The Dawes Act

Its full name is The General Allotment act
 Passed in1887
 Henry Laurens Dawes wrote the act
 Wanted them to give up their ways and
become farmers
 Reservations split up into plots
Government thought it would control
Native Americans
 To make them more like Americans
 For better treatment of Native Americans
 To break up the tribes
 Open up more land for profit
 Reducing the cost of native
This is a book written Helen Hunt Jackson. It
was about the Governments policies
towards Native Americans.
Lectured the East about how bad
reservation life was
Reservation turned into plots
 Children where sent to special boarding
 Leftover land was sold
 Native Americans were encourage to
give up their ways
Didn’t want to be farmers
 Lacked tools, training, and money
 Many sold their land over time
Native Americans situation was tragic at
the end of the 1800s
 No more land
 Culture treated badly
 Oblivious federal government
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