NYHETER JULI - 2013 FUCK BUTTONS 19. JULI SLOW FOCUS ATP ATPRCD49 / ATPRLP49 CD/2LP 0666017262222 / 0666017262215 Fuck Buttons plasserte seg i toppsjiktet på ”alt” som var årets beste-lister for sitt forrige album, 2009s Tarot Sport, og fortsetter knallsterkt med Slow Focus. Som tidligere forholder de seg ikke til konvensjoner, men går sin egen vei og krysser støy, elektronika og beats på en måte som igjen setter standarden i leftfield-landskapet. Fun fact: Danny Boyle benyttet Fuck Buttons musikk i fjorårets OL-åpning etter anbefaling fra elektronikalegendene Underworld. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15550-fuck-buttons-the-red-wing-edit/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fuck-Buttons/328461343853034 DAUGHN GIBSON 5. JULI ME MOAN Sub Pop SPCD1010 / SP1010 0098787101027 / 0098787101010 CD/LP Med drag av Alan Vegas mørke miks av americana og elektroniske toner kommer Daugh Gibson kjørende (Gibson er jo tidligere trucker) med et mørkt beist av et album. Gibsons dype bariton og hans åpenbart gode øre for en sterk melodi gjør Me Moan til et fascinerende stykke arbeid, og det hele låter svært så tidløst tross den i utgangspunktet noe odde sjangermiksen. Anbefalt! http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15339-the-sound-of-law/ http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15487-you-dont-fade/ http://www.facebook.com/daughngibson GAUNTLET HAIR 12. JULI STILLS Dead Oceans DOC079 / DOC079LP CD/LP 0656605137926 / 0656605137919 Avant pop-duoen Gauntlet Hair fikk Elsker-stempelet av Lydverket for sitt forrige album og statsmediet sammenlignet dem den gang med Animal Collective. Den sammenligningen står seg noenlunde fortsatt, men sammen med produsent Jacob Portrait fra Unknown Mortal Orchestra drar de det på Stills i en mørkere retning, og duoen nevner selv ting som White Zombie, The Durutti Column, Joy Division, og Depeche Mode som inspirasjonskilder. Vi hører også hint av band som No Age og Japandroids, men uansett, resultatet er eksemplarisk. https://www.facebook.com/gauntlet.hair CHEYENNE MIZE 28. JUNI AMONG THE GREY Yep Roc YEP2308 / YEP2308LP CD/LP 0634457230828 / 0634457230811 Cheyenne Mize introduserte seg først gjennom 10-tommeren Among the Gold hvor hun delte rilleplass med Bonnie ’Prince’ Billy. Hun har også fått etiketten Top ten discoveries at SXSW av NPR, og fikk skryt i New York Times for debuten, Before Lately. Nå er hun her med Among the Grey, et storslått album som låter som en krysning mellom en mer utforskende og mindre mainstream Norah Jones, og PJ Harvey. http://youtu.be/FP1pq4_6CJs https://www.facebook.com/cheyennemizemusic Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 1 NYHETER JULI - 2013 THRIFTSTORE MASTERPIECE 5. JULI TROUBLE IS A LONESOME TOWN Side One Dummy SD1523 / SD1523-1 CD/LP 0603967152326 / 0603967152319 Produsent og bandleder Charles Normal har under navnet Thriftstore Masterpiece samlet storfolk som Pete Yorn, Frank Black, Isaac Brock, Courtney Taylor-Taylor og Art Bruts Eddie Argos for å gjøre hyllest til Lee Hazlewoods klassiske debut, Trouble is a Lonesome Town. Den amerikanske utgivelsesdatoen faller på det som ville ha vært Hazlewoods 83-årsdag (9. juli) og albumet er av det respektfulle, og ikke minst, svært lytteverdige slaget. Les mer på The Wall Street Journals blogg: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2013/05/08/pete-yorn-pixies-modest-mouse-make-a-thriftstore-masterpiece/ BLACK TUSK 19. JULI TEND NO WOUNDS EP Relapse RR7225-2 / RR7225-1 CD/LP 0781676722525 / 0781676722518 Black Tusk kommer i likhet med Kylesa fra Savannah, Georgia og sannelig om ikke soundet deres også har mange likhetstrekk med bysbarna der de blander klassisk southern rock med metal, hardrock og annen tyngre materie. Tend No Wounds er en seksspors EP som fungerer utmerket som ventepølse før bandets neste fullengder er klar. Bandet har turnert med band som Kvelertak, Mastodon og Baroness i den senere tid og anbefales da også til fans av disse. http://www.facebook.com/BlackTusk CHRIS SCHLARB 12. JULI PSYCHIC TEMPLE II Asthmatic Kitty AKR105 / AKR105LP CD/LP 0656605610528 / 0711574758418 Psychic Temple II er Chris Schlarbs visjon om “a dream ensemble that could