english project - CHSVocab10-3

Final Exam
By: AleMarGab
Part One
Content Overview
In his call to arms, “Beat! Beat! Drums!,”
Whitman calls on the sounds of drums
and bugles to pierce every silent place, to
leave no person undisturbed with their
They must disturb the
churches, the schools,
the farms, and those that
are in love. If anyone tries
to do anything
resembling normal life – if
the brokers and
speculators continue
their trade, if the lawyers
attempt to argue a case
in court, or if a singer
attempts to sing – they
must be drowned out by
the sound of the drums
and the bugles.
•Whitman wrote the majority of “Beat!
Beat! Drums!” in 1865, just before the end
of the American Civil War therefore the
Beating of drums refers to the calling of
•Whitman belongs to the Romantic period
specifically this poem brings about
characteristics of Emotion over Reason
since through the poem Whitman brings us
a strong feeling of uneasiness and
disturbance that, expressing his low
outlook on war, conveying it as something
that leaves everyone affected and uneasy.
War does not only make the soldiers suffer
but affects whole communities of people.
• Literary Devices include:
Free Verse, however Whitman does create a
sense of rhyth through repetition. Whitman
also uses parallelism and Onomatopoeia
Spotted Hawk
The “Spotted Hawk” is a ‘canto’ or poetic excerpt from
Walt Whitman’s series of poems Song of Myself. It is the
last of these poems through which Whitman tries to
open a window into other people’s lives and experience
their emotions and lifestyles, showing his empathy.
In this particular canto, Whitman summarizes the cycle
of poems by writing about his poetic spirit, and how it is
ever-present by stating “I bequeath myself to the dirt to
grow from the grass I love If you want me again look for
me under your boot soles” he compares himself to the
omnipresent dirt under our shoes.
Spotted Hawk shows the Romantic characteristics of
a love of nature in a way that Whitman not only
shows great admiration for his surroundings but
also considers himself to be a part of everything that
surrounds him. This canto also shows an interest in
the supernatural, in the way that he expresses the
idea that through his poetry he will be eternal.
Spoon River
George Gray by Edgar Lee Masters
This poem tells the story of a man
who regrets not taking the
opportunities he was given
continually in his life out of fear of
failure. He states that ambition,
love, and sorrow all knocked at his
door yet he was afraid to answer
their calls. Now upon telling the
story of his life (he is now dead like
the other inhabitants of Spoon
River) he expresses regret for never
putting any meaning into his life.
This work is of the realistic period of
American Literature and it portrays this
through the characteristics of emphasis
on the psychology of the character and the
act that which is something most people
have done or can relate to.
Literary devices include:
Metaphor- In that life is a boat that must
catch sail of the winds of destiny
Personification: Love, Sorrow, and
ambition knock on his door.
Literary Terms Defined
 Cadence- The musical run of words that
rises and falls as the poet sings the song.
 Catalog- A list of things, people, or events.
 Special Effects- The use of sounds-including
rhythm, rhyme, meter, alliteration,
onomatopoeia, assonance, and prepetitionto create specific effects.
 Internal Rhyme- Rhyme that occurs within
a line of verse
 Repetition- To state the same line within a poem,
usually as a form of rhythm or emphasis
 Metaphor- A figure of speech in which a word or
phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is
used to designate another, thus making an
implicit comparison
 Free Verse- having no fixed metrical pattern
 Meter- The rhythmic pattern of a stanza, the
measured arrangement of words in poetry, as by
accentual rhythm, or the number of syllables in
a line
Part Two
Saress’s Pop Quiz
Instructions: Questions 1- 8 have a
quotation, choose the literary term
that the excerpt best embodies
"Once upon a midnight dreary, as
I pondered weak and weary”
2. Imagery
3. Irony
4. Metaphor
“And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by
the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and
my bride….”
-Edgar Allan Poe, from “Annabel Lee”
A. Rhyme
B. Lyric poem
C. Internal rhyme
D. Free verse
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's
Couldn't put Humpty together again”
A. Internal Rhyme
B. Repetition
C. Paradox
D. Lyric Poem
“The word bites like a fish.
Shall I throw it back free
Arrowing to that sea
Where thoughts lash tail and fin?
Or shall I put it in
To rhyme upon a dish?”
A. Cadence
B. Free verse
C. Internal rhyme
D. Metaphor
“so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
B. Hyperbole
C. Free verse
D. Blank verse
Alexandra Mendez
Gabriel Casal
Gustavo Vizcarrondo
Carlos Alfaro
A. Inversion
B. Catalog
C. Parallel structure
D. Pun
Two roads / di verged / in a yel / low
wood .......4 feet:
(spondee) (iambic) (anapest)
A. Simile
B. Meter
C. Imagery
D. hyperbole
The Use of sounds such as:
Swish, swish
Clank, clank, clank
A. Special effects
B. Slant rhyme
C. Tone
D. Inversion
Part Three
How have you done so far?
Just to make sure you understood
the stories
Some literature questions
The following excerpt from
Beat! Beat! Drums! is an
example of what?
Mind not the timid—mind not the weeper or
Mind not the old man beseeching the young man
Is an example of?
Free Verse
The main idea of Beat! Beat!
Drums! is what?
A. How war affects entire communities
B. The devastating effects of War
C. How a soldier endures torture
D. A poem about a battle cry
Through Beat! Beat!
Drums! Whitman uses:
A. Lack of rhythm
B. An established meter
C. Iambic pentameter
D. Free Verse
Beat! Beat! Drums! Is from
what Literary Period?
A. Romantic
B. Romantic and Realistic
C. Transcendentalist
D. Realistic
Spotter Hawk predominantly
portrays the Romantic
characteristics of:
A. Exoticism
B. Nationalism
C. Emotion vs. Rationality
D. Love of Nature
“I bequeath myself to the dirt
to grow from the grass I love If
you want me again look for me
under your boot soles”
Displays the artist’s belief that:
A. Man can triumph over death
B. Reincarnation
C. When he dies, he will become one with
mother earth
D. Trough his poetry, he will always be
A canto is a:
A. Spanish song
B. A poem with Mexican influence
C. Poetic excerpt from a larger work
D. Spanish for “a solo vocal piece”
Through the poem Spotted
Hawk Whitman shows:
A. Confidence in his work
B. A belief in the eternal
C. A triumph of emotion over reason
D. Beautiful Imagery portraying a
Majestic Animal
The poems of Spoon River
display the Realistic
qualities of:
A. Emphasis of the plot of the story rather than
the characters
B. Having a determined rhyme scheme
C. Portraying the figures psychology
D. Interest in the Supernatural specifically the
after life
“Sorrow Knocked at my
door” Is an example of:
A. Metaphor
B. Personification
C. Alliteration
D. Simile
“And now I know that we
must lift the sail, and
catch the winds of destiny”
Is an example of:
A. Metaphor
B. Personification
C. Alliteration
D. Simile
The poem of George Gray
advises the reader to:
A. Take advantage of all of life’s
B. Enjoy all of life’s passing moments
C. Conquer all irrational fear
D. Make long, life lasting connections
with others
 0- 3 wrong Excellent your ready to pass that
test! 
 4- 7 wrong its Ok, it’s a pass but you might
want to go over the ones you go wrong
 7- onward Maybe you’d like to go over the
material again for your sake…