unit 1 colonial north america

Chapter 3: 1690-1754
Population Growth and Diversity
◦ Population of Colonies grew from 250,000 in 1700 to 1.6 million in
1750 (Compared to 6.5 million in England in 1750)
◦ The economy grew as fast as the population- and mercantilist
policy meant a significant percentage of that went to England
rather than staying in the colonies- there will begin to be
resentment about that.
◦ Overall however, most Colonists in the 1st half of the 18th century
thought of themselves as Englishmen, and would have told you
they had far more in common with their home country than they
did with other colonies
Natural Increase
◦ Colonists tended to have large families both out of desire (labor
source) and the fact that people tended to marry earlier (econ
better) Once the early years had passed, colonial life tended to
be healthier than Europe (at least North of Virginia)- so more
children survived, and population grew quickly
◦ Colonial population doubled every 25 years, and was young- in
1775 the ½ the population was under 16.
◦ Largest colonies: Virginia, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania,
which also had the largest city: Philadelphia (34,000)
Old Immigration
◦ Our foundation is very “English”, and even so, had more diversity than any
other part of the world at that time. Outside of New England (which is nearly
exclusively English/Puritan) ½ of the population is NOT English
◦ Population Breakdown in 1690:
◦ English/Welsh 66%
◦ African 20%
◦ Scottish 6%
◦ Dutch 2%
◦ All other Whites .7%
◦ Native American (living in/near colonial territory) 6%
New Immigrants
◦ Other than the “leftovers” of New
Netherlands and New Sweden, 90% of
the population of the colonies was of
British origin before 1690.
◦ During 1700s population will begin to
shift to “non English” parts of Great
Britain, and other areas within Europe,
and of course from Africa (though
they weren’t “immigrants”)
Scots- Irish
During English civil war, Cromwell had given land away
to the Protestant Scottish, encouraging them to move
to Ireland and “subdue” the native Catholic population. Not
really successful or popular move, so many small farmers leave
and come to colonies instead.
Large groups settled in Pennsylvania, and in the Appalachians
(Western Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina)
Known for defiant pride in their heritage, and independent
thinking (frontier virtues) Not big fans of Native Americans,
caused trouble in PA which had been enjoying peaceful native
◦ Largest European (not Great Britain) group. Religious
conflict still common in many German states, and after more
than 200 years, it’s getting old. Big wave in 1720s, and another between
◦ The majority of Germans who came to US were protestants from Southern
German states (which stayed Catholic) Actually, significant numbers come
from the Anabaptists, the forerunners of today’s Amish communities.
◦ Settled in many of the same areas as Scots-Irish. Tended to maintain their own
language and culture, even after having been in colonies for several
Expansion of Colonies
◦ Est 1703. Had roots in “New Sweden”, which had been
incorporated into “New Netherlands”, and then a part of
Pennsylvania. (majority Quaker)
◦ Ties with PA remained strong, shared same governor until
North and South Carolina
◦ Originally one colony- but two distinct econ developed,
plantation and small farmer, (slave and not) which led to tension.
◦ 1712 North Carolina officially separated
◦ North Carolina became known for small farmers (still used slaves,
just a small numbers)as well as independent thinking and
resistance to authority
◦ South Carolina became known for plantations, large numbers of
slaves, and an aristocratic mentality.
◦ Georgia was the last of the original 13 colonies, founded in 1733. Proprietary colony
founded by philanthropists James Oglethorpe and John Viscount.
◦ Proprietor’s goal was to provide opportunities for the poor- to open debtors jails and
prison ships, moving those unwanted elements to new areas- and offering clean living
◦ King George II thought that was nice….but was really interested in using the colony as
a buffer between South Carolina and New Spain (Florida)
◦ Colony grew slowly- hard liquor, slavery, prohibited. Land ownership limited to 500
acres or less (not enough for real plantation). No elected assembly. All these factors
discouraged immigration (in relation to other colonies)
◦ Gradually, those restrictions were abandoned, and population was growing briskly by
French and Indian War
Africans and the Slave Trade
◦ Jamestown had slaves as early as 1619, but numbers remained small for years.
