Hymns… the Catholicity of Time Connected to the Church of Every Age Connected to Bible Times Old Testament poetry The “praise of God” (Augustine’s definition of a hymn) did not begin with the New Testament. New Testament song developed naturally from a large variety of Old Testament patterns. Much of the Old Testament is in poetic form: Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Job, and of course, the book of Psalms. Psalms was the hymn book of the Old Testament. There are psalms of lament, psalms of praise and thanksgiving, psalms of instruction, psalms of ascent (sung as pilgrims approached Jerusalem and went ‘up’ to the Temple), just to name a few. Connected to Bible Times Old Testament biblical canticles Song of Moses and Israel Cantemus Domino Song from Deuteronomy LSB 925 Exodus 15:1-6, 11-13, 17-18 Audite, coeli Deuteronomy 32:1-4, 8-12, 36a, 39, 43 Confitebor tibi, Domini Isaiah 12:1-6 Exultavit cor meum I Samuel 2:1-10 First Song of Isaiah Song of Hannah Song of Jonah All You Works of the Lord Benedicite, omnia opera LSB 927 LSB 928 electronic Clamavi de tribulatione mea Jonah 2:2-9 LSB 926 LSB 985 The Song of the Three Young Men LSB 931 Connected to Bible Times Praise of God in the New Testament The New Testament contains excerpts from creeds, prayers, doxologies, and benedictions. St. Paul refers to psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs in Col. 3:16. The most widely known and recognized examples of New Testament hymns are the three great lyric portions connected to the account of Christ’s nativity in the Gospel according to St. Luke: the Magnificat, the Benedictus, and the Nunc Dimittis. One can also mention the Gloria in Excelsis, the Beatitudes of our Lord from His Sermon on the Mount, and the Dignus es: the songs of praise to the Lamb from the book of Revelation. Connected to Bible Times New Testament biblical canticles My Soul Rejoices Magnificat Luke 1:46-55 Magnificat Luke 1:46-55 Magnificat Luke 1:46-55 My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord Sing Praise to the God of Israel Benedictus Luke 1:68-79 LSB 933 LSB 934 LSB 935 LSB 936 Connected to Bible Times New Testament biblical canticles Glory to God, We Give You Thanks and Praise LSB 946 All Glory Be to God on High LSB 947 Gloria in Excelsis Luke 2:14 Gloria in Excelsis Luke 2:14 Gloria in Excelsis Luke 2:14 All Glory Be to God Alone Lord, Bid Your Servant God in Peace Nunc Dimittis Luke 2:29-32 Nunc Dimittis Luke 2:29-32 In Peace and Joy I Now Depart LSB 948 LSB 937 LSB 938 Connected to Bible Times Other New Testament biblical canticles Jesus Sat with His Disciples Beatitudes Blest Are They Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 electronic Matthew 5:1-12 Heavenly Hosts in Ceaseless Worship Dignus es Rev. 4:1-11; 5:1-14 Dignus es Rev. 4:1-11; 5:1-14 Splendor and Honor LSB 932 LSB 982 LSB 949 LSB 950 Connected to the Early Church Greek hymnody “Who does not know about…all the psalms and hymns that were written by faithful Christians from the beginning, which sing of the Christ as the Word of God and treat him as God?” Eusebius, 4th century Church historian quoting Hippolytus of Rome “…on a stated day they accustomed to sing responsively a song to Christ governor of Bythinia, (c. 170-236) (the Christians) were to gather before daybreak and as to a God.” Pliny, written in the early 2nd century to Emperor Trajan Connected to the Early Church Paraphrase from early Christian writings and Greek hymns Father, We Thank Thee Didache 2nd Century Shepherd of Tender Youth Clement of Alexandria O Gladsome Light Phos hilaron LSB 864 c. 170-220 A.D. LSB 888 4th Century Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 5th Century Liturgy of St. James The Day of Resurrection John of Damascus LSB 621 LSB 478 c. 696-754 