Inkijkexemplaar - Universitaire Pers Leuven

Fall 2014
lipsius leuven
Een walvis in de stad
In this Fall 2014 catalogue we are pleased to present you our new
and forthcoming titles from September 2014 until January 2015.
De collecties van de Leuvense Faculteit
Een walvis in de stad
Sinds het ontstaan van de faculteit in 1817 vormden de wetenschappelijke
collecties de ruggengraat van onderwijs en onderzoek in de verschillende
disciplines. De vorming, uitbreiding en ordening van de collecties leunden
nauw aan bij de wetenschappelijke activiteiten van de betrokken hoog­
leraren. Bezoekers werden trots rondgeleid in de natuurhistorische musea
met specimens van uit de hele wereld, het natuurkundig kabinet met
wetenschappelijke instrumenten of de prille laboratoria voor chemisch
onderzoek. De geschiedenis van deze collecties weerspiegelt de ingrij­
pende veranderingen die de faculteit heeft getekend: niet alleen oorlogen
en splitsing, maar ook een grondige evolutie in wetenschappelijke praktijk.
Dit boek vertelt het verhaal van de faculteit vanuit het unieke perspectief
van haar materiële erfgoed.
Een walvis
in de stad
De collecties van de Leuvense Faculteit Wetenschappen
N at h a l i e P o o t
G e e r t Va N Pa e m e l
S i S k a Wa e l k e N S
Nathalie Poot, Geert Vanpaemel, Siska Waelkens
Lipsius Leuven – Popular Science Titles
History | Religion
Archaeology 10
Art & Theory
Philosophy | Religion
Literature | Art
Text & Literature
Recent publications
Ordering Information
Commissie Academisch Erfgoed.
Siska Waelkens is stafmedewerker
wetenschapscommunicatie van de
Faculteit Wetenschappen.
Academisch Erfgoed Leuven – Over wetenschappelijke collecties
en veranderende onderzoekspraktijken
Sinds het ontstaan van de Faculteit Wetenschappen in 1817 vormden de
collecties de ruggengraat van onderwijs en onderzoek in de verschillende
disciplines. De vorming, uitbreiding en ordening van de collecties leunden nauw aan bij de wetenschappelijke activiteiten van de betrokken
hoogleraren. Bezoekers werden trots rondgeleid in de natuurhistorische
musea met specimens van uit de hele wereld, het natuurkundig kabinet
met wetenschappelijke instrumenten of de prille laboratoria voor chemisch onderzoek. De geschiedenis van deze collecties weerspiegelt de
ingrijpende veranderingen die de faculteit hebben getekend: niet alleen
oorlogen en splitsing, maar ook een grondige evolutie in wetenschappelijke praktijk. Een walvis in de stad vertelt het verhaal van de faculteit vanuit het unieke perspectief van haar materiële erfgoed.
De collecties van de Leuvense Faculteit Wetenschappen
Nathalie Poot verzamelde en
bewerkte het materiaal als weten­
schappelijk medewerker van de
Commissie Academisch Erfgoed.
Geert Vanpaemel is wetenschaps­
historicus en voorzitter van de
9 789462 700031
nathalie poot verzamelde en bewerkte
het materiaal als wetenschappelijk
medewerker van de Commissie Academisch
geert vanpaemel is wetenschaps­
historicus en voorzitter van de Commissie
Academisch Erfgoed.
siska waelkens is stafmedewerker
wetenschapscommunicatie van de Faculteit
Aanverwante titels
Album van een wetenschappelijke wereld. De Leuvense universiteit omstreeks 1900 / Album of a
Scientific World. The University of Louvain around 1900
Geert Vanpaemel, Mark Derez, Jo Tollebeek (eds)
€ 22,50 / £19.50, isbn 978 90 5867 803 4, hardback
Verlengstukken van het bewustzijn. Psychologische onderzoeksapparatuur uit de ‘Collectie Michotte’
Marleen Brock (ed.)
€ 19,50, isbn 978 90 5867 843 0, paperback
€ 25,00
isbn 978 94 6270 003 1
Juni 2014
n Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
n 72 p.
n 44 illustraties
n Nederlands
All our publications are published with care and attention to detail. Prior to publication, all manuscripts are
assessed by an independent editorial board and external specialist readers to ensure the highest academic
standards. For academic titles we support the Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (gprc)-label.
lipsius leuven
Een walvis in de stad
In this Fall 2014 catalogue we are pleased to present you our new
and forthcoming titles from September 2014 until January 2015.
De collecties van de Leuvense Faculteit
Een walvis in de stad
Sinds het ontstaan van de faculteit in 1817 vormden de wetenschappelijke
collecties de ruggengraat van onderwijs en onderzoek in de verschillende
disciplines. De vorming, uitbreiding en ordening van de collecties leunden
nauw aan bij de wetenschappelijke activiteiten van de betrokken hoog­
leraren. Bezoekers werden trots rondgeleid in de natuurhistorische musea
met specimens van uit de hele wereld, het natuurkundig kabinet met
wetenschappelijke instrumenten of de prille laboratoria voor chemisch
onderzoek. De geschiedenis van deze collecties weerspiegelt de ingrij­
pende veranderingen die de faculteit heeft getekend: niet alleen oorlogen
en splitsing, maar ook een grondige evolutie in wetenschappelijke praktijk.
Dit boek vertelt het verhaal van de faculteit vanuit het unieke perspectief
van haar materiële erfgoed.
Een walvis
in de stad
De collecties van de Leuvense Faculteit Wetenschappen
N at h a l i e P o o t
G e e r t Va N Pa e m e l
S i S k a Wa e l k e N S
Nathalie Poot, Geert Vanpaemel, Siska Waelkens
Lipsius Leuven – Popular Science Titles
History | Religion
Archaeology 10
Art & Theory
Philosophy | Religion
Literature | Art
Text & Literature
Recent publications
Ordering Information
Commissie Academisch Erfgoed.
Siska Waelkens is stafmedewerker
wetenschapscommunicatie van de
Faculteit Wetenschappen.
Academisch Erfgoed Leuven – Over wetenschappelijke collecties
en veranderende onderzoekspraktijken
Sinds het ontstaan van de Faculteit Wetenschappen in 1817 vormden de
collecties de ruggengraat van onderwijs en onderzoek in de verschillende
disciplines. De vorming, uitbreiding en ordening van de collecties leunden nauw aan bij de wetenschappelijke activiteiten van de betrokken
hoogleraren. Bezoekers werden trots rondgeleid in de natuurhistorische
musea met specimens van uit de hele wereld, het natuurkundig kabinet
met wetenschappelijke instrumenten of de prille laboratoria voor chemisch onderzoek. De geschiedenis van deze collecties weerspiegelt de
ingrijpende veranderingen die de faculteit hebben getekend: niet alleen
oorlogen en splitsing, maar ook een grondige evolutie in wetenschappelijke praktijk. Een walvis in de stad vertelt het verhaal van de faculteit vanuit het unieke perspectief van haar materiële erfgoed.
De collecties van de Leuvense Faculteit Wetenschappen
Nathalie Poot verzamelde en
bewerkte het materiaal als weten­
schappelijk medewerker van de
Commissie Academisch Erfgoed.
Geert Vanpaemel is wetenschaps­
historicus en voorzitter van de
9 789462 700031
nathalie poot verzamelde en bewerkte
het materiaal als wetenschappelijk
medewerker van de Commissie Academisch
geert vanpaemel is wetenschaps­
historicus en voorzitter van de Commissie
Academisch Erfgoed.
siska waelkens is stafmedewerker
wetenschapscommunicatie van de Faculteit
Aanverwante titels
Album van een wetenschappelijke wereld. De Leuvense universiteit omstreeks 1900 / Album of a
Scientific World. The University of Louvain around 1900
Geert Vanpaemel, Mark Derez, Jo Tollebeek (eds)
€ 22,50 / £19.50, isbn 978 90 5867 803 4, hardback
Verlengstukken van het bewustzijn. Psychologische onderzoeksapparatuur uit de ‘Collectie Michotte’
Marleen Brock (ed.)
€ 19,50, isbn 978 90 5867 843 0, paperback
€ 25,00
isbn 978 94 6270 003 1
Juni 2014
n Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
n 72 p.
n 44 illustraties
n Nederlands
All our publications are published with care and attention to detail. Prior to publication, all manuscripts are
assessed by an independent editorial board and external specialist readers to ensure the highest academic
standards. For academic titles we support the Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (gprc)-label.
lipsius leuven
De dood in cantates van J.S. Bach
What is a Cadence?
Van Actus Tragicus tot Trauer-Ode
Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives
on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire
Ignace Bossuyt
What is a
Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives
on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire
Markus Neuwirth, Pieter Bergé (eds)
ignace bossuyt is emeritus gewoon
hoogleraar van de onderzoekseenheid
Musicologie van de KU Leuven
Bachs cantates over doodsangst en doodsverlangen
In Bachs leven en werk is de dood alomtegenwoordig. De Duitse theo­loog
en reformator Maarten Luther predikte dat de gelovige in het uur van de
dood, hoe pijnlijk ook, zeker kon zijn van de verlossing. De stervende moest
vooral getroost worden om vervolgens in vrede en vreugde de overgang
te kunnen maken naar de vereniging met Christus. In een aantal van zijn
cantates verklankt Bach treffend de dualiteit tussen doodsangst en doodsverlangen.
Ignace Bossuyt neemt de lezer mee langs een tiental van deze prachtige
en ontroerende werken, van de Actus Tragicus Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (bwv 106) uit 1707/1708 tot de Trauer-ode Laß Fürstin, laß noch
eine Strahl (bwv 198) daterend van 1727, en belicht zo de thematiek van
de dood bij Bach.
The variety and complexity of cadence
The concept of closure is crucial to understanding music from the ‘classical’style. This volume focuses on the primary means of achieving closure in
tonal music: the cadence. Written by leading North American and European scholars, the nine essays assembled in this volume seek to account
for the great variety and complexity inherent in the cadence by approaching it from different (sub)disciplinary angles, including music-analytical,
theoretical, historical, psychological (experimental), as well as linguistic.
