), "La scrittura epigrafica tra merovingi e carolingi: modelli, prestiti, invenzioni" 11.00-11.30 Pausa caffe' 11.30-12.00 Andreas Rhoby (Wien), "Inscriptions and manuscripts in Byzantium: A palaeographic approach" 12.00-12.30 Carlo Tedeschi (Chieti), "Le iscrizioni di Dodone, vescovo di Rieti e Amiterno" 12.30-13.30 Discussione 15.00-15.30 Gianfranco Agosti (Roma), "La mise-en-page come elemento significante nell'epigrafia e nei libri tardoantichi" 15.30-16.00 Tommaso Gramigni (Firenze), "Scritture distintive e scritture epigrafiche in Toscana nella prima meta' del XII secolo" 16.00-17.00 Discussione e conclusioni Coordinamento scientifico: Pasquale Orsini - Edoardo Crisci - Marilena Maniaci Segreteria: Filomena Valente - Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [7]. SEMINARI "LAVORI IN CORSO" PRESSO L'UNIVERSITA' DI NAPOLI "L'ORIENTALE" (NAPOLI, 09.04-28.05.2014) Da: Antonio Rollo ( Universita' di Napoli "L'Orientale" -- Dipartimento di Studi letterari, linguistici e comparati, via Duomo 219, I piano, stanza 120, ore 15.00-16.30 Seminario "Lavori in corso", a cura di A. Rollo e A. Roselli. Si segnalano i seguenti interventi di interesse bizantinistico: Mercoledi' 9 aprile: David SPERANZI, Per Demetrio Damilas copista e disegnatore di caratteri Mercoledi' 7 maggio: Giuseppe DE GREGORIO, Il Vaticano Urbinate greco 125 sotto analisi paleografica e testuale. Origine e storia di una collezione planudea Mercoledi' 14 maggio: Anna Maria IERACI BIO, Per lo studio dei testi medici greci nell'Umanesimo Mercoledi' 21 maggio: Giuseppe UCCIARDELLO, I lessici atticisti di Pausania e Elio Dionisio: problemi di trasmissione e di Quellenforschung Mercoledi' 28 maggio: Antonio ROLLO, Il restauro dei graeca nei codici delle Institutiones di Lattanzio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [8]. BYZANTINE STUDIES SYMPOSIUM: "KNOWING BODIES, PASSIONATE SOULS: SENSE PERCEPTIONS IN BYZANTIUM" (WASHINGTON, D.C., DUMBARTON OAKS, 2527.04.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( KNOWING BODIES, PASSIONATE SOULS: SENSE PERCEPTIONS IN BYZANTIUM Byzantine Studies Symposium, April 25-27, 2014 Symposiarchs: Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Brown University and Margaret Mullett, Dumbarton Oaks. Byzantine culture was notably attuned to a cosmos of multiple domains: material, immaterial; bodily, intellectual, physical, spiritual; human, divine. Despite a prevailing discourse to the contrary, the Byzantine world found its bridges between domains most often in sensory modes of awareness. These different domains were concretely perceptible; further, they were encountered daily amidst the mundane no less than the exalted. Icons, incense, music, sacred architecture, ritual activity; saints, imperial families, persons at prayer; hymnography, ascetical or mystical literature: in all of its cultural expressions, the Byzantines excelled in highlighting the intersections between human and divine realms through sensory engagement (whether positive or negative). Byzantinists have been slow to look at the operations of the senses in Byzantium, especially those of seeing, its relation to the other senses, and phenomenological approaches in general. More recently work on smell and hearing has followed, and yet the areas of taste and touch -- the most universal and the most necessary of the senses -- are still largely uncharted. Nor has much been done to explore how Byzantines viewed the senses, or how they envisaged the sensory interactions with their world. A map of the connections between of sense-perceptions and other processes (of perception, memory, visualization) in the Byzantine brain has still to be sketched out. How did the Byzantines describe, narrate or represent the senses at work? It is hoped to further studies of the operations of individual senses in Byzantium in the context of all the senses, and their place in what the Byzantines thought about perception and cognition. Recent work on dreaming, on memory and on the emotions has made advances possible, and collaborative experiments between Byzantinists and neurological scientists open further approaches. The happy coincidence of a Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Landscape symposium on 'Senses in the landscape: non-visual experiences' and of a forthcoming exhibition at the Walters Art Museum on the five senses enable some cross-cultural comparisons to be made involving gardens in Islamic Spain, Hebrew hymnography, Syriac wine-poetry, Mediterranean ordure, and Romanesque and Gothic precious objects—that were not just looked at but also touched, smelled, heard. Architects, musicologists, art historians, archaeologists, philologists, all can contribute approaches to the revelation of the Byzantine sensorium. PROGRAM: FRIDAY 8.30: Coffee on the Music Room Terrace 9.00: Welcomes 9.15: Introduction: Susan Ashbrook Harvey I: SOUNDS AND SILENCES 9.30: Amy Papalexandrou (Austin, Texas) on acoustics: Toward a Sonic History of Byzantium 10.15: Discussion and coffee 11.00: Kim Haines-Eitzen (Cornell): Geographies of Silence in Late Antiquity 11.45: Spiro Antonopoulos (City University, London, but US) on ornamentation and comprehensibility in music: The Phenomenon of Embellishment and Re-composition in the Music of Late Byzantium 12.30: Discussion 1.00: Luncheon II: OLFACTORY LANDSCAPES 2.30: Susan Alcock (Brown) on the smells of the street 3.15: Dede Fairchild Ruggles (Urbana-Champaign), Finding Scents in Islamic Gardens 4.00: Discussion and Tea III: TOUCHING AND FEELING 4.30: Stavroula Constantinou (Nicosia), The Saint's Two Bodies: Sensibility under (Self-)Torture in Byzantine Hagiography 5.15: Discussion 5.30-7.30: Drinks on the Green Terrace SATURDAY 9.00: Coffee on the Music Room Terrace 9.30: Ingela Nilsson (Uppsala), To Touch or not to Touch: Erotic Tactility in Byzantine Literature 10.15: Discussion and Coffee IV: TASTES OF LIFE 11.00: Thomas Arentzen (Lund), Struggling with Romanos's "Dagger of Taste" 11.45: David Taylor (Oxford) on wine poetry 12.30: Discussion 1.00: Luncheon V: SIGHT UNSEEN 2.30: Glenn Peers (Austin Texas), How Bodies Know, How We Know Bodies 3.15: Martina Bagnoli (Walters), Sensing Beauty. Medieval Art, the Five Senses and the Art Museum 4.00: Discussion and Tea VI: CELEBRATING THE SENSES 4.45: Ruth Webb (Lille) on rhetoric: Virtual Sensations and Inner Visions: Words and the Senses in Late Antiquity and Byzantium 5.30 Discussion 7.00 for 7.30 Speakers' Dinner SUNDAY 9.30: Coffee on the Music Room Terrace 10.00: Laura Lieber (Duke) on the senses and ritual participation: Dancing with the Angel of Death: The Adulterous Woman of Numbers 5 10.45: Marcus Plested (Cambridge) The Spiritual Senses, Monastic and Theological 11.30: Discussion and Coffee 12.00: Conclusion: Margaret Mullett ABSTRACTS: INFO: Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Studies Program 1703 32nd Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007 Tel.: 202-339-6940 Fax: 202-298-8409, E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [9]. COLLOQUIUM: "THE MEDITERRANEAN CITY AND ITS RULERS: A COMPARISON OF BYZANTIUM, ISLAM, AND WESTERN CHRISTENDOM IN THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES" (PRINCETON, 26-27.04.2014; APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR FUNDING: 25.04.2014; OTHER APPLICATIONS DEADLINE: 12.05.