Stars of the Morning Joseph the Hymnographer LSB 652 c. 810-886 LSB 520 Connected to the Church of the Middle Ages Latin hymnody Latin hymnody began to flourish in the 4th century as the Greek language began to decline in the West and the liturgy became Latinized. Latin hymnody was also a response to heresy. Hymnody became a very important teaching tool to counteract such false teaching and to rightly teach the truths of the Word of God. Connected to the Church of the Middle Ages Latin hymns before 800 A.D. in Continental Europe Savior of the Nations, Come LSB 332 O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright LSB 874 Ambrose of Milan Of the Father’s Love Begotten Aurelius Prudentius Clemens (348-413) Holy God, We Praise Thy Name Author unknown (340-397) LSB 384 LSB 940 5th Century The Royal Banners Forward Go LSB 455 Sing, My Tongue LSB 454 Hail Thee, Festival Day LSB 489 Venantius Honorius Fortunatus (530-609) Christ is Our Cornerstone Author unknown LSB 912 8th Century Connected to the Church of the Middle Ages Latin hymns before 800 A.D. in Ireland, Britain and elsewhere I Bind unto Myself Today Patrick From East to West (372-466) LSB 604 The Star Proclaims the King is Here LSB 385 LSB 399 Christ Is the World’s Redeemer LSB 539 Coelius Sedulius 5th Century attr. Columba (521-597) A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing LSB 493 At the Lamb’s High Feast LSB 633 The Venerable Bede (673-735) Author unknown 5th -10th Centuries The Lord’s Prayer Origin unknown 5th - 10th Centuries LSB 957 O Savior of Our Fallen Race LSB 403 Author unknown 5th – 10th Centuries Connected to the Church of the Middle Ages Latin hymns in Europe, 800-1400 A.D. All Glory, Laud, and Honor Theodulf of Orléans Father Most Holy Author unknown LSB 442 (762-821) LSB 504 10th Century? O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) Wipo of Burgundy c. 1050 LSB 449 Christians, to the Paschal Victim Victimae paschali laudes Jerusalem the Golden Bernard of Cluny LSB 460 LSB 672 12th Century Now, My Tongue, the Mystery LSB 630 Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior LSB 640 Thomas Aquinas Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Author unknown O Love, How Deep Thomas à Kempis 14th Century (1380-1471) (1225-1274) LSB 457 LSB 544 Connected to the Lutheran Reformation The Reformation era 1517-1550 Of all the contributions of the Lutheran Reformation, perhaps the greatest is Luther’s restoration of singing to the laypeople, so much so that the Lutheran Church is often called the “singing church” to this very day. Luther viewed hymnody as liturgical song. Hymns were not merely opportunities for people to sing during the liturgy, but a way in which they could sing the liturgy. Many hymns of the early Reformation show the interest that Luther and the other Reformers had in providing liturgical hymnody for the people. Many other hymns of this era boldly speak of the truths of salvation by God’s grace through faith in Christ alone. Connected to the Lutheran Reformation The Reformation era, 1520-1550 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands From Heaven Above to Earth I Come In Peace and Joy I Now Depart Isaiah, Mighty Seer in Days of Old May God Bestow on Us His Grace Our Father, Who From Heaven Above These Are the Holy Ten Commands To Jordan Came the Christ, Our Lord We All Believe in One True God Martin Luther (1483-1546) LSB 657 LSB 556 LSB 458 LSB 358 LSB 960 LSB 823 LSB 766 LSB 581 LSB 406 LSB 938 LSB 954 Connected to the Lutheran Reformation The Reformation era 1520-1550 All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall Lazarus Spengler (1479-1534) Nicolaus Herman (1480-1561) Paul Speratus (1484-1551) LSB 562 “As Surely As I Live,” God Said LSB 614 Salvation unto Us Has Come