Bacon’s rebellion, and rising wages in England (which discouraged the need
for indentured servitude) would change that.
◦ Somewhere around 10-15 million slaves left Africa between 1500 and 1820
(which is when the slave trade was outlawed) Portuguese were original slave
traders (English, French and Dutch will join in 1700s). Didn’t generally capturemade arrangements with tribes/societies (Kongo) along the Slave
Coast(Senegal-Angola). Slavers who would offer those captured in war, or
kidnapped from rival societies in exchange for guns (which gave them great
power over other groups) and/or manufactured goods
◦ Most valuable slaves were young men- wanted for their physical strength.
Worth up to $1800
The Middle Passage
◦ 50 million Africans captured/sold into slavery. Used specially built
(scientifically designed) ships to transport from Africa to Americas
(generally Caribbean 1st stop). Want to have slaves arrive alive
(can’t sell dead) but still packed in for profit. Death from disease,
dysentery common. 20% died on voyage
◦ Voyage was 4-10 weeks depending on time of year. Ships build in
layers- might only be in an area 2’ tall, lay on your back the entire
journey. Kept in irons to prevent them jumping overboard (either
suicide or at sight of land) and had nets on sides of ships in case
they did
◦ “Diaspora” means “To disperse” or move and entire population. The
majority of the slaves who came to the new world were destined for
the sugar plantations of either the Caribbean or Brazil- where their life
expectancy was very short.
◦ In Caribbean, slaves were often the majority of the population, but the
bottom of the social hierarchy. Brazil had more freed slaves, and a
more blended population (mulattoes etc..) Wherever they went, slave
brought their cultural identity with them- which influenced the areas
where they ended up.
◦ American South is only area where slave population grew from natural
increase- and as time went by, our slave trade was primarily internal.
Slave Codes
◦ As slaves grew in number (outnumbering whites) laws passed to ensure control
of the population.
◦ Blacks and their children are slaves for life- property of master (no legal
◦ Crime to make slaves literate
◦ Conversion to Christianity common, but was not grounds for freedom
◦ Slavery was not a new issue- it’s been around forever, but slavery in Americas
was Race based, which changed things, the notion of inferiority based on skin
color will be law in this country until the 1960s.
Slave Culture
◦ Mix of African and American folkways.
◦ Gullah: language developed in coastal South
Carolina- blended English with African languages
◦ Music: Banjo and Bongo drums imported from Africa. Ringshout tradition
contributed to Blues and Jazz
◦ Religion: developed preference for certain aspects of ChristianityMoses/Exodus, suffering/afterlife etc…
◦ Rebellion- there were over 250 from 1700-1860, slaves were not always docile.
Stono Rebellion (1739) the largest and most important
Economic Growth and Development
◦ Population growth fueled economic growth. Small scale industry (tools,
personal products) grew and made colonies less dependent on Europe for
daily goods, but overall pattern of Americas as source for raw materials and
European production of finished goods remained constant
◦ Elite colonists grew richer, and a noticeable gap developed between rich and
poor which had not been typical as colonies were founded. Immigrants who
arrived later in 1700s found land/opportunities diminished in coastal areas,
they had to move further inland
◦ Manufacturing not nearly as important as agriculture (in terms of econ) small
industry (carpentry, shoemaking)for local consumption- only important large
scale industry was Shipbuilding in New England. Travel overland challenging.
Most large scale transportation done by water- river/ocean
Mercantilism and the Navigation Acts
◦ Unlike Sp/Fr, British gov’t not directly involved in founding of colonies (other than
Georgia) but that didn’t mean they didn’t plan to make $$ from them.
◦ Mercantilism: prevailing econ theory of 1600/1700s, said a country’s power came from
it’s gold/silver reserves, and if you don’t have treasure, you get the $$ from trade.