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( COLLOQUIUM: "THE MEDITERRANEAN CITY AND ITS RULERS: A COMPARISON OF BYZANTIUM, ISLAM, AND WESTERN CHRISTENDOM IN THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES" (PRINCETON, 26-27.04.2014) The High Middle Ages were a period of profound transformation for the Christian cities of the central and western Mediterranean. However, it has generally been thought that the urban centers of the Islamic and Byzantine worlds to the south and east did not share in the same economic, political, and cultural developments. Most interregional studies carried out so far have promoted this understanding of the period by considering the "classic example" of the cities of northern Italy solely in the context of the situation on the other side of the Alps. Otherwise, attention has tended to be focused on specific polities within each of the three Mediterranean macro-regions, to the neglect of the picture across macro-regions. There has been no in-depth comparison of how cities were ruled in the various lands encircling the Great Sea, despite the existence of a strong common Roman heritage, as well as evidence for extensive interaction through long-distance trade, pilgrimage, diplomacy, and warfare. This conference will begin to undertake such an analysis, highlighting similarities and differences in governmental institutions, civic identity, and revolutionary activity throughout the Mediterranean. The event is intended as a pilot establishing a network of scholars. The next meeting will be held at the University of Edinburg in 2105 and is being organized by Dr. Gianluca Raccagni, Chancellor's Fellow in History. PRINCETON INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL STUDIES Location: Aaron Burr Hall, Room 216 04/26/14 at 9:30 pm - 04/27/14 at 6:00 pm INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [10]. BYZANTINE GREEK SUMMER SCHOOL 2014 (BIRMINGHAM, 27.07-24.08.2014) Da: Aisbnews ( BYZANTINE GREEK SUMMER SCHOOL 2014 (27 July-24 August 2014) Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology University of Birmingham The BYZANTINE GREEK SUMMER SCHOOL offers courses in medieval Greek language at three levels: Level 1 Beginners (27 July - 10 August); Level 2 Intermediate (10 - 24 August); Level 3 Advanced Reading (10 - 24 August). The Byzantine Greek Summer School operated at Queen's University Belfast from 2002 to 2011 and has now relocated to the University of Birmingham. We are very grateful to the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at Birmingham for making the continuation of the Summer School possible when Queen's University declined to host it after 2011. FURTHER INFORMATION: DEADLINES: - If you are applying for funding via the application form, your application form must be returned by FRIDAY 31 MARCH 2014 to guarantee consideration. Decisions on the award of bursaries will be made by Wednesday 25 April. - The deadline for all other applications is MONDAY 12 MAY 2014. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [11]. CALL FOR PAPERS: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "THE WORLD OF ISLAM: HISTORY, SOCIETY, CULTURE" (MOSCOW, 22-24.10.2014; APPLICATION DEADLINE: 01.05.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( 3rd International Research Conference "THE WORLD OF ISLAM: HISTORY, SOCIETY, CULTURE" 22-24 October 2014, Moscow CALL FOR PAPERS The All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (LFL) in collaboration with the Mardjani Foundation (MF) are organizing the Third International Research Conference which will take place at LFL in Moscow on 22-24 October 2014. The first conference "The World of Islam" was inaugurated by the MF in 2007. It took place at the Russian State University for Humanities. The second conference was held in the People's Friendship University of Russia in 2010. Both research meetings gathered specialists on Islamic and Russian studies from leading Russian and foreign university centers. They considered a wide range of problems related to interregional and interdisciplinary study of Islamic cultural and theological legacy, past and present development of Muslim societies, as well as methodological and organizational issues of Islamic studies at the age of modern globalization. Initially it was decided to make disciplinary scope of the conference as wide as possible to enable productive interdisciplinary dialogue between historians, anthropologists, sociologists, philologists, philosophers, political scientists and other specialists involved in the study of Muslim societies throughout the world whose interests are close to the research repertoire examined in the conferences. Reaching its third conference "The World of Islam" aims to foster high-quality, original and innovative research, both theoretical and empirical, in history and across the social sciences on key topics related to Islam and Muslim societies; to cover all Muslim regions as widely as possible with topics related to Islam, including their mutual relationships and relations with Russia's Muslims; to focus on historical, cultural, economic and socio-political issues; to enable research collaboration between specialists in related fields of human and social sciences whose study focuses on Islam; to encourage publication and dissemination of this research in edited volumes, thematic issues of learned journals, and the "The World of Islam" Working Papers. Working languages are Russian, English and Arabic. There will be no translation or interpretation services available. STRUCTURE The "The World of Islam" 2014 consists of 8 workshops. Each workshop is directed by one-two or three workshop directors and on average includes 20 participants. The participants of each workshop meet in four sessions for a total of approximately fourteen hours over two days. They discuss papers, general topics, ways to publish the papers, and how to continue collaborative efforts. Plenary and social events are organised during the MRM. In addition, two or three more thematic