Doctoraat in de Politieke Wetenschappen (sinds 2004)

MACAJ Gjovalin (10 september 2014) "Dysfunctional Endeavour: The Pursuit of EU Unity
in the UN Human Rights Council." - Promotor: Prof. dr. Gustaaf Geeraerts
STAHL Anna Katharina (4 april 2014) "Hit Sunt Dracones: Exploring the Uncharted
Territory of EU-China-Africa Trilateral Relations." - Promotor: Prof. dr. Gustaaf Geeraerts
RABITZ Florian (5 maart 2014) "Power and Institutional Complexity: the Role of the EU
and the US in the Global Governance of Genetic Resources." - Promotor: Prof. dr.
Sebastian Oberthür
SPYRIDAKIS Ioannis (13 februari 2014) "Delegation and Control. A Critical Analysis on
Principal-Agent Theory in the Context of EU External Policy Making." - Promotor: Prof. dr.
Sebastian Oberthür
WEIL Stefanie Weil (24 januari 2014) "The Role of Foreign Interest Groups in China's
Political Bargaining Process. An Inquiry into the Strategies of European and American
Lobbying Efforts Concerning China's Indigenous Innovation Policies" - Promotors: Prof. dr.
Kris Deschouwer, Prof. dr. Andreas Nölke and Prof. dr. Irina Tanasescu
ZAHID Farhan (5 december 2013) "Al-Qaeda-Linked Islamist Violent Non-State Actors in
Pakistan and their Relationship with Islamist Political Parties." Promotors: Prof. dr. Herman
Matthijs en Prof. dr. Marc Cools
DUPONT Claire (16 september 2013) "Climate Policy Integration into EU Energy Policy."
Promotor: Prof. dr. Sebastian Oberthür
PRIMOVA Radostina (27 augustus 2013) "Assessing Political and Social Accountability in
EU Policy-Making. A Case Study on the Multi-Level Coordination of the EU Internal Energy
Market Policy." Promotors: Prof. dr. Kris Deschouwer en Prof. dr. Irina Tanasescu
TANASESCU Mihnea (19 juni 2013) “What we Speak About When we Speak for Nature.
The Dynamics of Representation and Rights in the New Ecuadorian Constitution.” Promotors: Prof. dr. Kris Deschouwer and Prof. dr. Patrick Stouthuysen
MOHAMMED HAMZA Karim Mohammed (21 februari 2013) "The Impact of Social Media
and Network Governance in State Stability in Time of Turbulences. Egypt after the 2011
Revolution." - Promotor: Prof. dr. Jamal Shahin
GOEMAN Hannelore (10 december 2012) "Integrating Integration. The Constitution of a
EU Policy Domain on Migrant Integration" - Promotor: Prof. dr. Patrick Stouthuysen
BICHIR Elena-Cristina (12 september 2012) "Access to Energy Resources in the New
Global Configuration. A Sociological and Geopolitical Perspective." - Promotor: Prof. dr.
Amelia Hadfield (VUB) and Prof. dr. Ilie Bãdescu (University of Bucharest)
DE VLIEGER Pieter-Jan (2 juli 2012) "Lobbying in the Service of God and Church. The
Adaptation of Church Representations to the European Union's Interest Group System." Promotor: Prof. dr. Youri Devuyst
ERZEEL Silvia (25 mei 2012) "Presence Theory and Beyond. An Empirical Study of
Legislators' Acting on behalf of Women in European Democracies." - Promotor: Prof. dr.
Karen Celis en Prof. dr. Sam Depauw
HANES Margareta (21 maart 2012) "The Separateness of Persons and Its Implications
for Political Liberalism" - Promotor: Prof. dr. Patrick Stouthuysen
ANDRÉ Audrey (8 februari 2012) "Electoral Systems and Constituency Representation" Promotor: Prof. dr. Kris Deschouwer & Prof. dr. Sam Depauw
BIEDENKOPF Katja (6 februari 2012) "Policy Recycling? The External Effects of EU
Environmental Legislation on the United States." - Promotor: Prof. dr. Sebastian Oberthür
CALUWAERTS Didier (9 december 2011) "Confrontation and Communication.
