
Regulations for the Lodges Chapter 51100 Masonic Code of Wisconsin
Chapter 51 –
Chapter 52 –
Chapter 53 –
Chapter 54 –
Chapter 55 –
Chapter 56 –
Chapter 57 –
Chapter 58 –
Chapter 59 –
Chapter 60 –
Chapter 61 –
Chapter 62 –
Chapter 63 –
and Orphans
Chapter 64 –
Chapter 65 –
Chapter 66 –
Chapter 67 –
Chapter 68 –
Chapter 69 –
Chapter 70 –
Chapter 71 –
Chapter 72 –
Chapter 73 –
Lodges under Dispensation
Lodges Charter, Location, Masonic
Consolidation of Lodges
Surrender or Forfeiture of Charter
Members of Lodges
Worshipful Master
Officers of Lodges
Election of Officers
Installation of Officers
Trustees of Lodges
By-Laws of Lodges
Expenditures of Lodges
Charity, Relief of Masons, Their widows
Lodge Rooms
Communications of Lodges
Qualifications of Applicants for Degrees
Repealed in 2000
Petitions for Degrees
Fees for degrees
Interviewing Committee
Voting in Lodges
Rejected Applicant for Degrees
Conferring of Degrees
Chapter 74 – Proficiency of Candidates
Chapter 75 – Objections
Chapter 76 – Default of Candidate
Chapter 77 – Work by Request
Chapter 78 – Territorial Jurisdiction of Lodges
Chapter 79 – Personal Jurisdiction of Lodges
Chapter 80 – Dues and Assessments
Chapter 81 – Suspension for Non-payment of Dues,
Chapter 82 – Transfer of Membership, Demission
and Resignation
Chapter 83 – Change of Membership and Pleural
Chapter 84 – Visitation
Chapter 85 – Avouchment and Documentary
Chapter 86 – Masonic Status
Chapter 87 – Masonic Claims
Chapter 88 – Work and Instruction
Chapter 89 – Publications
Chapter 90 – Clubs, Entertainment and Processions
Chapter 91 – Masonic Clothing, Jewels and Emblems
Chapter 92 – Masonic Memorial Service
Chapter 93 – Insurance
Chapter 94 – Perpetual Membership
Chapter 95 – 100 – extra chapters to be Filled
Chapter 51 – Lodges under Dispensation
Chapter 52 – Lodges Charter, Location, Masonic Temples
Chapter 51 – it has 16 subsections covering
petitioning, voting, dispensation, members
officers, petitioners and powers of new Lodges.
Chapter 52 – Has 21 subsections covering the
charter, seal, annual report, affiliated foundations,
representation at GL and notice of GL
proceedings, Lodge location, number which
constitutes a Lodge, change of name, location or
meeting place, selling or building a Lodge
building, cornerstone laying, dedications and rededications, U.S. colors displayed and pledge and
Lodge responsibility for conduct of members.
Chapter 53 – Consolidation of Lodges
Chapter 54 – Surrender or Forfeiture of Charter
Chapter 53 – Proposals for consolidation from all
Lodges involved, a vote by ballot, a date set by the
Grand Master and notification by the Grand Secretary.
All property of the Lodges become the property of the
Consolidated Lodge.
Chapter 54 – This covers the arrest of a charter by the
GM and voting to surrender, the member transfers or
resignations, the property, assets and personal
property return to the Grand Lodge, any petitioners
can request initiation or advancement with any other
Lodge and the future restoration of the Lodge Charter.
Chapter 55 – Members of Lodges
Chapter 55 defines members, plural
members and their responsibilities to the
Lodge, the Lodge Secretary’s duties in
reporting them to GL, honorary members,
honorary Past Masters, life membership,
membership certificates, 50 and 25 year
certificates, past Master’s cards, member
rights, changes in member names and
destruction of Lodge records.
Chapter 56 – Worshipful Master
The Master:
Must be a Lodge member
Past Master or Warden unless by GM dispensation
Elected by the members
Need not be resident of Grand jurisdiction
He cannot resign while Master
Has long list of Powers including absolute power in the government of the Lodge,
appoint committees, convene, open and close Lodge, admitting to Lodge of anyone,
convene emergent communication for memorial service, delay ballot on petitions,
declare business of Lodge and prohibit debate, complete unfinished work, confer or
postpone conferral of degree, postpone stated communication, expound or decide on
Masonic Law unless restricted by same law, set different date for stated when it falls
on holiday, install officers as Master, delay elections if electioneering is suspected,
exclude a member from memorial procession, order a vote by customary method, not
entertain motion from floor, refuse petition, fill vacant appointed officers and refuse to
hold stated and Wardens cannot usurp him and take his station.