round tables might be held during the conference. The eventual list of workshops and round tables will be available on the Mardjani Foundation website by February 20 2014. Applications for listening participants are now open. Deadline: 1 May 2014. WORKSHOPS 1. Problems of Studying the "Classical" Islamic Heritage: Source Studies, Historiography, History of Islamic Thought directed by Pavel V. Basharin, Russian State University for Humanities, Mardjani Foundation,; Jens Scheiner, Göttingen University, 2. Islam in Russia and Eurasian Space: Rethinking legacy of the Archival Revolution of the 1990s directed by Dmitry Yu. Arapov, Moscow State University; Vladimir O. Bobrovnikov, Institute for Oriental Studies, Mardjani Foundation,; Aydar Yu. Khabutdinov, Russian Academy of Justice (Kazan), Mardjani Foundation, 3. Islamic Response to the challenges of Modernity: ideas, persons, institutes directed by Ilshat G. Saetov, Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature; Мarina Sapronova, Moscow State Institute of International Relations MGIMO, 4. Anthropological and Sociological Approaches to the Study of Muslim Societies directed by Nikolay S. Terletsky, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), 5. Islam and Migration Processes directed by Serguey N. Abashin, European University in St. Petersburg, 6. Art and Material Culture of the Muslim World directed by Anton D. Pritula, State Hermitage Museum, 7. Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Islamicate World directed by Ilya V. Zaytsev, Margarita Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature,; Olga M. Yastrebova, Russian National Library in St. Petersburg, 8. Eastern Christianity and Islam directed by Tarek M. Muhammad, Ayn Shams University, Egypt,; Wessam A. Farag, Mansourah University, Egypt How to apply Candidates apply online contacting directors of the workshop they are interested in, who will evaluate their request and decide whether to accept their participation. Application materials should include: a paper proposal of approximately 300 words in Russian, English or Arabic; contact information of the applicant: family and given names, academic degree and rank(s), affiliation, e-mail and postal address, phone and/or fax numbers/ Co-authored papers might be proposed. It is possible to apply for more than one workshop submitting the online application for each workshop separately. Please note that workshops are held simultaneously and you will not be able to go from one workshop to the other. Selection Workshop directors select the paper proposals, and the results of the selection process will be communicated to all applicants by 21 May 2014. All selected candidates need to confirm their participation by e-mail to their workshop directors within 10 days of the receipt of an invitation to participate. Participants should guarantee their participation in all sessions of their workshop. Fee: 500 rubles for residents of from Russia and the CIS countries, and euro 50 for participants from abroad should be paid in cash at the opening of the conference. Participants pay for their own travel and accommodation costs. However, they will benefit from a special discount rate in hotels close to the place where the conference will be held. Non-Russian citizens will receive a letter of official invitation to facilitate visa procedures. For all enquiries, please contact the "The World of Islam" Scientific Coordination Team at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B. PUBBLICAZIONI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. "NEA RHOME" 9 (2012) [2013] [= "CHRONOS SYNEGOROS. MELANGES ANDRE' GUILLOU", II] Da: Santo Luca' ( "NEA RHOME. RIVISTA DI RICERCHE BIZANTINISTICHE" 9 (2012) [2013] [= "CHRONOS SYNEGOROS. MELANGES ANDRE' GUILLOU", II, Etudes reunies par L. Benou et C. Rognoni], 316 p.: ill.; 8 tavv. color. f.t. INDICE: B. HAMARNEH, "Scene bibliche nella basilica di Ya'amun: una riconsiderazione", 5 --- M. FALLA CASTELFRANCHI, "Sulla cosiddetta s. Elena raffigurata nella catacomba di S. Lucia a Siracusa", 23 --- P. SCHREINER, "Griechisches Feuer in Tours. Bemerkungen zu einer wenig beachteten lateinischen Notiz", 31 --- A. CARILE, "Funerali e sepolture imperiali a Costantinopoli fra realta' e leggenda", 43 --- B. FLUSIN, "Les tenues imperiales pour les ceremonies religieuses d'apres le De cerimoniis", 59 --- S. LUCA', "Le Boulai di Bartolomeo il Giovane, IV egumeno di Grottaferrata, conservate nell'Angel. gr. 41", 81 --- Ch. ANGELIDI, "Translationes Agathae. Note sur le culte d'une sainte entre Byzance et la Sicile normande", 123 --- C. ROGNONI, "Disposer des hommes dans la Sicile du XIIe siecle: deux documents grecs inedits", 133 --H. ENZENSBERGER, "Einige unbekannte Dokumente aus normannischer und staufischer Zeit", 153 --- E.A. ZACHARIADOU, "Encore quelques remarques sur les ideogrammes chinois de Geraki", 183 --- C.G. PITSAKIS, "Les querelles hesychastes et les juristes byzantins des XIVe-XVe siecles", 189 --- T. DORANDI, "Due nuove 'cronache' di Giorgio-Gennadio Scolario", 211 --- R.S. STEFEC, "Zur Geschichte der Handschriften des Francesco Patrizi und des Antonios Eparchos", 245 --- Ch. MALTEZOU, "I privilegi degli arcondopoula e di Notara: osservazioni sulle copie dei documenti", 261 --- R. LAVAGNINI, "1857: notizie dal Salento", 281 --- Resumes degli articoli --- Pubblicazioni ricevute --- Norme per l'invio di contributi alla redazione e procedura di peer review. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]. B. CROSTINI - S. LA PORTA (EDS.), "NEGOTIATING CO-EXISTENCE" (2013) Da: Aisbnews ( Barbara CROSTINI, Sergio LA PORTA (eds.), "NEGOTIATING CO-EXISTENCE. Communities, Cultures and Convivencia in Byzantine Society" Trier, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2013 (Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium, 96) 299 p., ill. -- ISBN 978-3-86821-504-5 CONTENTS: B. Crostini, "Introduction: Exploring Byzantine Convivencia", 9 -- I. DELINEATING ARABS AND ISLAM IN BYZANTIUM: D. Woods, "Maslama and the Alleged Construction of the First Mosque in Constantinople c. 718", 19 -- R.F. Glei, "John Damascene on Islam: a Long-Term History in Byzantium", 31 -- N. Koutrakou, "Language and Dynamics of Communication in Byzantium: The 'Image' of the Arabs in Hagiographical Sources, 45 -- II. MATERIAL EXCHANGES AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION: A. D'Ottone, "Manuscripts as Mirrors of a Multilingual and Multicultural Society: the Case of the Damascus Find", 63 -- M. Fincati, "To ioudaikon: Greek Bible and Hebraica Veritas among Byzantine Christians and Jews", 89 -- A.K. Vionis, "'Reading' Art and Material Culture: Greeks, Slavs and Arabs in the