Colonies existed to create wealth for mother country by making sure European nations
could export more than they had to import- providing raw materials and markets for
finished goods
◦ Navigation Acts: series of laws passed between 1651-1696 which said American
colonies were only to trade with England. Certain products (wool, sugar, tobacco,
Indigo, Rice) were Enumerated- could only trade with England. Other products could
be sold to other countries, but had to stop in England 1st for tax.
◦ Not strictly enforced- and Colonies did receive benefit of military protection etc.. really
not a burden until after Fr and Indian War
Molasses Act
◦ As colonial population grew there was increased demand for European
goods- and increased American goods available.
◦ England is a long way away….there are other Europeans closer- the French,
Spanish and Dutch in the Caribbean. Buy molasses, and distill it into Rum.
◦ Colonies (esp New England) developed a brisk trade with the French West
Indies. 1733 British passed Molasses Act- designed to cut trade in key product.
Colonists ignored, and b/c of Salutary Neglect (more about this later) there
were no consequences. Taught colonies they could get away with a great
Regional Economies: New England
◦ Not great climate for large scale farming, but good forest for hardwood timber, and
excellent harbors for trade. Cod fishing.
◦ Rhode Island did a fair amount of rum distilling and rum smuggling
◦ Shipbuilding an important early industry, as was fishing, and distilling West Indies
Molasses into Rum
◦ Boston largest city
Middle Colonies
◦ Good farm climate for grains, became the “breadbasket” colonies.
◦ Philadelphia and New York became large cities and commercial centers earlier than
many areas, with manufacturing and trade done there up and down the colonies.
◦ Tobacco a key crop throughout the 1700s-done by both small farmers and
plantation owners. So focused on it in 1600s that they imported their food, but
as tobacco boom ended they created a more balanced economy
◦ Baltimore largest city
Lower South
◦ Rice the 1st important plantation crop here, which needed slave labor to be successful.
◦ Plantations tended to be self sufficient, so didn’t trade in food, but relied on
manufactured goods from Europe.
◦ Charleston largest city
Growth of Cities
◦ 90% of American colonists lived in Rural areas- most of them had come here for land
◦ Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Charleston “largest” cities, but small compared to
Europe- Philadelphia had 30,000 people in 1776, New York had 22,000- while London
had 750,000
◦ Important- connected colonies to
outside world, and to each other. Will be
important as revolution comes as places
where people share ideas and
Colonial Social Structures
◦ Again- earliest settlers started on a fairly
level playing field- but by 1750s there was
greater diversity of profession, and
disparity in wealth.
◦ Some colonists (like
Washington/Jefferson) born to privilege.
Middle classes (like John Adams) built a
comfortable lifestyle for themselves. But
there were larger groups of “poor” in
rural and urban areas than there had
been 100 years earlier
Colonial Elite
◦ Had less overt privilege than European aristocrats- No titles
or inherited positions. This allowed social mobility (anyone
COULD become part of the elite) and lessened resentment.
◦ Wealthy of New England and Middle Colonies tended to be in large cities (esp Boston,
NY, Baltimore, Philadelphia) making $$ in trade/manufacturing. Wealthy of
Chesapeake and Lower South were plantation owners, showing a cultural disparity that
will be an issue for America not only until, but well after the Civil War: North and South
are built around 2 different economies.
◦ “Anglicanization”: Wealthiest colonists (esp in the South) tended to imitate British
Aristocracy with remarkable homes and an elegant life of leisure. Actually, they think of
themselves as British Aristocrats. As other colonists begin to develop an American
identity, and speak of revolution, these guys will be harder to get on board
Middle Class
◦ Majority of free Americans were
neither rich nor poor- but were
somewhere in between. Might be
farmers (with medium sized holdings),
clergymen, artisans, shop keepers or small merchants. Largest in
New England and Mid Atlantic colonies
◦ Middle class far larger in colonies than in England, primarily b/c land
ownership was readily available. Lived comfortable lives- with
possession well beyond survival necessities.