Each of these essays challenges, in one way or another, our common notion
of cadence. Controversial viewpoints between the essays are highlighted
by numerous cross-references. Given the ubiquity of cadences in tonal
music in general, this volume is aimed not only at a broad portion of the
academic community, scholars and students alike, but also at music performers.
Markus Neuwirth
Pieter Bergé (eds)
markus neuwirth is a postdoctoral
researcher at the Department of Musico­
logy at KU Leuven.
pieter bergé is Professor of Musicology
and head of the Department of Musicology
at KU Leuven.
Aanverwante titels
Pieter Bergé (KU Leuven), Poundie Burstein (City University of New York), Vasili Byros (Northwestern University), William Caplin (McGill University), Felix Diergarten (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis),
Nathan John Martin (Yale University / KU Leuven), Danuta Mirka (University of Southampton), Markus
Neuwirth (KU Leuven), Julie Pedneault-Deslauriers (University of Ottawa), Martin Rohr­meier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and David Sears (McGill University)
Also of interest
Concertgebouw Brugge organiseert
in 2015 een Bach Academie Brugge 2015
gewijd aan de Dood.
Jean-Philippe Rameau, 1683–1764. Een kennismaking
Ignace Bossuyt
€ 29,95, isbn 978 90 5867 952 9, paperback – ook verkrijgbaar als als e-book (eisbn 978 94 6166 083 1)
De Goldbergvariaties van J.S. Bach
Ignace Bossuyt
€ 15,00, isbn 978 90 5867 861 4, paperback
Dies irae. Kroniek van het requiem
Pieter Bergé (red.)
€ 24,50, isbn 978 90 5867 880 5, paperback
€ 24,95
isbn 978 94 6270 010 9
Januari 2015
Paperback, 17 x 23 cm
ca. 144 p.
Musical Form, Forms & Formenlehre. Three Methodological Reflections
William E. Caplin, James Hepokoski, James Webster.
Pieter Bergé (ed.)
€ 24,90 / £21.90, isbn 978 90 5867 822 5, paperback –
­ also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 004 6)
Two-Dimensional Sonata Form. Form and Cycle in Single-Movement Instrumental Works by Liszt,
Strauss, Schoenberg, and Zemlinsky
Steven Vande Moortele
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 751 8, hardback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 014 5)
€ 45,00 / £39.00
isbn 978 94 6270 015 4
November 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
ca. 320 pp.
Includes numerous music
scores, tables and graphs
lipsius leuven
De dood in cantates van J.S. Bach
What is a Cadence?
Van Actus Tragicus tot Trauer-Ode
Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives
on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire
Ignace Bossuyt
What is a
Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives
on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire
Markus Neuwirth, Pieter Bergé (eds)
ignace bossuyt is emeritus gewoon
hoogleraar van de onderzoekseenheid
Musicologie van de KU Leuven
Bachs cantates over doodsangst en doodsverlangen
In Bachs leven en werk is de dood alomtegenwoordig. De Duitse theo­loog
en reformator Maarten Luther predikte dat de gelovige in het uur van de
dood, hoe pijnlijk ook, zeker kon zijn van de verlossing. De stervende moest
vooral getroost worden om vervolgens in vrede en vreugde de overgang
te kunnen maken naar de vereniging met Christus. In een aantal van zijn
cantates verklankt Bach treffend de dualiteit tussen doodsangst en doodsverlangen.
Ignace Bossuyt neemt de lezer mee langs een tiental van deze prachtige
en ontroerende werken, van de Actus Tragicus Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (bwv 106) uit 1707/1708 tot de Trauer-ode Laß Fürstin, laß noch
eine Strahl (bwv 198) daterend van 1727, en belicht zo de thematiek van
de dood bij Bach.
The variety and complexity of cadence
The concept of closure is crucial to understanding music from the ‘classical’style. This volume focuses on the primary means of achieving closure in
tonal music: the cadence. Written by leading North American and European scholars, the nine essays assembled in this volume seek to account
for the great variety and complexity inherent in the cadence by approaching it from different (sub)disciplinary angles, including music-analytical,
theoretical, historical, psychological (experimental), as well as linguistic.
Each of these essays challenges, in one way or another, our common notion
of cadence. Controversial viewpoints between the essays are highlighted
by numerous cross-references. Given the ubiquity of cadences in tonal
music in general, this volume is aimed not only at a broad portion of the
academic community, scholars and students alike, but also at music performers.
Markus Neuwirth
Pieter Bergé (eds)
markus neuwirth is a postdoctoral
researcher at the Department of Musico­
logy at KU Leuven.
pieter bergé is Professor of Musicology
and head of the Department of Musicology
at KU Leuven.
Aanverwante titels
Pieter Bergé (KU Leuven), Poundie Burstein (City University of New York), Vasili Byros (Northwestern University), William Caplin (McGill University), Felix Diergarten (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis),
Nathan John Martin (Yale University / KU Leuven), Danuta Mirka (University of Southampton), Markus
Neuwirth (KU Leuven), Julie Pedneault-Deslauriers (University of Ottawa), Martin Rohr­meier (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and David Sears (McGill University)
Also of interest
Concertgebouw Brugge organiseert
in 2015 een Bach Academie Brugge 2015
gewijd aan de Dood.
Jean-Philippe Rameau, 1683–1764. Een kennismaking
Ignace Bossuyt
€ 29,95, isbn 978 90 5867 952 9, paperback – ook verkrijgbaar als als e-book (eisbn 978 94 6166 083 1)
De Goldbergvariaties van J.S. Bach
Ignace Bossuyt
€ 15,00, isbn 978 90 5867 861 4, paperback
Dies irae. Kroniek van het requiem
Pieter Bergé (red.)
€ 24,50, isbn 978 90 5867 880 5, paperback
€ 24,95
isbn 978 94 6270 010 9
Januari 2015
Paperback, 17 x 23 cm
ca. 144 p.
Musical Form, Forms & Formenlehre. Three Methodological Reflections
William E. Caplin, James Hepokoski, James Webster.
Pieter Bergé (ed.)
€ 24,90 / £21.90, isbn 978 90 5867 822 5, paperback –
­ also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 004 6)
Two-Dimensional Sonata Form. Form and Cycle in Single-Movement Instrumental Works by Liszt,
Strauss, Schoenberg, and Zemlinsky
Steven Vande Moortele
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 751 8, hardback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 014 5)
€ 45,00 / £39.00
isbn 978 94 6270 015 4
November 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
ca. 320 pp.
Includes numerous music
scores, tables and graphs
Leuven University Press presents a new journal
Music Theory & Analysis (mta)
International Journal of the Dutch-Flemish
Society for Music Theory
Successor to the
Dutch Journal of Music
Theory / Tijdschrift
voor Muziektheorie
Edited by Pieter Bergé (KU Leuven), Nathan John Martin (KU Leuven / Yale University),
Steven Vande Moortele (University of Toronto)
Each issue of the journal will contain five sections: an invited keynote article,
a selection of peer-reviewed articles, colloquies and short analytical vignettes,
contributions to the pedagogy of music theory and analysis, and book reviews,
with a focus on transatlantic exchange.
First issue available September 2014
Music Theory & Analysis (mta) is a peer-reviewed international journal
focusing on recent developments in music theory and analysis. It appears
twice a year (in April and October) as an online journal with a print edition. mta takes a special interest in the interplay between theory and
analysis, as well as in the interaction between European and NorthAmerican scholarship. Open to a wide variety of repertoires, approaches,
and methodologies, the journal aims to stimulate dialogue between diverse traditions within the field.
mta is the official journal of the Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory
(Vereniging voor Muziektheorie). It is the successor to the Dutch Journal
of Music Theory (Tijdschrift voor Muziektheorie).
Table of Content – Vol. 1, I & II
Advisory Board
David Bracket (McGill University), Vasili Byros (Northwestern University), Mark Delaere (KU Leuven),
Felix Diergarten (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis), Julian Horton (Durham University), Henry Klumpen­
houwer (Eastman School of Music), John Koslovsky (Conservatory of Amsterdam), Christian Leitmeir
(Bangor University), Danuta Mirka (University of Southampton), Thomas Noll (Escola Superior de
Musica de Catalunya), Alexander Rehding (Harvard University), Michiel Schuijer (Conservatory of
Amsterdam), Lauri Suurpää (Sibelius Academy), Christian Thorau (Potsdam University), Barbara Titus
(University of Amsterdam)
Pieter Bergé, Steven Vande Moortele, and Nathan John Martin
Keynote article
Harald Krebs, Motion and Emotion: The Expressive Use of Declamatory Irregularity
in the Lieder of Richard Strauss
Beverly Jerrold, Diderot – I. Authorship and Illusion
Frank Lehman, Schubert’s SLIDEs: Tonal (Non-)Integration of a Paradoxical
Jan Philip Sprick, Schema, Satzmodell and Topos: Reflections on Terminology
Oliver Schwab-Felisch, The Butterfly and the Artillery: Models of Listening in Schenker
and Gjerdingen
Folker Froebe, Schema and Function
Analytical vignettes
Nathan John Martin, Morgengruß
Pieter Bergé and David Lodewyckx, Partimento, Waer bestu bleven? Partimento
in the European Classroom: Pedagogical Considerations and Perspectives
Suzannah Clark, Analyzing Schubert
David Damschroder, Harmony in Haydn and Mozart
For more information,
visit the website
Online journal with a print
Biannually (April/October)
Print issn: 2295-5917
Online issn: 2295-5925
Online available via
Subscribe to MTA
The first issue of MTA will be launched in
September 2014, with exceptionally only one
issue in this volume 1. Subscribers for 2014
only pay 50% of the subscription fee.
From 2015 (volume 2) onwards, there will be
two issues a year (April/October).
Annual subscription fees*
Institutional online only: € 115,00
Individual online only: € 55,00
Institutional online & print: € 140,00
Individual online & print: € 70,00
To sign up for a subscription,
* Subscriptions to print only are not available.
Prices include 21% VAT, and postage and handling
charges for subscribers within Benelux.
For subscribers outside the Benelux a postage fee
is applicable.