Byzantine Aegean", 103 -- III. CROSSING BORDERS IN TEXTS AND ART: TALES FROM THE FRONTIERS: I. Toral-Niehoff, "Constantine's Baptism Legend: a 'Wandering' Story between Byzantium, Rome, The Syriac and the Arab World", 129 -- F. Dell'Acqua, "The Fall of the Idol on the Frame of the Genoa Mandylion: a Narrative on/of the Borders", 143 -- Ch. Lee, "The Tale of the Veronica in Paris, BnF fr. 1553: an Example of Translatio studii and Imperii?", 175 -- IV. THE DYNAMICS OF CO-EXISTENCE: J. Holo, "Both Byzantine and Jewish? The Extent and Limits of Jewish Integration in Middle Byzantine Society", 189 -- A. Peters-Custot, "Convivencia between Christians: the Greek and Latin Communities of Byzantine South Italy (9th-11th Centuries)", 203 -S. Neocleous, "Greeks and Italians in Twelfth-Century Constantinople: Convivencia or Conflict?", 221 -- S. La Porta, "Re-Constructing Armenia: Strategies of Co-Existence amongst Christians and Muslims in the Thirteenth Century", 251 -- Index nominum et rerum, 273 -- List of Contributors, 297. INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3]. "BYZANTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT" 106/2 (2013) Da: Aisbnews ( BYZANTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT (ISSN: 1868-9027), Volume 106, Issue 2 (Dec. 2013), pp. 5951296 INHALT: "'What agreement has the temple of God with idols?' Christian homilies, ancient myths, and the 'Macedonian Renaissance'", Antonopoulou, Theodora (p. 595) -- "Beobachtungen zu den Briefen des Theodoros Daphnopates. Neue Tendenzen in der byzantinischen Literatur des zehnten Jahrhunderts", Chernoglazov, Dmitry (p. 623) -- "Excavations in Firan - Sinai in the years from 2000 to 2005", Grossmann, Peter (p. 645) -- "The application of natura (physis) in Byzantine law", Jong, Hylkje de (p. 683) -- "Translatio imaginis: assimilating the triple-towered castle in late Byzantine coinage", Kontogiannis, Nikos (p. 713) -- "Provincial art in Epirus and Macedonia in the 16th century: influences, interactions, origins, models", Kontopanagou, Katerina (p. 745) -"Inscriptions on middle Byzantine marble templon screens", Pallis, Georgios (p. 761) -- "The 'Politikos Stichos' poetry as reliable evidence of linguistic phenomena", Soltic, Jorie (p. 811) -- II. ABTEILUNG (p. 843) -- III. ABTEILUNG: Bibliographische Notizen und Mitteilungen (p. 873) -Totentafel (p. 1255) -- Autoren- und Herausgeberverzeichnis zur Bibliographie Band 106, Heft 1 und 2 (p. 1257) -- Tafelanhang (p. 1287). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4]. "PAREKBOLAI. AN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL FOR BYZANTINE LITERATURE" 3 (2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "PAREKBOLAI. AN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL FOR BYZANTINE LITERATURE" (ISSN: 2241-0228), Vol. 3 (2013) TABLE OF CONTENTS: Abbreviations (p. i-iv) -- ARTICLES: "Sappho kai Palladas: semeioseis se hena epigramma", Ioannis Polemis (p. 1-4) -- "L'eloge de Saint Eudocime par Constantin Acropolite (BHG 606)", Ilias Taxidis (p. 5-44) -- "Chapters, Epistolary Essays and Epistles. The Case of Michael Glykas' Collection of Ninety-Five Texts in the 12th Century", Eirini-Sophia Kiapidou (p. 45-64) -- "The Prophetic Dream in the Itinerary of Constantine Manasses", Konstantinos Chryssogelos (p. 65-76) -- "Ekphrasis Earos. Le topos de la venue du printemps chez des auteurs byzantins", Marina Loukaki (p. 77-106) -- "Representations of Power in the Byzantios Oration of Theodore Metochites: Illusions and Realities", Alexandra Voudouri (p. 107-130) -- Anekdotos kanonas eis ten hyperagian Theotokon tou Euthymiou A' Konstantinoupoleos (;)", Filippos Germanis (p. 131-144). INFO and ONLINE ACCESS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [5]. J. BECKER, "DOCUMENTI LATINI E GRECI DEL CONTE RUGGERO I DI CALABRIA E SICILIA" (2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "DOCUMENTI LATINI E GRECI DEL CONTE RUGGERO I DI CALABRIA E SICILIA" Edizione critica a cura di Julia Becker. Roma, Viella, 2013 -- (Ricerche dell'Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 9) 365 p. -- ISBN 978-88-8334-747-4 Dopo la conquista della Calabria meridionale e della Sicilia (fine dell'XI secolo), il conte Ruggero I si concentro' sul consolidamento del potere all'interno dei propri domini. Attraverso la riorganizzazione dell'amministrazione e delle strutture ecclesiastiche Ruggero pose le basi per lo sviluppo della monarchia normanna nel Mezzogiorno. Nonostante la sua importanza storica mancavano finora una raccolta e un'edizione critica dei documenti da lui prodotti: l'ultimo tentativo di pubblicare gran parte dei diplomi risale ai secoli XVIII-XIX. Tale situazione documentaria ha contribuito a far si' che la figura del primo conte di Sicilia sia stata oggetto di scarso interesse storiografico. Il libro raccoglie per la prima volta tutti i documenti greci e latini di Ruggero, alcuni dei quali inediti. Attraverso un apparato critico e un dettagliato commento diplomatico e contenutistico di ogni documento il libro apre la strada a possibili nuovi studi sulla storia siculo-normanna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [6]. "ESTUDIOS BIZANTINOS" 1 (2013) Da: Aisbnews ( "ESTUDIOS BIZANTINOS" vol. 1 (2013) REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE BIZANTINISTICA (ISSN 2014-9999) Estudios bizantinos is a digital and international open-access journal of Byzantine Studies. It has been created by the Sociedad Espanola de Bizantinistica and it welcomes scientific papers with original and high-quality content on any aspect of the Byzantine civilisation. MANAGING EDITOR: Inmaculada Perez Martin (CSIC, Madrid) EDITORIAL BOARD: Raul Estangui (CNRS, Paris) -- Anthony Kaldellis (Columbus, Ohio University) -- Giuseppe Mandala' (CSIC, Madrid) -- Ernest Marcos Hierro (Universidad de Barcelona) -- Mar Marcos Sanchez (Universidad de Cantabria) -- Juan Pedro Monferrer (Universidad de Cordoba) -- Juan Antonio Alvarez Pedrosa (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) -- Juan Signes Codoner (Universidad de Valladolid) -- Margarita Vallejo (Universidad de Alcala' de Henares) ONLINE OPEN ACCES: Vol. 1 (2013) CONTENTS: JOSEPH A. MUNITIZ, "La importancia de lo secundario" (pp. 1-12) -- GEOFFREY GREATREX, "The date of Procopius' Buildings in the light of recent scholarship" (pp. 13-29) -- JASON FOSSELLA, "'Waiting Only for a Pretext': A New Chronology for the Sixth-Century Byzantine Invasion of Spain" (pp. 30-38) -- PEDRO SABE ANDREU, "El himno Akathistos en Occidente. La importancia de la traduccion latina de Cristoforo (ca. 800)" (pp. 39-55) -- ANTHONY KALDELLIS, "The Military Use of the Icon of the Theotokos and its Moral Logic in the Historians of the Ninth-Twelfth Centuries" (pp. 56-75) -- PATRICIA GONZALEZ ALMARCHA, "El concepto de sabiduria en las traducciones eslavas de las sentencias atribuidas a Menandro" (pp. 76104) -- JESUS RODRIGUEZ VIEJO, "Byzantine influences on Western aristocratic illuminated manuscripts: the Fecamp Psalter (Ms. The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 76 F 13) and other related works" (pp. 105-139) -- RAUL ESTANGUI GOMEZ, "Saint-Sauveur de Chora. Un monastere catholique a' Constantinople dans le troisieme quart du XIVe siecle" (pp. 140-197) -- CARMEN GARCIA BUENO, "El copista cretense Constantino Paleocapa: un estado de la cuestion" (pp. 198-218). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [7]. "BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES" 38/1 (MARCH 2014) Da: Aisbnews ( "BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES" vol. 38, issue 1 (March 2014) Print ISSN: 0307-0131 Online ISSN: 1749-625X Published on behalf of The Centre for Byzantine Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies University of Birmingham CONTENTS: "Chastity stripped bare: on temporal and eternal things in the Sacra Parallela", Mati Meyer (pp. 123) -- "Performing gender in lay saints' Lives", Stavroula Constantinou (pp. 24-32) -- "Byzantium confronts its neighbours: Islam and the crusaders in the twelfth century", John France (pp. 33-48) -"The blind bard and 'I': Homeric biography and authorial personas in the twelfth century", Eric Cullhed (pp. 49-67) -- "Venise apres Venise: official languages in the Ionian Islands, 1797-1864", Peter Mackridge (pp. 68-90) -- "The Dark Philosopher and the postmodern turn: Heraclitus in the poetry of Seferis, Elytis and Fostieris", Irene Loulakaki-Moore (pp. 91-113) -- "1973: the Metapolitefsi that never was", Ioannis Tzortzis (pp. 114-129) -- REVIEWS, Paul Magdalino (pp. 130–139). WEBSITE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [8]. "DIOGENES" 1 (JANUARY 2014) Da: Aisbnews ( "DIOGENES", Issue 1 (January 2014), ISSN 2054-6696 Published by: GEM - Gate to the Eastern Mediterranean (Student Society for the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham) Issue 1: CONTENTS Wei-sheng Lin: Editorial -- Zuzana Cernakova: "Prejudices, Emotions and Power of Political Restraint: A Study in the Second Crusade" -- Elli Evangelidou: "The Representation of the Greek Civil War in Eleni and The Heroic Age" -- Alexandros Siapkas: "Different academic approaches towards the British intervention in Greece (1941-1944). A synopsis" -- Yannis Stamos: Of pleasure and sorrow: Two modern Greek Epicurean poems" -- Niki Touriki: "Ekphrasis in the Alexiad" -Gemma Norman: Review – Christine Woodhead (ed.), "The Ottoman World" ONLINE OPEN ACCESS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C. NOTIZIE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]. SUMMER SCHOOL ON THE TOPIC "SAINTS AND SINNERS IN BYZANTIUM" (THESSALONIKI, 30.06-12.07.2014; DEADLINE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS: 16.03.2014) Da: Santo Luca' ( CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR 40 SCHOLARSHIPS The Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Centre for Byzantine, Modern Greek and South-Eastern European Studies of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris), in collaboration with the Museum of Byzantine Civilization of Thessaloniki and the Ministry of Education and Cults, of Culture and Sports of the Hellenic Republic, have organized a series of courses (in English and French) as part of a summer school on the topic "Saints and Sinners in Byzantium" to be held at Thessaloniki the 30 June-12 July 2014. SCHOLARSHIPS To enable students to participate in the courses, the organizers are offering 40 scholarships, covering the following costs 1) Accommodation in Thessaloniki (hotel and half-board) 2) Participation in the course 3) Excursions In exceptional cases aid may be given for costs of transport, depending on resources. Applicants for such aid should make a special request addressed to Centre for Byzantine, Modern Greek and South-Eastern European Studies of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS, Paris) for this providing reasons which prevent them from paying for transport. At the end of the course, certificates of participation will be issued to students, equivalent to 12 ECTS for students enrolled in the Master's program at the EHESS. APPLICATION Those eligible a) Students enrolled in a Master's programm (Metaptychiako, Laurea specialistica...) b) Doctoral students c) Students enrolling in Master's or doctoral programms in 2014 (letter from supervisor required) The students must understand both languages of the Summer School (French/English) DEADLINES Before 16th March 2014: Email to be sent by applicants stating their intention to apply to the secretariat of the Summer School: In the subject line: Scholarship - Summer School in Thessaloniki The pre-registration form is to be attached to the email. Before 30th March 2014: Applications to be sent by email to DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED 1) Covering letter 2) Curriculum studiorum indicating clearly studies already completed, research activity and field of research 3) A letter of recommendation from the student's director of studies (which can be sent separately by the professor, to the address in the subject line Scholarship - Summer School in Thessaloniki followed by the name of the student). 4) Other documents the candidate considers useful in support of his application. 5) In the event that applicants request exceptional aid for transport, they should include a letter to this effect together with documents attesting to their need for such aid. N.B.: for practical reasons, applicants are kindly requested not to wait the last day to send their application and their dossier Programme Lundi 30 juin 2014 - 19 h. Inauguration de l'Ecole d'Ete' Prises de parole Conference d'ouverture : Vassilis Katsaros: Amartia kai exileose sten kathemerine' zoe' tou Byzantiou Mardi 1 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Tassadit Yacine (EHESS– Paris) - Le saint entre representation et realites dans l'islam maghrebin. 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Dominique Iogna Prat (EHESS - Paris) - Le saint, le peche' et l'institution dans l'Occident medieval. 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Stephanos Efthymiadis (Libre Universite' de Chypre) - L'hagiographie byzantine: ses heros, son evolution et ses methodes. 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Michel Kaplan (Paris I Sorbonne) - Saintete' et pouvoir. 