The Poor
◦ Percentage wise, the poor are a far smaller group
than they are in Europe (where they tended to be
at LEAST 50% of the population during the 17th and
18th century) Again, this has to do with availability
and accessibility of land.
◦ BUT, as population grew, land- at least good land- got
harder to get. Tenant Farming became more common, as did
wage laborers. But “Thrift and Industry” (as Ben Franklin put it in Poor
Richard’s Almanac) could allow you to rise- which was NOT an
opportunity the poor of Europe generally enjoyed.
◦ As with all social hierarchies- slaves were the
◦ 90% of Slaves were in the South- but Slavery did exist in New England and the
Middle Colonies (Tituba, a central figure in the Salem Witchcraft trials, was a
Caribbean slave) Slaves in the north tended to be domestic servants, or
laborers rather than just agricultural workers.
◦ In the South- slaves did the majority of plantation work after indentured
servitude fell off around 1700. Small farmers often owned a couple of slaves as
well. On plantations (tobacco or rice) you needed as many slaves as possible
so that you could work as much land as possible
Families and Gender Roles
◦ European society was quite patriarchal, and the colonists brought those values them.
Male was head of house- and had strong legal power over his wife, children, and
◦ Very few people in colonial times would have disputed the idea that women were
“less” than men (less strong, less intelligent, less capable- you name it) In England (and
her colonies) Single women could own property and businesses (not true in other all
other Euro countries) but Coverture said that once she married, everything that HAD
been hers became her husband’s.
◦ Men were expected to provide for their families- they worked. (As farmers,
businessmen, craftsmen, whatever) Women tend the house (Cook, clean, sew etc..)
Children, from a young age, were expected to contribute- they had chores, lots of
them. (gender specific)
◦ Slaves were property- they had no legal rights. They could “marry” with a ceremony,
but could be sold, as could their children, at whim. Very difficult to maintain a nuclear
family life- so extended families became important.
Schools and Colleges
◦ At this point in history, most people in Europe AND colonies,
even the wealthy, did not attend formal schools, at least not
for very long. Those who did go on to “universities” were almost exclusively upper class
◦ In the 1600s and 1700s a person could live a full life without NEEDING to be literate- but it
was considered a nice accomplishment. Those with means would hire a tutor/governess,
or parents would teach their children. Once you COULD read and write- “school” was
done, you could then “study” any subject you liked independently.
◦ Calvinist religions put a HUGE stress on being able to read the bible- therefore puritans
were more likely than other groups to have their children educated. In the colonies, New
England established far more schools than any other area. (South had fewestgeographic issues)
◦ New England was also the 1st to create a college in the new world- Harvard (1636) to train
clergy. (as were Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown and Rutgers) By the Revolution there
are 5 colleges in New England, 3 in the middle colonies, and 1 in the South (William and
Colonial Press: the Zenger Case
◦ 1735- important for freedom of the press
◦ John Peter Zenger owned a newspaper in NY that
criticized the Royal governor of the colony. He was
charged with seditious libel
◦ Zenger argued that he printed the truth- wasn’t his
fault if governor didn’t like it.
◦ Jury agreed, and Zenger acquitted.
◦ Began tradition of protections for the press, though
they were not a strong in colonial era as they will be later
Colonial Culture
◦ 1600s a time of tremendous intellectual change in Europe. Scientific Revolution
(which would lead to the Enlightenment) was brewing- but the flip side of that
was a last great tide of superstition in the late 1500s and early 1600s
◦ Colonists brought that with them, and in the wilderness of the colonies, it might
be easy to believe that supernatural forces were at work
Salem Witchcraft Trials
◦ Calvinists (Like Puritans) believed God had power over, and a hand in just about
everything. Therefore…the devil could too. Constantly worried about supernatural
forces, and constantly fearful of anything that seemed out of the divine order- like
maybe a woman behaving in an “unnatural” way (having opinions etc…)
◦ In New England14 women were executed for witchcraft between 1647- 1662, but the
most famous issue came in 1692 with the Salem Witchcraft trials.