LSB 555 The Only Son from Heaven LSB 402 Elisabeth Cruciger (1500-1535) Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide LSB 585 My Soul, Now Praise Your Maker Johann Gramann (1487-1541) Johann Walter (1496-1570) The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us LSB 820 LSB 514 Connected to the post-Reformation era The age of confessionalization 1550-1618 When in the Hour of Deepest Need Paul Eber (1511-1569) LSB 615 The Day is Surely Drawing Near Bartholomäus Ringwaldt (1532-1599) Lord, Thee I Love With All My Heart Martin Schalling In Thee Is Gladness (1532-1608) Johann Lindemann (1549-1631) LSB 508 LSB 708 LSB 818 O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright LSB 395 Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying LSB 516 Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) Martin Behm (1557-1622) German, Catholic 16th Century O Blessed, Holy Trinity LSB 876 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming LSB 359 Connected to Hymnody of the 17th Century The Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648 During the 17th century, Lutheran hymnody took a turn toward a closer relationship to real life situations, due in part to the ravages of the Thirty Years’ War. The poetry was metrically more regular and smoother and the theological content “warmer.” Paul Gerhardt writes during these troubled times, expertly combining doctrinal content with a most fervent faith, often expressed introspectively. His hymns remain among the most popular in Lutheran hymnals to this day. Connected to Hymnody of the 17th Century The Thirty Years’ War 1618-1648 Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing Johann Heermann Now Thank We All Our God Martin Rinckart (1586-1649) Josua Stegmann (1588-1632) Jacob Fabricius (1593-1654) (1585-1647) LSB 421 LSB 895 Abide, O Dearest Jesus O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe Lord of Our Life Matthäus A. von Löwenstern (1594-1648) O Living Bread from Heaven Johann Rist (1607-1667) Simon Dach (1605-1659) Oh, How Blest Are They LSB 919 LSB 666 LSB 659 LSB 642 LSB 679 Connected to Hymnody of the 17th Century The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648 A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth All Christians Who Have Been Baptized Awake, My Heart with Gladness Entrust Your Days and Burdens Evening and Morning If God Himself Be for Me Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadow O Lord, How Shall I Meet You O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing Upon the Cross Extended Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676) LSB 438 LSB 596 LSB 467 LSB 754 LSB 724 LSB 683 LSB 880 LSB 726 LSB 334 LSB 372 LSB 737 LSB 453 LSB 756 Connected to Hymnody of the 17th Century Postwar Germany, 1648-1670 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People Johann Olearius LSB 347 (1611-1684) Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense Otto von Schwerin (1616-1679) LSB 741 Jesus, Priceless Treasure Lord, to You I Make Confession Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness LSB 636 Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord LSB 352 Johann Franck (1618-1677) Heinrich Held (1620-1659) Georg Neumark (1621-1681) If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee Jesus, I Will Ponder Now Sigismund von Birken (1626-1681) LSB 743 LSB 608 LSB 750 LSB 440 Connected to the17th and mid- 18th centuries Hymns of Pietism The subjective tendency of the late 17th century gradually developed into a movement called “Pietism,” a reaction against formalism and “dead orthodoxy” of the time. The more subjective, emotional, and sentimental hymns of Pietism were not suited to the sturdy chorale tunes of earlier days. Waltz-like triple meters became common