19.30-20.00 Discussion Mercredi 2 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Tassadit Yacine (EHESS - Paris) - La notion de peche' chez les populations musulmanes d'Afrique du Nord (lecture anthropologique). 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Dominique Iogna Prat (EHESS - Paris) - Le saint, le peche' et l'institution dans l'Occident medieval. 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Stephanos Efthymiadis (Libre Universite' de Chypre) - Saints et anti-saints dans l'hagiographie byzantine: une relation reciproque. 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Michel Kaplan (Paris I Sorbonne) - Saintete' et pouvoir. 19.30-20.00 Discussion Jeudi 3 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Christian Gastgeber (Academie des Sciences - Vienne) - Peches et pecheurs dans le Registre du patriarcat de Constantinople. 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Constantin Papageorgiou (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) - Le peche' dans les relations entre Etat et Eglise. 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Antonio Rigo (Universite' de Venise) - Le saintete' dans une province: la Vie de saint Athanase des Meteores. 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Simeon Paschalides (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) - Les limites byzantines entre la saintete' et le peche'. 19.30-20.00 Discussion Vendredi 4 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Constantin Papageorgiou (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) - Le peche' dans les relations entre Etat et Eglise. 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Christian Gastgeber (Academie des Sciences - Vienne) - Peches et pecheurs dans le Registre du patriarcat de Constantinople. 2.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Antonio Rigo (Universite' de Venise) - Le saintete' dans une province: la Vie de saint Athanase des Meteores. 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Simeon Paschalides (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) - Les limites byzantines entre la saintete' et le peche'. 19.30-20.00 Discussion Samedi 5 juillet 2014 VISITE DE LA VILLE Dimanche 6 juillet 2014: EXCURSION Lundi 7 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Vasso Penna (Universite' du Peloponnese) - La monnaie et la saintete'. 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Paolo Odorico (EHESS-Paris) - Les synaxaires et la sanctification a' Byzance. 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Beatrice Caseau (College de France - Paris) - Lieux de redemption, lieux de debauche. 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Filippo Ronconi (EHESS - Paris) - Photius dans le reflet des manuscrits mesobyzantins: saint, heretique ou simple pecheur? 19.30-20.00 Discussion Mardi 8 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Vasso Penna (Universite' du Peloponnese) - La monnaie et le peche'. 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Paolo Odorico (EHESS-Paris) - Les synaxaires et la sanctification a' Byzance. 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Beatrice Caseau (College de France - Paris) - Lieux de redemption, lieux de debauche. 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Filippo Ronconi (EHESS - Paris) - Photius dans le reflet des manuscrits mesobyzantins: saint, heretique ou simple pecheur? 19.30-20.00 Discussion Mercredi 9 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Marina Falla Castelfranchi (Universite' de Lecce) - Les ruines de la saintete': archeologie et architecture des lieux byzantins de culte. 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Paul Magdalino (Koc Univeristy - Istanbul) - Les criteres moraux de l'invective et de la satire. 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Maria Kambouri - Athanasios Semoglou (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) Representation de saints et de pecheurs dans l'art byzantin 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Marie-Helene Congourdeau (CNRS - Paris) - Saint guerrier ou homicide? Le cas du soldat qui tue a' la guerre. 19.30 - 20.00 Discussion Jeudi 10 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Marina Falla Castelfranchi (Universite' de Lecce) - Les ruines de la saintete': archeologie et architecture des lieux byzantins de culte. 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Paul Magdalino (Koc Univeristy - Istanbul) - Les criteres moraux de l'invective et de la satire. 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Maria Kambouri - Athanasios Semoglou (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) Representation de saints et de pecheurs dans l'art byzantin 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Charis Messis (EHESS - Paris) - Les faibles de la chair: peche' individuel, marginalisation sociale et sanctions legales. 19.30-20.00 Discussion Vendredi 11 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Marie-Helene Congourdeau (CNRS-Paris) - L'inversion des valeurs a' Byzance: le salos, saint ou pecheur? 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 Maria Kambouri - Athanasios Semoglou (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) Representation de saints et de pecheurs dans l'art byzantin 12.30-12.45 Discussion 16.00-17.30 Agathoniki Tsilipakou (Musee de la civilisation byzantine - Thessalonique) - Familles de saints et femmes saintes dans l'art byzantin. 17.30-17.45 Discussion 17.45-18.00 Pause 18.00-19.30 Charis Messis (EHESS - Paris) - Les faibles de la chair: peche' individuel, marginalisation sociale et sanctions legales. 19.30-20.00 Discussion Samedi 12 juillet 2014 9.00-10.30 Maria Kambouri - Athanasios Semoglou (Universite' Aristote - Thessalonique) Representation de saints et de pecheurs dans l'art byzantin 10.30-10.45 Discussion 10.45-11.00 Pause 11.00-12.30 CLOTURE DE L'ECOLE D'ETE Dimanche 13 juillet 2014 Depart des participants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]. SUMMER COURSE 2014: GREEK PALAEOGRAPHY AND CODICOLOGY (UPPSALA, JULY 2014; APPLICATION DEADLINE: 17.03.2014) Da: Barbara Crostini ( During the first half of summer 2014 we will give a course on Greek Palaeography and Codicology: To Read and Study the Ancient Book 7,5 ECTS (course plan). The course is a master course and given in English. The course will introduce students to the development of Greek writing techniques and materials from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance. It will also practically prepare the student to analyse and describe a medieval manuscript from the palaeographical and codicological points of view by providing the terminology and the reference materials used for such work. Further it