CODE LAVENDER - North Carolina Chaplains` Association

Bob Hamilton - Director Spiritual Care and Wholeness
Cone Health - Greensboro
North Carolina Chaplain’s Association
October 2, 2014
Origins of Code Lavender
Code Lavender started by Earl Bakken, CEO at North
Hawaii Community Hospital in Waimea in 2008.
His Commitments included:
A Robust Integrative Medicine approach
Wholistic Care across the continuum
Code Lavender was one aspect
Initial Focus was for Patients primarily
Later focused on Staff
Code lavender Origins
We all know our healthcare codes—Code Blue requires
the most urgency in the restoration of a patient’s
clinical condition. The Code Lavender™ system is an
integrative healing equivalent of a Code Blue
Code Lavender™ services consist of a rapid response
team of specialists, who are called upon when an
individual—patient or her family or an employee—has
reached her/his emotional limit
Experia is a consulting group connected with the
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic Code
Code Lavender adopted at Cleveland Clinic
Dr. Brenda Duffy a colleague of Earl Brakken brought the
concept to the Cleveland Clinic.
She asks providers to center themselves on healthcare’s
most fundamental mission: “Don’t lose the connection
to the reason you entered health care in the first place.
This is sacred work. We are here to heal.
Caring for Ourselves when the stress is too high or life
delivers a devastating blow is being congruent with a
being a healing community.
Code Lavender does Not –
From Interview in the Huffington Post of Amy Greene,
the Cleveland Clinic Director of Spiritual Care
Does not prevent Burnout
Does not assure employee retention
Does not prevent PTSD
is A curcuit breaker on stressful days ... it allows any
caregiver to trigger its holistic pressure relief valve for a
particular staff.
Code Lavender Breakthroughs
It sends three signals to the entire staff, loud and
1) This work is stressful
This acknowledgement alone makes an incredible
difference for anyone in the Cleveland Clinic system to
whom it is available. For the first time there is
institutional admission that this is stressful work, that you
can get overloaded and that it can impact the quality of
care you provide.
2) You have needs that are
important to us
The message is you matter to us and when you need it,
you can have a break to regroup. Rather than the
typical "never show weakness" programming we all
absorbed in our medical education.
3) We can Systemize Support in
cases of Bad Outcomes
What we do at the time of a tragic or traumatic
for staff will make a difference
System /Institutional
Opportunity for community
Code Lavender
Is a supportive response to a unit, department, or work
group which experienced a particularly stressful event
or series of events impacting them and their ability to
At Cone Health this intervention is specifically aimed at
Caring for the Caregivers (staff).
Coordinated, integrated therapies and
support delivered via a multidisciplinary team
Rapid response to employees’ needs when an
event has impacted a department/staff.
Support by:
Hospital leadership
 Departmental Leadership
 Chaplains
 Supportive Interventions
Emergency Department
Please use main entrance!!!!
Examples of Events
Unexpected death of a coworker
New nurse died
OR PA sudden death
A series of difficult situations or death on the unit over
Children shot by parent
Death of mother during a C-Section.
Death of young mother after 5 months in hospital
Multiple deaths on unit in one day
Co-worker in serious accident
A Code Lavender
What Happens
Code lavender is initiated via call to Administrative
Coordinator or other leadership staff member.
Spiritual Care Services is notified and will manage
the logistics
Code lavender initiation
A Team member brings Code Lavender cart which
holds support information
inspirational quotes, water, resources for support
for personal use or resources available to them.
Guided meditations, Tea for the Soul, EAP,
Aromatherapy, Chaplain support, quiet music,
information on grief, coping with stresses etc.
Massage on site or gift certificates for a session
Protocol Handout
Code lavender initiation
Nutritional Services are notified and bring snacks
(chocolate, chips, drinks – Comfort Foods!!! )
Leadership presence and support
Rounding Continues for 24-48 hours
Overhead announcement that a Code Lavender has
been initiated at…..
Goal to foster a sense of community
Gain Leadership buy in – support connection to caring
for staff
Gather a strong interdisciplinary planning group
Policy, Protocol, Roll out, Follow up/eval.
Consider the logistical issues for implementing
Develop a protocol and educate, educate, educate staff
and leadership.
Have leadership attuned to what is happening with staff
and who will recommend calling a Code Lavender
Attention to when a Code Lavender could be called
Expanding Support Resources appropriate for context
Creating a Sacred Space
Restores and reinvigorates employees’ physical
and emotional capacity for caring
Support to enable employee to continue their
valuable work
Aligns with our Health System values,
principles, and practices
Code Lavender time frame- 24-72 hours (variable
depending on event)
98% of staff said services met or exceeded their
96% of staff said they would recommend to peers
Use a follow up evaluation form to track.
Bob Hamilton-832-7950