
A travel through the ages
 In a site located outside
Hargeisa, cave paintings
were found dating back
to 10’000 years ago.
These cave paintings
“…were untouched and
intact for nearly 10,000
years until their recent
discovery. The paintings
show an indigenous
people worshiping
Pre-History cont’d
 There are also paintings of giraffes,
domesticated canines and
wild antelopes, with images of cows
wearing ceremonial robes while
next to them are some of these
people prostrating in front of the
cattle. The Las Geel caves and their
paintings have become a major
tourist attraction and a national
treasure. The caves were even
visited by a French archaeological
team during November and
December 2002.”
History of Independance
 “The British Somaliland
protectorate became
briefly independent on
June 26, 1960, and the
first 4 cabinets who
signed the declaration
of independence
were as shown here.
From far left side: Ali Garad Jama(Sool), Haji Ibrahim Nur
Jama(Awdal), Ahmed Kayse(Sanag)
Bottom row far left: Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal(Togdher),
Representative of the Queen and the Governor of Somaliland
History of Independence cont’d
 On July 1, 1960, the two territories united as planned to
form the Somali Republic. A government was formed
by Abdullahi Issa, with Aden Abdullah Osman
Daar as President and Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke as Prime
Minister (later to become President, from 1967 to 1969).
On July 20, 1961 and through a popular referendum, the
Somali people ratified a new constitution, which was first
drafted in 1960. In 1967, Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal
became Prime Minister, a position to which he was
appointed by Shermarke. Shermarke would be
assassinated two years later by one of his own
History of Independence cont’d
 His murder was quickly followed by a military coup
d’état on October 21, 1969 (the day after his funeral), in
which the Somailan Army seized power without
encountering armed opposition. The putsch was
spearheaded by Major General Mohamed Siad Barre, who
at the time commanded the army. The new regime would
go on to rule Somalia for the next 30 years. By the 1990s,
the moral authority of Barre's government had collapsed.
Many Somalis had become disillusioned with life under
military dictatorship. The government became
increasingly totalitarian, and resistance movements,
encouraged by Ethiopia, sprang up across the country,
eventually leading to the Somali Civil War.” He was soon
over thrown from power.
Somaliland May
18 ,1991
 “Although the SNM at its inception had a unionist
constitution, it eventually began to pursue a separatist
agenda, looking to secede from the rest of Somalia.
Under the leadership of Abdirahman Ahmed Ali Tuur,
the local administration declared the north-western
Somali territories independent on 18 May 1991. Tuur then
became the newly-established Somaliland polity's first
President, but subsequently renounced the separatist
platform in 1994 and began instead to publicly seek
and advocate reconciliation with the rest of Somalia
under a power-sharing federal system of governance.
Somaliland May 18th,1991 cont’d
 Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal was appointed as Tuur's
successor in 1993 by the Grand Conference of National
Reconciliation in Borama, which met for four months,
leading to a gradual improvement in security, as well as
a consolidation of the new territory. Egal was
reappointed in 1997, and remained in power until his
death on May 3, 2002. The vice president,Dahir Riyale
Kahin, who was during the 1980s the highestranking National Security Services (NSS) officer
in Bebera in Siad Barre's government, was sworn in as
president shortly afterwards. In 2003, Kahin became the
first elected president of Somaliland.”
Voting For His Excellency
Ahmed Mahamoud Silanyo
 After the results were announced, Kahin congratulated
Silanyo and reiterated that he would step down. The Supreme
Court must endorse the results within 15 days and the
incumbent president hand over power within 30 days. Silanyo
was sworn in on 27 July at a ceremony attended by officials
of Djibouti, Ethopia and Kenya.
Ladies and gentlemen, respectful community members of
Somaliland which are here today, it is certainly an honour for me
to share with you this little history of our nation and I urge to all of
you to contribute towards today, by building the foundation of our
community in all levels so that we can become a role model for
our children and build a community which leaves legacy to their
people, May Allah bless all of us and make possible of our dreams
to come true Aamiin Aamiin. Long live Somaliland and long live his
Excellency our president Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (siilaanyo).
 Prepared By Abdikarim Haji Ibrahim Nur
 Proud member of Somaliland Canadian community
 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
 Thank You.