The Last Leaf: Plot, Symbolism, and Value of Life

Unit 6 The Human Touch
Text A
The Last Leaf
• What is the human touch? And let’s
listen to the song and get some general
• Let’s see some pioneers full of human
• In Chinese, the human touch means
• Something about O’ Henry
• Let’s do the exercise of part division.
Read the Text by yourself
15 minutes
Plot Development
• The action or the plot is the
sequence of events in
imaginative works, each event
causing or leading to the next.
The action of an imaginative
work usually proceeds
according to the following
4. climax
5. falling action
2. narrative hook
The Plot Development of
the Last Leaf
• Exposition:
(part1) At the top of a three-story brick
building, Sue and Johnsy built their studio.
But unfortunately, Sue’s roommate Johnsy
caught pneumonia.
• Narrative hook:
(part2) The doctor told Sue that Johnsy
needed a strong will to live on
• Rising action:
(part3 and part 4) Johnsy decided that
she would die when the last ivy leaf fell.
Then Sue told Behrman about
Johnsy’s fancy.
• Climax:
(part5) As Johnsy was encouraged by
the last leaf that wouldn’t give in to the
weather, her will to live returned.
• Falling action:
(part6)The doctor told Sue that Johnsy
would recover but Behrman caught
pneumonia himself and his case was
• Resolution:
(part7) Sue told Johnsy that
Behrman had performed a kind
deed without any thought of himself.
• Symbolism is the use of symbols
to represent things, especially in
art and literature. There exist
inherent and systematic
analogies(类似) between the
human mind and the outer world,
and also between the material
and the spiritual worlds.
• As the French writer Charles
Baudelaire put his doctrine(学说):
“Everything, form, movement, number,
color, perfume, in the spiritual as in
the natural world, is significative(有意
义的), reciprocal(交互的),
converse(相反的), correspondent.”
The French Symbolists exploited an
order of private symbols in a poetry of
rich suggestiveness(暗示) rather than
explicit signification(含义).
• Various poets of the Romantic Period
often used private symbols in their
poetry. Shelley, for example,
repeatedly made symbolic use of
objects such as the morning and
evening star, a boat moving upstream,
winding caves, and the conflict
between a serpent and an eagle.
Here are two symbols often used in
Chinese and western culture:
• Yang-yin: a Chinese
symbol representing
the union of the
opposite forces of
the Yang (masculine
principle, light,
activity, the
conscious mind)
and the Yin (female
principle, darkness,
passivity, the
• “In its most general
sense, the symbolism
of the tree denotes life
of the cosmos: its
consistence, growth,
generative and
regenerative process.
It stands for
inexhuastible life, and
is therefore equivalent
to a symbol of
immortality” (Cirlot)
Let’s Appreciate the Symbolism of
the Last Leaf in the Text
• What is the setting in the story?
• The title is the last leaf, and what is the relationship
between the last leaf and the characters?
• 1) What’s the relationship between the last leaf and
• 2) What’s the relationship between the last leaf and
old Behrman?
• 3) Do you think the last leaf is Behrman’ masterpiece?
• 4)Although leaves may be the most ordinary things in
the world, we can see them everyday and almost
everywhere. Do you think the leaf mentioned in the
text is ordinary? What’s the function of the leaf in the
• What is the setting in the story?
The story happens in a three-story
brick building and the time is the cold
rainy days in November. The main
characters are Johnsy, Sue and old
• 1) What’s the relationship between the last leaf
and Johnsy?
In Johnsy’s eyes, the last leaf is the symbol of
her own life and also the embodiment of death. It
is the vulnerable thread connecting Johnsy and
the world and when the last leaf falls, Johnsy
has enough reason to give up her life. With
fewer and fewer hanging on the vine, the
readers become more and more be concerned
about the young girl’s life. But after enduring the
fierce cold weather, it is still on the vine, which
encourages Johnsy’s will to live on. And a
miracle happens. Johnsy recoves.
• 2) What’s the relationship between the last leaf
and old Behrman?
The last leaf is painted by Behrman
• 3) Do you think the last leaf is Behrman’
masterpiece? Why?
Of course it is. Although Behrman is down and
out in art, he drinks wine to excess and he
always mock terribly at softness of others, he is
sympathetic and kind in nature. He is even
willing to sacrifice his own life to help others.
And this is the most precious. The leaf is not
only the artistic work that Behrman pursue for
40 years, but also is a symbol of his good
nature. It mingled with love, kindness and
precious life, which makes it the true
4)Although leaves may be the most ordinary
things in the world, we can see them
everyday and almost everywhere. Do you
think the leaf mentioned in the text is
ordinary? What’s the function of the leaf in
the story?
The last leaf links the activities of both
Johnsy and Behrman, so the whole plots are
displayed to the reader. Besides, the leaf
links the life of both people for Johnsy
recovers because of the leaf and Behrman
dies also because of the leaf. The old man
gives his life and hope to the sick young girl.
Let’s Do Some Discussion about
the Value of Life.
• Life and death is the immortal topic
discussed in literature. Life is often
welcomed but death is always feared.
However, everybody will face death
someday in his life and death happens
everyday in the world. The track of
every life is different and its value
• In the text, old Berman dies. Do you think
his death is valuable?
• Yes.
• Although the whole life of old Berman is
down and out , do you think there is some
value in his life? What kind of life can be
• Yes, the value of Berman lies in his selfsacrifice to help others. His death gain
immortal life. We can feel some warm in
such cold surroundings. It is the warm of
humanity and it is the light in dark.
• Through the character of old Berman,
we can see that sometimes,
greatness lies in some ordinary
people and ordinary things. And
sometimes, death gives the world
immortal power to continue life. The
people who can create value to the
society, families and friends are the
most worshipful. I think this may be
the theme conveyed by O’ Henry.
O.Henry’s Writing Style
• O. Henry is skilled at
portraying some small
potatoes and their
complicated feelings.
His design is new and
delicate. The ending of
his story will give you
some amazement but
it is logical and
reasonable. The
language is humorous
and poetic.