Is accountable to the GL for all his actions
Has some restrictions including removing officers or trustees, waiving petitioner’s
examination, levying assessments on members, refuse objection to initiating or
advancing candidates, demanding reasons for objection of recommendation of a
candidate’s petition, objection to the initiating or advancing of candidates subject to
chapter 75 of code, or objection to the presence of a visiting brother, he can make no
appeal to the lodge or override a GM appeal to the lodge.
His specific duties include declaring petitions for degrees, declare a ballot box and
destroy it and approve and co-sign all minutes for stated and special communications
of the Lodge.
Chapter 57 – Officers of Lodges
Officers are WM, SW, JW, TR, SE as elected and Ch, Co, SD, JD, SS,
JS, Ti, Solo, and Org as appointed by the Master.
Tenure is until installation of successor
Duties are prescribed by the ancient usages of Freemasonry
JW is liaison to youth groups
All officers must be members except tiler
Wardens are not eligible for Master if vacancy must be filled by
Offices cannot be exchanged
No officer can hold two offices except the treasurer and secretary
If Master away or disabled SW becomes acting Master and if both WM
and SW away or disabled the JW becomes acting WM until the former
returns or is able to resume responsibilities
An acting WM does not become a PM and his duties end when the
Lodge closes if Master is within jurisdiction
Vacancy of WM, SW or JW can only be by death or suspension or
expulsion and is filled at the next installation.
Other officers may resign if outside of the Lodges jurisdiction.
Chapter 58 – Election of Officers
Chapter 59 – Installation of Officers
Chapter 58 –
Election is held within 60 days of St. John’s day (December 27th)
Election is by ballot
Election can be at a special by dispensation by the GM
Master may hold special election for vacancy of Warden, Treasurer or
Dispensation is needed for filling offices of elected officers if death or
they decline from being installed happens after election.
No member may silicate votes for an office
No member is compelled to vote at officer election
Chapter 59
All officers must be installed before or as close to St. John’s day as
Proxy cannot be for WM, SW or JW
Officers cannot be installed while charges are pending against him or
for Lodges under dispensation
Joint installations are approved as open installations, but there is to be
the lights displayed and no signs or honors given.
Officers are installed by the GM, Master or a Past Master
Chapter 60 – Trustees of Lodges
Trustees not Masonic officer, but statutory position, therefore
must be resident of WI.
Max 6 year term
Master can fill vacancy by appointment.
Trustees have supervision of Lodge securities, property both
building and personal, trusts and investments.
Trustees must have lodge approval for buying, selling, leasing
or mortgaging any real or personal property having $5,000
value, also any litigation of Lodge and are under the “Prudent
man rule”.
Are to hold monthly meetings and report to Lodge.
Cannot be removed from office except by trial for failure to do
above rules.
They also do not pay bills, they turn them over to the
secretary for the Lodge to vote to pay.
All duties may be changed by the Lodge bylaws.
Chapter 61 – By-Laws of Lodges
Chapter 62 – Expenditures of Lodges
Chapter 61 –
All Lodges must have by-laws consistent with the laws of GL
Amendments may be adopted by the Lodge when submitted in
writing to Lodge, carried to next meeting, all members notified
within 10 days of vote and 2/3 vote to pass.
Amendments must be consistent with the code.
No bylaw can be suspended by the Lodge
Chapter 62 –
Lodge funds must be appropriated for Lodge expenses, Masonic
charity, Masonic uses and local charity or education.
This includes Masonic youth groups
The finance committee is a standing committee and shall review
all expenditures and income periodically reporting to the Lodge,
make a yearly audit of the Lodge’s finances and set a yearly
budget to set the Lodge dues.
Chapter 63 – Charity, Relief of Masons, Their widows and
Masonic relief is the primary responsibility of all Lodges.
When requested for charity the Lodge must give all it can to
relieve the brother, if inadequate then ask GL for service and
When requesting service and assistance the Lodge must
report the amount already given by the Lodge, description of
relief necessary and the Lodge financial report.
If another Lodge gives relief to your Lodge brother for a
Masonic necessity, you are under obligation to reimburse
them, if not a necessity you are under no obligation.
The charity committee is a standing committee consisting of
the WM, SW and JW. This committee investigates all requests
for charity and determines relief within the restrictions of the
laws of the GL and the Lodge by-laws.