never actually exist”, men han og venner som Sufjan Stevens og Castanets’ Ray Raposa m.fl. gjør sitt beste der de gjør låter som Joe Jacksons Steppin’ Out, Zappas Sofa No. 2 og The Beach Boys’ ’Til I Die til sine egne. Schlarb har for tidligere utgivelser fått masse ros i diverse kred-presse og NPR kåret sågar hans I Heart Lung/Interoceans-album til et av de fem beste jazzalbumene i 2008. http://schlarb.bandcamp.com/album/psychic-temple-ii SARAH SISKIND 19. JULI http://www.allmusic.com/artist/sarah-siskind-mn0000539493 COVERED Chigliak CHIG002CD / CHIG002LP CD/LP 0656605423227 / 0656605423210 Utgivelse nummer to på den Justin Vernon-kuraterte Chigliak-labelen er Sarah Siskinds folk-höydare Covered, originalt gitt ut i et lite opplag på CD i 2001. En nøkkelspiller på platen er Bill Frisell og det var gjennom utforsking av hans katalog Vernon kom over albumet: ”...by chance, I came across a copy of Covered while digging into Frisell’s catalog, for I also have a deep admiration for the music icon and couldn’t get enough of his work. Looking back, I had no idea how much this album would shake me down; it quickly earned its place in my heart. I listened so much from then on that I wore out several copies, all the while pondering how such an amazing record could go largely unnoticed by the masses.” JUSTIN VERNON Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 2 NYHETER JULI - 2013 ASHLEY ERIKSSON 12. JULI COLOURS K Records K245 / KLP245LP CD/LP 0789856124527 / 0789856124510 Ashley Eriksson er kjent for mange fra twee pop-yndlingene LAKE, men er i USA best kjent for kjenningsmelodien til Cartoon Network-smashen Adventure Time, og har gjennom den blitt noe av et household name der borte. Colours er dog en annen dans og inspirert av et besøk til Sverige har hun sammen med produsent Tucker Martine laget et utsøkt pianobasert album som bl.a. inkluderer hennes versjon av Ted Gärdestads Ett Stilla Regn. http://youtu.be/iJczYn2dvm4 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ashley-Eriksson/292389907553758 HEBRONIX 5. JULI UNREAL ATP ATPRCD48 / ATPRLP48 0666017261720 / 0666017261713 CD/LP Hebronix er soloprosjektet til den tidligere Yuck-frontmannen Daniel Blumberg. Sammen med Neil Hagerty fra Royal Trux har han skapt Unreal, en introspektiv, vakker debut ikke milevis unna nettopp Yuck. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15347-hebronix-unreal/ http://www.facebook.com/Hebronix HOUNDSTOOTH 12. JULI RIDE OUT THE DARK No Quarter NOQ033CD / NOQ033LP 0899922001338 / 0899922001833 CD/LP Houndstooth er en relativt nystartet folkrock-kvintett som etter Ride Out the Dark å dømme har mye å bidra med. Sjekk det gyngende Crazy Horse-aktige groovet i førstesinglen Canary Islands under, så forstår du hva vi mener. http://houndstooth.bandcamp.com/releases http://www.facebook.com/houndstoothsome SOFT METALS 12. JULI LENSES Captured Tracks CT182CD / CT182LP 0817949018566 / 0817949018559 CD/LP Arty electronica fra Portland-duoen Soft Metals som tidligere i år fikk oppmerksomhet for en cover av Throbbing Gristles Hot on the Heels of Love. “Soft Metals bears traces of virtually every bleakly gliding descendant of Kraftwerk’s O.G. synth-pop grooves, from gothic early-1980s new wave to house, techno, and electroclash… eerie buzzes and disjointed rhythms chart a course somewhere near the Knife’s still-unmatched 2006 dark-electronic landmark Silent Shout.” 7.5 PITCHFORK http://www.facebook.com/SOFTMETALS Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 3 NYHETER JULI - 2013 COFFINS 5. JULI THE FLESHLAND Relapse RR7209-2 / RR7209-1 / RR3296-1 0781676720927 / 0781676720910 / 0781676329618 CD/LP Vi greier ikke å si det bedre enn Relapse selv, så: ”Coffins’ Relapse debut ‘The Fleshland’ has all the subtlety of Godzilla’s destruction of Tokyo.”. Det japanske doom/death-monsteret har vokst fra kultband-status til et av de ledende i sjangeren, og har blant annet inntatt hovedscenen på Roadburn. “Coffins have managed to create a metal masterpiece that can be appreciated from fans of all metal genres and maybe wider.” 