Experiments on deliberative democracy in linguistically divided Belgium." - Promotor: Prof.
dr. Kris Deschouwer
AMINOVA Munira (16 september 2011) “Essays on the Analysis of Trends Affecting
Governance in Transition Countries” – Promotor: Prof. dr. Amelia Hadfield
WINKLER Sigrid (4 juli 2011) "A Question of Sovereignty? The EU's Policy on Taiwan's
Participation in International Organizations." - Promotor: Prof. dr. Bruno Coppieters
MATTELAER Alexander (15 juni 2011) "Planning, Friction, Strategy. The Politico-Military
Dynamics of Crisis Response Operations" – Promotor: Prof. dr. Gustaaf Geeraerts en Prof.
dr. Sven Biscop
RUDAKOWSKA Anna (7 juni 2011) “Do Values Matter in the EU's Relations with China
and Taiwan? The Arms Embargo Debate (2003-2005)" – Promotor: Prof. dr. Bruno
WILLE Fanny (6 juni 2011) “People seeking Power. A Qualitative Analysis of Local
Coalition Formation in Belgium." - Promotor: Prof. dr. Kris Deschouwer en Prof. dr. Bruno
WANG Honguy (16 mei 2011) “European Trade Policy Making as an Exchange of Goods
between Public and Private Actors in Multilevel Networks” – Promotor: Prof. dr. Bruno
Coppieters (VUB) en Prof. dr. Xinning Song (Renmin University of China)
HOLSLAG Jonathan (9 februari 2011) “China’s Regional Dilemma: An Inquiry into the
Limits of China’s Economic and Military Power” – Promotor: Prof. dr. G. Geeraerts
WOUTERS Patrick (29 september 2010) “ Defence & Security: to Resource, Insource or
Outsource? Sharing the benefits and burdens of global security and stability” – Promotor:
Prof. dr. G. Geeraerts
WIERCX Joke (1 juni 2010) “All for one and one for all. The democratic legitimacy of
European social movement organisations.” – Promotor: Prof. dr. K. Deschouwer
FRANCIS Céline (27 april 2010) “Conflict Resolution and Status: the Case of Georgia and
Abkhazia (1989-2008)” – Promotor: Prof. dr. B. Coppieters
KENTAS Giorgos (4 december 2009) “After the Statecentric Tradition: Toward an Open
System Approach to the Organized Violence Problématique” – Promotor: Prof. dr. G.
PAANTJENS Marjolein (12 januari 2009) “Politieke instituties en gender mainstreaming.
Een vergelijkende studie van België en Nederland” – Promotor: Prof. dr. K. Deschouwer,
co-promotor: Prof. dr. P. Meier
LUNANGA Zakumwilo (18 december 2008) “Etat moderne, pouvoir traditionnel et société
civile au Sud-Kivu (Congo – Kinshasa) – Promotor: Prof. dr. J. Gorus
DÜZGIT AYDIN Senem (5 december 2008) “Discursive Construction of European Identity
in the EU's Relations with Turkey” – Promotor: Prof. dr. Patricia Van den Eeckhout, copromotor: Prof. dr. Gustaaf Geeraerts
STEFURIUC Irina (19 augustus 2008) “Subnational coalition formation in multilevel
settings: a comparative study of Spain and Germany” – Promotor: Prof. dr. K. Deschouwer
TANASESCU Irina (21 maart 2008) “Towards a deliberative interpretation of stakeholder
involvement in EU policy-making’” – Promotor: Prof. dr. M. Theo Jans
KAVADIAS Dimokritos (6 oktober 2004) “De school als politieke leeromgeving. De
(beperkte) invloed van het secundair onderwijs op politiek relevante houdingen van
jongeren in Vlaanderen.” – Promotor: Prof. dr. K. Deschouwer
SONG Xiaokun (30 juni 2004) “Between Civic and Ethnic: The transformation of
Taiwanese Nationalist Ideologies, 1895-2000.” – Promoter: Prof. dr. P. Stouthuysen
CELIS Karen (26 mei 2004) “Vrouwen vertegenwoordigen. Substantiële en descriptieve
vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de Kamer tijdens de begrotingsdebatten (19001979).” – Promotor: Prof. dr. A. Woodward
COOLS Hubert (23 april 2004) “Verdraagzaam Samenleven in Sociale huisvesting. Een
vergelijkende studie: Manchester, Rotterdam, Lille, Antwerpen.” – Promotor: Prof. dr. P.
MEN Jing (17 februari 2004) “Converging to the International Society? An Analysis of
Chinese Foreign Policy from 1949 to 2002.” – Promotor: Prof. dr. G. Geeraerts
KOVZIRIDZE Tamara (19 januari 2004) “Hierarchy and Interdependence in Multi-level
Structures. Foreign and European Relations of Belgian, German and Austrian Federated
Entities.” – Promotor: Prof. dr. B. Coppieters