Chapter 64 – Lodge Rooms
A Lodge is the main Lodge room, a ante or tiler’s
room and one or more preparation rooms.
A Lodge can be used for non Masonic purposes if
those purposes are not illegal or would bring the
Lodge to disrepute.
A lodge cannot have liquor unless by dispensation
from the GM and not in the Lodge room or during
degree work.
No gambling except raffles and bingo within state
statutes and no smoking in the Lodge room.
Lodges cannot lease any part of it’s building for the
purpose of selling intoxicating beverages.
Chapter 65 – Communications of Lodges
Stated communications are set by the by-laws and cannot be more than two per
All business is conducted in the MM degree.
Subjects for only stated communications is petitions for affiliation, change of meeting
place, charter surrendering, petition for new Lodge, re-instating defaulted candidates,
re-instating suspended members, request for other Lodge to do work, Masonic charges,
request for dispensation to act upon rejected petitioner, and applications of candidates
who have been refused advancement.
Special Communications set by Master or Acting Master, only one special per day and
special is set at stated.
Only business conducted at special is what it was called.
Summons can be written or oral.
Specials cannot be for elections, petitions for degrees or affiliation or bylaw changes.
Festival communications only on St. John’s days.
Lodge opened with 3 MMs one of which must be Master or Warden and any MM can
open meeting.
A Lodge cannot adjourn.
Ciphers cannot be used during opening or closing.
Chapter 66 – Qualifications of Applicants for Degrees
Chapter 68 – Petitions for Degrees
Chapter 66 –
Applicant must be a man, literate, mentally and morally sound, lawful
age, believes in deity, of good report and well recommended.
Rejected applicant can be entertained if one year after rejection.
Cannot reject applicant for race color or creed.
Clandestine Mason can be applicant if he states he joined clandestine
Lodge thinking it was a regular Lodge.
Chapter 67 – Repealed in 2000
Chapter 68 –
Petitions supplied by GL.
Petition signed by two Masons from jurisdiction which one must be
from Lodge.
Master can refuse to entertain petition.
Petitions can only be acted on at stated communication.
Petitioners from outside Grand jurisdiction cannot be entertained.
Master appoints interview committee of three.
A petition received by Lodge must be balloted.
Thirteen days must transpire between Lodge receiving petition and
Chapter 69 – Fees for degrees
Chapter 70 – Interviewing Committee
Chapter 69 –
Fees for degrees are set by Lodge by-laws and not less than $50.00 plus GL
initiation fees.
Fees are uniform for all candidates.
Change in fees not retroactive for any candidate.
Fees in work by request is set and collected by requesting Lodge.
Fees collected when jurisdiction violated are returned to said jurisdiction.
Fees are returned for petitions discovered outside jurisdiction, rejected
petitions or refusal to advance supported by Lodge vote.
Fees kept by Lodge if candidate moves away or if rejected for work already
Chapter 70 –
Appointed by Master, members must personally interview applicant and
make recommendation to Lodge.
Master determines method for conducting interviews.
Committee not needed for petitioners refused for advancement or delayed
If committee or any member refuses to report the master appoints new
member or committee.
Master cannot demand reasons for reports.
Lodge can do courtesy interview for other Lodge when requested.
Chapter 71 – Voting in Lodges
Lodge will not give notice through mail for vote on candidate.
Lodge can vote on petition of candidate who has moved away after petition received.
Each petition balloted separately.
Only one ballot box is passed at one time.
Ballot box contains white balls and black cubes.
Ballot must be secret and clear to receive.
All present must vote.
Ballot must be continuous and ballot cannot be taken to anteroom.
Ballot displayed in S, W and E.
Clear ballot declared by Master.
If ballot not clear, Master does not ask Wardens and orders ballot destroyed and
immediate new ballot.
If ballot remains not clear, Master asks Wardens to report then declares the ballot not
clear and for it to be destroyed. Then asks for accountability of the negative vote within
48 hours. If accountability not given within time period Master declares ballot clear at
next stated communication.
If Master is timely informed of negative vote, he must in writing inform the GM and
wait for his decision. When GM decision received Master reports it to Lodge.
Chapter 72 – Rejected Applicant for Degrees
Chapter 73 – Conferring of Degrees
Chapter 72 –
When a petition is rejected the Lodge must wait one year before re-considering to receive it.
Rejected petitioner has one year to resubmit the petition and within five years. After five years he
can petition any Lodge.