Leuven University Press presents a new journal
Music Theory & Analysis (mta)
International Journal of the Dutch-Flemish
Society for Music Theory
Successor to the
Dutch Journal of Music
Theory / Tijdschrift
voor Muziektheorie
Edited by Pieter Bergé (KU Leuven), Nathan John Martin (KU Leuven / Yale University),
Steven Vande Moortele (University of Toronto)
Each issue of the journal will contain five sections: an invited keynote article,
a selection of peer-reviewed articles, colloquies and short analytical vignettes,
contributions to the pedagogy of music theory and analysis, and book reviews,
with a focus on transatlantic exchange.
First issue available September 2014
Music Theory & Analysis (mta) is a peer-reviewed international journal
focusing on recent developments in music theory and analysis. It appears
twice a year (in April and October) as an online journal with a print edition. mta takes a special interest in the interplay between theory and
analysis, as well as in the interaction between European and NorthAmerican scholarship. Open to a wide variety of repertoires, approaches,
and methodologies, the journal aims to stimulate dialogue between diverse traditions within the field.
mta is the official journal of the Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory
(Vereniging voor Muziektheorie). It is the successor to the Dutch Journal
of Music Theory (Tijdschrift voor Muziektheorie).
Table of Content – Vol. 1, I & II
Advisory Board
David Bracket (McGill University), Vasili Byros (Northwestern University), Mark Delaere (KU Leuven),
Felix Diergarten (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis), Julian Horton (Durham University), Henry Klumpen­
houwer (Eastman School of Music), John Koslovsky (Conservatory of Amsterdam), Christian Leitmeir
(Bangor University), Danuta Mirka (University of Southampton), Thomas Noll (Escola Superior de
Musica de Catalunya), Alexander Rehding (Harvard University), Michiel Schuijer (Conservatory of
Amsterdam), Lauri Suurpää (Sibelius Academy), Christian Thorau (Potsdam University), Barbara Titus
(University of Amsterdam)
Pieter Bergé, Steven Vande Moortele, and Nathan John Martin
Keynote article
Harald Krebs, Motion and Emotion: The Expressive Use of Declamatory Irregularity
in the Lieder of Richard Strauss
Beverly Jerrold, Diderot – I. Authorship and Illusion
Frank Lehman, Schubert’s SLIDEs: Tonal (Non-)Integration of a Paradoxical
Jan Philip Sprick, Schema, Satzmodell and Topos: Reflections on Terminology
Oliver Schwab-Felisch, The Butterfly and the Artillery: Models of Listening in Schenker
and Gjerdingen
Folker Froebe, Schema and Function
Analytical vignettes
Nathan John Martin, Morgengruß
Pieter Bergé and David Lodewyckx, Partimento, Waer bestu bleven? Partimento
in the European Classroom: Pedagogical Considerations and Perspectives
Suzannah Clark, Analyzing Schubert
David Damschroder, Harmony in Haydn and Mozart
For more information,
visit the website
Online journal with a print
Biannually (April/October)
Print issn: 2295-5917
Online issn: 2295-5925
Online available via
Subscribe to MTA
The first issue of MTA will be launched in
September 2014, with exceptionally only one
issue in this volume 1. Subscribers for 2014
only pay 50% of the subscription fee.
From 2015 (volume 2) onwards, there will be
two issues a year (April/October).
Annual subscription fees*
Institutional online only: € 115,00
Individual online only: € 55,00
Institutional online & print: € 140,00
Individual online & print: € 70,00
To sign up for a subscription,
* Subscriptions to print only are not available.
Prices include 21% VAT, and postage and handling
charges for subscribers within Benelux.
For subscribers outside the Benelux a postage fee
is applicable.
history l religion
Artistic Experimentation in Music
Christian Homes
An Anthology
Religion, Family and Domesticity
in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Darla Crispin, Bob Gilmore (eds)
Tine Van Osselaer, Patrick Pasture (eds)
With CD
and online resource
of video
darla crispin is a pianist and musico­
logist tracing perspectives from artistic
research. Formerly an ORCiM Research
Fellow, she is currently Associate Professor
of Musicology at the Norwegian Academy
of Music (nmh), Oslo.
bob gilmore is a Research Fellow at
the Orpheus Institute (Belgium) and
editor of Tempo: A Quarterly Review of
New Music (uk).
Essential reading for anyone interested in artistic research applied
to music
This book is the first anthology of writings about the emerging subject of
artistic experimentation in music. This subject, as part of the cross-disciplinary field of artistic research, cuts across boundaries of the conventional
categories of performance practice, music analysis, aesthetics, and music
pedagogy. The texts, most of them specially written for this volume, have
a common genesis in the explorations of the Orpheus Research Centre in
Music (orcim) in Ghent, Belgium. The book critically examines experimentation in music of different historical eras. It is essential reading for performers, composers, teachers, and others wanting to inform themselves of
the issues and the current debates in the new field of artistic research as
applied to music. The publication is accompanied by a CD of music discussed in the text, and by an online resource of video illustrations of
specific issues.
Christian ideas on family, religion, and the home in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries
The cult of domesticity has often been linked to the privatization of religion and the idealisation of the motherly ideal of the ‘angel in the house’.
This book revisits the Christian home of the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries and sheds new light on the stereotypical distinction between
the private and public spheres and their inhabitants. Emphasizing the
importance of patriarchal domesticity during the period and the frequent blurring of boundaries between the Christian home and modern
society, the case studies included in this volume call for a more nuanced
understanding of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Christian ideas on
family, religion, and the home.
tine van osselaer is Researcher at
the Ruusbroec Institute of the University
of Antwerp.
patrick pasture is Professor of History
and Director of the Centre for European
Studies at KU Leuven.
By the same authors
For a list of contributing authors go to
Previously published in the Orpheus Institute Series
The Pious Sex. Catholic Constructions of Masculinity and Femininity in Belgium, c. 1800–1940
Tine Van Osselaer
€ 49,50 / £44.00, isbn 978 90 5867 950 5, paperback, kadoc-Studies on Religion,
Culture and Society 12
Gender and Christianity in Modern Europe. Beyond the Feminization Thesis
Patrick Pasture, Jan Art, Thomas Buerman (eds)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 912 3, paperback, kadoc-Studies on Religion,
Culture and Society 10
Composing under the Skin. The Music-making Body at the Composer’s Desk
Paul Craenen
€ 45,00 / £ 39.00, isbn 978 90 5867 974 1, paperback
Experimental Systems. Future Knowledge in Artistic Research
Michael Schwab (ed.)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 973 4, paperback
Sound and Score. Essays on Sound, Score and Notation
Paulo de Assis, William Brooks, Kathleen Coessens (eds)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 974 1, paperback
€ 59,50 / £52.00
isbn 978 94 6270 013 0
October 2014
Hardback, 19 x 28,5 cm
ca. 410 pp.
28 figures, 4 tables (b&w)
Orpheus Institute Series
€ 39,50 / £35.00
isbn 978 94 6270 018 5
September 2014
Paperback, 17 x 23,8 cm
228 pp.
KADOC-Studies on Religion,
Culture and Society 14
history l religion
Artistic Experimentation in Music
Christian Homes
An Anthology
Religion, Family and Domesticity
in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Darla Crispin, Bob Gilmore (eds)
Tine Van Osselaer, Patrick Pasture (eds)
With CD
and online resource
of video
darla crispin is a pianist and musico­
logist tracing perspectives from artistic
research. Formerly an ORCiM Research
Fellow, she is currently Associate Professor
of Musicology at the Norwegian Academy
of Music (nmh), Oslo.
bob gilmore is a Research Fellow at
the Orpheus Institute (Belgium) and
editor of Tempo: A Quarterly Review of
New Music (uk).
Essential reading for anyone interested in artistic research applied
to music
This book is the first anthology of writings about the emerging subject of
artistic experimentation in music. This subject, as part of the cross-disciplinary field of artistic research, cuts across boundaries of the conventional
categories of performance practice, music analysis, aesthetics, and music
pedagogy. The texts, most of them specially written for this volume, have
a common genesis in the explorations of the Orpheus Research Centre in
Music (orcim) in Ghent, Belgium. The book critically examines experimentation in music of different historical eras. It is essential reading for performers, composers, teachers, and others wanting to inform themselves of
the issues and the current debates in the new field of artistic research as
applied to music. The publication is accompanied by a CD of music discussed in the text, and by an online resource of video illustrations of
specific issues.
Christian ideas on family, religion, and the home in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries
The cult of domesticity has often been linked to the privatization of religion and the idealisation of the motherly ideal of the ‘angel in the house’.
This book revisits the Christian home of the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries and sheds new light on the stereotypical distinction between
the private and public spheres and their inhabitants. Emphasizing the
importance of patriarchal domesticity during the period and the frequent blurring of boundaries between the Christian home and modern
society, the case studies included in this volume call for a more nuanced
understanding of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Christian ideas on
family, religion, and the home.
tine van osselaer is Researcher at
the Ruusbroec Institute of the University
of Antwerp.
patrick pasture is Professor of History
and Director of the Centre for European
Studies at KU Leuven.
By the same authors
For a list of contributing authors go to
Previously published in the Orpheus Institute Series
The Pious Sex. Catholic Constructions of Masculinity and Femininity in Belgium, c. 1800–1940
Tine Van Osselaer
€ 49,50 / £44.00, isbn 978 90 5867 950 5, paperback, kadoc-Studies on Religion,
Culture and Society 12
Gender and Christianity in Modern Europe. Beyond the Feminization Thesis
Patrick Pasture, Jan Art, Thomas Buerman (eds)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 912 3, paperback, kadoc-Studies on Religion,
Culture and Society 10
Composing under the Skin. The Music-making Body at the Composer’s Desk
Paul Craenen
€ 45,00 / £ 39.00, isbn 978 90 5867 974 1, paperback
Experimental Systems. Future Knowledge in Artistic Research
Michael Schwab (ed.)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 973 4, paperback
Sound and Score. Essays on Sound, Score and Notation
Paulo de Assis, William Brooks, Kathleen Coessens (eds)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 974 1, paperback
€ 59,50 / £52.00
isbn 978 94 6270 013 0
October 2014
Hardback, 19 x 28,5 cm
ca. 410 pp.