83/100 KILL YOUR STEREO http://www.facebook.com/intothecoffin LORD DYING 5. JULI SUMMON THE FAITHLESS Relapse RR7220-2 / RR7220-1 / RR3299-1 0781676722020 / 0781676722013 / 0781676329915 CD/LP Lord Dying tar riffene til High on Fire og grooven til Kylesa og leverer en imponerende albumdebut med Summon the Faithless. Hold et øye på disse gutta, spesielt hvis du liker de to nevnte samt ting som Baroness og Red Fang. ”…the heavy vocals and the awesome riffs throughout show the potential for their rise within the metal world” 79/100 KILL YOUR STEREO http://www.facebook.com/LordDying UNKIND 5. JULI PELON JUURET Relapse RR7213-2 / RR7213-1 0781676721320 / 0781676721313 CD/LP Finske Unkind med album to for Relapse. Rasende D-beat hardcore med atmosfæriske snitt. Tenk deg at Mogwai hadde laget et album med Tragedycoverlåter, eller et Explosions in the Sky-influert From Ashes Rise. http://www.metalsucks.net/2013/06/10/exclusive-track-premiere-unkinds-valtakunta/ http://www.facebook.com/UnkindHardcore TRUE WIDOW 19. JULI CIRCUMAMBULATION Relapse RR7218-2 / RR7218-1 0781676721825 / 0781676721818 CD/LP Droning, postrock og shoegaze, eller stonegaze, som bandet kaller det selv, på Circumambulation, Dallas-bandet True Widows tredje album. For fans av Mogwai, Low, Earth, Boris og lignende. Et lite innblikk: http://youtu.be/m-el5_jOZ14 http://www.facebook.com/TrueWidowOfficial Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 4 NYHETER JULI - 2013 DIVERSE ARTISTER 28. JUNI TRÈS CHIC – MORE FRENCH GIRL SINGERS FROM THE 60S Ace CDCHD1365 / HIQLP006 CD/LP 0029667054126 / 0029667001311 Volum to i Aces serie med french girl singers from the 60s gir oss 24 spor ypperlig yé-yé fra både kjente og mindre kjente sjangerutøvere så som France Gall, Annie Philippe, Françoise Hardy, Pussy Cat, Brigitte Bardot osv. CD og 180g gatefold LP. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y%C3%A9-y%C3%A9 DIVERSE ARTISTER 28. JUNI A ROAD LEADING HOME – SONGS BY DAN PENN Ace CDCHD1370 CD 0029667054522 24 spor fra låtskrivergeniet Dan Penn utført av folk som Esther Phillips, The Drifters, Brenda Lee, Percy Sledge, Irma Thomas m.fl.. Penn var kanskje mest kjent som en halvdel av låtskriverduoen Penn/Oldham, men hans meste kjente låter, The Dark End of the Street og Do Right Woman – Do Right Man (begge med her), skrev han faktisk med andre. Uansett, dette er southern soul på sitt aller beste. MASAAKI HIRAO 28. JUNI NIPPON ROCK’N’ROLL Big Beat CDWIKD313 / HIQLP013 CD/10” 0029667431323 / 0029667001212 Masaaki Hirao var kjent som den japanske Elvis og sto i fronten for en rockabillybølge som herjet soloppgangens land fra 1958 og utover. Hirao hadde en rekke av Kongens låter på repertoaret og her får vi uforglemmelige versjoner av bl.a. Lawdy Miss Clawdy, Jailhouse Rock, en rekke av Hiraos egne låter +++ på CD og 10” blodfarget vinyl. Lock’n’loll! http://youtu.be/HHmgFIB_68Y JAMES GOVAN 28. JUNI WANTED – THE FAME RECORDINGS Kent Soul CDKEND398 CD 0029667239820 Soulvokalisten James Govan holder det fortsatt gående på Beale Street i Memphis, men på 60-tallet spilte han inn strålende saker i FAME Studios i Muscle Shoals, bl.a. fantastiske Wanted: Lover (No Experience Necessary) og You Left the Water Running (inspirert av Otis Redding som han var). http://youtu.be/AR3lorKSTTY DIVERSE ARTISTER 28. JUNI THE SHADOW MORTON STORY Ace CDTOP1369 CD 0029667054621 En presentasjon av låtskriver- og produsentlegenden Shadow Mortons karriere. Morton jobbet med alt fra 50s doo wop og girl groups (han skrev og produserte The Shangri-Las’ Leader of the Pack for eksempel) til 70-talls glamrock-helter som Mott the Hoople og The New York Dolls. 24 spor i alt og Mortons historie fortalt gjennom et 12.000 ord langt essay. DIVERSE ARTISTER 28. JUNI GREATEST HITS FROM OUTER SPACE Ace CDCHD1371 CD 0029667054720 50- og 60-tallet var romfartsalderens heyday og i den tidens populærmusikk finner vi en rekke eksempler på nettopp dette. Her en samling om og rundt temaet - Lightnin’ Hopkins Happy Blues for John Glenn, The Ventures og The Tornados (selvsagt), David Bowies Space Oddity, Thelma Houston, I Roy feat. Lee Perry osv. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 5 NYHETER JULI - 2013 JOAN OF ARC 26. JULI TESTIMONIUM SONGS Polyvinyl PRC263CD / PRC263LP CD/LP 0644110026323 / 0644110026316 Testimonium Songs er Joan of Arcs musikk til et teaterstykke som er basert på Charles Reznikoffs monumentale verk Testimony, kort fortalt en oversettelse til poesi av rettsdokumenter i USA fra perioden 1885 til 1915. Begrenset opplag på 1.000 CD og 500 LP. http://www.facebook.com/joanfrc SPEEDY ORTIZ 5. JULI MAJOR ARCANA Carpark CAK87CD / CAK87LP CD/LP 0677517008722 / 0677517008715 Inspirert av klassisk indie som Helium, Dinosaur Jr. og Chavez gir Speedy Ortiz oss sin Justin Pizzoferrato-produserte debut, Major Arcana. ”…clever, meditative, but never meek alt-rock” ROLLING STONE https://www.facebook.com/speedyortiz OWEN 5. JULI L’AMI DU PEUPLE Polyvinyl PRC264CD / PRC264LP https://www.facebook.com/mybandowen CD/LP 0644110026422 / 0644110026415 Mannen bak Owen er Mike Kinsella som også er kjent fra en rekke andre viktige Chicago-band, American Football, Cap’n Jazz, Joan of Arc og Owls. På L’ami du Peuple har han alliert seg med Neil Strauch som tidligere har produsert for Iron & Wine, Bonnie ’Prince’ Billy og Andrew Bird, og har med det utvidet soundet sitt. http://exclaim.ca/News/owen_announces_new_lami_du_peuple_lp TODD RUNDGREN 28. JUNI STATE Esoteric Antenna EANTLP1017 5013929471719 2LP Dobbel audiofil 180g LP-utgave av Todd Rundgrens siste album State. JOHN BARRY 28. JUNI BEAT GIRL – OST Poppydisc POPPYLP021 LP 5052571047019 John Barry vant totalt fem Oscarer for sine mange soundtrack. Her er en oppusset LP-utgave av hans første, Beat Girl fra 1960. SUN RA 28. JUNI THE FUTURISTIC SOUND OF SUN RA Poppydisc POPPYLP022 LP 5052571047118 Sun Ras eneste album for Savoy-etiketten, The Futuristic Sound of Sun Ra fra 1960, på remastret LP. “This is one to play for the mistaken folks who think the Arkestra did nothing but make noise. Excellent.” 4/5 ALLMUSIC Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 6 NYHETER JULI - 2013 NYMPH 28. JUNI NEW MILLENIUM PRAYER Northern Spy NS040 / NS040LP CD/LP 0081159198718 / 0081159198701 Kosmisk frirock fra den Brooklyn-baserte krautrock-oktetten NYMPH. Anbefales til frisinnede eiere av afrobeat, Ayler og andre avanserte rytmeansamlinger. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/15483-nymph-battle-funk/ https://www.facebook.com/bandofnymph SLEEPING BAG 19. JULI WOMEN OF YOUR LIFE Joyful Noise JNR107CD / JNR107LP CD/LP 0656605482927 / 0656605482910 Andrealbumet til Sleeping Bag som med debuten sin i 2011 fikk buzz i alt fra Spin og The New Yorker til Under the Radar, Village Voice og Vice. Her er bandets andre album, Women of Your Life. Sløy gitarindie som slekter på storheter som Sebadoh og Pavement. https://www.facebook.com/sleepingbagband TIG NOTARO 12. JULI LIVE Secretly Canadian SC277 / SC277LP CD/2LP 0656605027722 / 0656605027715 CD og dobbel picture disc-LP som gir oss to Tig Notaro-show. Notaro er tatt inn under vingene til stå opp-kongen Louis C.K. og C.K. er imponert: “In 27 years doing this, I’ve seen a handful of truly great, masterful standup sets. One was Tig Notaro last night at Largo.” http://youtu.be/vo1oyoRGkCg THE CLEAN 19. JULI VEHICLE Flying Nun / Captured Tracks FNCT004CD CD 0817949018269 The Clean var det ledende postpunk-bandet på New Zealand og ble dannet allerede i 1978. Her bandets debutalbum, Vehicle fra 1990 i ny utgave. Dobbel LP-utgave kommer. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/the-clean-mn0000073421 BIRD NEST ROYS 19. JULI COMPILATION Flying Nun / Captured Tracks FNCT005CD CD 0817949018368 Bird Nest Roys var en gitarpopsekstett med base i Auckland som ble et av de ledende kiwipopbandene i perioden. Flying Nun var og er den ledende indieetiketten i landet og de gir oss her en samling med bandet i samarbeid med Captured Tracks. Dobbel LP-utgave kommer http://www.allmusic.com/artist/bird-nest-roys-mn0001283469 EARTH DIES BURNING 19. JULI SONGS FROM THE VALLEY OF THE BORED TEENAGER 1981-84 Captured Tracks CT180CD / CT180LP CD/LP 0817949018504 / 0817949018498 Earth Dies Burning var en purung kvartett (medlemmenes alder var fra 10 til 14 år da de startet opp) med Brad Laner i front. Her en samling som vil fascinere den over gjennomsnittlig interesserte post punk-/new wave-samler: http://youtu.be/DJag0zrrVqo Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 7 NYHETER JULI - 2013 ENVY 19. JULI INVARIABLE WILL, RECURRING