A Lodge may receive a petition of a rejected petitioner one year after rejection and notice given to
Lodge which rejected him.
Chapter 73 –
A candidate must wait six days between election and initiation and advancement upon proving
proficiency in preceding degree.
Master or Warden must be present at conferral of degrees.
GM can waive time by dispensation.
Only one degree conferred at one time.
Two Lodges having similar work cannot use one Lodge room.
Degrees conferred in Lodge unless dispensation given
Master of Lodge can have any MM confer degrees, visiting Lodge officers may confer degrees,
certified degree teams can confer degrees and any WI Lodge can confer degrees in another
jurisdiction when invited and dispensations obtained from both jurisdictions or visa versa.
Only one candidate until lectures and the degree to be completed at one communication.
Degree teams must be certified by the GM and certification is for five years and can be withdrawn
by GM for good reason.
Ciphers forbidden during degree work.
Chapter 74 – Proficiency of Candidates
Examination of EAs and FCs is in open Lodge on the posting
and to the satisfaction of the Master.
Examination of the MM degree is the same, but within 60
days of the degree unless the Master extends it with good
Proficiency defined as examination of the posting in the
degree relating to the conferral (first section), modes of
recognition, symbols and memorization of the obligation.
Examination cannot be waived by the Master or the GM.
Examination can be within 20 days of degree.
Examination can be at stated or special anf just before
conferral of next degree.
Multiple candidates can answer posting examination
Ciphers are not to be used during examination.
Chapter 75 – Objections to degrees or Advancement
Objection to initiation is treated just like unclear re-ballot by the
Objection before ballot after receiving petition, it goes to ballot.
Objection for advancement the petitioner is re-balloted at the next
stated and ¾ vote needed to advance candidate and no other
objections entertained.
Objection of candidate can be at each degree.
Objection need not to be referred to committee.
Ballot for objection is secret.
A rejected candidate may renew his request for advancement after 6
Objection can be only by Lodge members and cannot be made by
member casting black cube during ballot for degrees overturned by
Objection is made to the Master at any time before the obligation.
The reasons for objection can be given to the Lodge if desired.
All objections are treated with the same secrecy as a ballot.
Chapter 76 – Default of Candidate
Chapter 77 – Work by Request
Chapter 78 –Territorial Jurisdiction of Lodges
Chapter 76 –
Chapter 77 –
A candidate who does not present himself for initiation or advancement for
one year is in default. Active military is exempt until discharged.
He is not in default if a member brings objection to advancement, Masonic
charges brought or Lodge has inability to do degree work.
Candidate in default can attend Lodge in degree he has completed.
Application for reinstatement can be referred to committee of investigation.
A ballot of ¾ clear must be had for reinstatement.
Ballot is on the following stated after request has been made.
Candidate must wait 6 months for application after ballot fails.
Degree can be conferred on same communication as favorable ballot.
Any Lodge may do courtesy work if requested within this jurisdiction
Any work outside the jurisdiction must have clearance through Grand
Chapter 78 –
A Lodge within the state of WI must have written approval from the GM
All Lodges in WI have statewide jurisdiction.
Lodges within the state cannot receive petitions from outside the state
without waiver from the state of his residence.
Chapter 79 – Personal Jurisdiction of Lodges
Chapter 80 – Dues and Assessments
Chapter 79 –
When a petition is received by a Lodge it becomes that Lodge’s jurisdiction and cannot be received
by another Lodge.
By electing or initiating a candidate the Lodge retains jurisdiction forever unless surrendered.
Jurisdiction is kept for 5 years on a rejected petition.
A Lodge may surrender jurisdiction of a rejected petition after one year up to 5 years when
requested in writing and acted upon at a stated by secret ballot of 4/5 clear.
Chapter 80 –
Lodges fix the dues in it’s by-laws of not less than ten dollars after GL per capita is met.
Lodges may increase or decrease dues by amendment or resolution as per by-laws.
The change must be in writing, held over one meeting, given notice at least 10 days prior to vote
to all members, carried by 2/3 vote and approved by the GM.
Dues are pro-rated for members joining after February 1st, but full per capita is charged.
The is no refund at resignation.
Payment of dues is a MM’s obligation.
All Lodge’s have a uniform dues card as a receipt from the Grand Secretary.
Any Lodge by-law conflicts with chapter 80 shall be changed to conform to this chapter.
Any assessments when necessary are handled the same as a change of dues.
Chapter 81 – Suspension for Non-payment of Dues,
Suspension is any MM who has not paid his dues or assignments.