28 figures, 4 tables (b&w)
Orpheus Institute Series
€ 39,50 / £35.00
isbn 978 94 6270 018 5
September 2014
Paperback, 17 x 23,8 cm
228 pp.
KADOC-Studies on Religion,
Culture and Society 14
Free ebook
at OAPEN Library
patrick degryse is Professor of Archae­
ometry at the department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences and director of
the Centre for Archaeological Sciences at
KU Leuven. His main research efforts focus
on the use of mineral raw materials
in ancient times.
Glass Making in the
Greco-Roman World
herom Volume 3 – 2014
Results of the archglass project
Journal on Hellenistic
and Roman Material Culture
Patrick Degryse (ed.)
Edited by Jeroen Poblome, Daniele Malfitana, and John Lund
New insights into the trade and processing of mineral raw materials
for glass making
This book presents a reconstruction of the Hellenistic-Roman glass industry from the point of view of raw material procurement. Within the
erc funded archglass project, the authors of this work developed new
geochemical techniques to provenance primary glass making. They investigated both production and consumer sites of glass, and identified
suitable mineral resources for glass making through geological prospecting. Because the source of the raw materials used in the manufacturing of
natron glass can be determined, new insights in the trade of this material
are revealed. While eastern Mediterranean glass factories were active
throughout the Hellenistic to early Islamic period, western Mediterranean
and Italian sources also supplied the Mediterranean world with raw glass
in early Roman times. By combining archaeological and scientific data,
the authors develop new interdisciplinary techniques for an innovative
archaeological interpretation of glass trade in the Hellenistic-Roman
world, highlighting the development of glass as an economic material.
Third volume available December 2014 – From 2015 onward
herom will appear biannually in May and November!
herom is a peer-reviewed online journal presenting innovative contributions to the study of material culture produced, exchanged, and consumed
within the spheres of the Hellenistic kingdoms and the Roman world from
the late 4th century bc to the 7th century ad. The journal publishes papers
in the full range of the scholarly field and in all relevant academic disciplines within the arts, humanities, social sciences, and environmental
sciences. herom creates a bridge between material culture specialists and
the wider scientific community, with an interest in how humans interacted
with and regarded artefacts.
herom, Volume 1 (2012) – Includes a thematic section on: ‘The Material Culture of Roman and Early
Christian Pilgrimage’
herom, Volume 2 (2013) – Includes a thematic section on: ‘Artefact Variability, Assemblage
Differentiation, and Identity Negotiation: Debating Code-switching in Material Culture’
herom, Volume 3 (2014) – Non-thematic issue, offering a variety of studies.
For a full table of contents, visit
from 2015
Available online via ingentaconnect
Online issn: 2294-4281
Print issn: 2294-4273
Annual Subscription fees*
Sara Boyen (KU Leuven), Dieter Brems (KU Leuven), Florence Cattin (KU Leuven), Mike Carremans
(KU Leuven), Veerle Devulder (KU Leuven), Thomas Fenn (KU Leuven), Monica Ganio (KU Leuven),
Rebecca Scott (KU Leuven), Frank Vanhaecke (Ghent University)
Previously published in the series Studies in Archaeological Sciences
SUBSCRIPTION OFFER – 15% discount!
Subscribe before December 31, 2014 with the promotion code herom15
and you will receive 15% discount on the annual subscription fee for 2015.
You will receive two issues (May/November).
For more information or to sign up
for a subscription, contact orders@lup.
be or visit the website
* Subscriptions to print only are not available. Prices include 21% VAT, and postage and handling
charges for subscribers within Benelux. For subscribers outside the Benelux a postage fee
is applicable.
€ 25,00 / £21.00
isbn 978 94 6270 007 9
November 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
208 pp.
Studies in Archaeological
Sciences 4
Institutional online only: € 150
Institutional online & print: € 175
Individual online only: € 55
Individual online & print: € 70
Handheld XRF for Art and Archaeology
Aaron N. Shugar, Jennifer L. Mass (eds)
€ 45,00 / £39.00, isbn 978 90 5867 934 5, paperback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 069 5)
Lapis Lazuli from the Kiln. Glass and Glassmaking in the Late Bronze Age
Andrew Shortland
€ 69,50 / £60.50, isbn 978 90 5867 691 7, hardback
Volume 3: isbn 978 94 6270 019 2
November 2014
Paperback, 15,2 x 22,9 cm
ca. 250 p.
Free ebook
at OAPEN Library
patrick degryse is Professor of Archae­
ometry at the department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences and director of
the Centre for Archaeological Sciences at
KU Leuven. His main research efforts focus
on the use of mineral raw materials
in ancient times.
Glass Making in the
Greco-Roman World
herom Volume 3 – 2014
Results of the archglass project
Journal on Hellenistic
and Roman Material Culture
Patrick Degryse (ed.)
Edited by Jeroen Poblome, Daniele Malfitana, and John Lund
New insights into the trade and processing of mineral raw materials
for glass making
This book presents a reconstruction of the Hellenistic-Roman glass industry from the point of view of raw material procurement. Within the
erc funded archglass project, the authors of this work developed new
geochemical techniques to provenance primary glass making. They investigated both production and consumer sites of glass, and identified
suitable mineral resources for glass making through geological prospecting. Because the source of the raw materials used in the manufacturing of
natron glass can be determined, new insights in the trade of this material
are revealed. While eastern Mediterranean glass factories were active
throughout the Hellenistic to early Islamic period, western Mediterranean
and Italian sources also supplied the Mediterranean world with raw glass
in early Roman times. By combining archaeological and scientific data,
the authors develop new interdisciplinary techniques for an innovative
archaeological interpretation of glass trade in the Hellenistic-Roman
world, highlighting the development of glass as an economic material.
Third volume available December 2014 – From 2015 onward
herom will appear biannually in May and November!
herom is a peer-reviewed online journal presenting innovative contributions to the study of material culture produced, exchanged, and consumed
within the spheres of the Hellenistic kingdoms and the Roman world from
the late 4th century bc to the 7th century ad. The journal publishes papers
in the full range of the scholarly field and in all relevant academic disciplines within the arts, humanities, social sciences, and environmental
sciences. herom creates a bridge between material culture specialists and
the wider scientific community, with an interest in how humans interacted
with and regarded artefacts.
herom, Volume 1 (2012) – Includes a thematic section on: ‘The Material Culture of Roman and Early
Christian Pilgrimage’
herom, Volume 2 (2013) – Includes a thematic section on: ‘Artefact Variability, Assemblage
Differentiation, and Identity Negotiation: Debating Code-switching in Material Culture’
herom, Volume 3 (2014) – Non-thematic issue, offering a variety of studies.
For a full table of contents, visit
from 2015
Available online via ingentaconnect
Online issn: 2294-4281
Print issn: 2294-4273
Annual Subscription fees*
Sara Boyen (KU Leuven), Dieter Brems (KU Leuven), Florence Cattin (KU Leuven), Mike Carremans
(KU Leuven), Veerle Devulder (KU Leuven), Thomas Fenn (KU Leuven), Monica Ganio (KU Leuven),
Rebecca Scott (KU Leuven), Frank Vanhaecke (Ghent University)
Previously published in the series Studies in Archaeological Sciences
SUBSCRIPTION OFFER – 15% discount!
Subscribe before December 31, 2014 with the promotion code herom15
and you will receive 15% discount on the annual subscription fee for 2015.
You will receive two issues (May/November).
For more information or to sign up
for a subscription, contact orders@lup.
be or visit the website
* Subscriptions to print only are not available. Prices include 21% VAT, and postage and handling
charges for subscribers within Benelux. For subscribers outside the Benelux a postage fee
is applicable.
€ 25,00 / £21.00
isbn 978 94 6270 007 9
November 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
208 pp.
Studies in Archaeological
Sciences 4
Institutional online only: € 150
Institutional online & print: € 175
Individual online only: € 55
Individual online & print: € 70
Handheld XRF for Art and Archaeology
Aaron N. Shugar, Jennifer L. Mass (eds)
€ 45,00 / £39.00, isbn 978 90 5867 934 5, paperback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 069 5)
Lapis Lazuli from the Kiln. Glass and Glassmaking in the Late Bronze Age
Andrew Shortland
€ 69,50 / £60.50, isbn 978 90 5867 691 7, hardback
Volume 3: isbn 978 94 6270 019 2
November 2014
Paperback, 15,2 x 22,9 cm
ca. 250 p.
art & theory
Allan Sekula, Sugar Gang (Santos) 1, C-print, 2010, 76,2 x 76,2 cm. ©The Estate of Allan Sekula.
Allan Sekula
Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum
Hilde Van Gelder (ed.)
Sekula’s final work on labor solidarity in and around the docks
Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum is the project on which the North American artist and writer Allan Sekula worked during the last three years of his
life (2010–2013). The work consists, first, of a corpus of thirty-three framed
photographs and two slide projections of over one hundred images, all
made by the artist (Ship of Fools); second, it contains a collection of various
objects, graphic images, postcards, and prints which the artist purchased,
mostly online (The Dockers’ Museum). Sekula dedicated this work to both
historical and contemporary labor solidarity in and around the docks. At
the time of his sad passing in the Summer of 2013, Allan Sekula was in
the midst of collaborating on this publication with four of its contributing authors: Gail Day, Steve Edwards, Alberto Toscano, and Hilde Van
Gelder, each of whom he had asked to write essays. This volume, which
includes a representative ensemble of images and objects that are part
of Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum, follows as closely as possible the
instructions given by the artist and is the first substantial scholarly analysis of this project. It contains a preface by Jürgen Bock and Bart De
Baere, who both curated exhibited installations of the work during the
artist’s lifetime. The volume also includes draft text materials written by
the artist himself, as well as selections from unpublished interviews,
public debates, and lectures that Allan Sekula delivered between 2010 and
2012. Finally, this publication includes a moving essay on the project by
the artist’s widow, Sally Stein.
hilde van gelder is Associate Professor
of Modern and Contemporary Art History
at KU Leuven. She is Director of the Lieven
Gevaert Research Centre for Photography.