◦ A groups of teenage girls (for unknown reasons) unleashed hysteria by claiming they
were “bewitched” by various people in the community of Salem Mass. Eventually 175
people would be arrested, and 20 executed
◦ Important consequence: passion untempered by Reason is dangerous. Will influence
the importance of the law, and open people for the “new” ideas of the enlightenment.
Will also discredit strict puritan ideology- which lightens everyone up
◦ Scientific Revolution had thinkers trying to understand the workings of the natural world.
Enlightenment thinkers wanted to take that same logic and reason, and apply it to
society and government.
◦ John Locke: talked about “Natural Laws” and a “Social Contract” between those with
power and those without. Basic idea that there are certain (inalienable) rights the
government cannot limit, and if they try- citizens have the right to remove them from
◦ France was the center of the Enlightenment- the educated elite felt hampered by the
limitations of absolute monarchy. Montesquieu wrote about the need for checks and
balances, Voltaire wrote about the need for tolerance, Rousseau wrote about the
need for freedom and expression.
◦ The American colonies will be the 1st place where these ideas are put to the test in the
form of Revolution
Classical Liberalism
◦ Liberty: Individual human rights. Freedom of
religion, Freedom of the press. Equality before
the law
◦ Equality: All citizens should have equal rights and
civil liberties- no special privilege comes from
birth (did not mean everyone should be
economically equal)
◦ Human dignity will create human happiness.
◦ Science, progress, and rationality will lead to
better society for all.
Enlightenment and Religion
◦ Philosophes were generally unquestioningly Christian , but saw God’s role in
the world differently than est. religion
◦ Most were DEISTS: They thought that a divine power had created the world,
and then let it go. Combined faith and reason- God created the divine laws of
the universe, like a perfect machine (a clock the typical example) which had
no need for intervention. Tended to attracted the upper class, well educated
(particularly in the sciences) men.
◦ Deism actually not all that popular in the colonies, but two of our most
important early thinkers were Deists. Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson had a
profound effect on guiding the policies that would help shape our national
character, and they were deists.
The Great Awakening
◦ 4 major religious sects: Anglican (will become Episcopalian), Congregational,
Presbyterian (Scots) Quakers.
◦ If Deism thought that people should focus on reason PIETISM took the opposite view,
saying people needed to make faith and religion more central to their lives. In 1700
only 1 in 7 Northerners were church members, less in the south.
◦ MUCH more popular than deism, esp with “ordinary” colonists. During 1720s and 1730s
ministers were worried that people weren’t spending enough time on religion- that they
needed to re-connect. Major issue was religious style: personal faith and church
◦ Revival meetings (gathering in one place for hours- or even days, to pray, single, listen
to sermons) became popular. People would “testify”, cry, faint, scream etc….
Jonathan Edwards/George
◦ Important leaders
◦ Jonathan Edwards: the last of the fiery puritans (who were not as
effected as other areas, they have played this game) Credited with
starting things off. Wanted people to repent of their sins (typically greed
etc). “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” most famous – a vivid
description of the torments of Hell.
◦ George Whitefield: Preached up and down the colonies. Methodist
minister. (Methodism is a sect of Christianity founded in 1730s by John
Wesley, became very popular in colonies) Strong Orator- called for
people to devote their lives (and wealth) to bible good works.
Old Light/New Light
◦ Arminianism: challenged predestination- said free will can bring about
salvation. Important part of American Identity is that we rule our own
◦ “Old Lights” are those who didn’t like the Awakening- they often
thought it too showy, not serious enough. They thought religious leaders
should be educated and respectable, not passionate and glib.
◦ “New Lights” thought that the style meant as much as the substance,
and if passion got people involved with religion, then that was the way
to go. Established colleges at Princeton, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth
to train ministers in this new style.
◦ One of the 1st things the colonies experienced “together”. Starts giving them a
relationship with one another. (American Identity)
◦ Split existing denominations: Methodism and Baptism become importance
religious sects (eventually the largest).