Suspension cannot occur until one is 8 months past due.
A Lodge cannot suspend a member if he has pecuniary inability.
Master cannot be suspended during his tenure.
Insanity or mental incompetence cannot result in suspension.
Suspension is in effect until suspension is restored and the brother loses all rights, benefits and
privileges as a Mason.
Procedure to suspend is after the 8 months in arrears the name is given to the WM, SW and JW for one
to contact in September, on October 1st if not paid the secretary sends a letter of demand signed by
himself and the Master that if not paid in 60 days action will be taken. At the end of the 60 days at the
first stated the secretary will give the list of delinquent members to be voted to suspend and the vote
needs to be 2/3rds.
Lodge can remit any dues for good cause.
Procedures in this section deemed full trial.
If restoration is within two years the suspended member must pay due owed at time of suspension and
five dollars re-instatement fee unless remitted by Lodge.
After two years a written request to the Master for re-instatement is submitted with the amount in
arrears plus current years dues and five dollar fee. An investigation committee is appointed and the
request is voted on by Lodge by ballot and ¾ vote to clear.
Delinquents at time of charter surrender are deemed suspended until they pay the Grand Secretary who
will then assign then a Lodge.
If address is unknown, member refuses to pay arrears or dies he cannot be restored by anyone paying
his back dues.
Chapter 82 – Transfer of Membership, Demission or
A transfer will be granted to a MM, FC, or EA if it is in this jurisdiction
or one recognized written on the GL form.
A transfer will not be granted to another jurisdiction or a Lodge in this
jurisdiction dark in January and February submitted after November
1st, in all other cases after December 1st.
Any MM, FC, or EA in good standing can transfer except the WM, SW,
JW and other Lodge officers unless moved to another jurisdiction.
Upon transfer completion a certificate is issued.
Members signing for petition of new Lodge acts as a transfer unless
stated by the member he wants to be plural.
Members of Lodges under dispensation cannot transfer.
Demits are no longer given.
Resignation is by letter to Lodge secretary if in good standing can be
reinstated with a five dollar fee.
Any resigned Mason convicted of a felony or sexual misdemeanor
must petition the GL.
Chapter 83 – Change of Membership and Pleural Memberships
Any MM, FC, or EA can request transfer of membership within this
Any MM can request plural membership within this jurisdiction.
Petitions for transfer or plural membership can be received from non
resident Masons.
Petition can be obtained from the GL and must be signed by
The petitioner must give the Lodge proof of membership in a
recognized jurisdiction.
A petitioner from a non-recognized jurisdiction is treated as a non
Master may appoint interview committee on transfers.
Objections for transfers or plurals cannot be entertained, but can be
withdrawn before ballot.
There is no time limit of these petitions for reconsideration if denied.
There is no fee for transfer or plural memberships.
These petitions are to be balloted on at the subsequent stated after it
was presented by secret ballot and ¾ clear and whether the interview
committee recommends or not.
Chapter 84 –Visitation
Chapter 85 – Avouchment and Documentary Evidence
Chapter 84 –
An affiliated Mason can visit a Lodge
A member of a non-recognized Lodge by this jurisdiction has no
right to visit.
An expelled or suspended Mason of a recognized jurisdiction has
no right to visit a Lodge.
The Master of the Lodge has the right to allow or not allow any
Any Lodge member present can object to any visitor.
Chapter 85 –
The sole requirement of a visitor is the dues card.
Chapter 86 – Masonic Status
Chapter 87 – Masonic Claims
Chapter 86 –
A candidate irregularly initiated or advanced through no fault of his own is in good
A candidate denied advancement is in good standing
A candidate whose degree was interrupted has advanced to that degree as long as he has
taken the obligation.
A candidate in default can attend Lodge in the degree he has attained and be posted.
A candidate is assigned to another Lodge when his Lodge charter is surrendered.
A Mason in good standing is one not expelled or suspended.
A Mason can voluntarily resign from Lodge.
A Mason under charges is in good standing until found guilty and can vote and be elected
to office, but not installed.
A Mason suspended for a definite time is in good standing as soon as his time is up
without action from the Lodge.
If GL restores a suspended member he is in good standing, but a non-affiliated member
until a Lodge is assigned by the GL.
All members in good standing of a Lodge surrendering it’s charter become non-affiliated
member until a Lodge is assigned by the GL.
All non-affiliated Masons claim no rights or benefits from any Lodge, but the Lodge may
grant him those rights.
Chapter 87 –
Masonic claims for relief is to Masonic widows and orphans.