Jürgen Bock (Maumaus), Gail Day (University
of Leeds), Bart De Baere (Museum van Heden­
daagse Kunst Antwerpen), Steve Edwards (Open
Univer­sity), Allan Sekula† (California Institute
of the Arts), Sally Stein (University of California,
Irvine), Alberto Toscano (Goldsmiths), Hilde Van
Gelder (KU Leuven)
Previously published volumes on Allan Sekula in the Lieven Gevaert Series
Critical Realism in Contemporary Art. Around Allan Sekula’s Photography
Jan Baetens, Hilde Van Gelder (eds)
€ 29,50 / £26.00, isbn 978 90 5867 563 7, paperback, Lieven Gevaert Series 4
Constantin Meunier. A Dialogue with Allan Sekula, Hilde Van Gelder (ed.)
€ 21,00 / £18.50, isbn 978 90 5867 488 3, paperback, Lieven Gevaert Series 2
€ 39,50 / £35.00
isbn 978 94 6270 005 5
November 2014
Paperback, 17 x 23 cm
240 pp.
Lieven Gevaert Series 19
art & theory
Allan Sekula, Sugar Gang (Santos) 1, C-print, 2010, 76,2 x 76,2 cm. ©The Estate of Allan Sekula.
Allan Sekula
Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum
Hilde Van Gelder (ed.)
Sekula’s final work on labor solidarity in and around the docks
Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum is the project on which the North American artist and writer Allan Sekula worked during the last three years of his
life (2010–2013). The work consists, first, of a corpus of thirty-three framed
photographs and two slide projections of over one hundred images, all
made by the artist (Ship of Fools); second, it contains a collection of various
objects, graphic images, postcards, and prints which the artist purchased,
mostly online (The Dockers’ Museum). Sekula dedicated this work to both
historical and contemporary labor solidarity in and around the docks. At
the time of his sad passing in the Summer of 2013, Allan Sekula was in
the midst of collaborating on this publication with four of its contributing authors: Gail Day, Steve Edwards, Alberto Toscano, and Hilde Van
Gelder, each of whom he had asked to write essays. This volume, which
includes a representative ensemble of images and objects that are part
of Ship of Fools / The Dockers’ Museum, follows as closely as possible the
instructions given by the artist and is the first substantial scholarly analysis of this project. It contains a preface by Jürgen Bock and Bart De
Baere, who both curated exhibited installations of the work during the
artist’s lifetime. The volume also includes draft text materials written by
the artist himself, as well as selections from unpublished interviews,
public debates, and lectures that Allan Sekula delivered between 2010 and
2012. Finally, this publication includes a moving essay on the project by
the artist’s widow, Sally Stein.
hilde van gelder is Associate Professor
of Modern and Contemporary Art History
at KU Leuven. She is Director of the Lieven
Gevaert Research Centre for Photography.
Jürgen Bock (Maumaus), Gail Day (University
of Leeds), Bart De Baere (Museum van Heden­
daagse Kunst Antwerpen), Steve Edwards (Open
Univer­sity), Allan Sekula† (California Institute
of the Arts), Sally Stein (University of California,
Irvine), Alberto Toscano (Goldsmiths), Hilde Van
Gelder (KU Leuven)
Previously published volumes on Allan Sekula in the Lieven Gevaert Series
Critical Realism in Contemporary Art. Around Allan Sekula’s Photography
Jan Baetens, Hilde Van Gelder (eds)
€ 29,50 / £26.00, isbn 978 90 5867 563 7, paperback, Lieven Gevaert Series 4
Constantin Meunier. A Dialogue with Allan Sekula, Hilde Van Gelder (ed.)
€ 21,00 / £18.50, isbn 978 90 5867 488 3, paperback, Lieven Gevaert Series 2
€ 39,50 / £35.00
isbn 978 94 6270 005 5
November 2014
Paperback, 17 x 23 cm
240 pp.
Lieven Gevaert Series 19
philosophy l ancient & medieval
philosophy l literature
La puissance de
La théorie plotinienne des
Formes au miroir de l’héritage
Henrici de Gandavo
Summa (Quaestiones
ordinariae) art. LIII-LV
Gordon A. Wilson, Girard J. Etzkorn (eds)
Towards a Political Anthropology
in the Work of Gilles Deleuze
Psychoanalysis and Anglo-American
Rockwell F. Clancy
Alexandra Michalewski
La nature des Formes intelligibles d’Antiochus
à Plotin
L’ouvrage propose une histoire de l’interprétation de la
nature des Formes intelligibles d’Antiochus à Plotin. Il
met en lumière l’importance du refus plotinien de l’artificialisme médioplatonicien qui considère les Formes
comme des pensées du dieu et subordonne leur causalité à celle du démiurge, fabricant du monde.
Critical study of the ‘second part’ of Henry’s Summa
devoted to the Persons of the Trinity
Henry of Ghent’s Summa, art. 53–55, was composed
shortly after Christmas of 1281, at the height of Henry’s
teaching career in the Theology Faculty at the University in Paris. These questions, which begin the ‘second
part’ of his Summa, are devoted to the Persons of the
Trinity. They contain Henry’s philosophical analyses of
the theoretical concepts person, relation, and universals.
The nature of intelligible Forms from Antiochus
to Plotinus
The nature of intelligible Forms received different interpretations from various ancient Platonists. This book
sketches the history of these interpretations from Antiochus to Plotinus and shows the radical transformation
this theory underwent in the hands of the latter.
gordon a. wilson is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the
University of North Carolina at Asheville.
g.j. etzkorn is Emeritus Professor at St. Bonaventure University,
New York.
‘Political anthropology’ as the major contemporary importance
in Deleuze’s work
This work explores the significance of two recurring themes in the thought
of Gilles Deleuze: his critique of psychoanalysis and praise for AngloAmerican literature. Tracing the overlooked influence of English writer
D.H. Lawrence on Deleuze, Rockwell Clancy shows how these themes ultimately bear on two competing ‘political anthropologies’, conceptions of
the political and the respective accounts of philosophical anthropology
on which they are based. Contrary to the mainstream of both Deleuze
studies and contemporary political thought, Clancy argues that the major contemporary importance of Deleuze’s thought consists in the way
he grounds his analyses of the political on accounts of philosophical anthropology, helping to make sense of the contemporary backlash against
inclusive liberal values evident in forms of political conservatism and
religious fundamentalism.
rockwell f. clancy is a lecturer in the
Humanities and Social Sciences Education
Program at the University of Michigan–
Shanghai Jiao Tong Joint Institute,
Shanghai, China
Previously published in the series Figures of the Unconscious
alexandra michalewski holds a PhD in Philosophy and
is currently researcher at The National Scientific Research Fund
(FRS-FNRS, University of Liège).
Psychoanalysis, Monotheism and Morality. The Sigmund Freud Museum Symposia 2009-2011
Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Inge Scholz-Strasser, Herman Westerink (eds)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 935 2, paperback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 080 0)
A Non-Oedipal Psychoanalysis? A Clinical Anthropology of Hysteria in the Works of Freud and Lacan
Philippe Van Haute, Tomas Geyskens
€ 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 911 6, paperback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 059 6)
€ 82,50 / £69.00
isbn 978 94 6270 002 4
September 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
280 pp.
Ancient and Medieval
Philosophy – Series 1 – 51
for the previously
publications in the
series Ancient and
Medieval Philosophy
– Series 1. This
series is available
on standing order.
To sign up for a
please contact
€ 85,00 / £71.00
isbn 978 94 6270 004 8
September 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
510 pp.
Ancient and Medieval
Philosophy – Series 2 – 31
for the previously
publications in the
series Ancient and
Medieval Philosophy –
Series 2. This series is
available on standing
order. To sign up for
a subscription,
please contact
€ 65,00 / £55.00
isbn 978 94 6270 011 6
November 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
416 pp.
Figures of the Unconscious 13
philosophy l ancient & medieval
philosophy l literature
La puissance de
La théorie plotinienne des
Formes au miroir de l’héritage
Henrici de Gandavo
Summa (Quaestiones
ordinariae) art. LIII-LV
Gordon A. Wilson, Girard J. Etzkorn (eds)
Towards a Political Anthropology
in the Work of Gilles Deleuze
Psychoanalysis and Anglo-American
Rockwell F. Clancy
Alexandra Michalewski
La nature des Formes intelligibles d’Antiochus
à Plotin
L’ouvrage propose une histoire de l’interprétation de la
nature des Formes intelligibles d’Antiochus à Plotin. Il
met en lumière l’importance du refus plotinien de l’artificialisme médioplatonicien qui considère les Formes
comme des pensées du dieu et subordonne leur causalité à celle du démiurge, fabricant du monde.
Critical study of the ‘second part’ of Henry’s Summa
devoted to the Persons of the Trinity
Henry of Ghent’s Summa, art. 53–55, was composed
shortly after Christmas of 1281, at the height of Henry’s
teaching career in the Theology Faculty at the University in Paris. These questions, which begin the ‘second
part’ of his Summa, are devoted to the Persons of the
Trinity. They contain Henry’s philosophical analyses of
the theoretical concepts person, relation, and universals.
The nature of intelligible Forms from Antiochus
to Plotinus
The nature of intelligible Forms received different interpretations from various ancient Platonists. This book
sketches the history of these interpretations from Antiochus to Plotinus and shows the radical transformation
this theory underwent in the hands of the latter.
gordon a. wilson is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the
University of North Carolina at Asheville.
g.j. etzkorn is Emeritus Professor at St. Bonaventure University,
New York.
