Chapter 23 Notes


Chapter 23

Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age


US Grant

1868 election: Grant (Republican) even without political experience

Focus on Military Reconstruction

Democrats split between wealthy easterners and poor midwesterners

The Ohio Idea

Republicans “waved the bloody shirt”= victory for Grant

Financial Corruption

Jim Fisk and Jay Gould= stock speculation to control Erie Railroad

Wanted to corner gold market

Paid off Grant’s brother in law

Began buying up gold summer 1869

Federal government released $4 million in gold= Black Friday

Political Corruption

Boss William Marcy Tweed in NYC’s

Tammany Hall

Democratic political machine

Bribery, graft, cronyism and election fraud

NY Times and Thomas Nast

NY attorney, Samuel J. Tilden

Can the Law Reach Him? 1872

Cartoonist Thomas Nast attacked “Boss” Tweed in a series of cartoons like this one that appeared in Harper’s Weekly in 1872. Here Nast depicts the corrupt Tweed as a powerful giant, towering over a puny law force.


The Liberal Republicans

Liberal Republican party formed 1872

“Turn the Rascals Out”

Horace Greeley nominated, Democrats backed Greeley too!

Mudslinging campaign, forced the

Republicans to pass some reforms

Horace Greeley

Panic of 1873

Jay Cooke and Company went bankrupt

Created a domino effect  unemployment, bankruptcies, banks closed

New debtor class (agrarian)= want greenbacks for inflation

Soft Money vs. Hard Money

Resumption Act 1875: withdraw greenbacks and pay off in gold  contraction

Panic of 1873

Debtors focused on silver now

Silver mines out west, inflationary tactic

Depression worsened, but US credit rating improved

Hard Money Republicans lost in House in

1874 and 1878

Greenback Labor Party created in retaliation

Run on the 4


National Bank

Republicans vs. Democrats

All elections in Gilded Age close= politicians focused on keeping jobs

Extreme party loyalty and high voter turnout

Republicans= Puritan lineage, government should regulate economy and morality

Midwest, rural and small towns in New England, freedmen, GAR

Democrats= immigrants, no government interference

South and industrial cities (political machines)

Stalwarts vs. Half Breeds

Division in Republican party in 1870’s-80’s over patronage

Stalwarts: trade civil service jobs for votes

(Roscoe Conkling)

Half Breeds: civil service reform (James G.


Hayes vs. Tilden

1876 election: Republicans nominated

Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio (unknown)

Democrats nominated Samuel J. Tilden of

NY  received 184 electoral votes (needed


3 Southern states contested

Electoral Count Act: electoral commission  voted along party lines (Republican)

Hayes-Tilden Disputed Election of 1876 (with electoral vote by state)

Nineteen of the twenty disputed votes composed the total electoral count of Louisiana,

South Carolina, and Florida. The twentieth was one of Oregon’s three votes, cast by an elector who turned out to be ineligible because he was a federal officeholder (a postmaster), contrary to the Constitution (see Art. II, Sec. I, para. 2).

Compromise of 1877

Backroom deal to let Hayes have victory  would give Democrats concessions if didn’t oppose

Remove federal troops from South

1 Southern Democrat in Cabinet

Transcontinental railroad

Industrialized South

Official end to Reconstruction  Redeemer governments in South

Civil Rights Act 1875 last attempt to help blacks

Jim Crow

Solidly white South= Redeemer state governments

Intimidation of blacks

Share cropping or tenant farming  crop lien system

Jim Crow laws, lynchings

Plessy vs. Ferguson 1896

A Southern Plantation, Before and After the Civil War

Chinese Immigrants

1880: 75,000 Asians in California

Gold and transcontinental railroad

Outcastes, no children to help with assimilation, most menial jobs

Denis Kearney

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

US vs. Wong Kim Ark 1898 (jus soli vs. jus sanguinis)

Garfield and Arthur

1880 election: James A Garfield (Half

Breed) and Chester A. Arthur (Stalwart)

Charles J. Guiteau shot Garfield

“I am a Stalwart and now Arthur is President”

Insanity plea  convicted and hung

Chester A. Arthur= reform spoils system

Pendleton Act 1883

Led to marriage of politics with big business

Assassination of Garfield

Grover Cleveland

Democrat Grover Cleveland won 1884 election

Bourbon Democrat- believed in laissez faire economics, gold standard, against imperialism and boss politics

Caved to spoils system, vetoed pension bills

Wanted to lower the tariff to get rid of $145 million surplus (small government)

Lost 1888 election to Benjamin Harrison over tariff issue ($ from business to Harrison to buy votes!)

The Populists

1892 The People’s Party (Populists)

Adopted Omaha Platform at Convention

Inflation  free and unlimited coinage of silver

Graduated income tax

Govnt. ownership of RR, telegraph, telephone

Direct election of Senators

1 term limit on president

Initiatives and referendums (grassroots)

8 hour work day

Immigration restrictions

Presidential Election of 1892

(showing vote by county)

Minnesota Farmers Loading a Husker-Shredder, 1890s

The purchase of technologically advanced farm equipment increased the productivity of farmers but also saddled them with debt. Many sought debt relief in the 1890s by clamoring for inflationary schemes, including the monetization of silver

The Populists

Homestead Steel Plant (Carnegie)- workers went on strike

Pinkerton detectives sent in summer 1892

10 dead, 60 wounded, troops needed

Populists hoped to link agrarian movement to labor, but mostly seen in west and midwest

South failed to join because of racism

Homestead Strike

Panic of 1893

Cleveland reelected 1892 (2 nonconsecutive terms)

Panic of 1893= worst downturn of 19 th century

Overbuilding, speculation, decrease in agriculture, labor problems

Legal tender notes issued  redeem for gold or silver= run on gold!

Needed to repeal Sherman Silver Purchase Act-

Treasury dropped below $100 million in gold

Panic of 1893

Needed to get past silverites (supported bimetallism)  William Jennings Bryan

By 1894, still losing too much gold  down to $41 million

Loan from JP Morgan in 1895 of $65 million with a $7 million commission

Seen as a deal with the devil by silverites
