Research about Manifestation of Culture

EAC 417- International
Management and Business in
Exercise about
Manifestation of Culture
Prof. Dr. Edson Luiz Riccio
• Symbols
Orange, drop, tulips, cheese, windmills, legal softdrugs, gezelligheid, poldermodel.
• Heroes
Cruyf the Queen, Richard Krajicek, Wim Kole
• Rituals
Queen’s day (and night), sinterklaas, Oranjegelete
• Values
Very aware of our money (looking, but not buying),
equality, hypocrite, gezelligheid, tolerate,
bescheidenheid (modesty) .
• Symbols
Saying Hi is Quiubo, trying to find the cheapest, chévere
(word), Aguardiente, Carriel, Flag, National Soccer Team
Shirt, Ruana(clothing), Chiva(transport), sancocho and
ajiaco and bandeja paisa(food), Soap operas, coffee,
sombrero volteado (object), guerrilla and civil war, pretty
women, two oceans in one country.
• Heroes
Pibe Valderrama (soccer player),
Marquez (writer), Carlos Vives
Juanes(musicians), Juan Pablo
Alvaro Uribe Velez (president of
Botero, Simon Bolivar
Gabo- Gabriel Garcia
and Shakira
Montoya (F1 driver),
Colombia), Fernando
• Rituals
Carnaval de Barranquilla, Soccer, Fiestas de San Pedro
(Neiva), Easter in Popayan, Fiesta do Mono Nuñez
(Ginebra-Valle), Fiesta dos Brancos e Pretos, Ciclovia,
Vallenato (Parrandas), Love and friendship day
(september), Father´s day (june), Mother´s day (may),
Independence day (20th July), new years eve
celebration, go to church every Sunday.
• Values
Kindness, Pride, Religious, Honesty, Hardworking,
Amability, Humor, patriotism, cordiality, hospitality,
simplicity, family (is very important), moral
• Symbols
German companies, Brandenfages Gak, Reiclestag,
Hag, eagle, winning World Cup 1954, old castles,
german writes (Goethe, Schulbs), german cars,
Siegessaule, Berliner Tor, Reichsadler.
• Heroes
Franz Beckenbaus, Konrad Adenauer, Helmut Kolel,
football team from 1954, Goethe, Scheiller, Michael
Schumacker, Bismarck.
• Rituals
Spending someday with family, coming from football, on
weekend spending time with friends and drinking german
beer, majority goes on somebody on to church, fathers
day, family meal, Christmas, holidays, Oktoberfest.
• Values
Punctuality, rules leave to be followed strictly,
organization in all details, direct communication, work as
an important past of life, strict division between work and
leisure, to be honesty, do finish all the things.
• Symbols
Flag, authem, hockey, maple leaf.
• Heroes
Superman, Spiderman.
• Rituals
BBQ, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
• Values
Honesty, directness, respect, tolerance, politeness.
• Symbols
La Marseillaise, the French croissant, la Bastille, bread,
wines, Les Champs (Elisées), la Tower Eiffel, the blue
colors, la langue française, words (merci-not simple),
gestures (speak with hands, 2 kisses), the French flag, la
Marianne, cheese.
• Heroes
General de Gaulle, François Mittérand, Asterix le
Gaullois, Chaulemagne, Lancelot, Zidane, Nicolas Hulot,
Jonnhy Halliday.
• Rituals
14th July march of army, football, christmas, bal des
Pampiers, birthdays.
• Values
Politeness, gastronomy, French cultural exception,
french humour (cynism), French love, fashion, social
securities, tolerance, French cinema (Gérard
• Symbols
Monarchy, hospitality, cha de Hortelã, couscous.
• Heroes
Monhamed V, Hassan II, Mohamed VI (kings), Hicham
guerrauj (sportsman)
• Rituals
Ramadan on other religious practices, weddings, Henné,
• Values
Religious, family (paternity), respect to elders.
• Symbols
Car, cell phone, v gestme with fingers of the hand, peace,
friendly, play football, shaking hands informal situations,
directness, touch in conversation, rice and beans every
meal, soap operas, Daiane dos Santos, chimarrão,
senhor do Bonfim´s fit, love, pets, soccer, happiness,
Gisele Bundchen, Caipirinha, MPB, coffee, Havaianas,
feijoada, women, amazonia, rio de janeiro, capoeira.
• Heroes
Ayrton Senna, Ronaldo, Gustavo Kuerten, Buda,
Machado de Assis, Chico Buarque, parents, Pele, Padre
Cícero, Antonio Conselheiro, Lula (president), The
Simpsons, Pica Pau, Barão de Mauá, Fernando
Henrique, Daiane dos Santos.
• Rituals
University life, parties with eletronic music, hanging out
with friends, Christmas eve, New years eve, going to
beaches, work, bath, meal with te family gathered,
friends meeting without planning, Carnival, Boi Bumbá,
Brasileirão, Easter, games, pagode with beer and
• Values
Humble, friendly, honesty, kindness, loyalty, family,
cooperation, ethic, to know what a person does and
where he lives, happiness, Brazilian way of solve
problems, study important, responsibility, committed,
respect, money, famous, jeitinho brasileiro, be
successful at work.