Not to widows remarried to non-Masons, mothers, sisters or daughters married to nonMasons, or widows and orphans of suspended or expelled Masons.
Non-affiliated widows are entitled to assistance from Lodges.
Chapter 88 – Work and Instruction
The custodian of the work is the Grand Secretary who the Grand Lecturer obtains it to
distribute to the DLs.
The “pure work” cannot be changed except by resolution automatically held over to the
following AC for debate and adoption by a 4/5 vote.
The pure work is defined as the revised work of M.L. Youngs work adopted at the 1947
AC and all changes adopted at subsequent ACs by 4/5 vote.
The multi-letter cipher is a book of no more than 3 letters covering the degrees,
opening, closing, balloting, changing from degrees, floor work and official posting of
several lectures.
It is distributed as the official key under the GM and Grand Secretary to the GL to the
DLs to the Lodge secretaries to all MMs.
It is sold to the Lodges through the GL office.
The posting keys are published and distributed in the same manner.
The cipher and posting keys are under copy write and any copying is considered unMasonic conduct.
Costumes are not permitted in degree work unless by dispensation from the GM.
Visits from the GL or DL shall be announced in advance so all officers can be present
for posting at their stations and places and not on Sunday.
The GL and DL is the only instructor unless a Lodge gets permission from the GL or GM.
Ritualist or proficiency men are certified by the DL annually after examination in the
Chapter 89 – Publications
Chapter 90 – Clubs and Entertainment
Chapter 89 –
All publications on Masonry, GL, it’s policies, activities or
activities must have the GL approval with the GM approval
and the Grand Secretary’s attest except the Lodge trestleboard.
A Lodge can publish the names and dates of degree
candidates in the trestle-board to its members.
The Lodge secretary can have a list of Lodge members,
but cannot have it used for business or political purposes.
The Grand Secretary can have a list of Lodge secretaries
published for the GL Officers, Trustees and past elected
Grand Officers.
Chapter 90 –
No monitorial lectures can be used for entertainment of
EAs and FCs are allowed in processions.
Chapter 91 – Masonic Clothing, Jewels and Emblems
The apron is worn over all clothing except
on cutaway coats or tails at all stated,
special or memorial services as
At memorial service white gloves and
white aprons are to be worn. Officer
jewels are allowed.
Lodge jewels are to be silver.
Emblems can be worn by a Mason’s wife,
widow, daughter, mother or sister.
Emblems cannot be used in any form for
advertizing your business.
Chapter 92 – Masonic Memorial Services
Chapter 93 – Lodge insurance
Chapter 92 –
Lodges and religious bodies may cooperate in the memorial
Pallbearers if not all Masons, Masonic clothing should be worn by
Only a mason entitled to rites
Lodge may conduct service for non-affiliated brother.
Lodge cannot deny use of Lodge room for memorial service for
Mason in good standing.
Memorial service can be on Sunday, over state line, after
cremation and allow military salute after service.
A special or emergent communication can be called for a
memorial service, but minutes must be kept by secretary.
Chapter 93 –
Every Lodge must carry liability insurance of a minimum of
$1,000,000 per building per occurrence from the GL and give GL
a certificate of insurance with the GL as additionally insured by
the Lodge.
Chapter 94 – Perpetual Membership
This chapter is a course of it’s own,
please read it and be familiar with
it’s contents to answer any member
questions especially if your Lodge
has adopted it.
Dispensation Form
Send all dispensation requests to: (allow three weeks for processing)
Grand Masonic Center
36275 Sunset Drive
Dousman, WI 53118 or by email to
TO: The MW ____________, Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin.
From: ___________, Lodge #____ F&AM District No.___
Address:_____________ City _________, Zip_______
Send all dispensation requests to: (allow three weeks for processing)
Grand Masonic Center
36275 Sunset Drive
Dousman, WI 53118 or by email to
TO: The MW Dennis Siewert, Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin.
From: Warren, Lodge # 4 F&AM District No. 8
Address:112 S. Main St City Potosi Zip53820
To serve beer or wine at a Table Lodge on Oct. 28 th 2013. non-alcoholic
drinks will be furnished to any who desire.
Dated this 20th day of January A.D. 2013, A.L.6013
Dated this ________ day of ________, A.D.________, A.L.________
David Ritchie
Worshipful Master
Worshipful Master
64 section: 64.06a
Chapter: _____ section: ____
Chapter: _____ section: ____
Chapter: _____ section: ____
Roger Sedgwick