◦ Encouraged 1st American missionary movement (directed at native
◦ Laid foundation for “anti-intellectualism” we admire passion more than straight
◦ Had a strong democratic element, people of all classes experienced together.
Colonial Governments
◦ Each colony was a separate entity. While
all of their governments were loosely
modeled on English Parliament, they
were unique.
◦ General characteristics:
◦ The only people who could vote were
free, male, property holders. (and the
wealthier you were the more influential
you were likely to be.)
◦ Each colony had some form of
elected assembly, as well as an
Nature of American Politics
◦ Colonial legislatures did not have as much power as parliament,
but offered far more direct representation than England.
◦ At the local level there were townhall meetings in New England,
County governments in the South (Middle used a combo of both)
◦ Upper classes worried about “democracy” they wanted
limitations on who could vote- up to 50% of white males could
Tensions between Crown and Colonies
◦ The “Restoration” monarchs (brothers Charles II and James II) were more
actively involved in running the colonies than their predecessors had been.
Revoked charters/proprietorships and made Massachusetts, New Jersey, and
the Carolinas Royal colonies.
◦ James II thought there were too many small colonies in New England- who stubbornly
clung to their own religious ideas, and had a tendency to smuggle if they thought they
could make more $$ selling to France or Spain. So in 1686 he decided to create one
“Supercolony”: THE DOMINION OF NEW ENGLAND. Made Edmund Andros the Royal
governor, and disbanded all colonial assemblies.
◦ HUGELY unpopular, they rebelled, (part of glorious revolution 1688) jailed Andros, and
“restored” themselves. King William had to send troops to restore order (the 1st sent to
control colonists) most colonies got their original charters back, but
Massachusetts/Plymouth combined in 1691- and remained a royal colony. Law changed
to prohibit church membership as a voting qualification, and to allow all Protestants equal
rights. (Act of Toleration)
Colonial Governments
◦ Bicameral legislature the most common. Upper House typically
appointed by the king or proprietor, lower house elected by
property owners.
◦ Governors has strong legal power. They could veto legislatures,
dissolve legislatures, and appoint judges.
◦ But in reality, they didn’t have as much actual influence.
Legislatures often controlled governor’s salaries. Britain was a
long way away, and it was hard to get backup.
Development of Democratic Ideals
◦ Tolerance (religion) was the 1st.
◦ Greater educational opportunities than Europe, create greater
economic opportunities
◦ Land ownership a possibility- therefore could get right to vote
◦ Freedom of speech and press
Salutary Neglect and the Rise of
◦ From 1690-1750 there was a lot going on in European politics (Wars of Louis XIV etc..),
and England was involved for the 1st time since the end of the 100 years war (King
William was Dutch) Beginning of “Second 100 years war” between France and England
for dominance in continental affairs (will go until Napoleon’s defeat in 1815)
◦ Therefore, colonies are left to do their own thing…and they liked that. Generally
referred to as “SALUTARY NEGLECT”, meaning that Britain wasn’t “ignoring”, they were
just busy elsewhere. Royal governors etc tended to be appointed b/c they were royal
favorites- as opposed to qualified, which meant they (and by proxy the British
government in general) weren’t well respected.
◦ During this period, colonial assemblies gained power, and did most of the actual
“running” of the government. Important in development of democracy- but more in
that colonists got a sense that they were SUPPOSED to be in charge of their own affairs.
Stono Rebellion
◦ 1739 saw the largest slave rebellion in colonial
History. Began in Stono South Carolina, led by
slaves recently arrived from Africa- who were
headed for Spanish Florida (where the Spanish
promised them freedom)
◦ Along the way the 100 plus slaves burned
homes/crops, and killed 25 whites. South Carolina
raised a militia, and met the runaways in battle,
where 40 were killed. The survivors were executed.
◦ Scared slave owners- slave codes tightened
considerably. Also limited importation of slaves,
they were considered more hostile.