‘Political anthropology’ as the major contemporary importance
in Deleuze’s work
This work explores the significance of two recurring themes in the thought
of Gilles Deleuze: his critique of psychoanalysis and praise for AngloAmerican literature. Tracing the overlooked influence of English writer
D.H. Lawrence on Deleuze, Rockwell Clancy shows how these themes ultimately bear on two competing ‘political anthropologies’, conceptions of
the political and the respective accounts of philosophical anthropology
on which they are based. Contrary to the mainstream of both Deleuze
studies and contemporary political thought, Clancy argues that the major contemporary importance of Deleuze’s thought consists in the way
he grounds his analyses of the political on accounts of philosophical anthropology, helping to make sense of the contemporary backlash against
inclusive liberal values evident in forms of political conservatism and
religious fundamentalism.
rockwell f. clancy is a lecturer in the
Humanities and Social Sciences Education
Program at the University of Michigan–
Shanghai Jiao Tong Joint Institute,
Shanghai, China
Previously published in the series Figures of the Unconscious
alexandra michalewski holds a PhD in Philosophy and
is currently researcher at The National Scientific Research Fund
(FRS-FNRS, University of Liège).
Psychoanalysis, Monotheism and Morality. The Sigmund Freud Museum Symposia 2009-2011
Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Inge Scholz-Strasser, Herman Westerink (eds)
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 935 2, paperback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 080 0)
A Non-Oedipal Psychoanalysis? A Clinical Anthropology of Hysteria in the Works of Freud and Lacan
Philippe Van Haute, Tomas Geyskens
€ 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 911 6, paperback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 059 6)
€ 82,50 / £69.00
isbn 978 94 6270 002 4
September 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
280 pp.
Ancient and Medieval
Philosophy – Series 1 – 51
for the previously
publications in the
series Ancient and
Medieval Philosophy
– Series 1. This
series is available
on standing order.
To sign up for a
please contact
€ 85,00 / £71.00
isbn 978 94 6270 004 8
September 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
510 pp.
Ancient and Medieval
Philosophy – Series 2 – 31
for the previously
publications in the
series Ancient and
Medieval Philosophy –
Series 2. This series is
available on standing
order. To sign up for
a subscription,
please contact
€ 65,00 / £55.00
isbn 978 94 6270 011 6
November 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
416 pp.
Figures of the Unconscious 13
philosophy l religion
literature l art
Denken over religie
Sfar So Far
Antropologische theorie en godsdienst
Deel III Hedendaagse perspectieven
Identity, History, Fantasy, and Mimesis
in Joann Sfar’s Graphic Novels
Valeer Neckebrouck
Fabrice Leroy
Derde en laatste deel van het basiswerk Denken over religie
Includes an in-depth interview with French cartoonist Joann Sfar
Sfar So Far is the first monograph in any language devoted to the graphic novels
of Joann Sfar, an artist whose abundant and innovative work has profoundly
marked the contemporary French comics scene. This essay examines how, over
the past two decades, Sfar has constructed an idiosyncratic universe with its
own thematic and stylistic recurrences: a playful drafting style, contrasting
with the thoughtful introduction of historical, theological, and philosophical
matters; a sophisticated use of literary, filmic, musical, and pictorial references;
an exploration of his own Jewish heritage in the context of a multicultural, postcolonial French society; an affinity for magic realism, fairy tales, heroic fantasy,
the fantastique, and science fiction, often filtered through irony or parody; and
a predilection for romantic musings and an interest in unconventional love
en laatste deel
valeer neckebrouck is emeritus
hoogleraar antropologie en theologie
aan de KU Leuven. Hij publiceerde eerder
ook het boek Antropologie van de godsdienst. De andere zijde bij Universitaire
Pers Leuven.
‘Denken over religie’ is een weten­
schappelijk werk van niveau. Ik ken
geen vergelijkbaar overzichtswerk,
ook niet in het Engels, Frans of Duits.’
– Professor Staf Hellemans,
Universiteit van Tilburg
‘The Dutch readership is spoiled
with such a masterpiece.’
– Professor Walter Van Herck,
Universiteit van Antwerpen
€ 65,00
isbn 978 94 6270 020 8
November 2014
Paperback, 15,5 x 23,5 cm
ca. 520 p.
Denken over religie, deel III
Met Deel III. Hedendaagse perspectieven is auteur Valeer Neckebrouck tot het
sluitstuk gekomen van de chronologisch opgevatte reeks Denken over religie.
Antropologische theorie en godsdienst. De studie van de antropologie van de
religie wordt in dit laatste deel vanuit de meest toonaangevende, hedendaagse
modellen en perspectieven belicht. De secularisatietheorieën, het postmodernisme, het feminisme, het neodarwinisme en de cognitieve antropologie van
de godsdienst worden uitvoerig behandeld, maar ook denkers als René Girard,
Walter Burkert, Edward O. Wilson en Richard Dawkins passeren de revue.
Met de behandeling van hedendaagse theoretische perspectieven in de antropologische studie van de godsdienst gaat het om onderzoeksterreinen die nog
constant in beweging zijn, om inzichten die nog in volle ontwikkeling verkeren. Bijna dagelijks worden in de biologie nieuwe ontdekkingen gedaan waarvan sommige verplichten tot een radicale herziening van inzichten die voordien als vaststaande verworvenheden werden beschouwd. Omdat onze kennis
op gebied van biologie en neurologie voortdurend evolueert, dient het bilan
ervan steeds weer herschreven te worden. Met dit derde deel uit de reeks
Denken over religie heeft Valeer Neckebrouck hiertoe onmiskenbaar een belangwekkende bijdrage geleverd.
fabrice leroy is Professor of French
and Francophone Studies at the University
of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Previously published in the series Studies in European Comics and Graphic Novels
Eerder verschenen delen van Denken over religie
The French Comics Theory Reader
Ann Miller, Bart Beaty (eds)
€ 59,00 / £52,00, isbn 978 90 5867 988 8, paperback
Deel I Van Xenophanes tot Robertson Smith
€ 45,00, isbn 978 90 5867 890 4, paperback
Deel II Van Hugo Winckler tot Clifford Geertz
€ 60,00, isbn 978 90 5867 891 1, paperback
Koop de drie delen samen en geniet 10% korting! U betaalt maar € 153,00
i.p.v. € 170,00
€ 59,00 / £52.00
isbn 978 94 6270 006 2
September 2014
Paperback, 17 x 23 cm
304 pp.
33 illustrations
Studies in European Comics
and Graphic Novels 2
philosophy l religion
literature l art
Denken over religie
Sfar So Far
Antropologische theorie en godsdienst
Deel III Hedendaagse perspectieven
Identity, History, Fantasy, and Mimesis
in Joann Sfar’s Graphic Novels
Valeer Neckebrouck
Fabrice Leroy
Derde en laatste deel van het basiswerk Denken over religie
Includes an in-depth interview with French cartoonist Joann Sfar
Sfar So Far is the first monograph in any language devoted to the graphic novels
of Joann Sfar, an artist whose abundant and innovative work has profoundly
marked the contemporary French comics scene. This essay examines how, over
the past two decades, Sfar has constructed an idiosyncratic universe with its
own thematic and stylistic recurrences: a playful drafting style, contrasting
with the thoughtful introduction of historical, theological, and philosophical
matters; a sophisticated use of literary, filmic, musical, and pictorial references;
an exploration of his own Jewish heritage in the context of a multicultural, postcolonial French society; an affinity for magic realism, fairy tales, heroic fantasy,
the fantastique, and science fiction, often filtered through irony or parody; and
a predilection for romantic musings and an interest in unconventional love
en laatste deel
valeer neckebrouck is emeritus
hoogleraar antropologie en theologie
aan de KU Leuven. Hij publiceerde eerder
ook het boek Antropologie van de godsdienst. De andere zijde bij Universitaire
Pers Leuven.
‘Denken over religie’ is een weten­
schappelijk werk van niveau. Ik ken
geen vergelijkbaar overzichtswerk,
ook niet in het Engels, Frans of Duits.’
– Professor Staf Hellemans,
Universiteit van Tilburg
‘The Dutch readership is spoiled
with such a masterpiece.’
– Professor Walter Van Herck,
Universiteit van Antwerpen
€ 65,00
isbn 978 94 6270 020 8
November 2014
Paperback, 15,5 x 23,5 cm
ca. 520 p.
Denken over religie, deel III
Met Deel III. Hedendaagse perspectieven is auteur Valeer Neckebrouck tot het
sluitstuk gekomen van de chronologisch opgevatte reeks Denken over religie.
Antropologische theorie en godsdienst. De studie van de antropologie van de
religie wordt in dit laatste deel vanuit de meest toonaangevende, hedendaagse
modellen en perspectieven belicht. De secularisatietheorieën, het postmodernisme, het feminisme, het neodarwinisme en de cognitieve antropologie van
de godsdienst worden uitvoerig behandeld, maar ook denkers als René Girard,
Walter Burkert, Edward O. Wilson en Richard Dawkins passeren de revue.
Met de behandeling van hedendaagse theoretische perspectieven in de antropologische studie van de godsdienst gaat het om onderzoeksterreinen die nog
constant in beweging zijn, om inzichten die nog in volle ontwikkeling verkeren. Bijna dagelijks worden in de biologie nieuwe ontdekkingen gedaan waarvan sommige verplichten tot een radicale herziening van inzichten die voordien als vaststaande verworvenheden werden beschouwd. Omdat onze kennis
op gebied van biologie en neurologie voortdurend evolueert, dient het bilan
ervan steeds weer herschreven te worden. Met dit derde deel uit de reeks
Denken over religie heeft Valeer Neckebrouck hiertoe onmiskenbaar een belangwekkende bijdrage geleverd.
fabrice leroy is Professor of French
and Francophone Studies at the University
of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Previously published in the series Studies in European Comics and Graphic Novels
Eerder verschenen delen van Denken over religie
The French Comics Theory Reader
Ann Miller, Bart Beaty (eds)
€ 59,00 / £52,00, isbn 978 90 5867 988 8, paperback
Deel I Van Xenophanes tot Robertson Smith
€ 45,00, isbn 978 90 5867 890 4, paperback
Deel II Van Hugo Winckler tot Clifford Geertz
€ 60,00, isbn 978 90 5867 891 1, paperback
Koop de drie delen samen en geniet 10% korting! U betaalt maar € 153,00
i.p.v. € 170,00
€ 59,00 / £52.00
isbn 978 94 6270 006 2
September 2014
Paperback, 17 x 23 cm
304 pp.
