Cross of Gold - AP English Language and Composition

William Jennings Bryan
Taylor Saunders
• Democratic politician
• Influential in politics during the 1890’s
• Presidential candidate three times:
• 1896
• 1900
• 1908
• Strongly opposed the gold standard
William Jennings Bryan
Bryan was a leader of the democratic party and a presidential candidate. This
speech was said to give Bryan the edge to be chosen as the democratic
representation in the election.
Democratic convention of 1896
Bryan delivered this speech at the Democratic national convention of 1896.
He delivered this speech is opposition of the gold standard. This stance he
took was a strong part of his political platform.
Citizens of the US
This speech was delivered towards the United States. Bryan more specifically
aimed this towards the democratic vote, since he was the presidential
candidate. This speech could be considered propaganda in his campaign.
To persuade the people against the gold standard.
Bryan wanted to show the United States of America why the gold standard
would be nothing but bad for us. He strongly opposed of it and believed we
as a country should too. He also wanted to persuade people’s votes in the
upcoming election.
Adoption of the gold standard in the US
The adoption of the gold standard in the United States had been an ongoing
topic of discussion for almost twenty years. William Jennings Bryan was in
strong opposition of this standard. His rival, William McKinley won the
election and later adopted the gold standard in the US.
Bryan wanted to be able to persuade enough people to be influential in the
countries decision regarding the gold standard. If he could get this
information out and get others to vote his way, he felt like he could save the
country from what the gold standard would bring.
Speech audio excerpt.
Bryan establishes ethos by being an influential politician at the time. Since he
was a well known politician, this made his opinion more reputable. By
choosing one topic to focus on, the gold standard, he came across as more
sincere about it.
Bryan uses historical references to build the logical basis of his argument. He
also gives some factual information about the gold standard. Doing so gives
the audience more of a background knowledge of the content of the speech,
making them more likely to focus in on what Bryan is saying and potentially
Bryan connects with his audience by using pathos. He creates an emotional
response with the audience as a way to connect. The last line in his speech is
“You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you
shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.” This is a biblical reference to
the crucifixion of Jesus. When Bryan says this line, he stands with his arms
outstretched in the shape of a cross.
This political cartoon depicts William
Jennings Bryan standing beside a cross
of gold with a crown of thorns.
However, this picture depicts him
tramping the bible. This was an attack
on him from the opposition.