and the more rhythmic chorale tunes were evened out (isorhythmic). Pietism’s lack of intellectual strength ushered in a movement known as Rationalism or the Enlightenment which shook the foundations of the Christian faith. Hymns were revised to suit the intellectual demands of the time, causing great harm. Connected to the17th and mid-18th centuries Hymns of Pietism Draw Us to Thee Friederich Funcke (1642-1699) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Joachim Neander (1650-1680) Johann Ruopp (1672--1708) Johann Mentzer (1658-1734) Renew Me, O Eternal Light LSB 701 LSB 790 LSB 704 Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices LSB 811 Behold a Host, Arrayed in White LSB 676 Hans Adolf Brorson (1694-1764) God Himself Is Present Gerhard Tersteegen Beautiful Savior Münsterisch Gesangbuch LSB 907 (1697-1769) (1650-1680) LSB 537 Connected to the mid-18th and19th centuries Hymns of the Enlightenment Silent Night, Holy Night Franz Joseph Mohr God Loved the World (1792-1848) Heiliges Lippen-und Hertzens-Opffner c. 1778 Heinrich Puchta (1808-1858) Wilhelm Loehe (1808-1872) August Rische (1819-1906) Jesus Comes Today with Healing Wide Open Stand the Gates God Loves Me Dearly Children of the Heavenly Father Carolina Sandell Berg (1832-1903) How Great Thou Art Carl Gustaf Boberg (1859-1940) LSB 363 LSB 571 LSB 620 LSB 639 LSB 392 LSB 725 LSB 801 Connected to English hymnody The Hymns of Watts and Wesley Jesus Shall Reign Joy to the World O God, Our Help in Ages Past When I Survey the Wondrous Cross From All That Dwell Below the Skies Come, We That Love the Lord Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Charles Wesley (1707-1788) LSB 425 LSB 816 LSB 669 LSB 338 LSB 832 LSB 387 LSB 733 LSB 469 LSB 380 LSB 700 Connected to English hymnody Amazing Grace Glorious Things of You Are Spoken How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds On What Has Now Been Sown John Newton William Cowper I Know That My Redeemer Lives Samuel Medley Rock of Ages LSB 648 LSB 524 (1725-1807) God Moves in a Mysterious Way (1731-1800) (1738-1799) August Toplady (1740-1778) Robert Robinson (1735-1790) Come, Thou Fount of Ev’ry Blessing 18th Century LSB 744 LSB 921 LSB 765 LSB 461 LSB 761 LSB 686 Connected to English hymnody 19th Century—The Victorian era Just As I Am Charlotte Elliot Abide with Me LSB 570 (1789-1871) Henry Lyte LSB 878 (1793-1847) Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven Songs of Thankfulness and Praise LSB 477 LSB 394 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say Not What These Hands Have Done LSB 699 LSB 567 Christopher Wordsworth (1807-1885) Horatius Bonar (1806-1889) Caroline M. Noel (1740-1778) John Ellerton (1826-1893) At the Name of Jesus The Day Thou Gavest LSB 512 LSB 886 Connected to the 19th century American Traditional Hymns My Faith Looks Up to Thee Ray Palmer (1808-1887) Edmund Sears (1810-1876) Daniel March (1816-1909) Edward Hopper (1818-1888) LSB 702 It Came upon the Midnight Clear LSB 366 Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying LSB 826 Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me LSB 715 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus LSB 660 God Bless Our Native Land LSB 965 When Peace, Like a River [It is Well] LSB 763 George Duffield, Jr. (1818-1888) Charles T. Brooks Horatio Spafford (1813-1883) (1828-1888) Connected to the 19th century African American Spirituals Give Me Jesus electronic LSB Go Tell It on the Mountain My Lord, What a Morning 976 LSB 388 electronic LSB 968 There Is a Balm in Gilead LSB 749 Were You There LSB 456 Connected to the 20th and 21st centuries Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee Henry Van Dyke LSB 803 (1852-1933) Great Is Thy Faithfulness Thomas O. Chisholm O God of Light Sarah E. Taylor (1883-1954) Thomas Dorsey (1899-1993) (1886-1960) LSB 836 Precious Lord, Take My Hand LSB 739 Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service (1901-1984) Lord of All Hopefulness Jan Struther Timothy Dudley-Smith LSB 848 Albert F. Bayly LSB 738 (1901-1953) Christ Be My Leader LSB 809 b. 1926 LSB 861 Connected to the 20th and 21st centuries Britain, the U.S., Canada and Australia New Songs of Celebration Render Erik Routley LSB 792 (1917-1982) Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love electronic Tom Colvin When Aimless Violence Joy Patterson LSB 980 (1925-2000) LSB 764 b. 1931 Jesus on the Mountain Peak Brian Wren b. 1936 No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone b. 1940 LSB 415 LSB 747 These Things Did Thomas Count as Real LSB 472 Thomas Troeger b. 1945 Henry Smith b. 1952 Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart LSB 806 Norman J. Kansfield Connected to the 20th and 21st centuries Lutheran Hymn Writers Thy Strong Word Preach You the Word Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free Martin H. Franzmann Lord, When You Came as Welcome Guest F. Samuel Janzow LSB 578 LSB 586 LSB 473 (1907-1976) LSB 859 (1913-2001) Lord of all Nations, Grant Me Grace Olive Wise Spannaus b. 1916 LSB 844 Go, My Children, with My Blessing See This Wonder in the Making Lately Knelt LSB 369 Jaroslav J. Vajda (1919-2008) Love in Christ Is Strong and Living LSB 922 LSB 593 LSB 706 Dorothy R. Schultz b. 1934 Henry L. Letterman b. 1932-1996 On Galilee’s High Mountain LSB 835 Where Shepherds Connected to the 20th and 21st centuries Lutheran Hymn Writers What Is This Bread Frederic W. Baue In Holy Conversation b. 1946 Gregory J. Wismar The Gifts Christ Freely Gives Richard R. Resch The Lamb b. 1946 b. 1947 Gerald P. Coleman LSB 772 LSB 602 LSB 547 b. 1953 The Tree of Life We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God In the Shattered Bliss of Eden LSB 629 Stephen P. Starke b. 1955 David W. Rogner b. 1960 Steven P. Mueller b. 1964 Your Kingdom, O God, Is My Glorious Treasure Christ, the Word of God Incarnate LSB 561 LSB 941 LSB 572 LSB 654 LSB 540 Connected to the 20th and 21st centuries Lutheran Hymn Writers Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful John W. Arthur (1922-1980) For All the Faithful Women O Christ, Who Shared Our Mortal Life Voices Raised to You We Offer Herman G. Stuempfle (1923-2007) Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise Herbert F. Brokering (1926- 2009) Susan Palo Cherwien b. 1953 O Blessed Spring Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness Rusty Edwards b. 1955 Kurt J. Eggert (1923-1993) Not unto Us LSB 955 LSB 552 LSB 855 LSB 795 LSB 474 LSB 680 LSB 595 LSB 849 LSB 558 Connected to the 20th and 21st centuries Other Hymn Writers Our Father, by Whose Name F. Bland Tucker (1895-1984) Christopher Idle b. 1938 Carl P. Daw, Jr. b. 1944 LSB 863 If Christ Had Not Been Raised from Death LSB 486 In Silent Pain the Eternal Son LSB 432 O Light Whose Splendor We Sing for All the Unsung Saints LSB 891 LSB 678 We Are Called to Stand Together LSB 828 Martin E. Leckebusch b. 1962 Omer E. Westendorf (1916-1997) You Satisfy the Hungry Heart On Eagles’ Wings Michael Joncas Lamb of God Twila Paris b. 1951 b. 1958 LSB 641 LSB 727 LSB 550 Connected to the 20th and 21st centuries O Sing to the Lord Ethnic Hymnody Brazilian Folk Song The Lord Is My Light Alberto Taulé b. 1932 Carlos Rosas b. 1939 Lord’s Prayer [Padre Nuestro] Eat This Bread Jesus, Remember Me Taizé Community I Lie, O Lord, within Your Care Jochen Klepper Listen, God Is Calling (1903-1942) Kenyan Greet the Rising Sun Zhao Zichen (1888-1979) LSB 808 LSB 723 LSB 958/959 LSB 638 LSB 767 LSB 885 LSB 833 LSB 871 Hymns… the Catholicity of Time Connected to the Church of Every Age