33 illustrations
Studies in European Comics
and Graphic Novels 2
text & literature
Patroon en argument
L’Adversus Colotem di Plutarco
Een dubbelfeestbundel bij het emeritaat
van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst
Storia di una polemica filosofica
Aurora Corti
Freek Van de Velde, Hans Smessaert, Frank Van Eynde, Sara Verbrugge (red.)
freek van de velde is postdoctoraal
onderzoeker van het FWO-Vlaanderen
en docent Nederlandse taalkunde aan de
KU Leuven.
hans smessaert is hoogleraar algemene
en Nederlandse taalkunde aan de
KU Leuven.
frank van eynde is hoogleraar algemene
en computationele taalkunde aan de
KU Leuven.
sara verbrugge is doctor-assistent
aan de KU Leuven.
Over patronen in taal en visies met verrassende argumenten in de
Nederlandse taalkunde
Naar aanleiding van het emeritaat van de Leuvense hoogleraren William
Van Belle en Joop van der Horst hebben niet minder dan 80 collega’s uit
binnen- en buitenland samen 53 artikelen geschreven over een breed scala
van thema’s in de Nederlandse en algemene taalkunde. De titel ‘patroon
en argument’ verwijst naar de belangstelling van de beide jubilarissen
voor patronen in taal – van het grammaticale microniveau tot het taalpolitieke en taalhistorische macroniveau – en naar hun talent om hun
visies te ondersteunen met uiteenlopende en vaak verrassende argumenten, zowel van technische als van meer beschouwende aard. Die veelzijdige eruditie is ook weerspiegeld in de bijdragen, die verschillend in opzet, toon en onderwerp zijn, en gezamenlijk een mooie stand van zaken
geven van het onderzoek in de Nederlandse taalkunde.
De volledige lijst van bijdragende auteurs vindt u op
Aanverwante titels
In-depth analysis of Plutarch’s anti-Epicurean treatise
Adversus Colotem
L’Adversus Colotem, composto intorno al 100 d.C., fa parte, insieme al
non posse e al de latenter vivendo, della cosidetta ‘trilogia anti-epicurea’
di Plutarco. Questo volume analizza l’Adversus Colotem nel suo complesso,
approfondendone, in particolar modo, le strategie polemiche, le alleanze
filosofiche e le tecniche argomentative. Il libro si articola in quattro capitoli, rispettivamente dedicati: 1) all’analisi della struttura dell’opera; 2)
alla ricostruzione, basata sullo studio critico delle fonti antiche (Plutarco, Proclo, Macrobio e i Papiri Ercolanesi), della figura, degli scritti e della
filosofia dell’epicureo Colote; 3) all’approfondimento della tesi dell’unità
dell’Accademia, così come difesa in quest’opera da Plutarco; 4) all’esame
della sezione su Arcesilao (Adv. Col. 1121 E-1123 A) e, in special modo, della
teoria dell’azione dell’accademico ivi esposta.
aurora corti obtained a Doctoral Degree
in Philosophy at Sapienza University of
Rome in 2012. Currently she is Research
Fellow at the Institute for European Intel­
lectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (iliesi)
of the Italian National Research Council
The Adversus Colotem, written around 100 A.D., is one of Plutarch’s three
extant anti-Epicurean treatises. It is a reply to Colotes’ otherwise unknown
book entitled ‘On the fact that according to the doctrines of the other
philosophers it is impossible to live’. This volume analyses the Adversus
Colotem as a whole and, in particular, explores its polemical target, its philosophical back­ground and its argumentative strategies.
Previously published in the series Plutarchea Hypomnemata
Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse syntaxis
J.M. van der Horst
€ 149,00, isbn 978 90 5867 646 7, hardback
Met (het) oog op morgen. Opstellen over taal, taalverandering en standaardtaal
J.M. van der Horst
€ 24,50, isbn 978 90 5867 784 6, paperback – ook verkrijgbaar als e-book (eisbn 978 94 6166 007 7)
€ 79,50
isbn 978 94 6270 014 7
Oktober 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
784 pp.
Virtues for the People. Aspects of Plutarchan Ethics
Geert Roskam, Luc Van der Stockt
€ 64,95 / £ 58.00, isbn 978 90 5867 858 4, hardback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 118 0)
Plutarch’s Life of Alcibiades. Story, Text and Moralism
Simon Verdegem
€ 69,50 / £60.50, isbn 978 90 5867 760 0, hardback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 009 1)
€ 79,00 / £71.00
isbn 978 94 6270 009 3
October 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
306 pp.
Italian, with an English
Plutarchea Hypomnemata
text & literature
Patroon en argument
L’Adversus Colotem di Plutarco
Een dubbelfeestbundel bij het emeritaat
van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst
Storia di una polemica filosofica
Aurora Corti
Freek Van de Velde, Hans Smessaert, Frank Van Eynde, Sara Verbrugge (red.)
freek van de velde is postdoctoraal
onderzoeker van het FWO-Vlaanderen
en docent Nederlandse taalkunde aan de
KU Leuven.
hans smessaert is hoogleraar algemene
en Nederlandse taalkunde aan de
KU Leuven.
frank van eynde is hoogleraar algemene
en computationele taalkunde aan de
KU Leuven.
sara verbrugge is doctor-assistent
aan de KU Leuven.
Over patronen in taal en visies met verrassende argumenten in de
Nederlandse taalkunde
Naar aanleiding van het emeritaat van de Leuvense hoogleraren William
Van Belle en Joop van der Horst hebben niet minder dan 80 collega’s uit
binnen- en buitenland samen 53 artikelen geschreven over een breed scala
van thema’s in de Nederlandse en algemene taalkunde. De titel ‘patroon
en argument’ verwijst naar de belangstelling van de beide jubilarissen
voor patronen in taal – van het grammaticale microniveau tot het taalpolitieke en taalhistorische macroniveau – en naar hun talent om hun
visies te ondersteunen met uiteenlopende en vaak verrassende argumenten, zowel van technische als van meer beschouwende aard. Die veelzijdige eruditie is ook weerspiegeld in de bijdragen, die verschillend in opzet, toon en onderwerp zijn, en gezamenlijk een mooie stand van zaken
geven van het onderzoek in de Nederlandse taalkunde.
De volledige lijst van bijdragende auteurs vindt u op
Aanverwante titels
In-depth analysis of Plutarch’s anti-Epicurean treatise
Adversus Colotem
L’Adversus Colotem, composto intorno al 100 d.C., fa parte, insieme al
non posse e al de latenter vivendo, della cosidetta ‘trilogia anti-epicurea’
di Plutarco. Questo volume analizza l’Adversus Colotem nel suo complesso,
approfondendone, in particolar modo, le strategie polemiche, le alleanze
filosofiche e le tecniche argomentative. Il libro si articola in quattro capitoli, rispettivamente dedicati: 1) all’analisi della struttura dell’opera; 2)
alla ricostruzione, basata sullo studio critico delle fonti antiche (Plutarco, Proclo, Macrobio e i Papiri Ercolanesi), della figura, degli scritti e della
filosofia dell’epicureo Colote; 3) all’approfondimento della tesi dell’unità
dell’Accademia, così come difesa in quest’opera da Plutarco; 4) all’esame
della sezione su Arcesilao (Adv. Col. 1121 E-1123 A) e, in special modo, della
teoria dell’azione dell’accademico ivi esposta.
aurora corti obtained a Doctoral Degree
in Philosophy at Sapienza University of
Rome in 2012. Currently she is Research
Fellow at the Institute for European Intel­
lectual Lexicon and History of Ideas (iliesi)
of the Italian National Research Council
The Adversus Colotem, written around 100 A.D., is one of Plutarch’s three
extant anti-Epicurean treatises. It is a reply to Colotes’ otherwise unknown
book entitled ‘On the fact that according to the doctrines of the other
philosophers it is impossible to live’. This volume analyses the Adversus
Colotem as a whole and, in particular, explores its polemical target, its philosophical back­ground and its argumentative strategies.
Previously published in the series Plutarchea Hypomnemata
Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse syntaxis
J.M. van der Horst
€ 149,00, isbn 978 90 5867 646 7, hardback
Met (het) oog op morgen. Opstellen over taal, taalverandering en standaardtaal
J.M. van der Horst
€ 24,50, isbn 978 90 5867 784 6, paperback – ook verkrijgbaar als e-book (eisbn 978 94 6166 007 7)
€ 79,50
isbn 978 94 6270 014 7
Oktober 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
784 pp.
Virtues for the People. Aspects of Plutarchan Ethics
Geert Roskam, Luc Van der Stockt
€ 64,95 / £ 58.00, isbn 978 90 5867 858 4, hardback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 118 0)
Plutarch’s Life of Alcibiades. Story, Text and Moralism
Simon Verdegem
€ 69,50 / £60.50, isbn 978 90 5867 760 0, hardback – also available as eBook (eisbn 978 94 6166 009 1)
€ 79,00 / £71.00
isbn 978 94 6270 009 3
October 2014
Hardback, 16 x 24 cm
306 pp.
Italian, with an English
Plutarchea Hypomnemata
text & literature
text & literature
Humanistica Lovaniensia
Neo-Latin Philology:
Old Tradition,
New Approaches
Journal of Neo-Latin Studies
Volume lxiii – 2014
dirk sacré is Professor of Latin and
Neo-Latin at KU Leuven.
gilbert tournoy is Emeritus Professor of
Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin
at KU Leuven.
monique mund-dopchie is Emeritus
Professor of Ancient Greek literature and
History of Humanism at the Université
Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).
jan papy is Research Professor of NeoLatin Literature and Renaissance Humanism
at KU Leuven.
lambert isebaert is Professor of Latin
and Linguistics at the Université Catholique
de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).
This series is available on standing
order. To sign up for a subscription
or for more information,
please contact
€ 90,00 / £75.00
isbn 978 94 6270 016 1
December 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
ca. 550 p.
English, French, German,
Italian, Spanish and Latin
Humanistica Lovaniensia 63
Editorial Board: Dirk Sacré (General Editor), Gilbert Tournoy,
Monique Mund-Dopchie, Jan Papy & Lambert Isebaert
Marc van der Poel (ed.)
