report of the Video PC - Computational Geometry Pages

Video Session
• Gur Harary and Ayellet Tal. "Visualizing 3D Euler
• Dmitry N. Krasnoshchekov, Valentin Polishchuk, and
Arto Vihavainen. "Shape Approximation using k-Order
• Harish Doraiswamy, Aneesh Sood, and Vijay Natarajan.
"Constructing Reeb Graphs using Cylinder Maps"
• Adrian Dumitrescu and Evan Hilscher. "Convexification
of polygons by Length Preserving Transformations"
• Stephen J. Guy, Jur van den Berg, Ming C. Lin, and
Dinesh Manocha. "Geometric Methods for MultiAgent Collision Avoidance"
Program Committee: Video and Multimedia
David Eppstein (UC Irvine)
Jie Gao (Stony Brook)
David Gu (Stony Brook)
George Hart (Stony Brook)
Joe Mitchell, (chair; Stony Brook)
Jonathan Shewchuk (UC Berkeley)
Monique Teillaud (INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée)
Video PC Report
• 7 submissions
– 1 directly in support of a SoCG paper
– 1 video accompanied by software (applets)
• 5 acceptances
• Evaluation:
– Email discussions
– In person PC meeting (4 of 7 members)
• Issues:
– How to attract more submissions?