EBBS AND FLOWS Temporary Residence TRR200 BOX 0656605320014 Ikke mange band kan skryte på seg en eksistens på over 20 år, men den japanske postrock-gruppa Envy kan nettopp det. Her en voldsom boks som gir oss deres komplette innspillinger over 14 LP-er. Inkludert er også en DVD med all musikken, en DVD på 100 minutter med liveklipp, musikkvideoer osv. og en heftig coffee table-bok. Det hele er pakket i en metallboks og er begrenset til 1.000 eksemplarer, ANDREW CEDERMARK 19. JULI HOME LIFE Underwater Peoples UPLP024 LP 0616892131540 Titus Andronicus-gitaristen Andrew Cedermark med solo-LP. Indierock/americana med punch, bra greier. http://www.stereogum.com/1358942/andrew-cedermark-at-home/mp3s/ http://www.stereogum.com/1325222/andrew-cedermark-canis-major/mp3s/ TWIN PEAKS 19. JULI SUNKEN Autumn Tone AT019 LP 0634457581715 Twin Peaks er en ung, yppig Chicago-kvintett som har snudd mange hoder i Statene med Sunken. Glammy garasjerock på LP. http://twinpeakschicago.bandcamp.com/ RAMESSES 5. JULI MISANTHROPIC ALCHEMY Ritual Productions RITE014LP 2LP 5060195515067 Dobbel LP-utgave av Ramesses-debuten Misanthropic Alchemy fra 2007. Dobbel 180g i deluxe-cover begrenset til 300 eksemplarer. PALEHORSE 12. JULI HARM STARTS HERE Candlelight CANDLE414CD CD 0803341389908 Londons Palehorse består av den noe uvanlige bandoppsetningen to bassister, men har på Harm Starts Here også fått med seg en kar på perkusjon. Hardcore/postrock. http://www.facebook.com/pages/PALEHORSE/117277948287076 ARMED FOR APOCALYPSE 26. JULI THE ROAD WILL END Candlelight CANDLE407CD CD 0803341385689 Armed For Apocalypse er en sludge-kvartett fra California som her debuterer med The Road Will End på Candlelight. For fans av Crowbar, Prong og lignende. http://www.facebook.com/armedforapocalypse Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 8 NYHETER JULI - 2013 DIVERSE ARTISTER 28. JUNI GOING WILD! MUSIC CITY ROCK’N ROLL Ace CDCHD1372 CD 0029667054829 Music City var en R&B-label med base i Berkeley, California, her en samling med 24 av deres mer rocka spor. Mesteparten er tidligere uutgitt og selv den mest ihuga 50-tallssamler vil finne nye godbiter her. ORNETTE COLEMAN 28. JUNI FRIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS – ORNETTE LIVE AT PRINCE STREET Beat Goes Public CDBGPM266 CD 0029667526623 Frijazzkongen Ornette Coleman fanget live tidlig på 70-tallet. Albumet er tatt opp i Colemans store loft i downtown NYC og han har med seg Dewey Redman, Ed Blackwell og Charlie Haden. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/ornette-coleman-mn0000484396 BOB THIELE EMERGENCY 28. JUNI HEAD START Beat Goes Public CDBGPM265 CD 0029667526524 Bob Thiele kunne ha levd godt livet ut på royaltyinntektene fra What a Wonderful World, men som den driftige karen han var startet han jazzlabel for å spre det gode budskapet. Head Start ble gitt ut for å vise frem mest mulig av hans Flying Dutchman-etikett og gir oss også en slags historien om jazz i Thieles øyne. http://www.allmusic.com/artist/bob-thiele-mn0000076822 ESTHER MARROW 28. JUNI NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA Beat Goes Public CDBGPM264 CD 0029667526425 (Queen) Esther Marrow startet som vokalist for Duke Ellington, ble senere en stor stjerne i gospelmiljøet, men ga også ut funk og jazz som på dette albumet, Newport News, Virginia fra 1971. http://youtu.be/PdD6xLhPEhw http://youtu.be/eG_yFMpX7vY GILBERTO GIL 26. JULI LOUVAÇAO Universal Sound USCD52 5026328205229 CD CD-utgave av Gilberto Gils debutalbum, Louvaçao. THE DETROIT JAZZ COMPOSERS LTD 26. JULI HASTINGS ST. JAZZ EXPERIENCE Universal Sound USCD54 CD 5026328205427 CD-utgave av The Detroit Jazz Composers Ltds Hastings St. Jazz Experience som vi nylig slapp på LP. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 9 NYHETER JULI - 2013 FORHÅND 2. AUGUST EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY AND DAVID WINGO PRINCE AVALANCHE Temporary Residence TRR222 / TRR222LP 0656605322223 / 0656605322216 CD/LP In early 2003, a young writer/director contacted Explosions in the Sky requesting permission to use one of their songs in his second film, All the Real Girls. The filmmaker was Texas native David Gordon Green, and their music was a perfect companion to the elegiac score from fellow Texas composer, David Wingo. That would be the first-ever film license for Explosions in the Sky. Tracklist: 1. Fires 2. Theme From Prince Avalanche 3. Dear Madison 4. Passing Time 5. Rain 6. Alone Time 7. Hello, This Is Your House 8. Can’t We Just Listen To The Silence 9. Wading 10. Dear Alvin 11. The Lines On The Road That Lead You Back Home 12. An Old Peasant Like Me 13. Join Me On My Avalanche 14. The Adventures Of Alvin And Lance 15. Send Off Fast-forward a decade: the band’s music has become an integral part of countless film and television programs (most notably Friday Night Lights and The Diving Bell and the Butterfly); Green is an internationally renowned, impressively eclectic filmmaker (Pineapple Express, Snow Angels); and Wingo is a highly acclaimed film composer (Mud, Take Shelter) and leader of rising indie-rock group, Ola Podrida. They’ve all become very close friends, and that tight-knit friendship spawned Green’s stirring new film, Prince Avalanche. While watching the Super Bowl together, EITS drummer Chris Hrasky casually suggested that Green use the scorched landscape of Bastrop State Park in Bastrop, TX as the backdrop for a film. Green took the suggestion and ran with it, remaking the Icelandic indie comedy Either Way into an understated dramatic comedy starring Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch. In keeping with the low-key, under-the-Hollywood-radar nature of the film, Green tapped Explosions in the Sky and David Wingo to score the film. In keeping with the spirit of the filmmaking process, the soundtrack to Prince Avalanche is a casual affair, an earnest collaboration amongst friends recorded entirely in the living rooms of its composers. Much like the film, the soundtrack stitches dozens of tiny moments of heartfelt brilliance into an emotionally resonant whole far more expansive than its intimate roots might imply. Explosions In The Sky excel at making even the most mundane moments in everyday life seem downright revelatory. David Wingo and David Gordon Green have made careers out of pulling off similar feats in film. It was only a matter of time before these guys all collaborated, and Prince Avalanche delivers on the inspired expectations of such a union. FORHÅND 2. AUGUST THE LOVE LANGUAGE RUBY RED Merge MRG436 / MRG436LP CD/LP 0673855043623 / 0673855043616 Tracklist: 1. Calm Down 2. Kids 3. Hi Life 4. First Shot 5. Golden Age 6. For Izzy 7. Faithbreaker 8. On Our Heels 9. Knots 10. Pilot Light Friends and fans of The Love Language songwriter and frontman Stuart McLamb have learned to expect a lot, but rarely in a timely manner. Completing a triumvirate of spiritual transmissions spent lost (2009’s The Love Language) and found (2010’s Libraries), 2013’s Ruby Red exorcises the transient brilliance fostered by McLamb within the sheetrock walls of the album’s namesake artist space. Featuring over twenty musicians and straddling several time zones, The Love Language’s lone puppeteer borrowed heavier equipment, and held on to it longer. Initiated in a windowless unit at the fabled Ruby Red, several failed attempts and false starts at a songwriting spree landed McLamb and his engineer/case worker/boxing coach BJ Burton in Black Mountain, North Carolina, consuming every square inch of a carpeted bungalow located a few acres too close to their skittish neighbors. Soon after, Burton’s relocation to Minneapolis effectively thrust McLamb from their shared nest, helping Ruby Red discover its inherent propensity for flight. Ruby Red produces new standards for the Carolina pop songbook, finding The Love Language as an extroverted community art project made by responsible citizens of a loosely packed scene who know that McLamb will match whatever they contribute. The heartbreak is over. Now we’re getting somewhere. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 10 NYHETER JULI - 2013 FORHÅND 16. AUGUST barbarossa bloodlines Memphis Industries MI0272CD / MI0272LP 5060146094092 / 5060146094115 CD/LP There were plenty of reasons for Londoner James Mathé to simply keep course after the release of his well received debut album, Chemical Campfires in 2008 on Fence Records: a flourishing reputation as one of Britain’s most exciting acoustic troubadours, a prominent spot in Johnny Flynn and Jose Gonzales’ backing bands, the roar of applause from the audience at a sold-out show at New York’s Bowery Ballroom still ringing in his ears. But Mathé had other ideas. “I loved the acoustic scene, but knew it was not all I was about,” he remembers. “So I dug out all my old Casiotone keyboards, drum machines and analogue synths and just started writing.” Bloodlines, then, is a compelling reinvention and sees Mathé’s emotive missives from young adulthood rewired into elegiac electronic anthems, dusted with huge spectral gasps of reverb and soul-wrenching organ melodies. Unusually for such an electronic album, it was recorded on vintage analogue gear and straight to tape. “I really fancied getting back to basics,” says Mathé “I was tired of trying to iron out all the mistakes in modern production. I wanted to record live to tape, keeping all the mistakes in, warts and all.” From the sultry ache of opener Bloodline – a nod to Massive Attack’s Unfinished Sympathy “about not picking up the bad habits of the generation before you”, says Mathé – to the Pharrell Williamsinspired urban crunch of ‘Turbine’, all the way to ‘The Load’, written when Mathé was indulging in his love of Jurassic 5 era 90s hip hop, Bloodlines is a brilliantly varied listen that pulls and paws at your heartstrings. If there’s a gloriously loose, tenebrous feel to songs like the blue-eyed electro-soul ‘Pagliacco’, it might have something to do with the Londoner’s organic approach to song writing. “I just sit down with my dictaphone and make sense of what comes out afterwards. The best stuff usually comes when I’m hungover or not really thinking. The minute I try to be clever with words, it just sounds shit,” Mathé laughs. Instead, the album’s lyrics burn with a simple, poignant immediacy and Mathé sings them with touching, soulful grace. Recently signed to iconic London label Memphis Industries (Field Music, POLIÇA, The Go! Team, Dutch Uncles), Mathé is influenced by everything from soul men Stevie Wonder, D’Angelo and Levon Helm to Dirty Projectors and Sufjan Stevens. Tender yet triumphant, Bloodlines marks Mathé as one of Britain’s most versatile and adventurous artists. Following support slots with Junip and label mates POLIÇA, Barbarossa will be performing live across the summer including festival slots at Glastonbury and Bestival. Tracklist: 1. Bloodline 2. Turbine 3. Butterfly Plague 4. Pagliaccio 5. S.I.H.F.F.Y. 6. Battles 7. The Load 8. Saviour Self 9. The Endgame 10. Seeds FORHÅND 16. AUGUST SUPERCHUNK I HATE MUSIC Merge MRG480 / MRG480LP / MRG480DLX 0673855048024 / 0673855048017 / 0673855048000 CD/LP Superchunk will release I Hate Music, their tenth studio album, on August 16. The band has also announced tour dates throughout the late summer and fall. Tracklist: 1. Overflows 2. Me & You & Jackie Mittoo 3. Void 4. Staying Home 5. Low F 6. Trees of Barcelona 7. Breaking Down 8. Out of the Sun 9. Your Theme 10. FOH 11. What Can We Do After taking nearly a decade off following the release of Here’s to Shutting Up, Mac, Laura, Jon, and Jim decided to shout it out again in 2010 with Majesty Shredding, an album perfectly described by its own title. It’s a celebratory set of whoa-whoa-whoas from a group so thrilled by making music together again that they can’t contain themselves. The band’s forthcoming release, I Hate Music, is Majesty’s dark twin. It’s similarly aggressive—often moreso (see “Staying Home”)—and every bit as energetic. It reflects the joys of a life spent immersed in music (“Me & You & Jackie Mittoo,” “Trees of Barcelona”), but there’s a dark undercurrent as well. That title isn’t tongue-in-cheek, but it’s really more a question than a statement: When you’re 20, lazy co-workers and romantic missteps number among your biggest worries; two decades later, life’s bigger questions knock louder and louder, demanding answers. I Hate Music is an album about love more than anything else: love of life, love of living, love of people, and yeah, love of music. It defies its own title so completely and diligently that it never even seems like a fair fight: There’s no pain this deep or yearning this severe without the type of love earned over a lifetime. “I hate music – what is it worth? / Can’t bring anyone back to this earth” goes the first line in “Me & You & Jackie Mittoo.” That song and its ten companions can’t relive the past or resurrect those lost, but they can keep them close enough to see and hear and celebrate. It’s dark in here, but if we conjure the right words and sounds, maybe we’ll find our way out. Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 11 NYHETER JULI - 2013 FORHÅND 23. AUGUST PURE BATHING CULTURE MOON TIDES Memphis Industries MI0273CD / MI0273LP CD/LP 5060146094122 / 5060146094139 Tracklist: 1. Pendulum 2. Dream The Dare 3. Evergreener 4. Twins 5. Only Lonely 6. Lovers 7. Scotty 8. Seven 2 One 9. Golden Girl 10. Temples of the Moon It’s a rare and beautiful thing when a band emerges fully formed, but it makes perfect sense in the case of guitarist Daniel Hindman and keyboardist Sarah Versprille’s Pure Bathing Culture. Having backed folk rock revisionist Andy Cabic in Vetiver, the New Yorkers partnered up and moved West in 2011, settling in Portland, Oregon. Building off their past experiences as musical collaborators, in a short time the duo have created a sound that is undeniably their own: soaring synths, chiming keyboards, and shimmering electric guitars move in lockstep with bouncing drum machines. Sarah’s crystalline voice floats on top of it all with divine purpose. It’s a sound that looks back momentarily for inspiration -- Talk Talk, Prefab Sprout, Cocteau Twins -- but then fixes its gaze firmly on the present. Further developing the sound of their acclaimed four song, self-titled 2012 EP, at the start of 2013 they set out to record Moon Tides, their first full length album. Again, they chose to work with producer Richard Swift at his National Freedom studio in rural Cottage Grove, Oregon. Throughout 2012 Swift had called on the duo to help him with other studio projects (Versprille sings on Foxygen’s latest LP and Hindman adds his sprawling guitar work to Damien Jurado’s excellent Marqopa) which only helped to cement the threesome’s musical partnership. Like the earlier sessions for the EP, they worked quickly in the studio and improvised parts around the basic song structures that they’d carefully composed up in Portland. Dan explains, “Pretty much all tracks (vocals and instruments) are all first or very early takes. Richard is kind of a stickler about this and I actually don’t go in with a clean, pristine idea of what I’m going to play on guitar or any other instrument for that matter, so there’s actually a lot of improvisation as far as performances in the studio go. ”It’s this compassion and warmth in Pure Bathing Culture that set them apart. The music is uplifting. It invites self-reflection. It never feels alienating. “Pendulum” is a perfect mid-tempo album opener that pulses and shines. Other standout tracks from the album -- “Dream The Dare”, “Twins”, “Scotty” and “Golden Girl” -- are slices of reverb-drenched, soulful, danceable electropop, that musically and lyrically tap into an introspective worship of the natural and psychic mysteries that surround us. Pure Bathing Culture’s debut album Moon Tides is optimistic modern music for souls who seek to explore the infinite. FORHÅND 30. AUGUST volcano choir repave Jagjaguwar JAG238 / JAG238LP CD/2LP 0656605223827 / 0656605223810 Tracklist: 1. Tiderays 2. Acetate 3. Comrade 4. Byegone 5. Alaskans 6. Dancepack 7. Keel 8. Almanac http://youtu.be/dp127U0EJoI Jagjaguwar is pleased to announce the second long-player from Wisconsin six-piece ensemble Volcano Choir. Repave builds exponentially from the musical relationship built on their 2009 debut,Unmap, and finds the band operating as a fully-realized unit, crafting their new album together over the past three years at the Fall Creek, Wisconsin studio, April Base. Repave, out August 30th, was created by band members Jon Mueller, Chris Rosenau, Matthew Skemp, Daniel Spack, Justin Vernon, and Thomas Wincek. https://www.facebook.com/volcanochoir http://volcanochoir.com/ Tuba Records - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 tuba@tubarec.com www.tubarec.com 12