will survey the contemporary approaches to book conservation and the digital resources that are transforming the study of manuscripts. The studies will begin with a self-study period followed by c. 10 days of seminars in Uppsala (the first two weeks of July) and concluding with a week for writing the final essay. HOW TO APPLY: Applications to the course must be made via the Swedish application system,, which unfortunately exists only in Swedish. In order for non-Swedish speakers we have therefore created a step-by-step guide. The application period is 21 February to 17 March 2014. Swedish applicants are referred to the Swedish version of this page. The important dates are as follows: - 21 February 2014: The online application service opens at - 17 March 2014: Application deadline and deadline for when all supporting documents must have reached University Admissions in Stroemsund. - 31 March 2014: Deadline for payment of application fee (if required) or documentation of fee exemption status. - Beginning of May 2014: Notification of selection results is published. This will tell you if you have been offered a place or placed on reserve for the course you have applied for. - June 2014: Summer semester starts. It is important that you register for the course you have been admitted to in order to keep your place. Note that non-Swedish students must also submit: - copies of previous study information - a document of English proficiency - a copy of their passport (if they are from a EEA country; otherwise they will have to pay study fees) Detailed information regarding what must be submitted, in what form and to which address is found under documentation requirements on the application site and links are also provided in the step-bystep guide. There will be a few stipends available. Applications for stipends may be sent to A CV and a motivation why the stipend is sought must be included. If you have questions concerning the application process, please look first at the application site's overview of the application process (with additional information under the menu "Applying for studies"). Other questions may be addressed to INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3]. POSTDOCTORAL ANNOUNCEMENTS AT THE RESEARCH CENTRE "RELIGIONS AND SOCIETIES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN WORLD", AFFILIATED TO SORBONNE UNIVERSITY, PARIS (APPLICATION DEADLINES: 18.04.2014; 03.04.2014) Da: Vera von Falkenhausen ( 1) The Research Centre "Religions and Societies in the Mediterranean world" (RESMED), a laboratory of excellence affiliated to Sorbonne University (Paris) offers three (3) one-year RESMED postdoctoral fellowships, starting September 2014. Deadline for applications: 18 April 2014. Eligibility Candidates will have defended their doctorates in France or abroad less than 5 years ago. Candidates holding a PhD from our founding institutions are not allowed to apply (Universities of Paris-Sorbonne, Pantheon- Sorbonne, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes). Application documents Application form to download Application letter Curriculum vitae Postdoctoral project description (up to 5 pages) Two recommendation letters Electronic copy of the thesis if it not published at the time of application A significant paper in electronic format The application may be submitted in French or English. Submission The application will be sent in pdf format before April 18, 2014 at midnight (Paris) to the Director and the Secretary of the Labex RESMED (, Decisions will be taken at the end of June 2014. Starting date of the contract 1st September 2014 Net salary 2000 euros/month A final report has to be provided at the end of the contract. Profiles Profile 1. B1. Cultural backgrounds of the Greek Christian exegesis This profile is about exploring how Christian writers of the first four centuries used notions and practices of the Greek world (edition, theory of interpretation, modes of argumentation, philosophy) to suit their exegetical and doctrinal works. Concerning the texts of the Apostolic Fathers and apologists, the research could focus on the recovery of forms of Greek literature and rationality found in previously independent documents, now unified. The culture of Irenaeus of Lyon could be a research topic in this context. Alexandrian writers like Clement and Origen especially require some attention, considering in particular the newly found original pieces of Origen on the Psalms. The investigation could be expanded to the use of logic in the theological controversies of the fourth century. Profile 2. B2. Food and religion in the Mediterranean world: from polytheistic to monotheistic religions This research will contribute to the program jointly supported by the UMR Orient et Mediterranee and the Labex RESMED on "Medicine and Food in Antiquity", in line with: 1- the existing research on "the Syriac version of the Treaty On food composed by Hunain ibn Ishaq" (ERC-FLORIENTAL project led by R. Hawley); 2- a programme of the units of research "Greek Medicine" and "Pharaonic Worlds" on "Food preservation" (international conference held in May 17, 2013); 3- a conference scheduled in April 2014 led by Herve' Monchot and Beatrice Caseau on "Prohibited foods in religions". The goal is to focus on dietary practices in a broad sense, to study the links between religion and food from production to consumption, to show the continuities or ruptures between different cultural and religious traditions of the Mediterranean world. Some topics are proposed: - Rites and practices developed around growing plants and harvesting (cereals, herbs, etc.), the role of incantations; - Animal sacrifice and rituals of slaughter, distribution of meat (to priests, warriors, etc.); - Methods of food preservation (salting, drying, wine making, etc.) - Distinctive diets (men, women, children), food for gods and food for men, recipes (cooking, pharmacology, magic, etc.), diet interdictions, deviant behaviours (anthropophagy for instance). Profile 3. C1. Music, ritual, sociability in the area of the former Ottoman Empire In the area of the former Ottoman Empire, festive and musical sociability is mainly called "muhabbet", literally "love" (from Arabic, as "agape" in French comes from Greek), an intimate and domestic form of some institutional rituals such as the "djem" of the Alevi-Bektashi. Other names are also used to designate these meetings such as "yaranlik", literally "the appointment of friends", from Persian "yar", "friend", "(the) beloved one". Lawful or unlawful consumption of alcohol (a part of the ritual in the Bektashi culture) may take place during these festive meetings which often deal with micro-politics