Leading journal in the field of Renaissance and modern Latin
As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the annual journal
Humanistica Lovaniensia is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin
texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of
Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompanied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field. The journal is fully indexed (names, mss., Neo-Latin neo­
Material Philology and the study of Renaissance
Latin literature
Neo-Latin Philology: Old Tradition, New Approaches explores the question whether the approaches developed in the so-called New or Material Philology can be
applied to the study of Renaissance Latin literature.
Two contributions in this volume focus on theoretical
issues, the first presenting a critical assessment of the
debate on New Philology in the 1990s, the second providing guidelines for researchers of the materiality of
sources. The remaining seven contributions discuss
various ways in which the material presentation in either
manuscript or print played a part in the interpretation
of a variety of texts.
With the following contributions
Paola Tomè, Metodo compilativo e stratificazione delle fonti nell’Orthographia di
Giovanni Tortelli
Harry Vredeveld, The Propheticum Sibyllae Erythreae Ascribed to the Erfurt Humanist
Johann Lang and its Alleged Role in Reformation History
Šime Demo, Towards a Unified Definition of Macaronics
Roger P.H. Green, The Extent of Senecan Influence in the Dramas of George Buchanan
Manuel Antonio Díaz Gito, Ad spectacvlvm trivmphi. La entrada de Vaca de Castro
como Gobernador del Perú en El Cuzco (1542): adaptación de una relación castellana
inédita en De rebvs Indicis de Calvete de Estrella
María Elisa Cuyás de Torres, Aftonio en el Renacimiento: el comentario al lugar común
de Lorich
Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera, Tradición y originalidad en la In Aphthonii sophistae
Progymnasmata commentatio de Burchhardus Harbart
Peter Osorio, Justus Lipsius and his Confusion of Chrysippus’s Distinction of Causes in
Physiologia, 1, 14
Walther Ludwig, Josephus Justus Scaligers jambische Invektive [In tyrranidem Papatus
sive] Superstitio im Album amicorum des Paulus a Gisbice aus Prag
Oleg Nikitinski, Petrus Cunaeus über astrologische Wahrsagerei und über die Würde
der exakten Wissenschaften: Erstpublikation der Rede Cur olim Mathematici
Pablo Toribio Pérez, Un texto inédito de Isaac Newton sobre el culto a los santos
(Jerusalén, Biblioteca Nacional de Israel, Yahuda Ms. Var. 1/ Newton 19, ff. 144-146)
Isabella Walser, Heroic Verse Goes Prose: Anton Wilhelm Ertl’s Novel Austriana regina
Arabiae (1687)
For a list of contributing authors go to
marc van der poel is Professor of Latin at Radboud University
Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Please visit for the full table of contents.
€ 59,50 / £52.00
isbn 978 90 5867 989 5
July 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
208 pp.
23 b&w illustrations and
several tables
Supplementa Humanistica
Lovaniensia 35
Andreae Alciati Contra
Vitam Monasticam
Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary by
Denis L. Drysdall (ed.)
Criticism of monastic life by one of Europe’s major
Renaissance figures
In his letter Against Monastic Life (1514–17) Andrea Alciato, an Italian jurist and writer famous for his Emble­
mata, urges his friend Bernardus Mattius to reconsider
his choice of monastic life. Alciato makes his argument
by criticizing religious superstition, the Church’s hierarchy, and monastic practices, particularly the Franciscans’ hypocrisy, wealth, and divisiveness. Instead, he
defends a stoic, civic humanism. Due to the troubled
history of this unique manuscript and the inadequacies
of the two subsequent editions, Alciato’s discourse has
been obscured for centuries. This edition and translation
seeks to make clear the biographical importance of the
text for one of the major figures of the European Renaissance.
denis drysdall is a Research Associate and retired Associate
Professor of Romance Languages of the University of Waikato,
Hamilton, New Zealand.
€ 55,00 / £46.00
isbn 978 94 6270 001 7
July 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
144 pp.
Text edition: Latin + English
Supplementa Humanistica
Lovaniensia 36
Visit for the
previously published
publications in the
series Supplementa
Humanistica Lovaniensia.
This series is available
on standing order.
To sign up for a
subscription, please
text & literature
text & literature
Humanistica Lovaniensia
Neo-Latin Philology:
Old Tradition,
New Approaches
Journal of Neo-Latin Studies
Volume lxiii – 2014
dirk sacré is Professor of Latin and
Neo-Latin at KU Leuven.
gilbert tournoy is Emeritus Professor of
Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin
at KU Leuven.
monique mund-dopchie is Emeritus
Professor of Ancient Greek literature and
History of Humanism at the Université
Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).
jan papy is Research Professor of NeoLatin Literature and Renaissance Humanism
at KU Leuven.
lambert isebaert is Professor of Latin
and Linguistics at the Université Catholique
de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve).
This series is available on standing
order. To sign up for a subscription
or for more information,
please contact
€ 90,00 / £75.00
isbn 978 94 6270 016 1
December 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
ca. 550 p.
English, French, German,
Italian, Spanish and Latin
Humanistica Lovaniensia 63
Editorial Board: Dirk Sacré (General Editor), Gilbert Tournoy,
Monique Mund-Dopchie, Jan Papy & Lambert Isebaert
Marc van der Poel (ed.)
Leading journal in the field of Renaissance and modern Latin
As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the annual journal
Humanistica Lovaniensia is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin
texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of
Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompanied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field. The journal is fully indexed (names, mss., Neo-Latin neo­
Material Philology and the study of Renaissance
Latin literature
Neo-Latin Philology: Old Tradition, New Approaches explores the question whether the approaches developed in the so-called New or Material Philology can be
applied to the study of Renaissance Latin literature.
Two contributions in this volume focus on theoretical
issues, the first presenting a critical assessment of the
debate on New Philology in the 1990s, the second providing guidelines for researchers of the materiality of
sources. The remaining seven contributions discuss
various ways in which the material presentation in either
manuscript or print played a part in the interpretation
of a variety of texts.
With the following contributions
Paola Tomè, Metodo compilativo e stratificazione delle fonti nell’Orthographia di
Giovanni Tortelli
Harry Vredeveld, The Propheticum Sibyllae Erythreae Ascribed to the Erfurt Humanist
Johann Lang and its Alleged Role in Reformation History
Šime Demo, Towards a Unified Definition of Macaronics
Roger P.H. Green, The Extent of Senecan Influence in the Dramas of George Buchanan
Manuel Antonio Díaz Gito, Ad spectacvlvm trivmphi. La entrada de Vaca de Castro
como Gobernador del Perú en El Cuzco (1542): adaptación de una relación castellana
inédita en De rebvs Indicis de Calvete de Estrella
María Elisa Cuyás de Torres, Aftonio en el Renacimiento: el comentario al lugar común
de Lorich
Gregorio Rodríguez Herrera, Tradición y originalidad en la In Aphthonii sophistae
Progymnasmata commentatio de Burchhardus Harbart
Peter Osorio, Justus Lipsius and his Confusion of Chrysippus’s Distinction of Causes in
Physiologia, 1, 14
Walther Ludwig, Josephus Justus Scaligers jambische Invektive [In tyrranidem Papatus
sive] Superstitio im Album amicorum des Paulus a Gisbice aus Prag
Oleg Nikitinski, Petrus Cunaeus über astrologische Wahrsagerei und über die Würde
der exakten Wissenschaften: Erstpublikation der Rede Cur olim Mathematici
Pablo Toribio Pérez, Un texto inédito de Isaac Newton sobre el culto a los santos
(Jerusalén, Biblioteca Nacional de Israel, Yahuda Ms. Var. 1/ Newton 19, ff. 144-146)
Isabella Walser, Heroic Verse Goes Prose: Anton Wilhelm Ertl’s Novel Austriana regina
Arabiae (1687)
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marc van der poel is Professor of Latin at Radboud University
Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
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€ 59,50 / £52.00
isbn 978 90 5867 989 5
July 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
208 pp.
23 b&w illustrations and
several tables
Supplementa Humanistica
Lovaniensia 35
Andreae Alciati Contra
Vitam Monasticam
Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary by
Denis L. Drysdall (ed.)
Criticism of monastic life by one of Europe’s major
Renaissance figures
In his letter Against Monastic Life (1514–17) Andrea Alciato, an Italian jurist and writer famous for his Emble­
mata, urges his friend Bernardus Mattius to reconsider
his choice of monastic life. Alciato makes his argument
by criticizing religious superstition, the Church’s hierarchy, and monastic practices, particularly the Franciscans’ hypocrisy, wealth, and divisiveness. Instead, he
defends a stoic, civic humanism. Due to the troubled
history of this unique manuscript and the inadequacies
of the two subsequent editions, Alciato’s discourse has
been obscured for centuries. This edition and translation
seeks to make clear the biographical importance of the
text for one of the major figures of the European Renaissance.
denis drysdall is a Research Associate and retired Associate
Professor of Romance Languages of the University of Waikato,
Hamilton, New Zealand.
€ 55,00 / £46.00
isbn 978 94 6270 001 7
July 2014
Paperback, 16 x 24 cm
144 pp.
Text edition: Latin + English
Supplementa Humanistica
Lovaniensia 36
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publications in the
series Supplementa
Humanistica Lovaniensia.
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Mass Theatre in Interwar Europe.
Flanders and the Netherlands in an International Perspective
Thomas Crombez, Luk Van den Dries (eds)
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Singing Bronze.
A History of Carillon Music
Luc Rombouts
€ 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 956 7, paperback
The French Comics Theory Reader
Ann Miller, Bart Beaty (eds)
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Minor Aesthetics.
The Photographic Work of Marcel Mariën
Mieke Bleyen
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Unsayable Music. Six Reflections on Musical Semiotics, Electroacoustic
and Digital Music
Paulo C. Chagas
€ 49,50 / £44.00, isbn 978 90 5867 994 9, paperback
Improvising Early Music
Dirk Moelants (ed.)
€ 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 997 0, paperback
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From Flux to Frame. Designing
Infrastructure and Shaping
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€ 49,50 / £44.00,
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