as well, according to the contents of the poems that are sung. We invite those studying these "interaction rituals" across the area of the former Ottoman Empire to submit an application. Profile 4. C1. Religious festivals in the Mediterranean in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages (1st to 10th century). Are invited to present a proposal, postdoctoral students interested to work on religious festivals of the Late Antique and early mediaeval period. Among the projects that fall in this profile, we include those that address the issue of participation in religious celebrations of members of another religion or another group of the same religion, eg Christians' participation in Jewish holidays or pagan festivals, the attendance of heretics at religious festivals of communities who proclaim themselves Orthodox, the participation of Muslims in Christian holidays. Is also included the study of restrictions that sources mention about this participation. Will also be considered for this profile those who are interested in aspects of sociability and social practices such as food, songs and dances that took place during these festivals. The successful candidate will participate in the organization of a conference and share editorial work on the themes of religious sociability. Profile 5. C2. Religions and social practices: mutual assistance in multireligious societies This profile is about studying mutual aid between social groups in urban areas of the Mediterranean in medieval times. Who are the social actors, donators or receivers? What is their economic level and their religious and political position? One might wonder whether a prior relationship is necessary in order to put in place a system of mutual aid. What do these practices reveal about sociability? Once established, do they change social relationships? How does the assistance to the needy function in various communities? What are the institutional supports? What is the implication of political power in these social practices, in regard to the confession of the dominant group or of the minorities? Quantitative issues should be explored (such as capital flows or interest), but they will not be the ultimate goal of this research. Economic factors will be treated as social indicators. What are the prohibitions, the limits and transgressions at work thay one may discover through such a research? How can the study of this phenomenon enhance our knowledge of multireligious societies? You can download the application form at the following address: 2) The Fernand Braudel IFER programme is an international mobility programme open to candidates from all countries who wish to carry out a 9-month research project in France. It is supported by the European Commission (Marie Curie Action Programme - COFUND - FP7).The Research Center 'Religions and Societies in the Mediterranean world' (RESMED) is part of the Fernand Braudel IFER network. Four (4) postdoctoral scholarships starting in September 2014 are offered. Candidates should submit a resarch project corresponding to one aspect of RESMED's programme on the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean: 1. Religions, places and conflicts; 2. Religion and reason: tradition and innovation; 3. Religions and social practices. See more on the Labex here: The online application form (accessible from March 3 midday until April 3 midday), as well as details on the call, elegibility and selection process are available at Deadline for applications: 3 April 2014 midday. Labex RESMED PRES Sorbonne Universite' Directeur: Jean-Claude Cheynet (Universite' Paris-Sorbonne) Secretaire general: Olivier Delouis (CNRS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [4]. ONLINE DATABASE: "INSCRIPTIONS OF ISRAEL/PALESTINE" Da: Aisbnews ( The Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine (IIP) is a premier open-access epigraphic database directed by Professor Michael Satlow of Brown University, begun already in 1996. The goal of the project is to digitize the approximately 15,000 published inscriptions from Israel/Palestine, over a broad temporal range, from the Persian Period to the Islamic Conquest (i.e. 500 BCE - 640 CE); approximately 1,500 inscriptions have already been entered. What distinguishes this site from others of similar scope is the multiple languages included: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin. One can search the database in any of these languages, or their English translations (the project's own); by content (e.g., "synagogue" or "church" for inscriptions in synagogues or churches); or by accompanying figures (e.g. cross). Similarly, one can browse by place, date, inscription genre, physical medium, language (including multiple languages such as Aramaic and Greek), and, finally, religion (Jewish, Christian, Pagan, but currently no Samaritan). This powerful tool allows for tracking various expressions (e.g., "one God"), and more generally, epigraphic practices, across the communities of Israel/Palestine. In short, the site is a major resource for the study of the religions of Late Antiquity. WEBSITE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORME PER LA SEGNALAZIONE DI INIZIATIVE BIZANTINISTICHE La Newsletter AISB raccoglie e diffonde notizie relative a iniziative e attivita' d'interesse bizantinistico (congressi, giornate di studio, convegni, seminari, conferenze, pubblicazioni, presentazioni di volumi, mostre, e cosi' via). Ciascun annuncio inviato alla Redazione della Newsletter AISB ( dovra' recare in primo luogo il titolo dell'iniziativa cui si riferisce (o un titolo in forma breve della pubblicazione segnalata). Di seguito andranno fornite le notizie relative all'iniziativa stessa, in maniera sintetica. L'annuncio che sara' divulgato nella Newsletter conterra', all'inizio, anche il nome del mittente e il suo indirizzo e-mail, che saranno diffusi insieme alla notizia stessa (salvo esplicita richiesta contraria). Gli annunci devono essere formulati come corpo del testo del messaggio e-mail, SENZA FORMATTARE I CARATTERI IN ALCUN MODO, E SENZA AGGIUNGERE ALLEGATI: al fine di evitare la diffusione di virus, i messaggi contenenti allegati non verranno presi in considerazione. La Redazione si riserva il compito di selezionare, all'interno del materiale pervenuto, quanto si riterra' coerente con le finalita' dell'Associazione. Chi desiderasse la disattivazione del servizio di Newsletter potra' inviarne comunicazione all'indirizzo e-mail sopra citato. IL PROSSIMO NOTIZIARIO (15 APRILE 2014) DIRAMERA' I MESSAGGI PERVENUTI ENTRO IL 10 APRILE 2014. Le comunicazioni giunte dopo questo termine saranno inserite nel numero successivo del notiziario.